consistency of spent food, food diversity, feeding
methods, personal hygiene (Nurbaiti et al, 2019). This
literature review provides comprehensive
information about the relationship between feeding
practices and stunting. However, it only looks at
Indonesian studies. These findings may not apply to
children from other countries that have the different
characteristics to Indonesia.
Most studies on child feeding practices in Indonesia
use the WHO IYCF indicators. Some studies add
socio-demographic characteristics and aspects of
personal hygiene. Further research by adding aspects
of feeding rules is needed. Aspects of feeding rules
include schedule, environment, and feeding
procedures. According to the WHO's UNICEF
framework, feeding practices are an immediate factor
in nutritional problems. So that good feeding
practices need to be considered by caregivers,
especially parents. Parents need to pay attention to
proper feeding rules such as not being distracted
while eating, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and
encouraging children to eat alone. This is to minimize
the problem of difficult eating which will have an
impact on the problem of malnutrition.
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