Implementation and Repeatability Aspects Combined with Refactoring
for a Reviews Manager System
Agorakis Bompotas
, Aristidis Ilias
, Andreas Kanavos
, Panayiotis Kechagias
Panayiotis Arvanitakis
, Nikos Zotos
, Konstantinos Kovas
and Christos Makris
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Department of Digital Media and Communication, Ionian University, Kefalonia, Greece
Innovative Private Company, Patras, Greece, {nzotos, kkovas}
Deep Learning, LSTM Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment
With the advent of social media, there is a data abundance so that analytics can be reliably designed for ulti-
mately providing valuable information towards a given product or service. Hotel customers express reviews
for every accommodation service provided and/or for the accommodation as a whole. On the other hand,
reviews are particularly interested for the tourism industry in order to extract customers’ opinions and aspects,
which will assist them to improve their provided services. In this paper, we delve into the detail of design and
implementation of a system that initially utilizes some pre-processing techniques, as classic Natural Language
Processing approaches, namely TF-IDF bag of words and word embeddings, are employed. These approaches
can be further used as the input of various classifiers and Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks. The
main aspects of this system have been described in (Bompotas et al., 2020a) and (Bompotas et al., 2020b). In
the present article we essentially refactor the system that was described in and by embedding in the implemen-
tation the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) component and perform a repeatibility study on the experimental
findings that were reported in (Bompotas et al., 2020a) depicting that its experimental findings are valid.
The inescapable utilization of social media web-
sites has notably contributed to the prosper of the
electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication
within the period of Web 2.0. Nowadays, due to the
expanding readiness of customers to share and trade
their individual encounters in social networking web-
sites and platforms, online users’ reviews, comments
as well as reports have steadily picked up an out-
standing interest from tourism businesses. The main-
tenance of a steady engagement with the customers
with the goal of realizing and satisfying their requests
consists a determining factor for businesses to sustain
their competitive strength or advantage (Kumar and
Pansari, 2016).
On the other hand, social networks websites and
platforms have been regarded a vital factor in mod-
ifying the way of impacting the customers’ engage-
ment with tourism brands (Harrigan et al., 2017). As
a result, businesses must create innovative marketing
techniques and strategies oriented towards the cus-
tomers’ needs and fulfillment in order to adjust to the
rapidly alternating environment. Thus, within the past
few years, a surprising interest in recognizing and ex-
tracting valuable bits of knowledge on the customers’
behavior together with sentiment by exploring online
user-generated content, has been observed (He et al.,
Online customer reviews are considered one of
the foremost important sources of user-generated con-
tent with a vital affect on the tourism industry. This
kind of reviews plays an important role within the
decision-making procedure of the consumers as they
provide them with the comfort to employ a com-
prehensive understanding of customers’ past encoun-
ters. Specifically, these encounters can influence ei-
ther in positive or negative way the future intentions
and decisions of consumers. All things considered,
the tremendous amount of user-generated content has
emerged the problem of information overload. For
confronting this issue, businesses must perceive inno-
Bompotas, A., Ilias, A., Kanavos, A., Kechagias, P., Arvanitakis, P., Zotos, N., Kovas, K. and Makr is, C.
Implementation and Repeatability Aspects Combined with Refactoring for a Reviews Manager System.
DOI: 10.5220/0010727000003058
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), pages 607-615
ISBN: 978-989-758-536-4; ISSN: 2184-3252
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
vative ways of successfully distinguishing and after-
wards forecasting the value of online reviews (Gavi-
lan et al., 2018).
Hence, a broad interest has been identified in the
development of intelligent automated tools that will
decrease the human resource prerequisites of busi-
nesses and will empower them to obtain fine-grained
experiences on the customers’ opinions and feelings
(Zvarevashe and Olugbara, 2018). Subsequently,
businesses will have a clear outline of the aspects that
they should focus on and as a result, will be able to
adjust to the customer requests by prioritizing and op-
timizing their marketing campaigns in time.
Generally, reviews often comprise of textual data
together with a score rating mechanism, that unequiv-
ocally demonstrates the overall customer satisfaction.
