Implementation of Health Promoting Hospital in Government and
Private Indonesian Hospitals: Is There Any Difference?
Emma Rachmawati, Sarah Handayani
Yuniar Dwi Putri and Gabriela Luftania Rivai
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (Uhamka), Jl. Limau II Kebayoran Baru Jakarta
12130, Indonesia
Keywords: Health Promoting Hospital, Implementation, Private Hospital. Government Hospital.
Abstract: Health promotion in hospitals (HPH) has been a challenge for hospital regarding the reorientation of health
services. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of HPH in government and private hospitals in
Jakarta, Indonesia. A cross-sectional study was conducted through a survey and self-assessment tools
involving 223 hospital employees, using proportional random sampling and bivariate analysis (α= 0.05). The
results showed that employees in both hospitals (government and private) had good knowledge towards HPH
(74.8% and 76.9%). However, the participation of the employees was poor in HPH training (20.9% and
10.2%), as well as in HPH-related activities (45.2% and 25.9%). The proportion of employee with good
attitude towards HPH in the government hospital (77.4%) was higher than in the private hospital (51.9%),
and was significantly different (p= 0.006). The HPH national standard for both type of hospital had not been
well achieved (52.2% and 52.8%), and no significantly different. However, the implementation of standard 2,
3, and 4 of HPH showed the significantly different, but not for standard 1 (“the hospitals have health
promotion regulations”). The management in both hospitals should enforce the socialization, activeness, and
HPH training for employees to improve the achievement of HPH standards.
Health-Promoting Hospital (HPH) has experienced
various developments in many countries in the world
since the Ottawa Charter from WHO for health
promotion in health services. During these three
decades, the role of the health service sector must
move towards health promotion to further contribute
to health at the population level (Johansson,
Weinehall and Emmelin, 2009), far beyond its
responsibility in providing curative and clinical
services. Health Promoting Hospital aims to provide
comprehensive high quality medical and treatment
services through health promotion activities to
patients, hospital staff, and the community as part of
the hospital's routine identity and practice (Kemenkes
RI, 2011). That is, the hospital integrates health
promotion and prevention efforts and policy and
rehabilitation services into curative services.
WHO has the HPH standard used by the hospital
in various countries, which is including five
standards: (1) Management Policy Standard, (2)
Patient Assessment Standard, (3) Patient Information
and Intervention Standard, (4) Promoting a Healthy
Workplace Standard, and (5) Continuity and
Cooperation (World Health Organization/Regional
Office for Europe, 2004). At the national level
(Indonesia), regulation of the Minister of Health no.
004 of 2012 concerning Technical Guidelines for
Hospital Health Promotion needs to be adjusted to the
development of science, legal needs, and the latest
development of HPH standards at the global level.
Then in 2019, Indonesia began to apply the latest
standards based on the Regulation of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia no. 44 of 2018
chapter IV article 11 concerning the standard of
organizing Health Promoting Hospital (HPH)
covering four standards namely (1) the hospitals have
health promotion regulations ; (2) the hospital
conducts a health promotion assessment for patients,
patients' families, hospital human resources, hospital
visitors, and communities around the hospital; (3)
The hospital carries out health promotion
interventions and (4) the hospital carries out health
promotion monitoring and evaluation (Kemenkes RI,
In addition to providing professional education
and training for health professionals in hospitals
Rachmawati, E., Handayani, S., Putri, Y. and Rivai, G.
Implementation of Health Promoting Hospital in Government and Private Indonesian Hospitals: Is There Any Difference?.
DOI: 10.5220/0010758200003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 170-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
related to changing health service orientation, HPH
frameworks can vary greatly depending on targeted
health determinants to be achieved. Clarity, good
understanding (well thought), and shared views of all
parties involved are vital and are a condition for
running and developing HPH. The results of some
studies showed that there were differences in the
approaches to health promotion efforts according to
the perceptions of hospital health professionals
towards the health promotion efforts and their
strategies to handle them in their daily practice
activities (Johansson, Weinehall and Emmelin,
2009). This evidence shows that not all health
professionals in health services can able to identify
health promotion in their daily roles so that it can
bring unnecessary misunderstandings and become
obstacles in implementing HPH standards going
forward. The main challenges faced are lack of funds,
personnel, time management, and personal skills, and
efforts are needed to convince hospital leaders and
management as top priorities (Guo et al., 2007). Also,
with the diversity of health promotion activities, the
HPH effort requires a variety of skills from various
health professionals (health promotion and other
health professions) and non-health, so that this HPH
effort is a team activity (Tzenalis, 2014).
