Hoplite Antivirus for Adversarial Attacks: A Theoretical Approach
Anastasios Nikolakopoulos, Achilleas Marinakis, Vrettos Moulos and Theodora Varvarigou
School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Adversarial Attacks, Adversarial Defenses, Adversarial Examples, Deep Neural Networks, Machine
Learning, Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence.
In the scientific community of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Adversarial Attacks are evolving
to an emerging issue. Carefully perturbed data samples invade to deep neural networks and cause problems,
such as misclassifications and false / malformed outputs. The community has proposed multiple defense
strategies, in order to overcome this problem. This paper summarizes the existing (and most well-known)
adversarial attacks & defenses. Then, it proposes a potential solution to the issue, with a theoretical approach
of an antivirus software scenario, the Hoplite Antivirus. This approach could be a vital step towards addressing
the constantly evolving adversarial attacks, taking a note from the way software scientists defended (and keep
defending) against computer viruses.
Deep Neural Networks are the newest trend in the
field of Machine Learning. Since the beginning of
the 21st century, there has been a rapid increase in
interest around the field of Deep Learning. In the
last decade, however, DNN model implementations
have been adopted in countless industries in the global
industry. Typical examples of Deep Learning tech-
niques are image categorization models, with net-
works such as ImageNet or DeepFace (the latter for
even more specific face recognition). But, in re-
cent years there has been a worrying phenomenon
that threatens to ”tarnish” the usefulness and the real
essence of Deep Neural Networks. In particular, these
networks are prone to attacks that can lead to incor-
rect pattern categorization. Feeding the system with
data, which have small and seemingly imperceptible
changes, can lead to incorrect classifications & con-
Any Neural Network can be fooled by this kind
of malformed data, which has become widely known
as Adversarial Attacks / Adversarial Examples. This
paper will continue (Section 2) by briefly analyzing
the existing adversarial attacks (Subsection 2.1), as
well as the defenses proposed by researchers around
the world (Subsection 2.2). Then (Section 3), a quick
look back in history will take place (Subsection 3.1),
which shall lead to the presentation of the Hoplite An-
tivirus (Section 3.2), a theoretical approach for prop-
erly addressing the adversarial attack issue. Since
these attacks are somewhat new to the science com-
munity, plenty of research is yet to be done. Along
with the study of the attacks, new ideas on how to deal
with them have to be proposed. Conclusions (Section
4) point out this need of further research. Hoplite An-
tivirus is one such idea. Before presenting this main
idea, however, it seems proper to go through the ex-
isting adversarial attacks and defenses.
2.1 Attacks
Starting with the attacks, these could be categorized
based on the purpose and the knowledge of the ad-
versary. Of course, one attack can belong in both a
purpose and a knowledge type. It could even be of
two purpose types. The attack types categorized by
the purpose of the adversary are as follows (Ozdag,
2018) (Xu et al., 2020):
Poisoning Attacks, in which the adversary aims
to add perturbed data samples to a training dataset.
The attacker might also perform perturbation on
existing samples of the set.
Evasion Attacks, in which the adversary care-
fully malforms specific samples from an exist-
Nikolakopoulos, A., Marinakis, A., Moulos, V. and Var varigou, T.
Hoplite Antivirus for Adversarial Attacks: A Theoretical Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010721600003058
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), pages 585-592
ISBN: 978-989-758-536-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing classification dataset (or adds some to an ex-
isting one). The trained DNN will fail to clas-
sify the malformed examples, fulfilling the ad-
versary’s goal. Thus, the adversarial examples
“evade” the DNN’s classification.
Targeted Attacks, where the adversarial exam-
ples created by the attacker are fed to the DNN
with the purpose of wrong classification to a spe-
cific class / label. With his/her perturbed data
sample, the adversary wishes to achieve a classi-
fication of a targeted label, which happens to be a
different one from the original “true” label of the
“clean” (non-perturbed) data sample.