Despite the fact that the evaluation of customers have
been proved to be highly correlated with the sentiment
polarity of the particular textual content of the reviews
(Geetha et al., 2017), there is still a solid interest in
further checking and assessing the textual content un-
der specific technical properties, which can impact
customer ratings (Zhao et al., 2019). Thus, the re-
views of the customers are considered a vital source
of information for the tourism industry, as they em-
power businesses to have a crystal view of the fore-
most critical aspects inferring from them and hence,
their marketing strategies can be better prioritized and
The development of advanced Natural Language
Processing (NLP) techniques to effectively and pro-
ductively extract profitable insights is caused because
of the demanding need for identifying such underly-
ing attributes and characteristics (Pablos et al., 2016).
Especially, text and opinion mining systems have
been proposed in the bibliography for analyzing and
classifying online text reviews based on their sen-
timent content (Kasper and Vela, 2011; Sun et al.,
2019). Additionally, since NLP consists a challeng-
ing and complex assignment, deep learning strategies
have also been proposed in the bibliography with the
aim of improving the granularity of aspect-based sen-
timent analysis procedures (Do et al., 2019). Con-
sequently, it appears that the execution along with the
accuracy of such NLP applications can be vital within
the progression and vitality of tourism businesses and
Text summarization strategies have also been pro-
posed in order to successfully distinguish the top-k
most informative sentences of hotel reviews because
of the huge volume of user-generated data (Hu et al.,
2017). The present work in essence refactors the sys-
tem that was described in (Bompotas et al., 2020a;
Bompotas et al., 2020b) by embedding in the im-
plementation the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
component and by performing a repeatibility study on
the experimental findings that were reported in (Bom-
potas et al., 2020a). Moreover, it delves into the im-
plementation details of a hotel review system that was
described by the authors in (Bompotas et al., 2020a;
Bompotas et al., 2020b).
In these articles a new approach was proposed for
analyzing hotel reviews using Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA) for aspect mining and Neural Networks
(NN) for sentiment analysis. A dynamic architecture,
which receives the data stream, on-line or off-line in
order not to overload the systems of the participating
hotels or their service providers, is proposed. It ex-
tracts the aspects along with the sentiment of the hotel
reviewers by applying LDA and NN modules accord-
ingly, then stores the data and finally, attempts to cor-
relate the data with the reviewers. The process is not
obvious, given the anonymity of the reviewers, but the
attempt to correlate them can be implemented with
extensive training of the NN. The architecture pro-
poses a novel platform utilizing the benefits of both
algorithms, so that it can be used in an effective way
in data forecasting. The design aspects of this system
was presented in (Bompotas et al., 2020b) while ex-
periments on the sentiments analysis module, without
the presence of the LDA, were referred in (Bompotas
et al., 2020a). In the present article, we prove that
we are able to essentially reproduce the experimental
findings of these above mentioned papers, and refac-
tor the initial code by implementing and embedding
in its workings an LDA component, depicting that our
results can possibly be generalized to the space of top-
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents the related work. The main concepts
of our system architecture, including the user inter-
face, are covered in Section 3. The description of our
dataset as well as the implementation details of the
proposed sentiment analysis system and details con-
cerning Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks
(LSTMs) are presented in Section 4, while in Section
5, we present our experimental results on the perfor-
mance of the classifiers based on a variety of metrics.
Finally, in Section 6, we conclude the paper by out-
lining our findings and discussing future work.
Sentiment analysis procedure, which is also known as
opinion extraction, possesses a pivotal role in the in-
terpretation of natural languages and quantitative lin-
guistics. Particularly, the investigation of sentiment is
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
crucial to understanding user-generated text in social
networks or product reviews and has attracted a lot of
interest from both academia and industry (Pang and
Lee, 2008). Academic literature has been given lots
of attention to innovative strategies of handling valu-
able hotel data and to extrapolate important and rele-
vant information that can be later utilized for sustain-
able economic development because of the increasing
abundance of data from hotels across the world on a
daily basis.
A summary of the rating monitoring strategies,
where several hotel reviews have been assembled in
order to address the viewpoints of guests as well as
of the hotel, is provided in (Kasper and Vela, 2011).