The implementation of HPH in hospitals is still
running slowly, including hospitals in Indonesia.
Mainly the hospital experience in applying the latest
HPH standard (2018) is still in its early stages and has
not been much researched or studied. The problems
in the implementation of HPH are the lack of clear
strategies and tools for its implementation (7), lack of
funds, personnel, time management, and professional
skills (5), the timing of HPH activities depends on the
results of coordination with other sectors, human
resources in the HPH section are limited, the hospital
has not yet socialized the standards and instructions
for HPH implementation (8), HPH team has never
received special training on the implementation of
HPH, and assessment of promotional needs for
patients is still one-sided without involving patients
more deeply in order to assess the needs of health
promotion for patients appropriately and beneficially
(9). Although it is difficult to see the short-term and
long-term impacts of HPH, some studies showed that
the implementation of HPH standards had a positive
impact in hospitals and closely related with QA
(Quality Assurance) (Põlluste et al., 2007).
In terms of achieving HPH standards, a
descriptive-analytic survey study found that the
average value of compliance with WHO HPH
standards of private hospital scores higher than in
state hospitals. In general, the highest score is for
patient information standards, and interventions in
both types of hospitals, and the lowest score is for
patient assessment (11). Another survey showed that
the compliance score with HPH standards as follows:
88,8% were at weak to moderate level, and only one
hospital (11.1%) was at a good level (12). The results
of previous study conducted in 2018 at three private
Muhammadiyah Hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia,
showed that total achievement scores in each HPH
national standard in the hospitals were still not
optimal, ranging from 49.8% to 61.4%. The level of
achievement of all standards varied in each HPH
standard indicator (13). This study aimed to compare
the implementation of the latest HPH national
standards in private and government hospitals in
Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The result can
be used to engage policy makers in evaluating the
HPH program implementation based on the evidence.
This quantitative study design is cross-sectional. The
population is permanent employees in Fatmawati
General Hospital (owned by government) with 2448
employees and Pertamedika HospitalMedika (private
hospital) with 927 employees. In the year of 2019, the
two hospitals are Type B, located in South Jakarta,
Indonesia, which were chosen purposively. The total
sample taken proportionally was 225 permanent
employees in both hospitals, namely 115 people in
General Fatmawati Hospital and 108 people in
Pertamedika Hospital. The exclusion criteria for
respondents are permanent employees who are taking
a day off or sick.
The survey and self-assessment tools conducted
during July 2019. The questionnaire was covered the
characteristic of respondents (education, activeness in
HPH activities, and participation in HPH training),
knowledge, and attitude. Self-assessment tool based
on four HPH standards from the Ministry of Health of
the Republic of Indonesia. It is contained in the latest
Hospital Accreditation Guidelines, namely the
National Standard for Hospital Accreditation First
Edition. It has been effective since January 1st, 2019,
and issued by the Hospital Accreditation Commission
of Indonesia. The achievement of HPH standards
categorized by: not achieved, partially achieved, and
achieved. The number of valid items of each HPH
national standards are: 6 items (standard 1), 5 items
(standard 2), 5 items (standard 3), 5 items (standard
4). Each HPH standard instrument showed a good
reliability score (Cronbach's α-value > 0,7).
Comparative analysis of variables was carried out
Implementation of Health Promoting Hospital in Government and Private Indonesian Hospitals: Is There Any Difference?
using a non-parametric test to analyze the difference
in two independent means with α = 0.05.
The ethics review has been approved by the
Health Research Ethics Commission of University
Muhammadiyah Prof DR HAMKA (Approval Letter
03 / 19.06 / 048 dated June 16, 2009).
3.1 Sample Description
The following table (Table 1) shows the distribution
of respondent based on some of their characteristics.
