management for people with diabetes to be able to
control blood sugar conditions and prevent
complications in order to achieve a good quality of
life, through patient education with the Diabetes Self-
Management Education and Support (DSMES)
The purpose of DSMES is to improve the
knowledge, skills, and confidence of diabetic patients
to accept responsibility for their self-management.
This includes collaborating with their health care
team, making informed decisions, solving problems,
developing personal goals and action plans, and
coping with emotions and life stresses. DSME
facilitates increasing the knowledge and skills of
people with diabetes to be able to manage diabetes
care independently. This study is to analyze
differences in knowledge, physical activity, and
dietary compliance in diabetic patients with the
provision of DSMES.
A quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest
approach was conducted in diabetic outpatient in
Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta in July-August 2019.
Subjects were selected with consecutive sampling.
Inclusion criteria were Diabetic outpatients in
Fatmawati Hospital, aged >25 years, willingly to
participate in this study and following all intervention
session. Exclusion criteria was absent minimum one
of session.
Intervention of education with DSME principles
was carried out for 6 weeks (1 week each), and the
material was given by the trained Diabetes Mellitus
educator team. Educator team consisted of doctors,
dietitians, nurses and pharmacists. Education was
given 100 - 120 minutes per session.
Topics of education were session about basic
knowledge of DM, session 2 was about Diabetes Diet
Therapy, session 3 was about physical activity and
exercise, session 4 was about Pharmacological
Therapy, session 5 was about evaluating care, session
6 was about monitoring blood sugar levels and
Knowledge, physical activity and dietary
compliance of diabetes mellitus diet were measure by
structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were given
before and after the nutrition intervention. Data on
the level of knowledge, level of physical activity and
level of dietary compliance are presented using the
good/adherent category if the respondent's score is
more than the average, and vice versa with the
poor/adherent category. Bivariate data were analyzed
using paired T-test and independent T-test with 95%
confidence level.
Characteristics subject of this study were average age
of 23 respondents is 61 years with the lowest age
being 35 years and the highest being 80 years. The
results also showed that the number of respondents
with diabetes 10 years was 56.5% while those who
were more than 10 years old were 43.5%.
According to Hariani et al, there is a relationship
between the length of suffering from type 2 DM and
the patient's quality of life, namely the longer the
patient suffers, the worse the patient's quality of life.
Consensus The Dieabetes Educators, 2015 there
are 4 critical times to implement and modify DSMES,
namely first times diabetes is diagnosed, annually or
when not meet treatment targets, when complications
factor developed and transitions in life occur
(advanced age).
Physiological changes that occur with age in DM
patients, result in a decrease in physiological function
in the endocrine system, in addition to an unhealthy
lifestyle and non-optimal DM management has the
potential to cause various complications, including
retinopathy, heart disease and kidney failure.
Therefore, it is important for patients and care
providers to manage a diabetes lifestyle through the
DSMES program, so that the quality of life of DM
patients gets better with increasing age and increasing
the length of time being a type 2 DM patient.
Lifestyle Management is the foundation for
diabetes care including education with DSMES
principles, Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT),
physical activity, smoking cessation counseling, and
psychosocial care.
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Level of
Knowledge in Type II Diabetes Patients
Level of Nutrition
Pre test Post Test
Freq % Freq %
Low 11 47,8 0 0