Association of Mother’s Behavior with Diarrhea in Toddler
(6-23 Months) in Public Health Center, Tasikmalaya District
Siti Novianti, Puji Nurul Hidayah
Study Program of Public Health, Universitas Siliwangi, Siliwangi Street, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Diarrhea, Mother's Behavior, Toddler.
Abstract: Diarrhea is still a public health problem in Indonesia, with a high prevalence of cases. Mother‘s behavior is a
determinant factors related to diarrhea. The purpose of this study was conducted to determine the relationship
between Mother’s behavior and the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers aged 6-23 months at Ciawi Public Health
Center, Tasikmalaya District. The research design used case control study. Sample was 39 cases and 39
controls calculated using EpiInfo. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Respondents consisted
of mothers of toddlers aged 6-23 months from the case and control groups. The research instruments used
questionnaires. Statistical analysis using chi square test. Most respondents have primary school education
level (39.7%) and work as housewives (97.4%). The result showed that there was a statistically significant
between mother’s behavior and the incidence of diarrhea in toddler with p value 0.031; and OR value 3.321).
They’re necessary to collaborate between health workers at the Ciawi Health Center and mothers of toddlers
to improve the behavior of mothers in diare prevention.
Diarrhea is defined as loose stools more than three
times a day (WHO, 2017). The cause of diarrhea is a
bacterial infection due to stimulation of the intestinal
mucosa by toxins, such as E. coli or V. cholera 01
toxins (Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia,
2010). Diarrhoeal disease is a leading cause of
mortality and morbidity, and mostly results from
contaminated food and water sources (WHO, 2017).
According to UNICEF (2017), the prevalence of
diarrhea in children under five in the world is 8%.
Riskesdas data 2018 (Riskesdas, 2018) in Indonesia
showed that the prevalence of diarrhea in children
under five is still high at 11%, has increased from the
results of Riskesdas in 2013 (2.4% of prevalence).
Several provinces in Indonesia have higer prevalence
of diarrhea. The provinces that have a high prevalence
of diarrhea in children under five include North
Sumatra, Papua, Aceh, Bengkulu, West Nusa
Tenggara, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra, West
Java, Banten and Central Sulawesi. Of the 10
provinces, West Java province is the eighth province
that has the prevalence of diarrhea in children under
five above the national prevalence of 12.84%.
Based on the 2018 Riskedas Results in West Java
Province, there are several cities/districts with the
prevalence of diarrhea in children under five above
the average prevalence of West Java. One of them is
Tasikmalaya Regency with a prevalence of diarrhea
in toddlers of 12.96%. The incidence of diarrhea in
toddler most often occurs in toddlers with an age
range of 12-23 months.
Diarrhea in toddlers can lead to fatal
consequences such as death and malnutrition. Death
in children under five can occur due to weight loss
and infection. In addition, death in infants can also be
caused by dehydration. When diarrhea, toddlers will
experience changes in the form of stools that are more
liquid which can increase fluid expenditure. Increased
fluid loss also occurs in the intestine, along with
electrolyte expenditure. As a result, severe
dehydration occurs in toddlers which can end in death
(Murno et al, 2011).
Another consequence that can be caused by
diarrhea is malnutrition. Diarrhea and malnutrition
have a two-way relationship. Diarrhea can lead to
malabsorption and maldigestion which can reduce the
intake of nutrients. This is what can cause
malnutrition in children with diarrhea. On the other
hand, children with malnutrition are also often cause
by diarrhea (Black et al, 2008). According to WHO
Novianti, S. and Hidayah, P.
Association of Mother’s Behavior with Diarrhea in Toddler (6-23 Months) in Public Health Center, Tasikmalaya District.
DOI: 10.5220/0010758700003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 177-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(2017), the age most susceptible to diarrhea is the age
of children 0-59 months.
According to H. L. Blum (Shi et al, 2019), there
are 4 factors that affect the degree of public health,
such as consisting of environmental factors,
behavioral factors, genetic factors and health
services. The mother's behavior is very important.
Because mothers are the closest people to toddlers,
both when eating, bathing, and playing, mothers are
more involved (Hendrastuti, 2019). Behavioral
factors consist of maternal parenting (Syam et al,
2020), exclusive breastfeeding, hand washing habits,
use of milk bottles (Tina et al, 2016), and drinking
water storage (Hendrastuti, 2019).