Most of the studied sample were medical (78.9%),
had higher level of education (96,9%), never had
HPH training (83,4%), never participate in HPH
activities (64,1%), in good knowledge towards HPH
group (75,8%), and had a moderate level of attitude
towards HPH (66,8%) (Table 1). Meanwhile, it
showed that there are almost equal proportion
between the good and moderate perception towards
HPH standard implementation (Table 1). It also
shows that there is a small percentage of employees
to be involved in training and HPH activities in both
types of hospital. Of their employees with good
attitude towards HPH more a government hospital
(77,4%) than the private hospital (51.6%).
The statistical values of the observed variables are as
describes in table 2.
Table 2 above shows that the statistics for the
three variables in each hospital have almost same
mean value. In details, the mean value of employee
knowledge towards HPH is 11.4 and 11,46 means that
the employee answered 81,4% of the questions
correctly. Also, for the employee attitude towards
HPH, it has shown good scores, namely 26,56 and
27,26 (highest score=36). Meanwhile, for the
employee perception regarding with the HPH
standard achievement, it can be seen that their
achievement is still low (mean scores are 34,29 and
34, 25). The highest score is 63, meaning that the
achievement of HPH implementation is only around
Furthermore, table 3 shows the resume of the
comparison test results of the observed variables
between government and private hospitals. It can be
seen from table 3 above that there were no
significantly different between average scores of
employee’s knowledge towards HPH, the
implementation of HPH standard (total), and standard
(1) (the hospitals have health promotion regulations)
(p>0.05). While the attitude towards HPH, and the
Table 1. Characteristic distribution of respondents
Category RS Pertamedika
(private hospital)
RSUP Fatmawati
(goverment hospital)
n % n % n %
≤ High School 5 4,6 2 1,3 7 3,1
> High School 103 95,4 113 74,8 216 96,9
Non Medical 16 14,8 31 20,5 47 21,1
Medical 92 85,2 84 55,6 176 78,9
HPH trainin
96 88,9 90 78,3 186 83,4
11 10,2 24 20,9 35 15,7
Missing 1 0,9 1 0,9 2 0,9
HPH activities
80 74,1 63 54,8 143 64,1
28 25,9 52 45,2 80 35,9
Knowledge towards HPH
Good 83 76,9 86 74,8 169 75,8
Moderate 25 23,1 29 25,2 54 24,2
Attitude towards HPH
52 48,1 26 22,6 74 33,2
Moderate 56 51,9 89 77,4 149 66,8
HPH Standard Implementation
51 47,2 55 47,8 112 50,2
Moderate 57 52,8 60 52,2 111 49,8
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 2. Statistics distribution of the observed variables
Statistics Mean Median Modus Std Dev Min Max
RS Pertamedika
rivate hos
n= 115
e 11,4 12 12 1,69 7 14
Attitude 26,56 25 25 3,34 19 32
HPH Standard
34,29 37 42 7,52 21 42
RSUP Fatmawati (government hospital) (n= 108)
e 11,46 12 12 1,55 7 14
Attitude 27,26 27 26 3,11 19 32
HPH Standard
34,25 34 30 6,19 21 47
Table 3. The results of comparative test of the average scores of observed variables between government hospital ( x
) and
private hospital ( x
) (α=0,05)
Knowledge towards HPH 11,46 81,85 11,4 81,42 0,143 No
Attitude towards HPH 27,26 85,18 26,56 83,0 0,006 Yes
Total implementation of HPH Standard 34,25 54,36 34,29 54,42 0,968 No
(1) the hospitals have health promotion
9,53 52,94 9,03 50,17 0,092 No
(2) the hospital conducts a health
promotion assessment for patients,
patients' families, hospital human
resources, hospital visitors, and
communities around the hospital
8,31 55,40 7,11 47,40 0,000 Yes
(3) The hospital carries out health
romotion interventions
8,26 55,0 11,6 77,33 0,000 Yes
(4) The hospital carries out health
romotion monitorin
and evaluation
8,24 54,67 6,50 43,33 0,000 Yes
achievement of standard 2, 3 and 4 showed a
significant difference. The average score of at
government hospital are higher than private hospital
for attitude, standard 2 and standard 4. This is
different for the standard 3, where the average score
of private score is higher than government hospital. It
seemed that the private hospital carries out more
health promotion interventions than government
The results showed that most of the employees in both
hospitals were higher education and medical group,
however, only a small proportion stated that they
participated in activities related to HPH (25,3%) and
received HPH training HPH (13,5%). This is
important information for each hospital management,
because the number of hospital staff who are active in
HPH training activities can strengthen the
relationship between HPH conditions, hospital
characteristics and self-evaluation of the overall
effectiveness of the organization in HPH (Lin and
Lin, 2011). The fact that there was a low involvement
of employees who participate in HPH training and
activities, supports several previous studies, where
the lack of trained HPH personnel, training, funds and
physical facilities are obstacles to implementing
health promotions in hospitals, so that the HPH
framework becomes difficult to understand by
employee (McHugh, Robinson and Chesters, 2010;
Tatang and Mawartinah, 2019). In this study, the high
education of employees did show the good score of
employees towards HP, but this was not enough to
support their activeness in HPH efforts.
