Systematic Review: Relationship between Infant and Young Child
Feeding Practices with Stunting in Indonesia
Annisa Yuri Ekaningrum
and Desy Sulistiyorini
STIKES Indonesia Maju, Harapan Street No. 50, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, 12610, Indonesia
Keywords: Children, Feeding Practices, Indonesia, Stunting.
Abstract: Stunting affects deficits in cognitive development, more vulnerable to disease, and loss in productivity. One
of main factors is inappropriate breast-feeding and complementary feeding practices. However, none of
studies review about relationship between feeding practices and stunting in children. The aim of this study
was to identify relationship between feeding practices and stunting among children in Indonesia. The
systematic scoping review method was used in this review. The databases were electronic databases including;
Google Scholar and Pubmed. Articles were searched by keywords and used bilinguals Bahasa and English.
The inclusion criteria of studies were focused on relationship between feeding practices and stunting,
published from 2017 to 2021, full text, and research implemented in Indonesia. A total of 1008 papers were
retrieved, but only 18 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. The majority of the
findings revealed that feeding practices have a substantial relationship with incident of stunting for infant and
young children in Indonesia. This includes dietary variety, exclusive breast feeding, the time of introduction
of complementary feeding, high iron feeding, and frequency of feeding. Comprehensive specific and sensitive
nutrition intervention should be implemented equally to tackle stunting in Indonesia.
Efforts to reduce child mortality and improve
maternal health have become a global concern
because they are the focus of public health
development which is included in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). This shows that children
who should receive special attention. After the age of
one year is included in the first 1000 days of life,
children are still in rapid growth characterized by
rapid organ and motor maturity. Bloom revealed that
the growth of brain tissue cells can reach 50% in
children aged 0-4 years old (Cropley, 1994).
Children's brain synapses are like sponges that easily
absorb information and connect with each other when
stimulated. In Indonesia, around 37% or
approximately 9 million children under five are
(Ministry of Health, 2013). The Basic Health
Research year 2018 data revealed that there were
17.7% of Indonesian children under five experiencing
severe malnutrition and malnutrition, this was
certainly higher than the RPJMN target of 17%
(Ministry of Health, 2018). While the proportion of
children under two years old who are short and very
short was 29.9%, this was certainly higher than the
RPJMN target of 28% and WHO's 20%. Toddler who
experiences stunting will have less optimal cognitive
abilities, causing children more susceptible towards
disease and causing a decrease productivity levels.
Another fact stated that in Bangladesh and Pakistan,
the problem of malnutrition, including short children,
reduces national income (GNP) by 2 percent - 4
percent annually (IFPRI, 2000). In the end, stunting
will broadly inhibit economic growth, increase
poverty and widen inequality. Based on the UNICEF
Conceptual Framework, one of the causes of stunting
in children under two is improper feeding practices.
Research that was conducted by Black et al (2008)
revealed that inappropriate breastfeeding and
complementary feeding practices are the main cause
of malnutrition and death during the first 2 years of
life. If infants and children do not receive food
according to their nutritional needs, then the golden
period will become a critical period that will interrupt
the growth and development of infants and children,
in the present time and later on in the future.
Therefore, the optimal practice of feeding infants and
children become the major concern to support the
development and the growth of the infants and
children. However, studies on the association
Ekaningrum, A. and Sulistiyorini, D.
Systematic Review: Relationship between Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices with Stunting in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010756500003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd Inter national Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 129-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
between children feeding practices and stunting in
Indonesia are still limited, especially those that use
systematic reviews. This study aimed to analyze the
association between child feeding practices and
stunting from various studies in Indonesia.
