Lifestyle Management: Differences in Knowledge, Physical Activity
and Diet Compliance with Diabetes Self-management Education
(DSME) Principles
Gunarti Yahya, Raden Rizqia Khansa and Reksy R. Kharisma
Nutrition Program Study, Health Sciences Faculty, University of Prof Dr Hamka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: DSME, Knowledge, Physical Activity, Diet Compliance.
Abstract: Lifestyle Management is the foundation for diabetes care including DSME, Medical Nutrition Therapy
(MNT), physical activity, smoking cessation counseling, and psychosocial care. DSME facilitates increasing
the knowledge and skills of people with diabetes to be able to manage diabetes care independently. This study
is to analyze differences in knowledge, physical activity, and dietary compliance with the provision of
Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME). A pre-experimental study with one group pretest-posttest
design was conducted on 23 patients with type 2 DM, was carried out at a special DM clinic at Fatmawati
Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were selected by consecutive sampling and received an education with the DSME
method 6 times for 6 weeks. Data were analyzed by paired t-test to determine the difference between the mean
of variables. There were significant differences before and after the DSME intervention in knowledge (p
=0.000), physical activity (p= 0.001) , and diet compliance (0.000). This study showed that there was a
significant increase in outcome data of patients who have been given the intervention of the Diabetes Educator
team. To increase access to DSME for patients, family support and motivation from the Diabetes Educator
team are needed.
In 2015, the American Diabetes Association
published a Diabetes Self-Management Education
and Support (DSMES) program that provides
guidance for diabetics in increasing abilities needed
to be able to implement supportive behaviors in
managing lifestyles according to their disease
The DSMES program was adopted and developed
by Endocrinology Community Indonesia, involving
patients and all medical and health workers in an
effort to reduce the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in
One of the DSMES programs is nutrition
education related to implementing diet therapy and
physical activity in order to prevent acute and chronic
complications and to improve the quality of life of
people with diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is defined as a metabolic
disease characterized by high blood sugar levels due
to abnormalities in insulin secretion and/or action
(Perkeni, 2019). According to the International
Diabetes Federation (2019), 1 in 11 adults aged 20
79 years worldwide has diabetes (approximately 463
million people) but it turns out that 1 in 2 adults with
diabetes are not aware that they have diabetes 232
million people (Indonesian Ministry of Health)
The 2018 Basic Health Research Report by the
Ministry of Health showed an increase in the
prevalence of DM to 10.9%. The 2017 International
Diabetes (IDF) report placed Indonesia as the 6th
country in the number of DM sufferers which reached
10.3 million. Predictions from the IDF state that there
will be an increase in the number of DM patients from
10.3 million in 2017 to 16.7 million in 2030
(PERKENI, 2019)
Various efforts have been made to prevent the
increase in the prevalence of people with diabetes
mellitus, one of which is developing self-
Yahya, G., Khansa, R. and Kharisma, R.
Lifestyle Management: Differences in Knowledge, Physical Activity and Diet Compliance with Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Principles.
DOI: 10.5220/0010760600003235
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2021), pages 120-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-542-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
management for people with diabetes to be able to
control blood sugar conditions and prevent
complications in order to achieve a good quality of
life, through patient education with the Diabetes Self-
Management Education and Support (DSMES)
The purpose of DSMES is to improve the
knowledge, skills, and confidence of diabetic patients
to accept responsibility for their self-management.
This includes collaborating with their health care
team, making informed decisions, solving problems,
developing personal goals and action plans, and
coping with emotions and life stresses. DSME
facilitates increasing the knowledge and skills of
people with diabetes to be able to manage diabetes
care independently. This study is to analyze
differences in knowledge, physical activity, and
dietary compliance in diabetic patients with the
provision of DSMES.
A quasi-experimental with one group pretest-posttest
approach was conducted in diabetic outpatient in
Fatmawati Hospital Jakarta in July-August 2019.
Subjects were selected with consecutive sampling.
Inclusion criteria were Diabetic outpatients in
Fatmawati Hospital, aged >25 years, willingly to
participate in this study and following all intervention
session. Exclusion criteria was absent minimum one
of session.
