Psychometric Evaluation of the Generalized Problematic Internet Use
Scale 2 in an Indonesian Adolescents’ Sample
Naura Nuzila Adlina
, Dian Veronika Sakti Kaloeti
, Annastasia Ediati
Kurniawan Teguh Martono
Faculty of Psychologi, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Family Empowerment Centre, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
Keywords: Psychometric Evaluation, Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale, Indonesian Adolescence.
Abstract: Internet users in Indonesia has increase and become challenged associated with symptoms of internet
addiction. Teenagers are the most vulnerable group to have Problematic Internet Use (PIU). This study’s main
purpose was to examine the psychometric properties of Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (GPIUS
2) in an Indonesian adolescents’ sample. The second aim was to investigate the concurrent validity of the
Indonesian version to provide evidence for the validity. The study involved a cross-sectional online survey
design with 300 adolescents with an age range of 15-18 years (M = 16; SD = 0.94) of which 70.7% (n = 202)
were female adolescents. GPUIS2 contains fifteen Likert-type items rated on an 8-point scale which modified
into 5-point Likert from “strongly disagree” to strongly agree. GPIUS 2 was adapted to Bahasa Indonesia
using backward translation techniques. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (i.e., Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) was performed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the GPIUS-2. Internal consistency
for both the subscales and the total scale had been assessed by calculating the alpha coefficients. The results
provide support for the original factorial structure similar by Caplan (2010) with five factor solution models.
Results indicated that the model fit the data well, χ2 = 230.697; d.f = 80; p < 0.001; CFI = 0.91; TLI = 0.92;
RMSEA = 0.07. The study also found good reliability for the global scale (α = 0.83). Further research needs
to explore models with relevant psychological constructs in revealing problematic internet behavior in
adolescents. Longitudinal studies, and in-depth interviews are also very important for future studies to present
more comprehensive data. Expanding the age of respondents to obtain comparisons between generations is
something that can be done considering Internet penetration has entered all layers of the age generation.
Based on the survey results of the Asosiasi
Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (2020),
internet users in Indonesia increased to 196.71
million people or 73.7% of the total population in
Indonesia, and smartphones remain the most
frequently used devices to access the internet
(95.4%). In 2019, in Indonesia, 25.2% of children
aged 5-9 years and 66.2% of children aged 10-14
were active internet users (Asosiasi Penyelenggara
Jasa Internet Indonesia, 2020). Internet or digital
technology can positively impact children and
adolescents, including improving literacy and math
skills, increasing socialization skills, gaining
intellectual benefits such as developing problem-
solving and critical thinking skills, increasing
imagination, art, and modeling abilities
(Undiyaundeye, 2014). Furthermore, Mills (2016), it
is explained that the use of the internet can improve
cognitive abilities such as absorbing information
faster. These abilities will help individuals to solve
problems. Vošner et al. (2016) state that internet users
become more active and engaged in using the internet
because of their interactions. Meanwhile, Omar et al.
(2014) states that internet users experience self-
development, broad exposure, relaxation, and
exchange of information on a global scale.
Problematic internet use has become challenged
associated with symptoms of addiction (Chang et al.,
2015; Simcharoen et al., 2018; Spada, 2014) which
include worldly, compulsive, and behavioral
excessively controlled or uncontrolled in connection
with internet access that leads to physical and mental
Adlina, N., Kaloeti, D., Ediati, A. and Martono, K.
Psychometric Evaluation of the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 in an Indonesian Adolescents’ Sample.
DOI: 10.5220/0010811400003347
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPsyche 2021), pages 283-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-580-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
disorders (Mamun & Griffiths, 2019). In addition,
excessive internet use also harms family
relationships, social and academic life
(Machimbarrena et al., 2018). Several variables are
associated with an increased risk of internet-related
problems, especially cyberbullying. Excessive
internet use also results in individuals losing control,
feelings of anger, stress symptoms, social isolation,
family conflict, anxiety, and depression
(Machimbarrena et al., 2018). Furthermore,
according to Alam et al. (2014) uncontrolled internet
use is associated with other pathological conditions
such as depression, loneliness, and social anxiety.