2.1 Stunting
Stunting is a consequence of insufficient nutritional
intake in an extended period of time due to feeding
that does not match the nutritional needs which leads
to a chronic malnutrition. Stunting arises during the
fetus development in the womb and only observed
when the child age reaches approximately two years
old. Malnutrition at a younger age leads to an increase
in infant and child mortality, causes them to be easily
sick, and causes poor posture as adult
Indonesia, 2015). According to the WHO Child
Growth Stunting Standard, stunting is measured by
the index of body length for age or height for age with
a limit (z-score) <-2 SD (WHO, 2010). Many factors
cause stunting in children. Factors that cause stunting
can be caused by direct or indirect factors. The direct
factors of this incident are nutritional intake and the
presence of infectious diseases while the indirect
factors are parenting patterns, health services, food
availability, cultural and economic factors (UNICEF,
2.2 Feeding Practices
The nutritional needs of infants and children can be
obtained through exclusive breastfeeding and
complementary foods that are appropriate for the age
of the child in terms of quantity, frequency, and
texture of the food. Several studies in Indonesia
revealed that the main factors causing malnutrition
and growth retardation in children under five were
related to low breastfeeding and poor practice of
complementary feeding (Adriani & Kartika, 2013).
At the time of preparing and serving food, hygiene
also needs to be considered such as avoiding food
from dust and animals, cleanliness of eating and
cooking utensils, mothers or family members who
provide food must wash their hands with soap
because unclean and contaminated food can cause
diarrhea or illness, and other infections in children
(Istiany & Rusilanti, 2013).
Poor parenting causes the poor nutritional status
of children under five. If this happens during the
golden age, it will cause the brain to not develop
optimally and it will be difficult to recover. The
results of a study conducted by Sari & Ratnawati
showed a relationship between feeding practices to
toddlers and nutritional status. Feeding practices were
correlated with the quality of food consumption
which in turn will increase nutritional adequacy. The
level of nutritional adequacy is one of the factors that
can affect the nutritional status of toddlers (Sari &
Ratnawati, 2018).
Research conducted by Diana (2006) showed that
mothers who worked as sharecroppers, had daily
activities always take their toddlers to the fields or
fields because there was no other alternative caregiver
so that the time between mother and child was
reduced. The results of observations showed that
children usually do things or play alone without
knowing whether what they are doing was good or
not, while parents only supervise occasionally,
including the lack of time to provide or accompany
children while eating while telling stories or creating
fun and comfortable eating situations for children.
Thus, affecting the eating patterns of mothers of
toddlers. However, the results of this study were
inversely proportional to Martianto et al (2011) which
showed that there was no significant relationship
between nutritional status and parenting. This was
because of the differences in the ages of the children
under five studied, which was 24-60 months, non-
working mom or were housewives, most of whom
were classified as capable or not poor, and the
category of the research area was not food insecure.
Failure in feeding practices can lead to feeding
problems in toddlers and child development in later
periods. The consequences of poor or poor nutrition
in infancy are impaired growth and development of
the brain, muscles, body composition, and metabolic
programming of glucose, fat, and protein. Long-term
impacts can be in the form of low reasoning ability,
educational achievement, immunity, and work
productivity (Naser & Alawar, 2016).
This study is quantitative research with systematic
review approach. This study was conducted on June
2021. There are five steps in this methods which are
determining topic, searching sources, choosing the
most relevant sources, organizing and analyzing, and
summarizing. Keywords were feeding practices,
stunting, and Indonesia. This literature review
focuses on information about relationship between
feeding practices and stunting in Indonesia. Articles
were searched from the following databases: Google
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Scholar and Pubmed. These databases were chosen
because most Indonesian research in Bahasa
Indonesia published in those databases. The inclusion
criteria were Indonesian studies, study design used
correlation and quasi-experimental, and published
between 2017-2021 full text. The articles selection
process is described in figure 1.
