are also inversely related to homocysteine levels.
Beneficially, these vitamins are contained in saffron.
Saffron has an inflammatory effect that comes
from crocin, safranal, and anthocyanin content
(Rahmani et al., 2017). Inflammation is one problem
which associates with pre-menstrual syndrome. The
inflammation biomarker (hs-CRP) level was elevated
when pre-menstrual mood symptoms, abdominal
cramps, bloating, and breast pain were occurring
(Gold et al., 2016). Some studies suggest a beneficial
effect of anti-inflammatory agent administration for
treatment of menstrual disorder (Bofill Rodriguez et
al., 2019; Gold et al., 2016).
Saffron main bioactive has known to have an
antispasmodic effect. It prevents impulses from the
parasympathetic nervous system from causing
contractions, cramps, or spasms. Contraction and
cramp are often experienced as menstrual pain
occurs. Possible mechanisms explained including β2-
adrenoreceptors stimulation, histamine (H1) receptor
inhibition, and calcium channel blocking (Mokhtari-
zaer et al., 2015).
Saffron has a beneficial effect on the management of
menstrual disorders. The benefit can be obtained
through oral consumption or inhaling its aroma.
There is no conflict of interest.
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