Non-targeted Attacks, where the adversarial ex-
amples created by the attacker are fed to the DNN
with the purpose of wrong classification (same as
before), but without a specific wrong class / label.
Here, the adversary’s goal is not to target a spe-
cific label for classification. He/she only wishes
for the malformed data samples to be falsely clas-
sified to a label other than their “true” and original
One could assume that both poisoning and eva-
sion attacks could be part of the non-targeted ones.
Now, lets move on to the attack types categorized by
the knowledge of the adversary (Xu et al., 2020)
(Chakraborty et al., 2018). These are:
White-box Attacks, explaining all the scenarios
where the adversary has access to vital informa-
tion of the neural network and the system itself.
Such information can be the DNN’s architecture,
its hyperparameters, the training dataset, informa-
tion about the dataset, etc. White-box attacks are
considered as the most difficult to defend against,
since the attacker can carefully craft extremely ef-
ficient data samples, based on his/her knowledge
upon the network.
Black-box Attacks, containing all the cases
where the attacker has no access to information re-
garding the network, neither the training dataset.
Thus, he/she is confined to limited knowledge
about the targeted DNN / system. Usually, the
adversarial examples created are based on experi-
ence from interacting with the DNN (that is, mon-
itoring the DNN’s results and trying to understand
some classification patterns).
Semi-white or Grey-box Attacks, are terms re-
lated to cases where the adversary has some
knowledge regarding the network or the train-
ing dataset. However, the amount of information
he/she possesses is not enough in order to craft
“perfect” adversarial examples.
As already mentioned, an attack usually belongs to
one purpose type and one knowledge type (it could
even belong to more than one, mainly in the purpose
2.1.1 White-box Approaches
It is time to go through the existing and most fa-
mous attacks proposed until today. Splitting them in
white and black-box ones, we start with the attacks of
the first kind (that is, the white-box) (Ozdag, 2018)
(Chakraborty et al., 2018) (Tram
er et al., 2017) (Xu
et al., 2020) (Yuan et al., 2019).
Limited Memory BGFS (L-BGFS) (Szegedy
et al., 2013), is one of the first adversarial attacks
published. The algorithm’s main target is to locate
the minimal distorted adversarial example x
, given an
original and “clean” data sample x. This means that
the adversarial example xs distance must be small
enough from the original x, for the DNN classifier to
be tricked and consider x
as a true data sample. How-
ever, xs perturbation must be enough, for the model
to classify it in the targeted label t and not in the true
label y. So, L-BGFS aims to find a “balanced” dis-
tance, with the minimal distortion that tricks the DNN
to consider x
as a real x, but at the same time misclas-
sify it in the desired label t. Due to its nature (repet-
itive process) the algorithm is considered as a time
consuming and resource greedy adversarial attack.
Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM) (Goodfel-
low et al., 2014), is one of the most famous adver-
sarial attacks (and also one of the first, along with
L-BGFS). It follows a different strategy than that of
L-BGFS. As a one-step process, it is also drastically
more efficient in terms of both time and resources.
The algorithm’s target is to apply a one-step appli-
cation of carefully selected noise of very little value
(usually imperceptible to the naked eye) to a selected
data sample x. The created adversarial example x
is able to trick the deep neural network, leading to
wrong classification in a targeted label t. However, a
non-targeted version of FGSM has been published as
well. Since the adversarial example creation process
is quicker and faster, FGSM allows for the generation
of large amounts of perturbed data samples.
DeepFool (Moosavi-Dezfooli et al., 2016), is an
adversarial attack that follows a different approach
in the example generation process, compared to L-
BGFS and FGSM. The algorithm’s aim is to “escape”
the decision boundaries of a classifier F (for a specific
data sample x), in order to misclassify the malformed
example x
in a label / class other than the original.
Trained classifiers “draw” decision boundaries around
given data samples. By examining these boundaries
(and using DeepFool), an adversary can locate a spe-
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
cific path which will lead a perturbed example x
of them, passing to another decision boundary and
therefore leading to misclassification. DeepFool is
considered as an efficient adversarial attack.