Another mother's behavior is related to drinking
water treatment. Drinking water consumed must be
safe and does not contain E.coli bacteria. According
to Purwaningsih (2014), the mother's behavior in
boiling water has an OR of 2.62. In addition to the
above variables, a variable that can cause diarrhea is
the behavior of using the latrine. The behavior of
using latrines according to Lidiawati's research
(2016), is also a risk factor for diarrhea in children
under five (OR = 4.52). This shows that toddlers with
poor stool management are 4.52 times more at risk of
developing diarrhea compared to toddlers with good
stool management and are thrown into the latrine.
The subdistrict of Ciawi, is an area with a high
prevalence of diarrhea in the district of Tasikmalaya,
with the cases in 2019 are 765 toddlers or 71.83% and
694 cases in 2020 (Ciawi Health Center, 2020). The
numbers of cases in the Ciawi Health Center are still
relatively high compared to other diseases with an
average of 82 visits per month. The highest diarrhea
visits throughout 2020 came from toddlers aged 6-23
months, which was 33.1% of the total visits.
The high incidence of diarrhea in children under
five in the subdistrict of Ciawi needs attention to be
studied more deeply. With the hope that there will be
no fatalities caused by diarrhea in toddlers. Therefore,
by looking at the data and the results of the initial
survey on the behavior of mothers.
This study uses a case-control design. The population
is toddlers aged 6-23 months at the Ciawi Health
Center. A case was defined as ≥3 loose stools per day
in a child who presented to the Ciawi Health Center
(Puskesmas) for medical care in the last two months
(January-February 2021). The control sample is a
neighbor of the cases and has the same sex as the
cases and had no diarrheal illnesses. Samples were
taken purposively based on the inclusion criteria.
Respondents are mothers or families who take
care of toddlers and live in one house. The
independen varibles are mother’s behavior (boiling
water before drinking, wash hands with soap after
defecation, unsafe disposal of stool’s children/use the
latrine). Respondents are mothers or people who take
care of toddlers and live in the same house. The
sample inclusion criteria are to have a complete
address and contact number so that they can be found,
and are willing to be respondents.
Sample is calculated using EpiInfo for case-
control studies, with reference OR from Lidiawati's
(2016) study. The number of samples for each group
is added by 10% so that the total number of cases are
39 and the control are 39. The research instrument is
a questionnaire. Data collection trough interviews
with respondent and data analysis using chi square
tes using SPSS.
3.1 Characteristic of Samples
The majority of samples, both cases and controls,
were male (66.7%) and female were 23.3%.
3.2 Characteristic of Respondents
Table 1: Univariate Analysis.
Variables Category Case
Finished Junior
High School
Finish Senior
High School
6 (15,4)
1 (2,6)
7 (17,9)
4 (10,3)
Proffesion Housewife
39 (100)
0 (0,0)
0 (0,0)
1 (2,6)
1 (2,6)
Mean : 31 yo (6,9 SD)
Min : 18
Max : 50
6 (15,4)
1 (2,6)
with soa
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
8 (20,5)
The education level of the majority in the case
group was elementary school graduates (43.6%).
While in the control group, the education level that
became the majority consisted of two types, namely
elementary school graduates and junior high school
graduates. Both have the same percentage of (35.9%).
The type of work that became the majority in the two
groups was housewives with a percentage (100% and
94.9% respectively.
The mean ages of mother are 31 years old. The
total of 84.6% of the case group used boiling boiled
drinking water, as many as 66.7 mothers washed their
hands with soap after defecating, as many as 61.5%
of mothers in the case group carried out unsafe
children's stool disposal. The behavior of mothers in
the poor category in
the case group are 46.2% while
in the control group are 20.5%. The behavior of
mothers in the good category in the case group
amounted to 53.8% and in the control group
amounted to 79.5%.
3.3 Bivariate Analysis
Table 2: Bivariate Analysis between Mother’s Behavior
and Incidence of Diarrhea.
Incidence of Diarrhea
Case Control
n % n %
Total 39 100 39 100
Bivariate analysis showed that from 26
respondents with poor maternal behavior, 18 toddlers
(46.2%) suffered from diarrhea and as many as 8
toddlers (20.5%) did not suffer from diarrhea.
Meanwhile, out of 52 respondents with good maternal
behavior, 21 toddlers (53.8%) suffered from diarrhea
and 31 toddlers (79.5%) did not suffer from diarrhea.
