Post COVID 19 Pandemic Impacts on Socio-economic Development
Himani Kohli
, Manoj Kumar
and Anuj Rani
Department of Computer Science, Amity University, Noida, 201303, India
School of Computer Science, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, 248007, India
Department of Computer Science, G L Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, 201306, India
Keywords: COVID-19, Economy, Growth-rate, GDP.
Abstract: The impact of COVID-19 irrupts the social and economic life of everyone. COVID-19 makes negative
impact on different sectors of economy. In this paper, we analysed the major affected areas like agriculture,
oils, manufacturing industry, education etc because of COVID-19 pandemic. Due to restriction in mobility,
tourism and aviation sector got affected which contributes major in economy growth. The global economic
projection for India in 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively from the Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook,
and April 2020 is 4.2, 1.9 and 7.4 respectively. COVID-19 also impacted on environment and medical
waste. Several coronavirus cases are directly related to clinical or medical waste deposited in the city.
During this pandemic, all trading sector is going to be off and their jobs is on risk. Government is launching
many schemes to make everyone independent and can do their own business. The present study shows the
overall post impact of COVID-19 on various primary and secondary sectors of economy.
In December 2019, the city in china named Wuhan
experienced unusual cases that have impacted
social-economic life across the globe during spring
2020. The COVID-19 crisis has a deleterious effect
on global healthcare systems, which led to
significant losses in the industries. It is caused by
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus2
(SARS-COV-2), further highlighted the cases
reported to World Health Organisation, declaring
global health emergency with urgent need of
effective vaccines in January 2020. It emerged over
63.3 million proved cases and more than 1.47
million deaths globally (WORLDOMETER, 2020).
Subsequently, in January 2020, this mortal
coronavirus was named as COVID-19, where WHO
was censured of delayed response to healthcare
guidelines, which have already destroyed mainland
in china as a greater number of infected people with
COVID-19 symptoms. In countries, the USA and
UK also questioned WHO for delayed information
of COVID-19 outbreak (Sohrabhi, et al., 2020). In
response to 'flatten the curve', the government of
different countries has been compelled to shut down
markets (AB Avi Loeb, Flattening the COVID-19
curves, [Internet]. Scientific American Blog
Network, [cited 2020 Mar 20], 2020), travel
restrictions or mobility restrictions, closure of
borders, self-isolations, wearing masks and gloves,
following social-distancing norms. Health advisories
have been laid by WHO, who smokes a lot at risk of
getting infected by COVID-19. Countries like India,
Pakistan, and Bangladesh have a higher risk due to
lower socio-economic conditions and lack of
healthcare services. Covid-19 can affect animals as
well, where one animal can be a carrier of infection
to another. Bynoe and Tyrell in 1996 were the first
scientists who studied coronavirus which further
classified coronavirus into the beta category.
According to healthcare experts, it originated from
China's animal market, where the definite route to
harm human and because infection is still unknown.
The Announcement of COVID-19 contributed
towards socio-economic changes and environmental
issues, affecting the economy of primary, secondary,
and tertiary sectors. The primary sectors consist of
extraction of raw material, where secondary involves
finishing good quality products and tertiary sector
include service industries. Due to the ripple effect of
the eruption of Covid-19, there has been a global
crash in demand for hotels, restaurants, travel
services, etc. Relatively, we found an increasing
demand for the Pharmaceutical Industry, and
Kohli, H., Kumar, M. and Rani, A.
Post COVID 19 Pandemic Impacts on Socio-economic Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0010789500003167
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Computer and Information Science (ICICIS 2021), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-577-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
different healthcare centres collaborated plans to
develop a vaccine of coronavirus.
