add the calculation logic of bilinear, and the parame-
ters of the model have also been relatively increased.
However, compared to the improvement of the model
performance, we believe that this conversion is cost-
We propose an end-to-end Bilinear Multi-Head At-
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which not only utilize the linear weighted neighbor
nodes to represent the target spatial and temporal
node, but also use the bilinear aggregator in spatial
and temporal representations. Extensive experiments
are carried out on two real-word traffic datasets, and
the results show that our proposed model achieves the
state-of-the-art performance in most scenes. For fu-
ture work, we will consider encoding high-order in-
teractions among multiple neighbors to represent the
target node and apply our model to other related ap-
This work was supported by the National Key R&D
Program of China under Grant No.2018AAA0101204
and No.2018AAA0101200. Kai Han is the corre-
sponding author.
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