3.0% in 2017, and ranks the 2nd highest obesity case
in children aged 0-4 years after Kukar, with 19 old
and new cases, the 4th highest obesity case at the age
of 5-9 years with a total of 11 cases, and the 3rd
highest according to the overall age group, with a
total of 2,242 cases (DKP Kaltim, 2018). The highest
incidence of overweight and obesity in children under
five in Samarinda in 2019 was in the Juanda
Community Health Center work area, with a total of
71 cases (DKK Samarinda, 2019).
In the current millennial era, coupled with the
enactment of the fourth industrial revolution (4.0)
which applies an all-machine system and the concept
of automation, it seems that it is increasingly
supporting humans to carry out less physical activity.
Related to this, WHO states that children aged 3-4
years should do more physical activity than sedentary
activities (eg sitting still or staring at a screen for a
long time). Guidelines for physical activity for
children this age are at least 180 minutes / day with
various types of physical activity and intensity
(WHO, 2019).
Previous studies with the aim of analyzing the
relationship between sleep duration, food intake and
physical activity with the incidence of obesity in
toddlers aged 3-5 years, the results showed that there
was a significant relationship between sleep duration,
food intake and physical activity with the incidence
of obesity in toddlers aged 3-5 years. years (p <
0.005) (Tristiyanti, Tamtomo and Dewi, 2018).
Several related studies also state that children's
eating behavior is strongly influenced by the family
environment, especially at the age of 3-5 years.
Where at this age the growth line in KMS begins to
look flat, but his/her cognitive and psychosocial
development is increasing rapidly (there is an
increase in comprehension and memory). So that
good habits that are applied since the child is at this
age will play an important role in the independence of
the child at a later age, including the application of a
good diet. This is also in line with the CDC (2020) on
Child Development (Mountin, 2020).
Changes in diet and physical activity are often the
result of environmental and social changes associated
with development and the lack of supportive policies
(WHO, 2020). Parents, especially mothers, play a
very important role in determining the diet of their
toddlers. Knowledge of maternal nutrition is very
influential in the selection of family food, which in
turn will affect the nutritional status of all family
members (especially toddlers) (Aditianti, Prihatini
and Hermina, 2016). The comprehensive feeding
practice carried out by the mother in question is
providing food with nutrition that is in accordance
with the child's needs, both in physical, mental and
emotional development, starting from preschool age
(Rysha, Gjergji and Ploeger, 2017).
In a preliminary survey conducted in Kemuning
Village, Arjasa District regarding the comprehensive
feeding practices of 5 mothers, the results showed that
on average the mother gave more restrictions to the
child if the child was sick, but when their returned to
health, the mother would again free the child's food
(Rahmawati, 2018). Based on the description above,
the researcher wants to conduct a study related to the
nutritional status of preschool aged children (3-5
years) in the working area of the Juanda Community
Health Center Samarinda with the independent
variables studied are the practice of feeding
comprehensive and physical activity of children.
Which the purpose of this study was to determine the
effect of the practice of comprehensive feeding and
physical activity on the nutritional status of preschool
age children (3-5 years) in the Working Area of
Juanda Community Health Center Samarinda.
This type of this study was a analytic observational
with a matched case control design, namely a study
conducted retrospectively (looked at backwards
events) by identifying the case group and the control
group first, then examining the risk factors (in this
case the negative comprehensive feeding practices
and less physical activity). The independent variables
in this study was the comprehensive feeding practices
and physical activity, while the dependent variable
was the nutritional status of preschoolers.
The total population in this study were all pairs of
mothers and their preschool age children (3-5 years)
with an age calculation range seen from the month
and year of birth, with the upper limit being > 10
months in 2015 and the lower limit < 10 months in
2017 and with Zscore BMI/U - 2 SD, which was
recorded in the results of anthropometric
measurements of the posyandu in the Juanda Health
Center work area in 2019 with a total of 283 children.
Meanwhile, the population of cases with Zscore
BMI/U > + 2 SD is 25 children.
The time used in the implementation of this study
is mid-January - mid-March 2021. This research was
carried out in the Juanda Community Health Center
Work Area, Samarinda City, which consists of 2
Urban Village namely Air Hitam Urban Village and
Gunung Kelua Urban Village. Sampling was carried
out by non-probabilty sampling using a type of
purposive sampling technique (this sampling was