The Covid-19 crisis on individuals impacted the
country's economy and disturbed the mind-set of
people, thus leading to anxiety, loneliness resulting
from self-isolation or quarantine, depression of
losing jobs, salary cuts, financial loss, workload
decline, etc. which triggers mental health
complaints. Subsequently, labour markets are
affected by government-imposed shutdowns from
mid-March onwards. It considered three measures of
economic hardships: a change of workload, loss of
income, loss of job and further considering mental
health problems as feelings of depression, anxiety,
and loneliness. Therefore, Refuge, one of the UK's
domestic abuse charities, has reported an increment
of call reports as an outbreak of a pandemic by 25%
(25% increase in calls to national domestic abuse
helpline since lockdown measures began - refuge
charity - domestic violence help, [Internet]. [cited
2020 Apr 7]., 2020). Thus, there have been a vast
social implication on family dynamics: domestic
rampage and indoor gaming. The outbreak also
disturbed the studies by making it all online, where
not all have technical knowledge. It is difficult for
students to deal with the present
impacts of covid-
19; thus, free meals are no longer provided to
the students. They lack confidence and lack of
exposures under 'stay-at-home' restrictions.
Hence, the education system is affected by
various policies for Covid-19 under
Government rules. The government of China
and Japan took measures with the People's
Bank of China and People's Bank of Japan
providing to maintain bank liquidity, that is,
$240bn and $43bn, respectively. In response to
countries, Europe has pledged a rescue package
of 1.7tn (Europe's economic rescue packages
worth combined €1.7tn, World news | The
Guardian [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 20].,
2020); in Germany the bank of Development
provided 500bn in loans, whereas UK
chancellor Rishi
Sunak provided £330bn for the
development (Support for those affected by COVID-
19, [Internet]. GOV.UK. [cited 2020 Mar 19]., 2020)
([Internet], Chancellor Unveils £350bn Lifeline for
Economy, BBC News, 2020 Mar 17 [cited 2020 Mar
20];, 2020). Further support to save UK businesses,
£20bn is provided. Interest rates have been reduced
up to 0.5% in US responses to the outbreak of
Covid-19. A Trump administration has managed a
'virus-aid package'- the CARES Act which was
about $2 trillion (The anatomy of the $2 trillion
COVID-19 stimulus bill - visual capitalist,[Internet].
[cited 2020 Apr 7]., 2020). This bill covers $1200
for every adult with low income that is less than
$75,000, $500 for every child under 17, $500bn to
issue loan and loan guarantees for small business,
$25bn for food assistance, $100bn for healthcare,
$14bn to farmers, $17bn to national security and
others (Who gets what from the $2 trillion US virus
aid package, USA News | Al Jazeera [Internet].
[cited 2020 Apr 6]., 2020). In March 2020, the US
Federal Reserve (the Fed) announced the market aid
of $125bn in bonds.
2.1 Industrial Impacts
In March 2020, focusing upon the raw material
industries, i.e., primary sector, secondary sector
deals in the manufacturing of final finished product
and tertiary sector consisting of all service purveying
industries ( Nicola, et al., 2020). Here, the main
three-sector are discussed:
2.1.1 Primary Sectors
The covid-19 outbreak has tested the agriculture
sector. The agricultural commodities prices dropped
by 20% (Prices of agricultural commodities drop
20% post COVID-19 outbreak - rediff Realtime
News, [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 20]., 2020) due to
exigency for food items from hotels and restaurants.
Countries around the globe implied measures in
order to protect from spreading of the virus. This
includes social distancing, wearing of masks and
gloves, restriction for
traveling from one country to
other or states and restrictions on congregations by
not letting anyone to visit the
holy places. Further,
markets got shut down, where trading had smashed
the ability to exchange commodities. With this, the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange ([Internet], CME
Closing Trading Floors Indefinitely amid
Coronavirus Concerns,Crain’s Chicago Business,
2020 [cited 2020 Mar 23]., 2020) is a current
precedent. The dropout of demand was the
implication of the primary sector in the covid-19
outbreak and the 'panic buying' further created
complications in shortage.