Some of the problems caused by excessive internet
use include behavioral such problems as late-night
internet use, social isolation, messy sleeping hours,
decreased academic performance (Akar, 2015). Then
physical problems such as migraines or headaches,
reduced sleep hours, and back pain due to prolonged
internet use (Zheng et al., 2016). Excessive internet
use can also lead to psychological problems such as
compulsive behavior and depression (Barthakur &
Sharma, 2012).
Problematic internet use is also considered a
symptom of one type of internet addiction. Internet
addiction is a broad term to cover various kinds of
addictions mediated by electronic media. These
addictions include, for example, shopping, virtual
sex, gaming, social network services (SNS),
smartphones, online gambling, cyber-connections,
and file downloading i.e., electronic services that
provide positive stimulation for users (Kačániová &
Bačíková, 2016; Mihajlov & Vejmelka, 2017; Rębisz
& Sikora, 2016; Wasiński & Tomczyk, 2015). All
types of internet addiction mentioned above fall into
problematic internet use (Vejmelka et al., 2017).
Teenagers are the majority age group of internet
users and the most vulnerable group to have
Problematic Internet Use (PIU); about 50% of
teenagers in South America use the internet. In
contrast, in the UK, America, and other Asian
countries, adolescent internet users almost reach
80%. The prevalence of Problematic Internet Use
among adolescents ranges from 0.8% (in high school
students in Italy) to 26.7% (in adolescents in Hong
Kong) globally. Factors that cause increased levels of
Problematic Internet Use in adolescents include low
social support, low levels of satisfaction with
academic performance, insecure attachment styles,
childhood violence experiences, poor parent-
adolescent relationships, lack of love from family.
And homesickness (Chandrima et al., 2020). Yen et
al. (in Chao et al., 2020) argue that low parental
monitoring is associated with PIU in adolescents. A
study conducted by Chao et al. (2020) on high school
students in Taiwan revealed that cyberbullying, the
use of internet pornography, internet fraud, and
community bonds affect the level of PIU in
adolescents. In Ardiansyah's study (2018),
Problematic Internet Use (PIU) has a negative
correlation with self-esteem, meaning that the lower
the level of self-esteem of students at the Islamic
University of Indonesia, the higher the level of self-
esteem Problematic Internet Use. Furthermore, in a
study conducted on high school students in Korea,
internet addiction was associated with poor mental
health conditions (Yoo et al. in Kuss & Lopez-
Fernandez, 2016). Furthermore, Anggunani and
Purwanto (2019) have found a positive relationship
between academic procrastination and Problematic
Internet Use, which means that the higher the level of
problematic internet use, the higher the level of
academic procrastination.
One of the first measuring tools used to measure
Problematic Internet Use is The Generalized
Problematic Internet Use Scale (GPIUS). This
measuring instrument is used to measure cognitive
and behavioral symptoms associated with PIU from
various perspectives. There are two versions of this
measuring instrument, namely the first and second
versions. The second version is the most used these
days. The Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale
2 was compiled by Caplan, (2010) based on the
pathological aspects of internet use which include a
preference for online social interaction, mood
regulation, deficient self-regulation consisting of
cognitive preoccupation, and compulsive internet
use, and adverse outcomes. Caplan (2010) defines
problematic internet use as maladaptive thoughts and
behaviors related to internet use that negatively affect
social, education, and occupationally.
This measuring instrument has been validated
and adopted in several studies, such as in Spain with
1,021 subjects and Cronbach's alpha reliability of
0.91 (Gámez-Guadix et al., 2013). Furthermore, in
Italy, the number of subjects was 371, with a
Cronbach alpha range from 0.78-0.89 (Fioravanti et
al., 2013). Again, Germany using two types, namely
the online version and the paper-based version, with
a total sample of 1041 subjects for the online version
and 841 subjects for the paper-based version. In this
study, the reliability obtained was 0.85 (Barke et al.,
2014). Then adaptation of this scale was also carried
out in Portugal with a reliability range from 0.78 (for
the Negative Outcomes subscale) to 0.86 (for the
Deficient Self-Regulation subscale) (Pontes et al.,
2019). Furthermore, adaptation was also carried out
in France with 563 students and Cronbach's alpha of
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
0.85 (Laconi et al., 2014).