According to the employee’s attitude towards
HPH, the results showed a significant difference
between government and private hospitals, and the
average score of government hospital employees was
better than private hospital. The previous study
Implementation of Health Promoting Hospital in Government and Private Indonesian Hospitals: Is There Any Difference?
showed different result that although the average
score of knowledge of employees in private
Indonesian hospitals towards HPH was low (55,9%),
but their attitude towards HPH was good (74,25%)
(Tatang and Mawartinah, 2019). Good attitude from
various profession (health or non-health) is important
in supporting clarity, good understanding (well
thought) and shared views, and is a prerequisite for
implementing and developing various public health
programs, including HPH program. HPH is a team
work that must be developed to be effective (Tzenalis,
2014). Cross-professional (medical and non-medical)
team work in hospitals related to HPH is important
because there are differences in the approach to health
promotion efforts according to the perceptions of
health professionals in hospitals and their strategies
for handling health promotion efforts in daily practice
activities. Not all health professionals in hospitals are
able to identify health promotion in their daily roles,
so it can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and
become obstacles in developing HPH practices in the
future (Johansson, Weinehall and Emmelin, 2009).
With the high workload of employees in hospitals,
there is also a group called “demarcater”, namely a
group of health workers who explicitly separate
health promotion efforts, but in some cases they
actually behave as health promotion workers
(Johansson, Weinehall and Emmelin, 2009). They
think that HPH is enough to be handled by special
health promotion personnel and they feel that they do
not need to be actively involved in HPH activities,
HPH training is sufficient for HPH unit members,
besides the positive impact felt from the
implementation of the HPH program is difficult to
measure. However, they support HPH efforts to be
implemented and developed and involve the
community, and they also know that the HPH
program can ensure a safe, clean and healthy
workplace. The results of the research show that there
is a positive impact from the application of HPH
standards in hospitals which has brought
improvements to a number of indicators in hospitals
(Amiri et al., 2016). The positive impact of this HPH
is still not well socialized among hospital staff and
management, so that HPH has not become a priority
or focus in the health service strategy in hospitals.
This could be the reason for the low involvement of
hospital employees in HPH activities and training.
Regarding the achievement of HPH standards for
the two types of hospitals, the result showed that the
achievements were still not optimal and also did not
differ significantly. The results of previous studies in
other countries and in Indonesia are also similar, for
example a descriptive-analytic survey in 38 hospitals
from 5 (five) provinces in Iran found that the average
value of compliance with the WHO HPH standard (5
standards) was similar (54.1 ± 15.1), and the score of
private hospitals was higher than government
hospitals. In this study with similar average total
score of achievement, the result did not show a
significant difference between the two types of
hospitals. The other survey in teaching hospitals in
Iran also showed an achievement score of 55.5%
(medium level) (Afshari et al., 2016). The results of
previous studies in Indonesia at private hospitals in
DKI Jakarta also showed that the score was not
optimal (49.8% to 61.4%) (Tatang and Mawartinah,
Furthermore, for the achievement of standard 1
HPH, namely "Hospitals have Health Promotion
regulations", the achievement of standards is
considered to be in moderate/good enough condition
and there is no significant difference related to the
average score in the two types of hospitals.