Petroleum and Oil
Saudi Arabia retaliates with exceptional discounts to
customers after getting triggered by Russia's refusal
ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science
to oil production (OPEC's pact with Russia falls
apart, sending oil into tailspin. Reuters, [Internet],
[cited 2020 Mar 23];, 2020). The production of oil
increased by 25% compared to February-taking it to
an unparallel level. Furthermore, 'Carbon Dividends'
has been suggested by the Imperial College's Centre
for Climate Finance for economic modelling. A CO2
tax of £50/tonne is stimulated in UK households to
get customer spending while keeping prices at the
same level as February 2020 (The economic impact
of coronavirus: analysis from imperial experts |
imperial news | imperial College London, [Internet].
Imperial News, [cited 2020 Apr 6]., 2020).
Nevertheless, this depends on the turmoil between
Saudi Arabia and Russia.
2.1.2 Secondary Sectors
Manufacturing Industry
The pandemic in the manufacturing industry has
been a negative impact. There will a fall of turnover
in the next two quarters, admitting 80% of
respondents, with 98% admitting concern about
pandemic issues on business (Plastics trade body
publishes first study of coronavirus impact on UK
manu-facturing, [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 20].,
2020). The foremost vital concerns on business due
to disruption to supply chains are importation and
staffing deficiencies. Further, the survey is laid by
the British Plastics Federation (BPF), exploring the
impacts of Covid-19. Many roles within the
industries do not find viable such as 'work from
home.' Companies from China, such as BASF
(COVID-19 is coming for the chemical industry in
2020, BASF frets | IndustryWeek, [Internet]. [cited
2020 Mar 20]., 2020), have to delay their activity
and further slow-down predicted growth. Countries
such as the USA, UK are acquiring similar
protection measures against Covid-19, transcending
the borders. Industries such as Chemical Industry
have reduced the production by 1.2% worldwide, the
worst growth ever since 2008 (Knieps, 2020).
2.1.3 Other Sectors
Due to covid-19, many schools and colleges shut
down- disturbing all levels of the education system.
Different countries introduced different policies,
thereby imposing a complete closure in Italy and
German (Unterricht an bayerischen Schulen wird
eingestellt, [Internet]. Bayerisches Staatsministerium
für Unterricht und Kultus, [cited 2020 Mar 20].,
2020). Additionally, more than 100 countries have
imposed a nationwide closure for schools, colleges
and corporate sectors ([Internet], Educational
Disruption and Response, UNESCO, 2020 [cited
2020 Mar 20]., 2020). UNESCO estimated that
millions of students or learners would suffer from
the closure of the education system. These closures
intend to halt from getting the virus transfer within
an institution and preventing from getting transfer to
other individuals. There are widespread socio-
economic implications hereby, schools’ staff are not
able to accomplish the policies laid that is Free
School Meals’ for children. It impacted child care
costs to low-income families; also, access to
technology becomes a major drawback. In Dubai,
petition have been signed by parents in order to
decrease 30% of the independent school fees.
([Internet], Expats in Dubai Call for Cut in Their
Children's School Fees,,2020 [cited 8 April
2020]., 2020).
The long-term impact of schools, college's closure is yet
to be experience. A study by Brookings Institution
estimated that four-week closure would cost $1.1bn and
nationwide closure for 12 weeks would cost 1% of GDP.
Further estimation from the UK suggested the cost of
3% GDP ( KeoghBrown, WrenLewis , Edmunds ,
Beutels, & Smith, 2020). Additionally, regarding the
scientific conferences concerns have been raised by the
authors, scientists and
others, which have been called off
or postponed. Virtual Conferences resulted as a solution
to the problem, but it is not amenable or informal means
of scientific communication. Simultaneously, we have
separated three different forms of economic hardship
such as workload change, income loss, and job loss and
three types of mental health complaints: feelings of
depression, loneliness, health anxiety (Impey, 2020).