Chi square test found that there was a significant
relationship with p value 0.031 (<0.005) and has OR
3.321. This means that mothers with poor behavior
have a 3.321 times higher risk of having a toddler
with diarrhea compared to mothers who have good
The behavior of mothers in this study consisted of
several indicators, consist of the behavior of boiling
water before drinking, washing hands after
defecating, and childrens stool disposal. Boiling is the
most commonly used reported Household Water
Treatment (HWT) method globally. The reported use
of boiling is particularly widespread in many Asian
nations, including China, which is 85% of rural
residents report boiling drinking water,16 as well as
an estimated 95% in Mongolia and 91% in Indonesia
and Vietnam (Rosa & Clasen, 2010; Cohen &
Colford, 2017).
Hand washing promotion in communities
prevents one quarter of diarrhea episodes with a
higher effect size when soap was provided free of cost
(Ri et al., 2015; Edward et al., 2019). The standard
practices for hand washing include before feeding a
child, after defecating, or handling a child who has
defecated and before cooking (Curtis, Scott &
Cardosi, 2005). Specific times of hand washing have
shown different outcomes of diar_rhea episodes, as in
a trial in rural Bangladesh where hand washing after
defecation with and without soap had significantly
higher odds of less diarrhea, but not before feeding a
child, or after cleaning a child who had defecated
(Luby et al., 2018). Human feces are the main source
of diarrheal pathogens. They are also the source of
shigellosis, typhoid, cholera, all other common
endemic gastro-enteric infections, and some
respiratory infections: just one gram of human feces
can contain 10 million viruses and one million
bacteria. While the routes are numerous, they all
emanate from one source: feces. While secondary
measures, which is food handling, water purification,
and fly control, may have an impact, far more
important are the primary barriers sanitation and
handwashing – after fecal contact. These barriers
prevent fecal pathogens from reaching the domestic
environment in the first place (Curtis, Scott &
Cardosi, 2005).
The habit of washing hands reflects the quality of
health. Mother's actions hand washing is often
neglected and sometimes due to situations and
conditions where there are no washing facilities hand.
For example, mothers and toddlers eat snacks then
don't wash your hands first the reason is because there
are no washing facilities available (Pandean, 2016) .
Association of Mother’s Behavior with Diarrhea in Toddler (6-23 Months) in Public Health Center, Tasikmalaya District
According to the World Health Organization
(WHO), a childs stool is considered to be disposed
of safely when the child uses the toilet/latrine; the
faeces is put/rinsed in the toilet/latrine or buried. On
the contrary, the disposal of faeces is considered
unsafe if the faeces are put/rinsed in a drain/ditch,
thrown in the garbage, left or buried in the open
(WHO/UNICEF, 2006; Bawankule et al., 2017).
The research of Taosu and Azizah (2013) in Bena
Village, East Nusa Tenggara, showed that there is a
significant relationship between the behavior of
housewives and the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers.
The behavior of housewives consisted of washing
hands before eating, washing hands after defecating,
washing milk bottles, boiling drinking water and
exclusive breastfeeding. The results are also in line
with research by Marissa, Oktavia (2013) in
Semarang and Riza (Riza et al, 2018. The study
showed that there is a significant relationship
between maternal behavior and the incidence of
moderate dehydration in toddlers (p value 0.010) and
the Odd Ratio has 4,7.
The incidence of diarrhea in toddlers aged 6-23
months in the Ciawi Health Center area mostly
(46.2%) occurred in mothers who had poor behavior.
In this study, two aspects of behavior that are still not
good in the research population are hand washing
with soap after defecation and safe disposal of toddler
stool. There is a need for health interventions through
information communication and education to
mothers. One of these activities can be done through
weighing children under five (Posyandu) which are
carried out regularly every month.
This study concluded that there was a significant
relationship between maternal behavior and the
incidence of diarrhea in children aged 6-23 months in
the Ciawi Health Center (p value 0.031) and
(OR=3.321). In an effort to control the incidence of
diarrhea in toddlers 6-23 months, it is necessary to
collaborate between health workers at the Ciawi
Health Center and mothers of toddlers to improve the
behavior of mothers of toddlers. The thing that can be
done is to intensify counseling to mothers of toddlers
in each posyandu about diarrhea prevention behavior
in toddlers.
This research was carried out with an internal
research grant from the Institute for Research and
Quality Assurance of Education (LP2M-PMP)
Siliwangi University
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Association of Mother’s Behavior with Diarrhea in Toddler (6-23 Months) in Public Health Center, Tasikmalaya District