Jacobian-based Saliency Map Attack (JSMA)
(Papernot et al., 2016a), is another approach of ad-
versarial example generation. The idea is based on
the images’ saliency maps. The algorithm works as
follows: Given a specific data sample x, a repeti-
tive search takes place for the pixel that impacts the
DNN’s output the most. Then, this pixel is perturbed,
leading the classifier F to falsely classify the gener-
ated x
to a targeted label t. Based on this logic, one
can understand that JSMAs approach (regarding the
attack scenario) differs a lot, compared to the previous
Basic Iterative Method (BIM) & Projected
Gradient Descent (PGD) (Kurakin et al., 2016a)
(Kurakin et al., 2016b), are two very similar attacks
and that is the reason they are often listed together.
Both attacks can be seen as an “expansion” of the
original FGSM. That is because they both utilise
an iterative version of the one-step FGSM model.
Through this repetitive process, carefully selected
noise is applied to a data sample x. A function named
Clip() is also presented, limiting the level of distor-
tion in each repetition. This way, the generated ex-
ample x
is not overly malformed. Both BIM & PGD
algorithms have proven to be better than FGSM, pen-
etrating through DNNs with implemented defenses
against adversarial attacks. The main and actual dif-
ference between the two is that PGD initiates the pro-
cess after selecting a random data sample x (and pro-
ceeding to generate x
), whereas BIM works with a -
specified by the user - sample x.
Carlini & Wagner’s (C&W) Attack (Carlini and
Wagner, 2017), is a well known and efficient adver-
sarial model. It has proven to be “better” than both
L-BGFS and FGSM, in terms of efficiency and at-
tack success over partially robust DNNs. It shares
the same strategy with L-BGFS and that is why it
could be considered as an “expansion” over the clas-
sic L-BGFS (like BIM & PGD with FGSM). The al-
gorithm’s aim is to find the least distorted adversarial
example x
, given an original data sample x. At the
same time, a x
with the best score for the targeted la-
bel t is detected. The final generated x
is a “balance”
between the least distorted selection and the one with
maximum score to the targeted label t. The main dif-
ference between C&W and L-BGFS is the use of loss
functions in each case. C&W uses a margin loss func-
tion, whereas L-BGFS uses a cross entropy loss func-
Another white-box attack is the Ground Truth
Adversarial Example Attack, where the Reluplex
algorithm is utilised (Katz et al., 2017). Through the
use of Reluplex, the least distorted adversarial exam-
ple is found. However, the process is not the same
with the ones in L-BGFS and C&W. One more attack
is the Universal Attack (Moosavi-Dezfooli et al.,
2017), where a generic perturbation is found. This
perturbation can be applied to many data samples.
The more samples successfully affected, the better the
generic perturbation. Other attacks are the Spatially
Transformed Attack (Xiao et al., 2018) (distorting
parts of the image data samples through spatial trans-
formation techniques), Poison Frogs (Shafahi et al.,
2018) (poisoning the training dataset with pairs of
malformed data samples x
and original labels y, dras-
tically affecting the correct training process) and the
Real World Attacks (Eykholt et al., 2018) (Atha-
lye et al., 2018) (putting stickers in road signs in
order to trick real-the DNNs in autonomous vehi-
cles, craft 3D printed objects to confuse other real-
time classifiers). Other white-box attacks might have
been implemented and proposed / published as well.
However, the aforementioned ones are the most well
known and tested so far.
2.1.2 Black-box Approaches
Moving on to the black box attacks, not much can be
said or written regarding these. That is because, the
primary research field seems to be more focused on
white-box attacks and defenses against them. There
might be a good reason for that, stated later on. There
are two main approaches to black-box attacks. First,
there is the Substitute Model Attack (Papernot et al.,
2017). It might as well be the most famous black-box
approach. The steps followed by the adversary are:
1. Compose a substitute training dataset which will
be much like the real one (an effort to gather in-
formation related to the real dataset is needed).
