2019), social support is indeed a factor that predicts a
person's subjective well-being. More specific results
from this study show that self-esteem has a more
outstanding contribution than social support and
family function. This result is in line with research
conducted by Khairat and Adiyanti (Khairat &
Adiyanti, 2015) in adolescents found that self-esteem
can predict adolescents' subjective well-being
because it also has a considerable contribution of
There are opportunities to improve the subjective
well-being of adolescents by increasing self-esteem
and adolescent social support. Self-esteem in some
studies can be improved through family support, and
one of the studies that explain that there is a link
between family support and child self-esteem is
research Supatmi, Mayangsari, Sumara(Supatmi et
al., 2019)
This research has been conducted with the
involvement of much help. The writer is very grateful
to Tesi Hermaleni for her help in doing this research
properly. Furthermore, the writer would also like to
thank Fikryanda for helping to contribute to the
research data processing process. As well as for the
students that helped in the data process so that this
research can be done correctly and also to all
participants who can have participated in this study
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