Figure 1: Worldwide implications of Coronavirus upon
closures of schools for May. Figure generated by
Post COVID 19 Pandemic Impacts on Socio-economic Development
Figure 2: Worldwide implications of Coronavirus upon
closures of schools for September. Figure generated by
In Figure 1 and 2 comprises of nationwide
implications of Coronavirus upon school closures
for two months, i.e., May and September, provided
by UNESCO. In figure 1 over 1,215,881,292 are
affected learners, 69.4% total enrolled and 162
country-wide closure. Figure 2 comprises
875,408,778 affected learners, total learners
involved consist of 50% of the population, and 53
closures in different countries.
Finance Industry
The Global economy, business, organisations, and
financial markets have been inadvertently affected
by Covid-19 due to uncoordinated government
responses and lockdowns that have resulted in
disarrangement in the supply chain from various
countries. In China, shut-down resulted in the
reduction of finished goods and items from factories,
government policies, halting from travel such as
quarantine and isolating ourselves resulted in
decrement of demand and usage of items. China has
started to recover faster, strengthening its trade
brokering power against the US. Furthermore, a
stock market index that estimates the stock
performance of 500 large countries on the US stock
exchange secured the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act, with indexes
rising by 7.3% (SPX | S&P 500 index, MarketWatch
[Internet]. [cited 2020 Apr 7]., 2020), 7.73% (DJIA |
Dow Jones industrial average, MarketWatch
[Internet]. [cited 2020 Apr 7]., 2020), and 7.33%
(COMP | NASDAQ composite index, MarketWatch
[Internet]. [cited 2020 Apr 7]., 2020) respectively.
Gold dropped by 0.65% against the dollar
(XAU/USD (gold/USD dollar), [Internet]. [cited
2020 Apr 7]., 2020).
Table 1: Global Economic Projections of 2019, 2020,
2019 2020 2021
World Output 2.9 -3.0 5.8
Advanced Economies 1.7 -6.1 4.5
United States 2.3 -5.9 4.7
Euro Area 1.2 -7.5 4.7
Germany 0.6 -7.0 5.2
France 1.3 -7.2 4.5
Italy 0.3 -9.1 4.8
Spain 2.0 -8.0 4.3
Japan 0.7 -5.2 3.0
United Kingdom 1.4 -6.5 4.0
Canada 1.6 -6.2 4.2
Other Advanced
1.7 -4.6 4.5
Emerging Markets and
Developing Economies
3.7 -1.0 6.6
Emerging and
5.5 1.0 8.5
China 6.1 1.2 9.2
India 4.2 1.9 7.4
ASEAN-5 4.8 -0.6 7.8
Emerging and
2.1 -5.2 4.2
Russia 1.3 -5.5 3.5
Latin America and the
0.1 -5.2 3.4
Brazil 1.1 -5.3 2.9
Mexico -0.1 -6.6 3.0
Middle East and Central
1.2 -2.8 4.0
Saudi Arabia 0.3 -2.3 2.9
Sub-Saharan Africa 3.1 -1.6 4.1
Nigeria 2.2 -3.4 2.4
South Africa 0.2 -5.8 4.0
Low-Income Developing
5.1 0.4 5.6
Table 1 describes the global economic projections
from the Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook,
and April 2020. It contains the data for 2019,
2020 and 2021.
ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science
Healthcare Industry and Chemical or Pharmaceutical
The coronavirus-19 caused many problems for
health-care industries worldwide. The expensive
health-care costs, low number of ICU beds, doctors
for viral testing, N95 masks, gloves, production of
sanitizers, hence exposed the weaknesses in the
delivery of patients. Workers and staff working in
hospitals are getting infected by the virus, resulting
in an increment of patients and staff members'
decrement. This leads to massive investment in
disease prevention infrastructure. In the US, active
elements of pharmaceutical are largely brought from
India (18%), EU (26%) and China account for 13%.
Due to lockdowns and factories' closure, the
pharmaceutical ingredient station in supply lead to
revenue loss (COVID-19 USA: coronavirus
outbreak measures and effect on the US, [Internet].,
Hereby, opportunities for companies involved
themselves in the production of vaccines and drugs.