Figure 1: Article selection process
The majority of studies only assess a single factor and
did not provide a comprehensive view of association
between feeding practices and stunting. Some of the
literature that has been reviewed has differences, this
is because each article uses a measurement theory that
has differences and this causes each article to have to
adjust the characteristics of the respondents used. In
addition, the difference can be seen from the age limit
of the child. The research design that is generally used
to discuss child feeding practices in Indonesia is
The majority of the studies revealed no
significance relationship between maternal feeding
practices and incidence of stunting. A cohort and
randomized controlled trial study demonstrated no
significant relationship of infant and young feeding
(IYCF) with improvement in growth of children
under 2 years (Fahmida et al., 2020). Previous studies
also indicated no significant relationship between
feeding practices and incidence of stunting
(Rahmawati & Nurhaeni, 2019). In terms of feeding
practices, previous study showed that mothers did
less responsive feeding practices, such as less
attention to the signs of child hunger, provided food
that is not in accordance with the expected appetite
for children, and either encouraged their children to
eat a great deal or limited their eating (Novitasari &
Wanda, 2020). However, another study show
correlation between nutritional practices and
nutritional status of toddlers in farmer families. It was
emphasized on the study to use local food as strategy
of improving the nutrition for family provided that it
is easily obtained with the more affordable price
(Simanjuntak et al, 2019).
The majority of studies related to child feeding
practices in Indonesia use 8 WHO child feeding
practice indicators such as sustained breastfeeding, the
food introduction, minimum dietary diversity,
minimum meal frequency (MMF), and minimum
acceptable diet (MAD). Continued breastfeeding is
the proportion of mothers who provide continuous
breastfeeding until the children reach the age of 2
years old. The introduction of foods is measured based
on the proportion of infants who begin to introduce
and have given food at the age of 6-9 months.
WHO/UNICEF in its provisions suggest that infants
and children aged 6-23 months receive sufficient
complementary foods provided that they can receive
at least 4 or more than 7 food groups. The 7 food
groups consist of dairy products, eggs, cereals/tubers,
nuts, other protein sources, vegetables, and fruits rich
in vitamin A, also other vegetables and fruits.
Children must meet the Minimum Meal
Frequency (MMF) requirements, namely infants 6-23
months who are given or not breastfed and have
received complementary feeding (soft food/solid
food, including breastfeeding for those who are not
breastfed) must be given with a frequency according
to age and needs. Meanwhile, based on the practice of
feeding infants and children (PMBA) children aged
6-9 months must eat at least 2 times/day, children
aged 9-12 months at least 2 times/day, while children
aged 12-24 months must eat at least 3 times/day.
Meanwhile, the Minimum Acceptable Diet (MAD) is
a blend of minimum dietary diversity (MDD) and
minimum meal frequency (MMF), namely babies
who consume at least 4 of 7 types of food with a
minimum eating frequency according to their age. So
if the MDD and MMF are met, then the MAD is also
fulfilled. Indicators of iron consumption are also
considered by calculating the percentage of children
consuming iron foods at the age of 6 23 months in
the form of local and fortified foods. In other studies,
there are also indicators of other feeding practices
such as accuracy of infant age at feeding, frequency
of feeding, amount of food consumed, texture or
Systematic Review: Relationship between Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices with Stunting in Indonesia
Table 1: The summary of articles about relationship between feeding practice and stunting in Indonesia
Authors Subject Design Place Findings
Rusmil VK et
aged 12-23
months ol
There was a relationship between
caregiver’s behavior in child feeding
ractice and stunting
Niga MD,
Purnomo W
aged 1-2
years old
Case control Oebobo
There is an association between feeding
practice and hygiene practices with
stunting incident whereas health care
practices have no significant
relationships with stunting
Imelda et al. Children
aged 2-5
ears ol
Case control
arison 1:2
Complete basic immunization, feeding
practice, low birth weight, and iodize salt
were risk factors of stuntin
Susanti E 129 under
five years old
There were strong correlation between
infant feeding practices and also parent
attachment impact with nutritional status
of under five years old children
Febrianita Y,
Fitri A
66 mothers Descriptive
49,5 % of mothers are classified as
adequate category in feeding practices to
toddlers and is associated with stuntin
Lobo et al 137 stunting
Case control Alak Health
Center of
Kupang City
Mother’s education, parental income,
mother’s knowledge on nutrition, large
family, feeding practice, hygiene and
environmental sanitation practices,
energy adequacy rate and protein
adequacy rate have correlation with
Hidayat et al Mothers who
had stunting
Health Centre
This study revealed that 32% of the
children did not get early initiation of
breastfeeding, 84% did not receive
exclusive breastfeeding, 46% did not
complete breastfeeding until the age of
two years, 34% did not achieve the
minimum dietary diversity (MDD), 36%
did not achieve the minimum meal
frequency (MMF), 56% did not achieve
the minimum acceptable diet (MAD),
and all of respondents consumed iron-
et al
Mothers who
had stunting
East Cimahi
Health Center
More than half of the respondents started
to introduce family food when the child
was 12 months old. The continuous
provision of complementary feeding, the
mother's attitude in the practice of
feeding children was considered good
(73.0%) and 80 % of the respondents
ted their children to famil
Tengkawan J
et al
Parents with
children aged
6-12 months
based study
Three stunting
villages of
Lombok, West
Seminar intervention was found to be
able to improve the practice, while
complete intervention (seminar and
workshop) could enhance both practices
and attitudes significantly.