Around the same context, authors in (Hu and Liu,
2004) incorporate a more common and non-context
specific strategy related to opinion mining, which is
focused on feedback of consumers. Specifically, feed-
back and various opinions on person merchandise
were analyzed and as a second step, a detailed per-
centage of polarity that reflects the thoughts of the
consumers was derived. Altogether, both the evalua-
tion and the overall impression of the growing number
of hotel comments contribute to a positive intuition ei-
ther by identifying challenges that management ought
to settle or by empowering prospective customers to
choose their next hotel (Liu and Zhang, 2012).
Social media consist of sites that accept a vast
range of product and service feedback, which pro-
vides an immeasurable benefit over classic remarks
under the company; more to the point, visual depic-
tion and linkages between different values of feed-
back will have greater latent relations between opin-
ion and rating. Authors in (Kanavos et al., 2017) il-
lustrated the scalability of their methodologies, where
large quantities of review data were analyzed utilizing
distributed computing systems. Furthermore, a range
of empirical research that focuses on the interpreta-
tion of substantive emotions across the lens of so-
cial networking has demonstrated in (Kanavos et al.,
Nevertheless, the strategy of assessing the emo-
tional polarity of the feedback is not explicitly com-
municated within the raw data gathered. A variety
of pre-processing layers was carried out so that this
importance will be strongly focused within the re-
search in (Haddi et al., 2013). Two fundamental lay-
ers exist until moving to the classification and perfor-
mance assessment phases; data transformation and fil-
tering. Data were initially prepared and unnecessary
identifiers were removed, followed by stemming and
lemmatization procedures. Amid the filtering phase,
a statistical analysis was carried out with the aid of
the Chi-square test in order to decide the associa-
tion between the term and the group utilized in the
phrase. All the metrics have been refined when con-
sidering the pre-processing method compared to com-
pletely skipping this stage in terms of the three essen-
tial evaluation metrics, namely Precision, Recall and
F1-Measure, as it can be depicted in the performance
evaluation phase.
Subsequently, the review management is naturally
dependent on the essence of the comments implied to
above and can be considered as nothing more than a
set of texts. Therefore, the text mining concept, as
a methodology to assist this phase, is considered to
be a very important aspect (Blei, 2012; Garc
ıa et al.,
2015). As a previous study on opinion clustering in
comments, the configuration described in (Dave et al.,
2003; Gourgaris et al., 2015), can be observed. Other
recent studies related to consumer shopping patterns
are described in (Domingos and Richardson, 2001;
Iakovou et al., 2016; Kanavos et al., 2018a; Leskovec
et al., 2007).
Target-dependent classification with respect to
emotion is usually utilized in literature as a text clas-
sification problem. The majority of current studies
develop emotion classifiers with a number of super-
vised approaches from machine learning, such as a
feature-based Support Vector Machine (Jiang et al.,
2011) or a Neural Network method (Dong et al., 2014;
Vo and Zhang, 2015). Neural networks have deliv-
ered state-of-the-art efficiency in a number of Natu-
ral Language Processing activities, such as the auto-
matic translation (Lample et al., 2016), the document
summarization (Rush et al., 2015), the query address-
ing (He and Golub, 2016) and the paraphrase recog-
nition (Yin et al., 2016). With respect to the recur-
rent layers of the schema, an explanatory evaluation
and examination of different Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNNs) such as Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs)
and Large Short-Term Memory Units (LSTMs) is pre-
sented in (Chung et al., 2014). Within the same scope,
LSTMs were also employed for sentiment classifica-
tion in (Wang et al., 2012); however, the work at hand
pertained to specific aspects and how they reflect par-
ticular sentiment.
The machine learning algorithms have the advan-
tage of dealing with high dimensional and nonlinear
relationships, which is especially suitable for estab-
lishing train dynamic model and train speed predic-
tion on account of the dynamic and nonlinear nature
(Savvopoulos et al., 2018). One of the most clas-
sic text mining techniques that composed the founda-
tion for modern opinion mining is the Latent Dirichlet
Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003; Griffiths, 2002;
Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004). LDA is a probabilis-
tic algorithm that can discover the latent topics that
Implementation and Repeatability Aspects Combined with Refactoring for a Reviews Manager System
may exist within the reviews of the collection. More
specifically, LDA extracts the top N topics that are
most common in a review, based on the representa-
tions of the most frequent words with the input being
a term document matrix, whereas two distributions
are considered as output; one for document-topic re-
lations and the other for topic-word ones.