2. Feed the targeted DNN classifier F with the sub-
stitute dataset created. Then, get the results / la-
bels and create a new dataset of data samples /
labels (x, y). Choose a substitute DNN and train it
with the new set of x, y tuples.
3. Augment the new dataset and re-train the substi-
tute DNN classifier F
4. Use white-box adversarial methods to attack the
classifier F
. Gather the most successful attacks
and initiate them to the original targeted DNN.
The steps above are actually the most well-known
way of initiating a black-box adversarial attack. How-
ever, another black-box approach is known as Zeroth
Hoplite Antivirus for Adversarial Attacks: A Theoretical Approach
Order Optimisation (Chen et al., 2017). It follows a
different logic and its steps are the following: i) We
assume that the adversary has access to the predic-
tion confidence scores of the targeted classifier F. ii)
Then, these scores are thoroughly examined, in order
to obtain gradient information of F. iii) All the infor-
mation extracted will be used for selecting and initiat-
ing a proper white-box attack. Zeroth Order Optimi-
sation is an interesting black-box approach, but it is
not widely used. However, both attack scenarios have
one main common thing, and that is their final step.
Both scenarios end up implementing white-box algo-
rithms, in order to attack a DNN. So, in a few words,
black-box attacks are actually white-box ones, with
the addition of a few steps to get there. This might be
the reason why research groups focus on white-box
attacks and defenses against them. Another approach
is known as Semi-white or Grey-box Attack, which
utilises Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
to directly generate adversarial examples. The ad-
versary is supposed to have partial knowledge of the
DNN and its training dataset. Therefore, he/she crafts
adversarial examples from a carefully selected GAN.
2.2 Defenses
It’s time to go through the most “famous” defenses
against adversarial attacks. First, it is worth high-
lighting that the ideal defense would be against white-
box attacks, not black-box ones. That is because,
if a DNN is highly secure against adversaries who
seem to know everything about these, all other attacks
(with lesser pre-existing knowledge) will be of equal
or lower “difficulty” levels. If one can create a robust
DNN against white-box techniques, all black-box at-
tacks shall automatically fail. That might be another
reason why the research community’s focus is primar-
ily on defenses and their white-box attacks. Back to
the defenses themselves, they can be divided based on
three main categories. These are: i) Gradient Mask-
ing (the efforts of hiding DNNs gradient information),
ii) Robust Optimisation (making DNNs more robust
against attacks) and iii) Adversarial Examples De-
tection (the efforts of detecting malformed data sam-
ples). Let us analyze these three categories (Ozdag,
2018) (Tram
er et al., 2017) (Chakraborty et al., 2018)
(Xu et al., 2020) (Yuan et al., 2019). . .
2.2.1 Gradient Masking
Starting with Gradient Masking, this category in-
cludes two main defensce strategies. First one is the
Defensive Distillation (Hinton et al., 2015) (Paper-
not et al., 2016b). This strategy is about “distilling” a
training dataset and the result of a DNN classifier F,
using softmax. The steps followed are: 1) Train a net-
work F using a dataset of items and labels (x, y tuples)
and set a temperature value T for softmax. Using a
temperature T , the softmax generated values are af-
fected. 2) Generate and store the scores of F (that
is, the scores after softmax). 3) Train a new model
F2 with the data - scores collected from step 2, using
the same temperature value T for softmax. 4) Initi-
ate the classification process for the test set, changing
the temperature T value to T = 1. The result is that,
all data exiting the “distilled” F2 classifier will have
hidden gradient information for the DNNs (mainly
cause of the changes in temperature), which means
that the adversaries will not be able to obtain gra-
dient info from them. The second gradient masking
strategy is called Shattered Gradients. Its about us-
ing a preprocessor, through which all data are passed
before being fed to the network. For example, pre-
processors can crop, compress, increase (or reduce)
the quality of image data samples, etc. This way, the
connection between inputs and outputs becomes un-
clear, something that makes the gradient information
retrieval efforts by adversaries more difficult. The
shattered gradients defense shares many similarities
with the spatial transformation attacks listed above.
