support sentence to change their attitude. According
to Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience (1969), stated
that audio recording and still pictures have more
experience in remembering information than verbal
symbols (Sari, 2019).
The study reported that there was no significant
difference between female adolescent's attitudes in
podcast and flyer groups. The increased in attitude
scores of the podcast group is not that high. This is
because a person's attitude could not easily change in
a short time, it takes a longer period to get a change
in attitude in a more positive direction. In addition,
attitude is not only influenced by knowledge but also
personal experience and emotional factors, so that
good knowledge is not always accompanied by a
positive change in attitude (Rusdi et al., 2021). This
study is supported by Rusdi's study (2021), which
stated there was no significant difference between
female adolescent's attitudes in Instagram and
WhatsApp groups. There was a decrease in female
adolescent's attitude scores after education in the
WhatsApp group with a mean difference of -0.90.
In this study, there were significant increase of
knowledge and attitude score in podcast, but for flyer
group, the significant increase was only in knowledge
score. The podcast is significantly effective to
increase knowledge than flyers but not for attitude.
Implementation of using audio podcasts in
improving knowledge and attitudes towards anemia
is highly recommended and can be a new media of
nutrition education tool, however, it is necessary to
review the distance, time of education, length of
duration, and design of the audio podcast in order to
improve understanding of the information provided
through an audio podcast. Further research is
suggested comparing the effectiveness of online and
offline interventions with audio podcasts.
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