In this article we try to validate the quality of the
experimental results presented in (Bompotas et al.,
2020a) and describe the implementation details of
the design aspects of the system proposed in (Bom-
potas et al., 2020b). As described in Technology Net-
, when measuring the quality of experiments,
repeatability and reproducibility are key notions. Re-
peatability is ”a measure of the likelihood that, having
produced one result from an experiment, you can try
the same experiment, with the same setup, and pro-
duce that exact same result” while reproducability is
”a measure of whether results in a paper can be at-
tained by a different research team, using the same
methods. Our article is in essence a repeatibility
study on a refactored version of the system presented
in (Bompotas et al., 2020a).
The system-starting point is the product ”BookOn-
Cloud” which will offer to the customers-owners of
its tourist accommodation various packages that will
enable them to monitor the competition and their po-
sition in it at any time. The end result will be that this
useful information will be displayed on the customer
management screens.
Each customer of ”BookOnCloud” depending on
the offer package he has purchased will receive the
requested information during the period covered by
the package he has purchased. This time period is
translated into cron expressions and stored in a table
of a postgres database along with the unique id of the
client and the id of the target. In this way a complete
customer request has been made.
In Figure 1, the main architecture of the scraping
system is illustrated. The system is mainly developed
in Node.js and uses various components. Apache
Kafka has been used as a distributed event streaming
platform, to handle the requests for scraping pages.
The implemented Kafka instance uses three Topics.
The Scrap Topic contains the requests for scraping
pages. The Parse Topic contains the parsing results
from scraping the pages. The Error Topic contains the
error events produced during scraping and parsing.
Figure 1: Architecture of the Scraping System.
Grafana has been used as a visualization platform
to be able to visualize and query upon the error events
that may occur. PostgreSQL is used as a database for
storing both the configuration of each hotel and the
data retrieved by scraping the review pages.
The ScrapAPI has endpoints that allow users to
configure the scraping sources (the URLs from where
Reviews are going to periodically be retrieved). These
URL sources are stored in a database table along
with configuration options (e.g. how often the page
should be scrapped). A node service ”Create Jobs”
constantly checks the URL sources and based on the
configuration options, decides when and what page
needs to be scrapped by creating new entries (scrap
requests) in another database table. The node ser-
vice ”Producer” constantly checks for scrap requests
in the database and puts them in the Scrap Topic of
the Kafka component. There are multiple ”Scrap and
Parse” services running concurrently and the scrap re-
quests in the Scrap Topic are distributed among them.
Each ”Scrap and Parse” service pulls the request from
the Scrap Topic and then pushes results to the Parse
Topic (if successful) or the Error Topic (if an error
occurred). The ”Error Consumer” service pulls from
the Error Topic and feeds the data in the Grafana API,
that allows monitoring the error cases through useful
graphs. The ”Database Consumer” service pulls from
the Parse Topic, manipulates the data and stores the
results (scrapped data) in the database. Finally, the
ScrapAPI is used to retrieve the scrapped data from
the database.
Here is another subsystem, which is implemented
with Apache Kafka. A node.js script undertakes to
read the table from the database and execute a sched-
uled process that will run every now and then so that
this is equal to the time specified by the cron expres-
sion for each client request. This process essentially
activates an Apache Kafka producer, who places these
requests in a queue. These applications are the first
topic of Apache Kafka.
This topic is ”consumed” by a group of con-
sumers. We use groups to take advantage of more
consumers who will read the messages of the topic
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
as the queue grows. In this way the system becomes
more efficient and faster since the processes are per-
formed in parallel on the separate servers offered by
Apache Kafka. This is why Apache Kafka was pre-
ferred because it can efficiently manage queues and
transfer real-time data from sender to recipient.