In Asia, this scale was used in India to measure
Problematic Internet Use in engineering college
students with 3,973 subjects. The study found that
older age, more time spent online per day, and
internet use for social networking are associated with
riskincrease in PIU (Kumar et al., 2019). In
Indonesia, this measuring tool was used in Anggunani
and Purwanto (2019) research to determine the
relationship between problematic internet use and
academic procrastination in undergraduate students.
Furthermore, this scale is also used in the study
conducted by Ardiansyah (2018) to find out the
relationship between self-esteem and problematic
internet use in Indonesian undergraduate students.
Based on the explanation above, Indonesia, with
an increase in Internet users, especially among
teenagers, is a potential location for research on the
exploration and impact of the internet on behavior.
Furthermore, adaptation and validation of measuring
instruments are initial studies that will help the further
investigation. Thus, the present study aims to adapt
and validate the GPIUS 2 to Indonesian adolescents.
2.1 Participants
A total of 300 adolescents participated in this study
with an age range of 15-18 years (M = 16; SD = 0.94)
of which 70.7% (n = 202) were female adolescents.
Data collection is done online using the google form
link. We ensured that there was no duplication of data
by providing codes and settings in the application to
prevent repeated filling. Besides, those participants
were asked to upload informed consent. All
participants have explained this study and filled out
an informed consent. For participants who are less
than 17 years old, written consent from their parents/
legal guardians is required.
2.2 Measures
Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2
(GPIUS 2) developed by (Caplan, 2010). GPIUS2
contains fifteen items with five subscales, namely
Preference for Online Social Interaction (POSI; 3
items; e.g., “I prefer online social interaction over
face-to-face communication.”), Mood regulation
(MR; 3 items; e.g., “I have used the Internet to talk
with others when I was feeling isolated.”), Cognitive
preoccupation (CP; 3 items; e.g., “I would feel lost if
I was unable to go online.”), Compulsive Internet use
(CU; 3 items; e.g., “I find it difficult to control my
Internet use.”) and Negative outcomes (NO; 3 items;
e.g., “My Internet use has made it difficult for me to
manage my life”). GPUIS2 contains fifteen Likert-
type items rated on an 8-point scale which we
modified into 5-point Likert from “strongly disagree”
to strongly agree.” We adapted GPIUS to Bahasa
Indonesia using backward translation techniques
(Brislin, 1970).
2.3 Instruments Adaptation
We adapted GPIUS to Bahasa Indonesia using a
forward-backward translation technique (Brislin,
1970). The adaptation process is carried out by first
translating GPIUS 2 into Bahasa Indonesia (forward
translation), which is carried out by qualified clinical
psychologists and researchers with a PhD, and
proficient in English. Then after the forward
translation process was carried out, the results of the
GPIUS 2 translation were translated back into English
(backward translation) by a bilingual psychologist
and professional translator. After getting the
backward translation version, the researcher then
made an expert judgment to assess whether the item
was appropriate both in content and style. At this
stage, the expert also gives certain notes if the item is
still not quite right. After that, the item will be revised
by the researcher to be used as the final item. The
questionnaire was, then, administered to 10
adolescents to detect if there were some
understanding issues, discussed with them each item.
This procedure led to minor wording adjustments in
the final form of the measure.
2.4 Data Analytic Strategy and
Statistical Analysis
Generalized Problematic Before statistical analysis
was carried out, the data was cleaned through two
stages, namely in the initial phase, checking for
missing values with a threshold of 10% on the
information that had been collected. The second
phase is further analysis using: (1). Univariate
normality of all 15 items of the GPIUS2, (2).
Univariate outliers, and (3). Multivariate outliers
among the dataset.
The models’ parameters were estimated using
Maximum Likelihood. Goodness-of-fit was
evaluated using the following descriptive indices: (1)
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) between 0.90-0.95, (2)
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
(RMSEA) values equal to or less than 0.08, and (3)
Psychometric Evaluation of the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 in an Indonesian Adolescents’ Sample
Tucker-Lewis Fit Index (TLI) between 0.90-0.95 (Hu
& Bentler, 1999; Schermelleh-Engel et al., 2003) to
ensure the adequate fit of the measurement model.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) (i.e.,
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed
to evaluate the psychometric properties of the
GPIUS-2. Internal consistency for both the subscales
and the total scale has been assessed by calculating
the alpha coefficients. All the analyses were
performed using IBM SPSS Amos v.21.
