Breakfast Eating Habit and Dairy Consumption in Relation to
Nutritional Status among Junior High School Student in Painan,
West Sumatra Province
Putri Aulia Arza
, Nadia Chalida Nur
, Rika Sabri
Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Andalas, Limau Manis Street, Padang City, Indonesia
Community and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Andalas. Limau Manis Street,
Padang City, Indonesia
Keyword: Teenager, Breakfast Habits, Dairy Consumption, Nutritional Status of Students.
Abstract: Breakfast and dairy consumption has been labelled the most important meal of the day, especially in early
adolescent. This study was conducted to analyse the nexus between breakfast habit and dairy consumption
with the nutritional status of junior high school in Painan, West Sumatera Province. This research method is
correlation descriptive with a sample of 67 junior high school students taken by quota sampling method. The
instrument used in the form of a questionnaire sheet for Breakfast Habit, dairy consumption and nutritional
status of adolescents. Bivariate analysis of statistical tests used chi square test. The results showed that 29
students (43%) belonged to the thin category, the breakfast habit in the skipper category was 23 people
(34,3%), dairy consumption in the rare category was 10 people (15%). Bivariate analysis described a
relationship between breakfast habit and dairy consumption with the nutritional status of students with p
values of 0.2 and 0.0001, respectively. In conclusion, breakfast habit have significant correlation with
nutritional status of students. From the results of this study, it is suggested that there is a need for nutritional
education to students to increase the awareness of breakfast and dairy consumption.
Adolescents are one of the important elements in the
development of a society nation that needs to pay
attention to its health. Adolescence is an age the
transition from childhood to adulthood, starting from
the age of 10-19 years and not married (Depkes,
2010). During adolescence, many changes that
happened. In addition to physical changes due to
increased muscle mass, also Increased fat tissue in the
body and hormonal changes occur. These changes
basically greatly affect nutritional and food needs
in adolescents (Sulistyoningsih, 2011).
The imbalance between energy intake in
adolescents can cause nutritional problems, both
overnutrition and undernutrition (Sulistyoningsih,
2011). The prevalence of overnutrition in adolescents
in Indonesia is increasing every year. Based on data
a 0000-0001-5310-1540
c 0000-0003-4479-1628
from Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2013) The
prevalence of adolescents in the obese category in
Indonesia based on Riskesdas data in 2007 was 8.8%,
in 2010 was 1.4%, while in 2013 it was 5.7%. There
was an increase of 4.3% from 2010 to 2013.(7) As for
the prevalence of underweight adolescents in 2007
was 14.8%, in 2010 it was 7.1%, while in 2013 it was
7.5 %. There was an increase from 2010 to 2013 by
0.45.(8) Provinces with The highest obesity
prevalence was DKI Jakarta (4.2%) and the lowest
was West Sulawesi (0.6%) (5-7). Meanwhile, West
Sumatra is in the 6th lowest in the overweight
category. As many as 10.08% of the population of
West Sumatra are overweight. For the skinny
category, West Sumatra is in the top 10, with 11.84%.
Eating habits acquired during adolescents will
have an impact on health in later life, after adulthood
and old age. The role of parents is very important in
regulating breakfast patterns morning son. Breakfast
Arza, P., Nur, N. and Sabri, R.
Breakfast Eating Habit and Dairy Consumption in Relation to Nutritional Status among Junior High School Student in Painan, West Sumatra Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0010757700003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 39-42
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is a human need that should be done regularly every
morning, for nutritional needs and brain development
and avoid risks malnourished and obese children
(Waryono, 2010). Dairy products are considered as
healthy diet by providing important amount of
protein, energy, micronutrients such as magnesium,
calcium, Vitamin B1, B2, and B12 (Pereira, 2014).
Various attempts have been made by youth to lose
weight or maintain nutritional status, one of which is
by skipping breakfast and reducing consumption of
dairy products. Surveys in five major cities show,
17% adults don't eat breakfast, and 13% don't eat
breakfast every day. Number of no breakfast in
children varied from 17% in Jakarta, to 59% in
Yogyakarta (Hardinsyah & Aries, 2012). Opposite
with the perception of adolescents in general,
research shows the habit of skipping breakfast instead
are at risk for being overweight and obese higher
(Rampersaud et al. 2005).
Several studies have linked nutritional status with
breakfast eating and dairy consumption (Rohmah et
al, 2020; FAO, 2013). However, many of them were
relatively small or conducted in selected groups. The
purpose of this study was to determine the
relationship between breakfast habit and dairy
consumption with the nutritional status of junior high
school in Painan, West Sumatera Province
This research was conducted at one of Junior High
School in Painan, West Sumatera Province in
February until April 2021. This research method is
correlation descriptive with a sample of 67 junior
high school students taken by quota sampling
method. The instrument used in the form of a
questionnaire sheet for Breakfast Habit, dairy
consumption and nutritional status of adolescents.
Research design used was cross sectional. Population
of this research is students of class 7 and 8 SMPN 2
Bayang, as many as 67 people. students were chosen
using quota sampling. The data that had been
collected included eating breakfast habits and dairy
consumption which gained by interview using
questionnaire, and nutritional status was determined
based on BMI for Age measurement.