An example application that uses the Scrap API to
configure the scraping requests and retrieve and dis-
play the results. Its architecture is depicted in Fig-
ure 2. The application has been developed in Node.js
and React. Users have to log in to the Extranet appli-
cation. The React application receives a JSON Web
Token (JWT) that uses throughout its communication
with the Scrap API. The implemented React applica-
tion is loaded in a single web page and has three sepa-
rate tabs. The ”Information” tab, is where the user can
view, add, and edit the URLs from which he wants
to retrieve reviews. The ”Review” tab is where the
user can view and filter the retrieved reviews across
all the requested URLs. Apart from the information
retrieved, additional information is displayed from the
Machine Learning Analysis performed on the review
text. This analysis can identify if the overall review
is positive, negative, or neutral. It may also identify
polarity regarding specific hotel aspects (e.g. clean-
liness, amenities, price). Finally, the ”Global Score”
tab displays information retrieved from the scraped
URLs, regarding the score of the hotel, based on the
ratings from the reviewers.
Figure 2: Architecture of the Example Application.
3.1 Review Manager User Interface
Concerning the component of the system architecture
that will perform sentiment analysis, it is depicted in
Figure 3. It consists of an Application Programming
Interface (API) acting as gateway to an online hotel
booking platform, a NoSQL database and the Senti-
ment Analysis Infrastructure.
Hotel reviews are inserted in the database through
the corresponding API, the Natural Language Pro-
cessing module initially parses the stored reviews,
transforms them into the appropriate form and then
passes them to the Aspect Mining and Sentiment
Analysis modules, which produces the final outputs
and stores them back to the database. Both the ini-
Figure 3: Hotel Reviews Sentiment Analysis Platform Ar-
Table 1: Positive vs Negative reviews.
Sentiment Number Percentage
Positive 352.029 50%
Negative 352.029 50%
Total 704.058 100%
tial reviews and the results of the analysis are
easily accessible through the API.
In order to evaluate the system proposed we mainly
focused on the sentiment analysis component accom-
panied with the aspect component. For the sentiment
analysis component we performed a set of experi-
ments that in essence reproduce the outcomes of the
experiments of a previous publication of ours, while
we performed also a set of experiments for the aspect
component. Note that since there are common authors
in the previous publication and the present study what
we do is mainly a repeatability study.
4.1 Dataset
Since the paper is a repeatibility/reproducibility study,
we have to use the same experimental setup with the
previous work, but with different parameters concern-
ing the input data used. In particular we use the same
experimental setup (input data and partitioning proce-
dure), however we split in a different way our data.
Hence the dataset consists of 515, 000 hotel re-
views in Europe
was taken into consideration dur-
ing the training and evaluation processes. The dataset
contain almost one million rows including both a
positive and a negative review along with additional
Implementation and Repeatability Aspects Combined with Refactoring for a Reviews Manager System
metadata about the hotel, the reviewer, and the re-
views themselves. In our case we mainly care or the
plain text, and not for the extra information, and since
the meta-information has almost no value for our
proposed schema and was removed during the pre-
processing stage. Additionally the dataset was post-
processed in order to contain one labeled review per
row, either as positive or negative and empty reviews
were removed. The final dataset consisted of 704, 058
reviews, divided exactly in half with 352, 029 positive
and 352, 029 negative reviews, and it is depicted in
Table 1.
4.2 Sentiment Analysis Infrastructure
4.2.1 Sentiment Analysis Module by Utilizing
LSTM Neural Networks
As described in (Bompotas et al., 2020a), we have
tested various classifiers: Support Vector Machines,
Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Ridge Clas-
sifier, Multilayer Perceptron, Passive Aggressive,
AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, Perceptron, Decision
Tree, Nearest Centroid and k-Nearest Neighbors and
an LSTM Neural Network. In all classifiers except
LSTM we employed a classic TF-IDF (Term Fre-
quency - Inverted Document Frequency) bag of words
model, while for the LSTM Neural Network a word
embedding model is employed.
Furthermore, as described in (Bompotas et al.,
2020b), LSTMs’ architecture is based on cell state
and gates through which the input information is
propagated. More accurately, there are three gates
and two states in LSTMs: the forget gate ( f
) whose
responsibility is to remove unnecessary information
from the cell state taking as input the hidden state of
the previous cell h
and data record x
. Next, the in-
put gate (i
) adds new information on the cell state by
creating a vector of all possible values and multiply-
ing them with the tanh function. Hence the flow of
information starts by feeding word sequences to the
embedding layer of the neural network. Since longer
embeddings increase the complexity and reduce the
accuracy of the sentiment analysis we have chosen the
output length of the embedding layer was decided to
be only 256.