Table 1 shows descriptive statistics for the GPIUS2
items. First, univariate distributions of the 15 items
were examined for assessment of normality. As for
the univariate normality, no item of the GPIUS2 had
absolute Skewness >3.0 and Kurtosis >8.0 (Kline,
2015), thus warranting univariate normality of the
study’s primary measure. Next, a standardized
composite sum score of the GPIUS2 using all 15
items was created to screen for univariate outliers.
Participants were deemed univariate outliers if they
scored ±3.29 standard deviations from the GPIUS2 z-
scores. This threshold was chosen because it includes
around 99.9% of the normally distributed GPIUS2 z-
scores (Field, 2013). Finally, the data were also
screened for multivariate outliers using Mahalanobis
distances and the critical value for each case based on
the chi-square distribution values, which resulted in
no further exclusion of participants.
Descriptive statistics for GPIUS2 subscales and
total scores are reported in Table 2. The correlation
coefficients for the GPIUS2 items are shown in Table
Table 1: Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 Items Descriptive Statistics.
Item wording M SD Skewness SE Kurtosis SE Corrected
I prefer online social interaction over face-to-
face communication
2.13 0.05 0.72 0.14 0.36 0.28 0.37
I have used the Internet to talk with others
when I was feelin
2.58 0.04 -0.06 0.14 -0.32 0.28 0.44
When I haven’t been online for some time, I
become preoccupied with the thought of
2.35 0.04 0.12 0.14 -0.33 0.28 0.45
I have difficulty controlling the amount of
time I spend online
2.60 0.05 -0.15 0.14 -0.35 0.28 0.55
My Internet use has made it difficult for me
to mana
e m
2.46 0.05 0.11 0.14 -0.49 0.28 0.50
Online social interaction is more comfortable
for me than face-to-face interaction
2.05 0.05 0.65 0.14 0.32 0.28 0.42
I have used the Internet to make myself feel
etter when I was down
2.91 0.04 -0.37 0.14 -0.16 0.28 0.34
I would feel lost if I was unable to
o online 2.39 0.05 0.01 0.14 -0.46 0.28 0.42
I find it difficult to control m
Internet use 2.53 0.05 0.13 0.14 -0.60 0.28 0.49
I have missed social engagements or
activities because of m
Internet use
2.24 0.04 0.31 0.14 0.03 0.28 0.47
I prefer communicating with people online
rather than face-to-face
2.08 0.04 0.70 0.14 0.56 0.28 0.49
I have used the Internet to make myself feel
etter when I’ve felt upse
2.95 0.04 -0.39 0.14 0.38 0.28 0.39
I think obsessively about going online when
I am offline
2.21 0.05 0.35 0.14 -0.31 0.28 0.52
When offline, I have a hard time trying to
resist the ur
e to
o online
2.25 0.04 0.31 0.14 -0.06 0.28 0.46
My Internet use has created problems for me
in m
2.15 0.04 0.44 0.14 0.31 0.28 0.41
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
Table 2: GPIUS2 scales and total score: Descriptive Statistics.
GPIUS Scale Mean SD
Preference for Online Social Interaction (POSI) 6.26 2.13
Mood regulation (MR) 8.44 1.75
Cognitive preoccupation (CP) 6.94 1.94
Compulsive Internet Use (CIU) 7.38 1.85
Negative Outcomes (NO) 6.85 1.79
GPIUS Total Score 35.86 6.27
Figure 1: Confirmatory Factor Analysis GPIUS 2.
