potential for online reflection. If the lecturer cannot
explain the whole material, then divide the material
into small parts. Simplify the abundance of study
resources available online to make it easier for
students to choose study materials according to their
needs. Support creativity to create online materials
and activities and show how several professions
work using online media (Sandars et al., 2020).
Online learning requires responsibility,
independence and personal diligence of students.
This may be something that is unpleasant for most
students who feel comfortable with conventional
methods. In the conventional method, students are
more often given the material directly, without them
bothering to process it themselves. Even though
online learning forces students out of their comfort
zone, their learning capacity will be much better.
Because students become figures who not only have
scientific knowledge but also master the use of
information technology in the learning process.
The result of this study showed 85% of students in
this study were dissatisfied with online learning.
This dissatisfaction could be related to the difficulty
of having discussions or expressing opinions
directly, spending on quotas and the difficulty of
students understanding course material.
However, it is certainly necessary to prepare and
review the curriculum according to the current
conditions. This includes strengthening students so
that they are able to adapt well and quickly to the
online learning system
The authors would like to thank the respondents who
were willing to be involved in this research and all
those who have supported it until this research can
be completed
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