3.4 Update
In (Li et al., 2017), only eigenvalues and correspond-
ing eigenvectors are updated, which increases the ef-
ficiency of the solution. This is possible, when we
take into account whole knowledge graph. We are
guaranteed, that indexes of columns on intermediate
and consensus embedding will not change. However,
with such an approach, the first step will be incredibly
slow, as creation of similarity matrix, and eigen deco-
mopsition are computationally complex calculations.
As we mentioned in Sect. 3.1, we fetch a sub-
graph. If we assume, that relations between nodes
changes in time, we can get different set of investors,
in different order (a record mentioned in 3.1 refers to
one investor’s data), what implies the fact, that the
similarity matrices can have different sizes, and the
calculated properties can be related to different nodes
in consecutive iterations. Therefore, we cannot make
any updates, as it is proposed in (Li et al., 2017). Due
to this setting, we have to repeat the whole procedure
of calculation of eigendecomposition per each itera-
tion, however, it is still a fast computation.
3.5 Results and Discussion
We have evaluated our proposal on the data scrapped
from Investor Hunt and Nasdaq services: in total,
1368 investors with their business categories interests,
amount of investments and average transaction value,
and 545 companies. As an evaluation criterion, we
state that a recommended stock have to occur mini-
mum 6 times in top 40% most similar investors. Low-
ering the relevancy criterion would decrease this ac-
cordingly. We compared our results to ones obtained
with alternative embedding algorithms, such as Deep-
Walk (Perozzi et al., 2014) and LINE (Tang et al.,
2015). The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2. They
could be better, if we consider whole graph in cal-
culations instead of subgraph, but it would affect the
response speed simultaneously.
Table 1: Comparison of precision@k.
Top@10 Top@25 Top@50
DANE 63,33% 52,67% 31,67%
DeepWalk 25% 24% 21%
LINE 30% 32% 19%
Table 2: Comparison of recall@k.
Top@10 Top@25 Top@50
DANE 63,33% 85,47% 97,9%
DeepWalk 25% 27,67% 49, 17%
LINE 30% 58,88% 71,67%
In this paper, we addressed the challenge of real-time
recommendation for stock market. We discussed a
new system for investment recommendation based on
attributed network embeddings and technical analy-
sis of stocks. Our recommendation engine provides
fast and robust computation of recommendations for
the investment decisions, based on joint analysis of
similarity of investors and stock predictions. The re-
sults obtained so far are promising and motivating for
further exploration and a broader evaluation of the ap-
proach, covering also the technical analysis.
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Real-time Recommendation System for Stock Investment Decisions