et al
Infants Cross
There was no significant relationship
between maternal IYCF knowledge and
nutritional status.
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Toddlers Cross-
Anggrek 2,
Results show there is a relationship
between exclusive breastfeeding and
parental feeding behavior with stunting
in children aged 1-3 years
Siregar SG Under Five
Years Old
Posyandu of
Sekip Village,
Lubuk Pakam
Deli Serdang
There was a relationship between
maternal characteristics of education,
income, knowledge, and parenting
factors about the feeding practice and
health practices with the incidence of
malnutrition in un
er five
ears ol
et al
0-24 months
old children
Sumedang 6,2 % of children did not receive
breastfeeding when the children aged 6-
8 months, 32,9% of children did not meet
the minimum dietary diversity,
37,0% of children did not achieve the
minimum meal frequency, 55,5% of
children did not achieve the minimum
acceptable diet, and 100% of children
consumed foods containin
Sirajuddin et
0-59 months
Makassar The significant determinants associated
with stunting were exclusive
breastfeeding, complementary feeding
ractices, and frequency of feeding.
Exclusive breastfeeding is the major
determinant for stunting in toddlers and
therefore should be a priority program to
improve the nutritional status of children
in earl
es of life.
C et al
Under age 2
years old
Participation in intervention providing
interpersonal communication was
associated with increase knowledge of
feeding practices. On the other side,
knowledge of feeding practices was
correlated to achieving recommended
behavioral practices of minimum meal
frequency, dietary diversity, adequate
Fahmida et al Under 2
years old
cohort trial
Sidoarjo and
The intervention was effective in
improving the feeding practices of
children although it was failed to show
significant improvement in linear growth
of children at 18 months of age.
Pubmed Novitasari et
under 5 years
Depok There was no relationship between
maternal feeding practice and the
incidence of stunting in children in
Moreover, most of mothers did non-
responsive feeding practice.
Pubmed Febriana
Nurhaeni N
aged 6-23
months old
East Jakarta There was no significant association
between IYCF practices and stunting and
its relation with mother and child
characteristics like mother’s age,
mother’s employment status, mother’s
educational level, low birth weight,
sanitation and health behaviors, and
household income.
Systematic Review: Relationship between Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices with Stunting in Indonesia
consistency of spent food, food diversity, feeding
methods, personal hygiene (Nurbaiti et al, 2019). This
literature review provides comprehensive
information about the relationship between feeding
practices and stunting. However, it only looks at
Indonesian studies. These findings may not apply to
children from other countries that have the different
characteristics to Indonesia.
Most studies on child feeding practices in Indonesia
use the WHO IYCF indicators. Some studies add
socio-demographic characteristics and aspects of
personal hygiene. Further research by adding aspects
of feeding rules is needed. Aspects of feeding rules
include schedule, environment, and feeding
procedures. According to the WHO's UNICEF
framework, feeding practices are an immediate factor
in nutritional problems. So that good feeding
practices need to be considered by caregivers,
especially parents. Parents need to pay attention to
proper feeding rules such as not being distracted
while eating, creating a pleasant atmosphere, and
encouraging children to eat alone. This is to minimize
the problem of difficult eating which will have an
impact on the problem of malnutrition.
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Systematic Review: Relationship between Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices with Stunting in Indonesia