Unfortunately, the current gradient masking methods
are not very successful in blocking most attacks. They
might “confuse” the adversary, but only for a while. . .
2.2.2 Robust Optimisation
On to Robust Optimisation, this category’s techniques
can be characterised as the most successful, in terms
of countering adversarial attacks. One such technique
is Regularization. Through this approach, the dis-
torted inputs of a DNN will not have a big impact in
the output, meaning the classifier’s results. “Regular-
izing” the input data samples, malformed adversarial
examples might lose their “power” (since they will be
amongst the regularised data) and, eventually, might
be classified to the correct classes / labels. So, given
a perturbed example x
which has been subject to reg-
ularisation, it shall probably be classified to the cor-
rect label y, just like the original x will do. Another
technique is the Adversarial (Re)training. The de-
fenders create adversarial examples (using known al-
gorithms such as FGSM and PGD/BIM) and either
mix them with an existing training dataset, or directly
train the DNN. The trained model is expected to “un-
derstand” future incoming adversarial examples and
classify them as normal data samples. In case of PGD,
the network is trained exclusively with adversarial ex-
amples (FGSM approaches are usually a mix of clean
and perturbed data). Apart from generating adversar-
ial data directly from these algorithms, another way
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
is to use malformed samples created through other
DNNs. Using one-step FGSM to attack classifiers F1
and F2, the defenders collect the examples x1
which succeeded in penetrating them. Then, these
samples are mixed with the original training dataset
of F, hoping that these “proven” adversarial samples
will make it more robust. One last technique is the
Certified Defenses. The strategy used is the same
with the one found in the Ground Truth Adversarial
Attack. Through specific algorithms (such as Relu-
plex), a repetitive search takes place, in order to find a
circle (generated by a radius r), inside of which all po-
tential x values will be considered as natural. Outside
the circle (values further than the radius r), x values
might be adversarial samples. This way, a “certifi-
cate” is given, for a specific x neighbour.
2.2.3 Adversarial Examples Detection
Moving on to the third category, Adversarial Exam-
ples Detection, it houses these techniques that aim to
identify adversarial samples before they “enter” the
DNN zone. This can be achieved by the “installa-
tion” of auxiliary neural networks before the main
DNN model, which try to distinguish the adversarial
examples from the normal data. Moreover, a statis-
tic analysis can take place, between normal and per-
turbed data samples. The knowledge extracted can
then be applied to models that distinguish incoming
samples, based on their properties. Last but not least,
another technique is the repetitive process of slightly
modifying the DNN’s parameters, and observation for
substantial changes in the outputs. Maybe, these input
samples that got different labels from the classifier, af-
ter the parameter modification process, are malformed
adversarial examples.
3.1 Looking Back at History
As of today, no efficient solution has been found for a
highly robust deep neural network against adversarial
attacks. All proposed defended seem to be insuffi-
cient, providing low levels of robustness (even some-
times little to none, in case the adversary has slightly
modified his/her samples), or the process seems to be
costly in terms of resources and time. In a few words,
there seem to be no proper defense mechanisms for
DNNs. Is there a way to surpass this issue? Let us ex-
amine the problem from a different viewpoint. Maybe
a lesson can be taught from recent history.
During the 1980s, the computer science research
community started to analyze the potential threats of
computer software, coming from any possible mali-
cious parts of code. It was the beginning of the com-
puter viruses research, which today is considered as
an entirely independent science and research section,
within the boundaries of computer science. However,
almost 40 years ago, computer viruses were mainly
only parts of theoretical scenarios in research publi-
cations and scientific papers. The community seemed
to be anxious about a potential computer virus out-
break, with many kinds of malicious software pene-
trating thousands of PCs in the future. More specif-
ically, Fred Cohen, a researcher at IBM, published
a demonstration that ”there is no algorithm that can
perfectly detect all possible viruses”. In a way, such
a publication could have made many software engi-
neers even more pessimist, regarding the hopes of
making computers robust and capable of defending
viruses. However, history showed that engineers man-
aged to overcome the rising computer virus issue and,
slowly but steadily, build antivirus systems (such as
antivirus software) capable of detecting the vast ma-
jority of existing viruses.
