education is closely related to the level of
understanding of health care, hygiene, the need for
prenatal care. (Septiana Dwi Susanti Aisyan et al,
4.4 Parity with Neonatal Mortality
Univariate results show that mothers with parity were
not at risk (75.4%) more than mothers with parity at
risk (24.6%).
The results of the bivariate analysis show a
significant relationship between parity and neonatal
mortality. Mothers with parity at risk are 1.875 times
more likely to experience neonatal death than
mothers with parity at risk. This is also reinforced by
previous research conducted by Masitoh, et al (2014),
Maheasy, et al (2011), Kurniawan and Melaniani
(2018) showing a relationship between parity and
infant mortality (P-value 0.000). Mothers who have
given birth to more than two children are 0.09 times
more likely to experience infant death in subsequent
births than mothers who have given birth to a second
child or less than two children. A positive relationship
with death status makes the higher the parity value or
the more children born, the higher the risk of the
mother giving birth to a dead baby. Parity is a variable
that has a relationship with infant mortality.
Health problems in pregnant women and childbirth
appear in mothers with parity at risk, namely giving
birth to more than 2 children. It is can make the uterine
broken and lead to abnormalities in the mother's
womb. This has an impact on the condition of the
location of the fetus or placenta in the mother which
can interfere with fetal growth. Disruption of fetal
growth in the mother's womb makes the mother give
birth to an unhealthy baby (Wiknjosastro, 2007).
Mothers with low education are more likely to
experience neonatal deaths than mothers with higher
education. Mothers who work experience more
neonatal deaths than mothers who do not work.
Mothers who gave birth at the age of <20 and >35
experienced more neonatal deaths than mothers who
gave birth at the age of 20-35. Mothers with parity at
risk had more chances of experiencing neonatal
deaths than mothers with non-risk parity. To reduce
the neonatal mortality rate, it is necessary to conduct
education or health promotion by related parties to
prospective mothers, especially teenagers, so that
they get married at the right age and plan their
pregnancy at an age that is not at risk. Women of
childbearing age are also advised to plan the number
of children they have. For working mothers who are
pregnant, pay attention to the type and workload they
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