Intervention of education with DSME principles
was carried out for 6 weeks (1 week each), and the
material was given by the trained Diabetes Mellitus
educator team. Educator team consisted of doctors,
dietitians, nurses and pharmacists. Education was
given 100 - 120 minutes per session.
Topics of education were session about basic
knowledge of DM, session 2 was about Diabetes Diet
Therapy, session 3 was about physical activity and
exercise, session 4 was about Pharmacological
Therapy, session 5 was about evaluating care, session
6 was about monitoring blood sugar levels and
Knowledge, physical activity and dietary
compliance of diabetes mellitus diet were measure by
structured questionnaire. Questionnaires were given
before and after the nutrition intervention. Data on
the level of knowledge, level of physical activity and
level of dietary compliance are presented using the
good/adherent category if the respondent's score is
more than the average, and vice versa with the
poor/adherent category. Bivariate data were analyzed
using paired T-test and independent T-test with 95%
confidence level.
Characteristics subject of this study were average age
of 23 respondents is 61 years with the lowest age
being 35 years and the highest being 80 years. The
results also showed that the number of respondents
with diabetes 10 years was 56.5% while those who
were more than 10 years old were 43.5%.
According to Hariani et al, there is a relationship
between the length of suffering from type 2 DM and
the patient's quality of life, namely the longer the
patient suffers, the worse the patient's quality of life.
Consensus The Dieabetes Educators, 2015 there
are 4 critical times to implement and modify DSMES,
namely first times diabetes is diagnosed, annually or
when not meet treatment targets, when complications
factor developed and transitions in life occur
(advanced age).
Physiological changes that occur with age in DM
patients, result in a decrease in physiological function
in the endocrine system, in addition to an unhealthy
lifestyle and non-optimal DM management has the
potential to cause various complications, including
retinopathy, heart disease and kidney failure.
Therefore, it is important for patients and care
providers to manage a diabetes lifestyle through the
DSMES program, so that the quality of life of DM
patients gets better with increasing age and increasing
the length of time being a type 2 DM patient.
Lifestyle Management is the foundation for
diabetes care including education with DSMES
principles, Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT),
physical activity, smoking cessation counseling, and
psychosocial care.
Table 1: Distribution of Respondents by Level of
Knowledge in Type II Diabetes Patients
Level of Nutrition
Pre test Post Test
Freq % Freq %
Low 11 47,8 0 0
12 52,2 23 100
Sum 23 100 23 100
The results showed that after receiving DSME-
based education, all respondents (100%) had a good
level of knowledge. Most of the respondents are
motivated to apply knowledge from the DSME
program to improve their own nutritional and health
Lifestyle Management: Differences in Knowledge, Physical Activity and Diet Compliance with Diabetes Self-Management Education
(DSME) Principles
Table 2: Results of Statistical Tests before and after the
intervention on increasing knowledge of Type II Diabetes
Min -
Before the
6,7 0,000
after the
89,9 78,13-
The average pretest score for knowledge was 75.5
(standard deviation 10.3). After DSMES-based
education was conducted, the posttest score increased
to 89.9 (standard deviation 7.04). The results of the
study, there was a significant difference between
education and DSME principles on the level of
knowledge before and after education, with a P value
< 0.05 (p = 0.000).
According to MA Simbolon et al, 2015 and CM
Yuni et al, 2019, DSME can increase knowledge of
self-management of Type 2 DM patients to prevent
disease complications.
The DSME learning process aims to provide
knowledge to patients so that there is a process of
changing information, emotions and decision making
that have an impact on the occurrence of the cognator
control process in the brain in order to carry out
learning and adaptation mechanisms.
The educational process in this study was carried
out in groups using the DSME curriculum, the
material provided was in the form of material related
to general DM knowledge, Diet Management,
Physical Activity, knowledge related to drugs, foot
care, and monitoring blood sugar levels, with lecture
method using props, emo demo and mind maps.
Changes in respondent's knowledge are felt to
increase, because of the interest and awareness to be
able to control blood sugar levels. Education is given
in stages with the lecture method, sharing between
sufferers, as well as activities that involve the family.