Today, there is a whole market of antivirus soft-
ware available to consumers. These frameworks tend
to function based on a classic pattern: The user buys
an antivirus software, installs it on his/her personal
computer and then the software proceeds to get daily
security updates over the internet. These updates
contain information about new viruses and any kinds
of data necessary, for the software to provide secu-
rity and robustness to its PC. So, an antivirus soft-
ware provider cares for the distribution of its soft-
ware program, which then must be regularly updated
with newer virus data. This is the pattern on which
most antivirus frameworks are based. What if we
could learn something from the way computer scien-
tists faced the (computer) virus case? Let us keep in
mind the three main open issues of today’s adversarial
Although there are many defense strategies, none
of them applies to multiple attacks at once. Most
of the defenses proposed, appeal to specific attack
Many defense methods are costly in terms of time
and computer resources, in order to be applied to
Adversarial attacks are constantly evolving, mak-
ing the task of robust DNNs creation even more
How could these issues be addressed to, considering
how we have dealt (and continue to do so) with com-
Hoplite Antivirus for Adversarial Attacks: A Theoretical Approach
puter viruses? All the aforementioned defense models
can be viewed as a State-of-the-Art (related work), re-
garding this paper’s proposal for effectively blocking
adversarial attacks.
3.2 The Hoplite Approach
The idea is simple. What if we could apply the main
antivirus software pattern, to that of the DNNs’ ad-
versarial defense problem? What if we saw the issue
from a different point of view, that of providing pre-
trained and already robust DNNs as software pack-
ages? In a few words, what if we implemented an
antivirus ”model” for adversarial attacks? How can
we achieve that? This is our definition of antivirus:
A deep neural network, to which multiple defense
strategies will be pre-applied, being pre-trained with
datasets of high data quality and be made available
as software to consumers / users / machine learning
engineers. The DNN will be re-trained in a specific
frequency / basis with newer adversarial examples
(which were previously unknown) and the users who
have an older version, will be notified of the newer,
more robust version. The main provider will create
multiple DNN solutions, based on different datasets,
needs and use case scenarios. This way, users will
have the opportunity to select among different kinds
of pre-trained and robust DNNs, based on their needs.
Of course, generating a DNN and applying multiple
defense strategies to it shall take plenty of time, whilst
it shall be resource-greedy. However, since this DNN
will be made available to all consumers globally, the
time and resource issue will actually be eliminated,
since only the main provider will be responsible of it.
So, this is the Hoplite Antivirus Proposal: A se-
ries of pre-trained and robust DNNs, with multi-
ple defense strategies implemented upon them, dif-
ferent dataset base (for different consumer needs)
and constant re-training with newer adversarial
examples. These DNNs will be made available to the
public, as secure software packages, and ready to be
used by users / machine learning engineers. The soft-
ware package’s internal (source code) will be inac-
cessible, assuring security and eliminating white-box
attack scenarios. At the same time, these software
packages will ”play-along” with a series of program-
ming languages, ready to be used by scripts / pro-
grams written in Python, R, Java, etc.
The term ”hoplite” was selected from the ancient
hoplites, fierce Greek soldiers / warriors protecting
their city-states. They were mainly armed with spears
and shields, and their armor protected all the vital
parts of the torso. Usually, the hoplites formed the
Phalanx formation when in combat, making their at-
Figure 1: The Hoplite Antivirus’s architectural concept.
tacks very efficient, whilst being able to effectively
defend themselves against the enemy. In a few words,
a hoplite warrior was able to defend himself prop-
erly and ”do his job” at the same time. In our case,
each pre-trained and robust DNN can be seen as a
standalone hoplite, ready to defend against adversar-
ial attacks and function (classify) properly. The Pha-
lanx of DNN hoplites will be the main DNN provider,
generating different deep neural networks (with mul-
tiple dataset bases) and making them available to con-
sumers, as seen in Figure 1. If, for example, a ma-
chine learning engineer wishes to use a DNN specif-
ically for images of road signs, he/she will select the
most ”tailored” DNN from the main provider. The
provider can even offer services of custom DNN cre-
ation for consumers.
