pathological vaginal discharge with a p-value of 0.007
(Adawiyah, 2015).
Behavior is a human response based on
experience or a person's reaction to external stimuli
then accompanied by human interaction in the form
of knowledge, attitudes and actions. Respondents
have high knowledge but some things have not been
practiced well. This can happen due to a lack of
motivation to practice the knowledge that the
respondent knows. In addition, there are several
factors that can influence this behavior, such as public
trust, socioeconomic level, availability of health
facilities and infrastructure for the community, such
as clean water.
Based on the results of research on "Relationship of
Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Care Hygiene
Organ external genitalia with Vaginal Discharge at
SMK Al-Jihad Schoolgirl Jakarta 2020" it can be
concluded that:
1. As many as 24.7% of Al-Jihad Jakarta
Vocational School students experienced
pathological vaginal discharge.
2. There is a significant relationship between
knowledge of maintaining cleanliness of external
genital organs and the incidence of pathological
vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad Jakarta in
2020 (P-value 0.000).
3. There is no significant relationship between the
attitude of maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Jakarta in 2020 (P-value 0.574).
4. There is a significant relationship between the
behavior of maintaining the cleanliness of the
external genital organs with the incidence of
pathological vaginal discharge at SMK Al-Jihad
Jakarta in 2020 (P-value 0.047).
It is necessary to provide information on how to
maintain good and correct hygiene of the
reproductive organs to young women and be given
encouragement to actively seek information about
reproductive health. For further research, it is
necessary to establish a diagnosis of vaginal
discharge based on clinical features and supporting
examinations to determine physiological or
pathological vaginal discharge with a wider variety of
characteristics and a wider location, so as to add more
accurate information.
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