Further, companies such as Johnson & Johnson,
Novavax, NanoViricides, VirBiotechnology have
announced collaborative plans to invent the vaccine
of coronavirus-19. Phase-1 clinical trials have been
going under the age of 18-55 years ([Internet], NIH
Clinical Trial of Investigational Vaccine for
COVID-19 Begins, National Institutes of Health
(NIH), 2020 [cited 2020 Mar 20]., 2020).
Tourism, Hospitality and Aviation
The most hard-hit industries, the hospitality and
travel have faced many challenges due to covid-19.
In the United States, generation of revenue per room
fell up to 11.6% on March 7, 2020. China's
occupancy rate fell up to 89% by the end of January
2020 (Airbnb, Hotels seek US government aid as
demand flattens, [Internet]. [cited 2020Mar 20].,
2020). In other countries such as Italy, including
Rome, the occupancy rate fell to 6%, whereas
London remains the most stable country with 47%
(H. Net, Coronavirus hits German hotel industry
hard: more than every-3-guests stay away, [Internet].
Hospitality Net, [cited 2020 Mar 20]., 2020) of the
occupancy rate. Overall, covid-19 land to the
distortion of the hotel market in Europe, China and
other countries. Simultaneously, tourism also
experienced an outbreak of covid-19, where both
supply and demand were impacted. Worldwide
travel and tourism companies are at risk hence
warned 50 million jobs. Internationally, a study of
Vietnam, its tourist sector suffered a $5bn loss due
to pandemic. Like the US, Canada, many countries
adopted the policies of border closure and
suspension of visa services. Travel suspension has
been found in countries of Africa and Asia.
Figure 3: The state of the US Hotel Industry during Covid-19.
In the figure 3 given above, it consists of the
statistical graphical representation of the hotel
industry in the state the US, where in February 2020
it was a high and from beginning of April there is a
huge fall in the graph. Here, trans and spend
represent the transaction and spending in Hotels
Food Sector
The panic-buying and stockpiling of food were the
major results of the pandemic. This has led to
increasing attention towards the storage of basic
food items such as pasta, milk, bread, wheat, rice
and all vegetables (MPs in plea to government over
UK's Covid-19 stockpiling, World news | The
Guardian [Internet]. [cited 2020 Mar 23]., 2020).
Due to panic-buying, there was an increment in
demand of food, worth £1bn. Such a high demand
for food affected online food delivery. Hence,
excessive delivery of food resulted in late deliveries
or not delivering. Furthermore, food storage banks
were also suffering from panic-buying. The
Population who cannot afford stockpile found no
food. In response to the following, the government
followed various policies to distribute free meals to
the poor and distributed parcels to the people or take
them home. The British Retail Consortium (BRC)
and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
([Internet], Commissioner O of the. Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked
Questions, FDA, 2020 Mar 22 [cited 2020 Mar 23];,
2020), (Jack, 2020) reassured the public where
stores made a drastic change, providing new jobs
about 30,000 in order to meet the high-pressure of
restocking shelves. Therefore, a UK-food chain,
Leon, was forced to revolve its business plans; more
than 65 of its restaurants were made up into shops to
deliver bread and meat.
Covid-19 and Environment Impact
Covid-19 also impacted Environment issues, i.e.,
medical waste. In February 2020 Wuhan produced
200 tons of medical waste, four times the city's
Post COVID 19 Pandemic Impacts on Socio-economic Development
waste facility ( Bashir, MA, & Shahzad, 2020).
Thus, several coronavirus cases are directly related
to clinical or medical waste deposited in the city.
There is a need to take the necessary steps to make
the city clean and free from other diseases ( PT &
CTS, 2020). To emerge ourselves stronger than ever,
we need to ensure or take responsibility and follow
health guidelines. People who are in direct contact
with medical waste, such as cleaners, collectors, and
medical staff, should take precautions and follow all
government health guidelines; otherwise, those
people can spread the virus quickly in public places.