This idea could actually work. History has shown
that using pre-trained software for detecting viruses,
and then constantly updating it with newer virus data,
is an efficient solution against malware. The same
pattern can be applied to the adversarial defense is-
sue. Pre-train deep neural networks, pre-implement
multiple defense strategies and make them available
to the public, then constantly re-train them with newer
adversarial examples. This way, all three main is-
sues mentioned before are being eliminated. First, the
implementation of more-than-one defense strategies
will appeal to many attack models at once. The Ho-
plite main provider will carefully examine the DNNs
training dataset and then choose the best-suited de-
fense algorithms to implement. Second, only the
main provider will face the issue for cost in terms of
time and resources. All consumers will simply get
the DNNs as software packages, at a glance. Third,
evolving adversarial attacks will no longer be an is-
sue, since the Hoplite provider will keep re-training
the deep neural networks with newer adversarial ex-
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
All that is left to do, is focus on studying and re-
searching this approach. It could be a vital solution
to the emerging adversarial attacks’ danger. Taking a
note from the way we dealt with computer viruses and
applying it to the adversarial defense problem, could
be all we ever needed in order to address it. After all,
both computer viruses and adversarial attacks share
the same goal: To invade a system and cause malfunc-
tion(s), based on the attacker’s aim and purpose. In a
way, adversarial attacks are viruses. They can be seen
as viruses of deep neural networks. Then, why not
try to detect them using the same pattern as the one in
the computer viruses’ case? It only seems rational to
test this approach. The Hoplite Antivirus could be a
practical solution to our problem!
This paper briefly presented the most well-known ad-
versarial attacks and defenses to date. It extracted
three main issues that remain unresolved, regarding
the existing adversarial defenses’ efficiency. It then
proposed a potential solution, the Hoplite Antivirus
approach. It is based on the same pattern found in the
majority of antivirus software frameworks for com-
puter viruses. The Hoplite Antivirus shall contain a
series of pre-trained DNNs, on which multiple de-
fense strategies will be already implemented. The
DNNs shall constantly be re-trained with newer ad-
versarial examples, in order to be up-to-date with the
evolving attacks. These deep neural networks will be
made available to the public as secure software pack-
ages, ready for use by consumers / machine learning
engineers. Such an approach could end up being vi-
tal towards the (yet) unresolved problem of making
neural networks fully robust and attack-proof.
Study and research are yet to take place, but this
proposal serves as a very good starting point and
guide. The team behind Hoplite shall soon initiate
a full-scale research and testing phase on this pro-
posal. Using high-end physical machines, capable of
performing the resource and time greedy tasks of big
dataset processing, constant (for long time periods)
DNN training & defense techniques applying, the
team aims to monitor the progress and publish the re-
sults of each research / testing stage. A careful selec-
tion of (different kinds of) datasets will be made first.
These datasets will be pre-processed and cleaned.
Then, studied DNN architectures will be matched to
the, now train-ready, datasets. After these steps are
completed, multiple combinations of adversarial de-
fenses will be applied to the DNN-dataset sets. This
will be the process of making the DNNs really ro-
bust, no matter how long and resource-consuming it
might be. The final phase shall include the transfor-
mation of the DNNs to encrypted & secure packages,
ready for distribution through the net. A better under-
standing of Hoplite proposal’s potential (based on the
team’s work) is expected during 2022. The main goal
is set, and that is to find out if the Hoplite Antivirus
approach can indeed be the ultimate solution against
adversarial attacks.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Commission under the
H2020 Programme’s project ”DataPorts” (Grant
Agreement No. 871493).
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DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security