The existence of a booklet provided by the Educator
team also makes it easier for respondents to apply it
independently at home
Based on the respondents' confessions,
participating in DSMES-based DM education was
very fun, with an interesting method, being able to
gather and play with other diabetic patients. However,
the schedule is very long (2 hours per session and
takes approximately 1.5 2 months), they say it can
be done because of the support from the family.
Meanwhile, according to the Educator team's
admission, quite a lot of diabetes patients cannot
complete the entire education curriculum based on
this DSMES, and only 23 people could be
respondents in this study.
Family members and peers are an underutilized
resource for ongoing support and often struggle with
how to best provide help.
Including family members
in the DSMES process can help facilitate their
involvement. Such support people can be especially
helpful and serve as cultural navigators in health care
systems and as liaisons to the community.
Community programs such as healthy cooking
classes, walking groups, peer support communities,
and faith-based groups may lend support for
implementing healthy behavior changes, promoting
emotional health, and meeting personal health goals
(Diabetes Educator, 2019).
Z Zhouzi et al, 2019, The electronic nutrition
education resource (internet based) was found to be
an effective means for delivering education. It has
potential to bridge the gap between the limited supply
of healthcare resources and the increasing demand for
diabetes nutrition education. Most participants
expressed intentions to make positive dietary and
lifestyle choices.
In this COVID-19 pandemic situation, it is worth
considering developing and modifying an educational
curriculum with this DSMES approach, by utilizing
resources such as making videos distributed through
social media (youtube, Instagram, Facebook) or
comprehensive web-based or digital health
educational programs.
Table 3: Distribution of Respondents by Level of Physical
Activity in Type II Diabetes Patients
Physical activity
Pre test Post Test
% Fre
Low 21 91,3 13 56,5
28,7 10 43,3
Sum 23 100 23 100
Most of the respondents (91.3%) had a low level
of physical activity. After receiving DSME-based
education, respondents were motivated to do various
activities such as jogging 1-2 times a week, walking
in the morning and evening for 15-30 minutes, doing
physical exercise using tools assisted by special
trainers at home, and some respondents actively
participates in gymnastics with the community 1 time
/ week
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 4: Results of Statistical Tests before and after the
intervention on increasing Physical activity of Type II
Diabetes Patients
Physical activity
Min -
Before the
1,42 0,56-97
0,23 0,003
after the
1,59 0,92-2,1
The pretest score on physical activity averaged
1.42 (standard deviation 0.29), after the DSMES-
based education, there was an increase in the posttest
score to 1.59 (standard deviation 0.33). The results of
the Paired t-test showed that there was a significant
difference between nutrition education and DSME
principles on the level of physical activity, with a P
value < 0.05 (p = 0.003).
NR Zaky's research, 2018, showed a significant
difference between physical activity compliance in
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus before and after
being given Diabetes Self-Management Education
(DSME) with a p value = 0.000
After every DSME education session, some
respondents try to be more active than before, starting
from walking in the morning and evening, after lunch,
and also starting to sit back and lie down.
Respondents are more understanding and motivated
about the importance of changing attitudes and
healthy living behavior, namely planning an
appropriate diet and carrying out regular physical
Exercise has been shown to improve blood
glucose control, reduce cardiovascular risk factors,
contribute to weight loss, and improve well-being.
However, there are still 56.5% of respondents whose
level of physical activity is considered lacking,
therefore it is important for the management of the
diabetes care team to understand the difficulty that
many patients have reached definite treatment targets
and to define individual approaches to improving
goals achievement.
Physical exercise should be adjusted to age and
physical fitness status. The intensity of physical
exercise in relatively healthy diabetic patients can be
increased, while in diabetic patients with
complications, the intensity of exercise needs to be
reduced and adjusted to each individual.
