The Relationship of Family Support to the Levels of Fish
Consumptions of the Overweight Teenagers Aged 13-15 Years
Euphrasia Pelletier Berek
, Kusnandar
and Sapja Anantanyu
Nutrition Science Study Program, School of Postgraduate, Sebelas Maret University,
Surakarta, Indonesia
Agribussinnes Study Program Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Development Counseling/Community Empowerment Department, Faculty
of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Nutritional Status, Family Support, Level of Fish Consumption, Adolescents.
Abstract: Adolescence is a top of growth. Teenagers are also important targets in improving the nutritional status of the
community. Fish is a good source of protein for the growth and development of the body. The low
consumption of fish of adolescents can be influenced by psychological and social factors. This study aims to
determine the effect of family support on the level of fish consumption in overweight adolescents in Surakarta.
This study is a cross-sectional research design, with 33 of overweight students as the sample. The data is
analyzed by chi-square test. The results showed that there is no significant relationship between family support
and the level of fish consumption which is (p = 0,772). School can use media such as posters or games about
the importance of fish consumption and protein intake for both boys and girls teenager, and the school also
can campaign more with the slogan of "gemar makan ikan". Parents can be educated to make processed fish
with various menu variations so that children can like fish more.
Adolescence is a transition period from childhood to
adulthood. Adolescents experience several changes at
the same time including physical, cognitive, social
and emotional changes (Rahmawati et al., 2015).
The rate of obesity in adolescents continues to
increase. The World Health Organization (WHO)
stated that overweight in adolescence is one of the
main challenges for health workers and society due to
the increasing prevalence of overweight worldwide
(Wang and Lobstein, 2006).
The World Health Organization (WHO) stated
that more than 340 million children and adolescents
aged 5-19 years are overweight and obese (WHO,
2018). The research that had done by Harista (2012)
stated that at least 2.8 million adults die every year
due to being overweight and obese.
The increasing rate of obesity is mostly associated
with lifestyle, diet and inappropriate behaviour,
which causes obesity, is formed in adolescence and
continues into adulthood (Hajivandi, et al., 2020).
Until now, the consumption pattern of the
Indonesian society towards animal food sources is
generally still lower than plant foods. In 2014, the
consumption of animal protein was 32.1% of total
protein. National animal protein consumption is very
low and needs to be increased. The low consumption
of protein has a potential to hamper the efforts to
improve the quality of Indonesian human resources
(Badan Pusat Statistik, 2014).
The consumption pattern of the Indonesian
society towards animal food sources, particularly
fish, is still low. In 2017, the average target of fish
consumption is 47 kg or about 128 grams/capita/day,
but fish consumption in the community is still under
the target of 37.30 kg per year or about 102.19
grams/capita/day. In 2018, the national fish
consumption target is 50.65 kg/capita/year or 138
grams/day while the average fish consumption in the
community is 39.57 kg/capita/year or about 108.41
gram/capita/day (Kementerian Kelautan dan
Perikanan, 2018).
Family support plays an important role in shaping
adolescent dietary behaviour and physical activity.
Based on the results of research by Wang et al.,
(2014), showed that family support is associated with
the increase of physical activity. There is no