The output of the embedding layer is then forced
through a dropout layer with a drop probability equal
to 0.2. The third step of our process consists of a layer
of 256 LSTM units that correspond to the embed-
ding layer’s mappings and have a recurrent dropout
equal to 0.2. The information after passing through a
dropout layer, is processed by a fully connected layer
of 256 Rectified Linear Units (ReLUs). Then the out-
put of the layer is filtered by a dropout layer before
it reaches the softmax classification layer, where the
review’s sentiment is decided.
4.2.2 Aspect Mining Module
Although extracting the overall sentiment of a review
is a meaningful data mining task, a system that in-
forms hoteliers that there is room for improvement
would not be complete without revealing them what
exactly left their customers dissatisfied. To address
this, the proposed Review Manager System provides
augmented functionality by deciding the polarity of
the discrete aspects contained in each review.
To achieve this goal, during the preprocessing
stage our system splits each review into sentences
and the tokenized output is then parsed by the Aspect
Mining Module which employs the powerful Latent
Dirichlet Allocation method to cluster every sentence
into a predefined number of topics. These topics are
characterized by a set of words that are most likely to
occur in the documents assigned to them and thus they
have a semantic meaning that is useful to our analy-
sis. Subsequently, a sentiment score is assigned to
each sentence by the trained LTSM neural network of
the Sentiment Analysis Module described above and
these scores are aggregated to produce the final report
of each review which consists of the list of the discov-
ered aspects and their respective polarity additionally
to the review’s overall sentiment.
However, because LDA is an unsupervised tech-
nique, the produced results are arbitrary and may not
align with the actual topics that customers consider
important when reading or composing a hotel review.
To further improve our system, the domain experts
of our team concluded on the list of aspects show-
ing in Table 2 as the ones that our system should be
searching for. For converging to a set of predefined
aspects the LDA had to be modified to create a semi-
supervised method. Out of the techniques tested, the
approach of SeededLDA (Jagarlamudi et al., 2012)
was the one that stood out and suited our needs the
best. SeededLDA is a variation of the original algo-
rithm where prior to its execution some words can be
influenced via an input weight or seed to lean towards
a specific topic. As a consequence, by carefully se-
lecting and boosting a list of words that are related to
the predefined aspects the execution can be guided to
produce the desired topics.
DMMLACS 2021 - 2nd International Special Session on Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications for Cyber Security
Table 2: Predefined Aspects.
Staff / Service
Facilities / Amenities
Value for money
In our work we mainly refactor the implementation of
(Bompotas et al., 2020a) by restructuring carefully the
various components of our code and by embedding
the LDA machinery in it.
The new experiments ran on the same machin-
ery, namely a Dell Precision 7520 mobile workstation
with an Intel i7-6820HQ processor, 32GB of RAM
and an NVIDIA Quadro M1200 graphics card with
characteristics such as 4GB of dedicated memory, 640
CUDA cores and computation capability equal to 5.0
that enabled us to reduce training time for the LSTM
Neural Network. The machine’s operating system
was Windows 10, and the implementation of the algo-
rithms were developed in Python 3.7 with TensorFlow
2.2.0 and CUDA 10.1.
The dataset employed was the same as in the pre-
vious work however we have chosen a different sepa-
ration of the datasets to 10 splits (in comparison to the
previous work) in order to see if the attained results
agree with that of the previous article. During the ex-
ecution of each algorithm we again tried to determine
the parameters, that could optimize the performance
and then we split the datasets into training and test
sets with a ratio of 75% to 25%.
The following Table 3 summarizes the result of
the experiments for the set of the methods:
As was the case from our previous experiments
and it is evident from Table 3 the LSTM Neural Net-
work outperforms all the other algorithms that were
evaluated against by a large margin in every met-
ric score. In addition the LSTM seems to achieve
nice performance even when considering the various
aspects. Furthermore, the LSTM Neural Network
proved to perform equally well for every metric and
for both classes (positive and negative).