Implementation of this standard 1 give signals to the
commitment of good hospital management to
organizational development and to demonstrate to
staff the importance of health promotion (VHA,
2009). The implementation of standard 1 is supported
by the implementation of the latest HPH Guidelines
from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of
Indonesia which supports the formation of HPH
structures in each hospital, although it has not been
implemented optimally. For this reason, HPH is an
integrated part of an organization and becomes a
"core business", and not just a "side issue," but must
be included as part of the culture, direction and
strategy of the hospital. This requires the support of
high-level policy makers (hospital management) to
drive change (VHA, 2009).
This study also showed a low score (47.4%) for
the achievement of standard 2, namely "The hospital
carries out health promotion assessments / studies for
patients, patient families, hospital human resources,
hospital visitors, and the community around the
hospital", and the average score of private hospitals
lower than state hospital. HPH efforts are generally in
the form of activities such as "people-centered care"
and "healing environments" or health education to
patients, creating comfortable workspaces, or
community empowerment in priority health programs
at the local, national or global level. For this reason,
HPH in hospitals will be based on the results of the
analysis of the needs of patients, families, visitors and
the community around the hospital. In previous study,
it was stated that the assessment of the need for
promotion for patients still seemed one-sided (from
the hospital only) without involving the patient more
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
deeply in order to assess the need for health
promotion for patients appropriately and beneficially.
(Hakim, BZ and Fauzi, 2013). The strength of the
coherence of the needs of all parties is a key factor in
facilitating the introduction of health promotion in
health services (Dilani, 2008)..
Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that
the achievement score of Standard 3, namely the
hospital implementing the health promotion
intervention, shows a significant difference between
government hospitals and private hospitals. The
health promotion approach in hospitals leads to
contexts/settings where people live, work and play,
because the setting/location approach in the early
stages is a very interesting and feasible route that will
help the organization's actions for the success of a
health promotion effort (Poland, Krupa and Mccall,
2009). In this case, the employee considers that the
hospital is in accordance with the settings in the early
stages and is very feasible and interesting to be
achieved together through the involvement of
individual/group parties around the hospital location.
Another study also showed that private hospitals
scored higher in HPH interventions than government
hospitals in achieving this standard. Another study
also showed a score of 70.8 ± 8.1 and achievement
scores in private hospitals were higher than
government hospitals (Yaghoubi and Javadi, 2013).
These results are similar to the results of this study
which stated that the intervention score in private
hospitals (77.3%) was higher than government
hospitals (55%) and the difference was significant
Finally, for the achievement score of Standard 4,
namely "Hospitals carry out monitoring and
evaluation of Health Promotion", this study shows the
achievement of 54.67% in public hospitals and
43.33% in private hospitals, and this difference is
significant. HPH activities must be reviewed after
implementation so that they can be improved and
make the activity better. In addition, public and
private hospitals can carry out routine evaluations
internally and externally through accreditation or the
application of ISO so that hospitals can improve the
achievement of HPH standards on a regular basis
(Groene, 2005). As stated earlier, this HPH has been
included in the National Standard Hospital
Assessment (SNARS), which has only been effective
since January 1, 2019 issued by the Indonesian
Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS). This is
an opportunity for hospitals (public and private) to be
able to carry out monitoring and evaluation of HPH
efforts. The low score for standard 4 in private
hospitals could also be due to the fact that this hospital
still does not have an HPH unit that should be met
according to the HPH standard for this type of private
hospital (type B).
Knowledge and attitudes about HPH from employees
in public and private hospitals are good, but have not
been accompanied by high participation of hospital
employees in HPH activities and training. The total
achievement of HPH standards in the two types of
hospitals shows that it is not optimal (medium level)
and does not differ significantly. For this reason,
management in both types of hospitals needs to make
the right strategy in increasing the activity or
participation of employees in HPH efforts and further
socializing the positive impact of the HPH program
Thank you to the management and all staff of
Pertamedika Hospital and Fatmawati Hospital, South
Jakarta, who are willing to participate in this research.
In addition to the UHAMKA Research Institute
which provided funding for this research grant. Thank
you also to the students, namely Yuniar, Gaby and
Vivi, who have helped a lot in collecting data in the
field, recording and processing data.
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ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health