shown in Figure 9.
Accuracy =
TP + FP + FN + TN
1-nearest neighbor classifiers achieved higher
test accuracies by using additional synthetic time
series samples for the datasets FreezerSmallTrain and
MoteStrain. Synthetic time series samples had no
effect on the classification results of the datasets
InsectEPGSmallTrain and SmallKitchenAppliances.
The classification accuracies for dataset ECG5000
degraded gradually by increasing the amount of
synthetic time series samples, resulting in a maximum
negative accuracy change of -3,91%.
The MiniRocket classification models benefited
from the synthetic time series samples for all
datasets. For the datasets InsectEPGSmallTrain,
MoteStrain and SmallKitchenAppliances, the highest
test classification accuracies were achieved with
models trained with additional synthetic sets, which,
for each class, contained an amount of samples equal
to 50% of the train set size. The test accuracies of
trained classification models for all datasets, except
SmallKitchenAppliances, decreased when they were
trained with additional synthetic sets, which, for each
class, contained an amount of samples equal to 200%
of the train set size. The test classification accuracy
for each dataset could be degraded by training with
a certain amount of synthetic time series samples.
The maximum negative accuracy change of -4,80%
occured for the dataset SmallKitchenAppliances by
training with an additional synthetic set, which, for
each class, contained an amount of samples equal to
100% of the train set size. The maximum positive
accuracy change of 1,22% occured for the dataset
1-nearest neighbor classifiers were capable of
classifying all InsectEPGSmallTrain test time series
samples correctly. For all other datasets, MiniRocket
has proven to achieve better classification accuracy
results, even up to 18,80% higher compared
to 1-nearest neighbor classifier for the dataset
FreezerSmallTrain. Figure 9 shows that use of a
synthetic set in the training process of the MiniRocket
classifier for the SmallKitchenAppliances dataset
made test accuracies more concentrated towards
the mean classification accuracy, yet still achieving
higher maximum accuracy.
A novel augmentation method for generating
synthetic time series with a residual neural network
based variational autoencoder was presented in this
paper. A variational autoencoder, called Beta-VAE,
is trained for each class in a time series classification
dataset, and later used for generating synthetic
time series samples. The train set, along with the
synthetic set, were then used for training a time
series classification model, MiniRocket. Most of
the highest classification accuracies were achieved
with models trained with additional synthetic sets,
which, for each class, contained an amount of
samples equal to 50% of the train set size. Across
the tested datasets, the proposed method achieved
a maximum increase of 1,22% in test classification
accuracy in comparison to the baseline results
obtained by training only with original train sets.
An increase of up to 0,81% in the accuracy of
simple machine learning classifiers was observed by
benchmarking the proposed augmentation method
with the 1-nearest neighbor algorithm. The amount
of synthetic time series samples should be selected
carefully by trial and error to prevent degradation of
classification accuracy. In the future, the proposed
Beta-VAE architecture will be adapted for generating
multivariate time series samples.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from
the Slovenian Research Agency (Research Core
Funding No. P2-0041, as well as Research Projects
No. L7-2633 and No. V2-2117).
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence