According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), a child’s stool is considered to be disposed
of safely when the child uses the toilet/latrine; the
faeces is put/rinsed in the toilet/latrine or buried. On
the contrary, the disposal of faeces is considered
unsafe if the faeces are put/rinsed in a drain/ditch,
thrown in the garbage, left or buried in the open
(WHO/UNICEF, 2006; Bawankule et al., 2017).
The research of Taosu and Azizah (2013) in Bena
Village, East Nusa Tenggara, showed that there is a
significant relationship between the behavior of
housewives and the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers.
The behavior of housewives consisted of washing
hands before eating, washing hands after defecating,
washing milk bottles, boiling drinking water and
exclusive breastfeeding. The results are also in line
with research by Marissa, Oktavia (2013) in
Semarang and Riza (Riza et al, 2018. The study
showed that there is a significant relationship
between maternal behavior and the incidence of
moderate dehydration in toddlers (p value 0.010) and
the Odd Ratio has 4,7.
The incidence of diarrhea in toddlers aged 6-23
months in the Ciawi Health Center area mostly
(46.2%) occurred in mothers who had poor behavior.
In this study, two aspects of behavior that are still not
good in the research population are hand washing
with soap after defecation and safe disposal of toddler
stool. There is a need for health interventions through
information communication and education to
mothers. One of these activities can be done through
weighing children under five (Posyandu) which are
carried out regularly every month.
This study concluded that there was a significant
relationship between maternal behavior and the
incidence of diarrhea in children aged 6-23 months in
the Ciawi Health Center (p value 0.031) and
(OR=3.321). In an effort to control the incidence of
diarrhea in toddlers 6-23 months, it is necessary to
collaborate between health workers at the Ciawi
Health Center and mothers of toddlers to improve the
behavior of mothers of toddlers. The thing that can be
done is to intensify counseling to mothers of toddlers
in each posyandu about diarrhea prevention behavior
in toddlers.
This research was carried out with an internal
research grant from the Institute for Research and
Quality Assurance of Education (LP2M-PMP)
Siliwangi University
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