Internal consistency for both the subscales and the
total scale has been assessed by calculating the alpha
coefficients. In terms of reliability, internal
consistency Cronbachs Alpha was .88 (95% C.I.=
.86 - .90) for POSI scale; α = .70 (95% C.I. = .64 -
.76) for Mood Regulation scale; α = .75 (95% C.I. =
.70 - .80) for Cognitive Preoccupation scale; α = .68
(95% C.I. = .61 - .74) for Compulsive Internet Use
scale; and α = .70 (95% C.I. = .64 - .76) for Negative
Outcome scale. For the whole, GPIUS2 scale’s
reliability was .83 (95% C.I.= .80 - .86). That value
did not increase when an item was deleted, and all
item-corrected total correlations were above .30.
As shown in Figure 1, a five-factor model was
tested by applying a confirmative approach. Results
indicated that the model fit the data well, χ2 =
230.697; d.f = 80; p < 0.001; CFI = 0.91; TLI = 0.92;
RMSEA = 0.07.
Psychometric Evaluation of the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 in an Indonesian Adolescents’ Sample
Table 3: Correlation coefficients for the GPIUS2 items.
ITEM 1 1
ITEM 2 .35
ITEM 3 .13
ITEM 4 .12
ITEM 5 .084 .18
ITEM 6 .67
.08 1
ITEM 7 .17
ITEM 8 -.04 .13
.03 .11 1
ITEM 9 .07 .13
ITEM 10 .15
.08 .18
.08 .22
ITEM 11 .70
.11 .12
ITEM 12 .17
.09 .19
ITEM 13 .11 .24
.09 .13
ITEM 14 .04 .16
.03 .11 .43
.07 .19
ITEM 15 .07 .09 .22
.11 .05 .23
.08 .25
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
ICPsyche 2021 - International Conference on Psychological Studies
This study present a psychometric properties of
the GPIUS2 among Indonesian teenagers. The results
provide that GPIUS 2 is a valid measure of
generalized problematic Internet use, since
confirmatory factor analysis has shown adequate fit.
The results provide support for the original factorial
structure similar by Caplan (2010) with five factor
solution models namely Preference for Online Social
Interaction, Mood Regulation, Cognitive
Preoccupation, Compulsive Internet Use, and
Negative Outcome. We found good reliability for the
global scale (α = 0.83).
On the basis of the confirmatory analysis results,
the Indonesian version of the GPIUS2 appears to be a
valid measure of GPIUS cognition, behaviors, and
outcomes. It is also suitable for measure involving
teenagers' sample.
Based on a theoretical perspective, the results of
this study show that there is a strong relationship
between individual preferences in online activities
and the manifestations in their thoughts and feelings.
This finding also reflects the construct of GPIUS2
which focuses more on the unique context of Internet
communication. The role of cognitive symptoms in
Preference for Online Social Interaction Caplan
(2010) is a systematic factor that plays a role in the
development of negative outcomes, so this can help
further research on the topic of Problematic Internet
Use (PIU). Further, the GPIUS2 presents an
important approach in evaluating PIU from a
multidimensional perspective that will help to
understand more deeply the etiology of problematic
Internet use.
This study also builds an empirical understanding
of the GPIUS2 model in the context of culture,
especially the Indonesian population.
The study concluded that the Generalized
Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (GPIUS 2) is a valid
and reliable instrument for in an Indonesian
adolescents. The study provided support for the
original factorial structure similar by Caplan (2010)
with five factor solution models namely Preference
for Online Social Interaction, Mood Regulation,
Cognitive Preoccupation, Compulsive Internet Use,
and Negative Outcome.
Moreover, this study has several limitation that
deserve to be addressed. First, the design of this study
is cross-sectional so it has not been able to find a
definite causal relationship. Further research needs to
explore models with relevant psychological
constructs in revealing problematic internet behavior
in adolescents. Longitudinal studies, and in-depth
interviews are also very important for future studies
to present more comprehensive data. Second, the data
from this study are based on self-report and use an
online form. This can have implications for the
emergence of bias in data entry. This can then be
minimized by using other complementary data such
as information from parents and teachers in the form
of questionnaires and interviews. Expanding the age
of respondents to obtain comparisons between
generations is something that can be done considering
Internet penetration has entered all layers of the age
This research was supported by Ministry of Research
and Technology/National Research and Innovation
Agency under Penelitian Terapan Unggulan
Perguruan Tinggi’s scheme (Grant No: 187-
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