Face masks are one of the major medical waste,
which are jettison after using it ones. Contributing to
medical waste, bottles of sanitizer are increasing
environmental pollution, especially in areas near to
coastal. For example, Hong Kong faced Covid-19 in
January 2020, and coastal areas are most affected by
medical waste. Further commented that now a new
wave of waste is getting deposited at the coast.
Figure 4, shows how a person gets infected and
further becomes a carriage o virus and infects other
people. Doctors and medical staff lay their methods
and theory to build the vaccine of coronavirus.
Further, we found a huge lump of medical waste
such as face masks, gloves in coastal areas infecting
cleaners, garbage collectors and making difficulty in
breathing for animals living in the sea.
Covid-19 self-isolation, quarantine, various
policies and implications of air quality
Figure 4: Illustration of Medical Waste and how infection
Globally, more than millions of cases have been
committed with coronavirus; as an outcome, the
government of different countries introduced
lockdown to ensure citizens' safety. Countries like
China, UK and USA advocated self-isolation, social
distancing and the compulsory wearing of masks
were the new norms to ensure safety from the virus.
In July 2020, Italy introduced travel restrictions on
more than 13 countries and urged its citizen to avoid
international travel (K., M., & SGM, 2020). It also
introduced 14-day quarantine to avoid been a
carriage of the virus from one country to another.
All these are helping the government to halt the
exposure of coronavirus. The closure of shops,
businesses, transportation, organisations, institutions
and industries led to a significant drop in Green
House Gas (GHG) emission. As compared in 2019,
air pollution dropped by 50% in New York; coal
consumption becomes less in China by 40%, 30%
reduction in and 25% reduction in GHG emission.
The Air Quality Index is enhanced by 11.4% in
major cities of China. Further decarbonization is
also sustained to ensuring a clean environment
around the world.
Table 2: Before and after Covid 19 air quality
Before Covid-19 Air
After Covid-19 Air
In table 2 it shows the result of air quality before and
after the Covid-19. It clearly shows the difference in
the air quality index before and after the pandemic.
The Covid-19 pandemic caused immense socio-
economic turmoil in spring 2020, the result of this
consists of necessary lockdowns and self-isolation. It
not only impacted the health of the person but also
ICICIS 2021 - International Conference on Innovations in Computer and Information Science
affected suspension in business activities. This study
reveals the consequences of the government policies
in different sectors include primary, secondary and
others. Considering the good things, air quality
which the government are trying to achieve from
many years by following different methods, could
not be achieved but during Covid-19 air quality
become far better than before. After the pandemic,
we people will emerge out with stronger abilities.
Different techniques have been laid by the
government to protect from virus. Doctors,
researchers are involved in finding the solutions
hereby, designing vaccines. Pfizer-BioNTech from
US and Oxford Group has passed the Phase-3
Covid-19 trial hence distribution has started among
people in the world.
An infectious virus, coronavirus which consist in
millions of cases and deaths around the world. At
the positive side, we found better air quality and
clean sky. Somehow, we found negative impacts
with positive impacts. We found noxious impacts
human and economic pain, where industries were
completely shut down, leading to a slowdown in
goods production. With the fear of new recession
and financial collapse, there is a need for strong
direction and guidance in healthcare, business,
government, and society to fight against any such
virus in future. Long term strategies and planning is
needed to overcome the situation of the pandemic. A
broad structure of socio-economic, including
primary, secondary, other sectors and an ecosystem
that encourages entrepreneurship in business models
is required to overcome the implications of Covid-
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of Covid-19. Springer.
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Beutels, P., & Smith, R. D. (2020). The possible
macroeconomic impact on the UK of an influenza
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A., Iosifidis, C., & Aghae, M. (2020). The socio-
economic implications of the coronavirus pandemic
(COVID-19):. International Journal of Surgery,
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