BJP corrected ensemble forecasts are more reliable
and narrower, which make them more practical.
Based on the BJP corrected forecasts from five
models, the BMA can further improve the
forecasting reliability and accuracy in most cases.
The forecasts generated by the BJP-BMA
framework are also compared with the climatology
forecasts and the results demonstrate that the
forecasting skill varies significantly with different
FLTs. When FLT value is 1, the raw forecasts can
offer enough information which makes the corrected
and merged forecasts outperform the climatology
forecasts significantly. When FLT value is greater
than 1, the raw forecasts can only offer limited
information, but the BJP-BMA framework can still
extract the useful information and generate narrower
and more reliable forecasts. In summary, the BJP-
BMA framework can extract the useful information
contained in the raw forecasts and generate better or
not significantly worse forecasts than the
climatology forecasts in terms of predictive accuracy,
reliability and sharpness, which makes the forecasts
more practical in water resources management.
This research is funded by the Water Conservancy
Science and Technology Innovation project of the
Guangdong Province (2017-03) and the national
natural science foundation of China (U2040212).
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