3.1 Overview of the Nutritional Status
of Junior High School
An overview of the nutritional status of junior high
school students can be seen in Table 1.It shows the
distribution of adolescent students nutritional status
/from a total of 67 students.
Table 1: Percentage of Nutrition Status Junior High School
No. Nutritional status n %
1 Underweight 29 43
ormal 32 48
3 Overweight 3 4
4 Obesity 3 4
Based on Table 1 above, the number of students
with underweight nutritional status is almost the same
as the number of students with normal nutritional
status with 29 (43%) and 32 (48%) students
respectively out of a total of 67 students.
3.2 Overview of Junior High School
Teenagers Breakfast Habits
An overview of the breakfast habits from junior high
school students can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Percentage Breakfast Habits of Junior High School
No. Breakfast Habits n %
1 Breakfast 44 66
2 Breakfast Skipping 23 34
Total 67 100
The study has shown a prevalence for breakfast
consumption is 66%. Meanwhile, another data shows
that the breakfast habit in the skipper category was 23
people (34,3%). Furthermore, about 83,1% of the
breakfast eaters indicated that the routine as a result
of a family habit. In addition, 16,9% of them ate
breakfast because of the passion to be active and to
tackle hunger during the morning period. Healthy
breakfast foods provide school-age teenager with the
fundamental nutrients that needed for their activities.
Moreover, it is also linked to the long-term health
status throughout their life. Meanwhile, skipping
breakfast means higher risk with many health
problems and reduced cognitive and psycho-social
functions performance. In addition, missing breakfast
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
is also associated with academic learning capability
and achievement. Skipping breakfast for students
may also affect difficulty in concentrating in the
afternoon. Moreover, students tend to be fatigue as a
consequence of the reduced of energy levels at the
end of school time (ALBashtawy, 2017).
According to this research, most of adolescent
student (83,1%) ate breakfast because of their family
habit. This finding is the same with Albashtawy
research. It indicates that parents and caregivers are
the main figure to represent their children how to live
a healthy life by showing them to eat a healthy diet.
(ALBashtawy, 2017).
3.3 Overview of Junior High School
Teenagers Dairy Consumption
Below table shows an overview of dairy consumption
of junior high school students.
Table 3. Dairy consumption percentage junior High School
No. Dair
tion n %
1 Ever
48 72
Total 67 100
Some 42.6% of the children were categorized in
the everyday dairy consumption. One or ≥2
consumption of dairy per day was associated with a
lower risk of being stunted (Bao et al, 2018). Most of
student who never consume dairy products explained
that it happened because they do not like and familiar
with dairy products.
3.4 Correlation between Breakfast
Habits and Dairy Products
Consumption toward Nutritional
Status of Junior High School
An overview of correlation between breakfast habits
and dairy products consumption toward nutritional
status of junior high school students can be seen in
Table 4.
Table 4. Relation between Breakfast Habits and Dairy
Products Consumption
Nutritional Status
Normal Not
n % n % n %
Breakfast Habit
Breakfast 29 66 15 34 44 100 0,0
3 13 20 87 23 100
Total 32 48 35 52 67 100
Yes 31 53 27 47 58 100
No 1 11 8 89 9 100 0,2
Total 32 48 35 52 67 100
The present study shows that the incidence of
breakfast habits is positively associated with the
nutritional status. Children are less likely to be
stunted or underweight when breakfast is part of their
daily diet. Stunting is associated with increased
morbidity and impacts cognitive development [Black
et al, 2008; Grntham et al, 2007]. This finding was in
line with Rohmah et al research. Skipping breakfast
habit may lead to the insufficiency of energy and
other nutrition intake for the best function of our
organ. As a result, students seemed weak, lack of
concentration, and even loss of consciousness.
Missing breakfast in the morning also give rise to
hunger so that triggers students to even consume
more snacks at school. The side effect of excessive
snacking habit can lead to excessive intake of
unhealthy foods. The later can generate a condition of
obesity which causes degenerative diseases in the
future. (Rohmah et al, 2020).
No significant differences were found in
correlation between dairy consumption with
nutritional status of students. This finding is similar
with bao in 2018. One or ≥2 consumption of dairy per
day was associated with a lower risk of being stunted.
Meanwhile, dairy consumption was not significantly
associated with the risk of being thin, overweight or
Breakfast habits is positively associated with the
nutritional status (P<0,05. No significant differences
were found in correlation between dairy consumption
with nutritional status of students.
Breakfast Eating Habit and Dairy Consumption in Relation to Nutritional Status among Junior High School Student in Painan, West
Sumatra Province
The authors thank to the students involved in the
study for their willingness to participate and special
thanks to Public Health Faculty, Andalas University
trought DIPA Finding that
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Food and Agriculture Organization. (2013). Milk and Dairy
Products in Human Nutrition. Available online:
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Hardinsyah, H., & Aries, M. (2012). Jenis pangan sarapan
dan perannya dalam asupan gizi harian anak usia 6—12
tahun di indonesia. Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan, 7(2), 89-96.
Rampersaud, G. C., Pereira, M. A., Girard, B. L., Adams,
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status, body weight, and academic performance in
children and adolescents. Journal of the american
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ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health