tissue and release a high level of triglycoid (Marques
et.al., 2016). Also, excessive fat accumulation will
also be stored in ectopic tissue like liver, muscle, and
heart which will be indicated by hypertrophy and
hypoxia thus lead to inflammation and insulin
resistance (Longo et.al., 2019).
The incidence of overweight and obesity occur
due to the intake of fat that is way higher than the
outtake thus the excess will be stored in the form of
fat in our body, especially adipose tissue. The
increase in adipose tissue mass causes changes in
adipokine production where adipose tissue plays a
role in energy storage which is an important
endocrine. Furthermore, the enlargement of adipose
tissue and the increase of adipocyte progressive may
disturb the blood flow (McArdle et.al., 2013; Exley
MA et.al., 2014). High fat diets have been proven to
increase body weight, fat deposition, increase of
oxidate stress biomarkers, increase of fasting plasma
glucose and insulin. The occurrence of inflammation
around the blood vessel is triggered by the
accumulation of fat in cellular molecules by releasing
inflammation adipocytes like tumour necrosis factor
(TNF) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
In overweight, the production of adipocytes is
disrupted, including leptin, resistin, adiponectin,
Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1),
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α), and interleukin-6
(IL-6) (Mesquida et.al., 2020). Animal research
conducted by Feillet-Coundray et.al. (2019) showed
that the administration of high fat/high fructose cause
overweight, glucose intolerance, and increase of IL-
6. Analysis results review done by Tan et.al. (2018)
mentioned that high fat diet for 12 months increased
plasma triglycerides and total cholesterol which led to
increase of oxidative stress biomarker in blood. High
fat diet not only worsen lipid profile but also increase
the accumulation of ROS and trigger damage to
mitochondria. The mechanism of inflammation in
adipose tissue is caused by the activation of
proinflammation line in this case being nuclear
factor-kappaB- (NF-κB-). The occurrence of this
inflammation can be detected by the increase
inflammation biomarker and cytokines. In addition,
the occurrence of inflammation is also linked to the
increase of oxidative stress (de Melo et.al., 2017).
Overweight and obese people go through an increase
in the production of raective oxygen species (ROS)
due to imbalance between prooxidant and antioxidant
(Bondia-Pons et.al., 2012; Yosika et.al., 2020). This
condition contributes to the incidence of metabolic
disordersnamely insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes
mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, and atherosclerosis.
Feeding HFHC diet for 14 days can increase body
weight in overweight induced mice. However, further
studies are needed to further analyse the effect of
HFHC to overall health. Furthermore, this study can
be used as a reference to rear overweight model mice
in shorter period of time.
We would like to thank all staffs in Laboratory of
Food and Nutrition Study Centre of PAU Gadjah
Mada University Yogyakarta for the support in
rearing the rats during this study.
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