Table 5: Distribution of Respondents by Level of Dietary
Adherence in Type II Diabetes Patients
Dietary adherence
Pre test Post Test
Freq % Freq %
Obey 10 43,5 23 100
Not Obe
13 56,5 0 0
Sum 23 100 23 100
All respondents (100%) adhered to dietary
recommendations after being given DSEM-based
education. Compliance behavior shown by some
respondents, such as, "always" considers the value of
energy (calories) in daily food, takes medication as
recommended, and "never" consumes high-fat foods
and high sugar beverages or soft drink
Table 6. Results of Statistical Tests before and after the
intervention on increasing Dietary Adherence of Type II
Diabetes Patient
Min -
8,6 0,000
after the
103,65 87-
The average pretest score on dietary compliance
was 78.35, after the DSMES-based education, there
was an increase to 103.65. The results of paired t-test
showed that there was a significant difference
between nutrition education and DSME principles on
the level of physical activity, with a P value < 0.05 (p
= 0.000)
Laili, et al., 2012’s study showed that there was
an effect of DSME approach on dietary compliance
practices with p=0.002 and p=0.564. Nutrition
therapy has an integral role in overall diabetes
management, and each person with diabetes should
be actively engaged in education, self-management,
and treatment planning with his or her health care
team, including the collaborative development of an
individualized eating plan.
A variety of eating patterns are acceptable for the
management of diabetes, and a referral to an
registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is essential to
assess the overall nutrition status of, and to work
collaboratively with, the patient to create a
personalized meal plan that considers the individuals
health status, skills, resources, food preferences, and
health goals to coordinate and align with the overall
Lifestyle Management: Differences in Knowledge, Physical Activity and Diet Compliance with Diabetes Self-Management Education
(DSME) Principles
treatment plan including physical activity and
medication (Diabetes Educator, 2019)
There was a significant difference between before and
after DSME intervention of knowledge; level of
physical activity level and dietary compliance. This
study showed that there was a significant increase in
outcome data of patients who have been given the
intervention on the Diabetes Educator team. To
increase access to DSME for patients, family support
and motivation from Diabetes Educator team are
needed. In this COVID-19 pandemic situation, it is
worth considering developing and modifying an
educational curriculum with this DSMES approach,
by utilizing resources such as making videos
distributed through social media or comprehensive
web-based educational programs.
Association, American Diabetes, 2018. Standars of Medical
Care in Diabetes. The Journal of Clinical and Applied
Reserarch and Education. Vol 41 supplement 1. ISSN
Diabetes Care, 2019. Lifestyle Management: Standards of
Medical Care in Diabetes. Vol 42: s46-S60.
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komplikasi DM terhadap kualitas hidup pasien DM.
Tipe 2 di Wilayah Puskesmas Batua Makasar. Jurnal
IKD vol 15 no 1. eISSN : 2302-2531
Indonesiaan Ministry of Health. InfoDatin Kemenkes RI,
Tetap Produktif, Cegah dan Atasi Diabetes Mellitus
ISSN 2442-7659
Laili NA et al, 2020. Edukasi Dengan Pendekatan Prinsip
Diabetes Self-Management Education (Dsme)
Meningkatkan Perilaku Kepatuhan Diet Pada Penderita
Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan
Universitas Airlangga
PERKENI, 2019. Pedoman Pengelolaan dan Pencegahan
Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Indonesia. ISBN 978-602-
Rahmawati et al .2016 Pengaruh Program Diabetes Self-
Management Education terhadap Manajemen Diri
Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2. Jurnal Ilmu
Keperawaatan. ISSN:2338-6371
Simbolon MA, 2019. Diabetes Self managemet Education
(DSME) meningkatkan Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Self
Eficacy Penderita Doabetes mellitus Tipe 2. Indonesian
Journal of Community Health Nursing vol. 4 no 2.
The Diabetes Educators, 2020. Consessus Report: Diabates
Self-Management Education and Support in Adult with
Tye 2 Diabetes. Vol 46, no 4.
Zhouzi Z et al, 2019. Development and Evaluation of an
Internet-Based Diabetes Nutrition Education Resource.
Nutrient 11 (6) : 1217. DOI: 10.3390/nu11061217
Zaky NR, 2018. Pengaruh Diabetes Self-Management
Education (Dsme) Terhadap Aktivitas Fisik Pada
Pasien Dm Tipe 2 Di Prolanis Dr.Yunita Klinik Ultra
Yuni CM, 2020. Pengaruh Diabetes Self-Management
Education and Support (Dsme/S) Terhadap
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Manajemen Mandiri Pasien
Dm Tipe 2. Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kesehatan vol 8 no
1. DOI:
ICSDH 2021 - International Conference on Social Determinants of Health