In order to validate the statistical significance of
our results we employed t-test and we computed the
p values for the null hypothesis testing of LSTM in
comparison with the other algorithmic schemes. The
desired value should be less than 5% and as we see in
Table 4 this is achieved in the majority of the results.
In the Table of p values the values are depicted
with an accuracy of 10 decimal points, and that is why
a lot of cells are with 0 values.
Moreover, to fine tune and later evaluate the qual-
ity of the Aspect Mining Module, a series of tests
were conducted using real data. The lack of a big
dataset annotated with the topics provided by our do-
main experts meant that we had to construct our own.
This is an ongoing task but we were able to test our
model with a smaller dataset of approximately 70
records that was ready during the writing of this and
the results were quite promising as the system was
able to identify the correct aspects of each review and
detect their polarity with an accuracy that matched our
previous results. Further evaluation is needed and is
left as future work.
In the present article we delved into the detail of de-
sign and implementation of a system that initially uti-
lizes some pre-processing techniques, as classic Natu-
ral Language Processing approaches, namely TF-IDF,
bag of words and word embeddings, in order to be
used as the input of various classifiers and Long Short
Term Memory Neural Networks, for testing the sen-
timent output of particular hotel reviews. A dynamic
architecture, which receives the data stream in order
not to overload the systems of the participating hotels
or their service providers, is proposed.
The main aspects of this system have been de-
scribed in (Bompotas et al., 2020a) and (Bompotas
et al., 2020b). In the present article we essentially
refactor the system that was described in these works
and by embedding in the implementation the Latent
Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) component, we perform
a repeatibility study on the experimental findings that
were reported in (Bompotas et al., 2020a) depicting
that its experimental findings remain the same. The
outcome of the experiments verify the findings pre-
sented in (Bompotas et al., 2020b), while the embed-
ding of the LDA component seems to work without
problem providing to the expert another source of in-
For future work, it would be interesting to apply
our methodology to a much larger sample of data.
In addition, it is necessary to study the total execu-
tion times in order to magnify our methodology. Fur-
thermore, another potential approach could be imple-
mented concerning the complexity of the architecture.
Specifically, as a model deepens in terms of layers as
well as in the size of its graph, new ways for defining
Implementation and Repeatability Aspects Combined with Refactoring for a Reviews Manager System
Table 3: Aggregate Experimental evaluation.
Method Precision Recall f1-score Accuracy
Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive
AdaBoost 0.86 0.89 0.89 0.85 0.87 0.87 0.87
Decision Trees 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.85
Gradient Boosting 0.84 0.91 0.91 0.82 0.87 0.86 0.87
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) 0.65 0.80 0.87 0.52 0.74 0.63 0.70
Logistic Regression 0.88 0.93 0.93 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.90
Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.93
Multilayer Perceptron 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
Nearest Centroid 0.78 0.94 0.96 0.73 0.86 0.83 0.85
Passive Aggressive 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87
Perceptron 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85
Random Forest 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.90
Ridge 0.88 0.92 0.92 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.90
Support Vector Machines (SVM) 0.89 0.94 0.94 0.88 0.91 0.91 0.91
Table 4: Experimental Evaluation for p.
Method P-Value
AdaBoost 0.0000000000
Decision Trees 0.0000000000
Gradient Boosting 0.0000000000
K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) 0.0000000000
Logistic Regression 0.0000078402
Multilayer Perceptron 0.0000000000
Nearest Centroid 0.0000000000
Passive Aggressive 0.0000000000
Perceptron 0.0000000000
Random Forest 1.5304732684
Ridge 0.0000012907
Support Vector Machines (SVM) 0.0074408588
the optimal connection within this stack of layers can
be emerged.
This work has been co-financed by the European
Union and Greek national funds through the Regional
Operational Program “Western Greece 2014-2020”,
under the Call “Regional Research and Innovation
Strategies for Smart Specialisation - RIS3 in Infor-
mation and Communication Technologies” (project:
5038701 entitled “Reviews Manager: Hotel Reviews
Intelligent Impact Assessment Platform”).
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