• WHEN: this point aims to identify the date of oc-
currence of the events that took place in the news
story. The tool assigns a score from 0 to 1 in the
following way:
a. [0] If there is no reference date of the news item
b. [1] If present in explicit form
A fake news story generally does not have precise
dates. Therefore, it is only possible to give a high
score to a news item if the date is present in an
explicit form.
In addition to the above points, the temporal prox-
imity to the publication date is also added as a fac-
tor in determining the When. The following score
is assigned:
a. [0] If the facts in the news item refer to a period
prior to 180 days (approximately 6 months)
from submission to the tool.
b. [0.15] If the facts of the news item refer to a
period before 2 years since submission to the
c. [0.35] If the facts in the news item refer to a
period earlier than 2 years after submission to
the tool
Another very important feature when evaluating a
news item is the date of occurrence of the reported
facts. Tendentially, more the date of occurrence of
the facts is close to today’s date, more increases
the probability that it is a fake news constructed
ad hoc to deceive the reader. The reader of the
news tends to attribute to it a greater credibility
if the facts present in it have happened in a rel-
atively close period, since the subject is current;
while, the more we move away from today’s date,
the more the probability that the news is a fake
news decreases (but even if it were, it would no
longer have the same media effect of a recent news
• WHERE: this point aims to identify the place
where the events took place and attribute the prox-
imity to the place where the person who intends to
carry out the verification resides. The tool assigns
a score from 0 to 1 in the following way:
a. [0] If it does not exist or is not possible to iden-
tify the place of occurrence of the facts
b. [1] If it is possible to attribute the place of oc-
currence of the facts
A news considered reliable will have a well de-
fined place of occurrence of the facts
In addition, an additional score will be assigned
according to the following parameters:
a. [0] If the news is distant less than 1650 KM
b. [0.15] If the news is at medium distance from
the place where the verifier resides (distance
between 1650 KM and 6000 KM)
c. [0.35] If the news is at long range from
the place where the verifier resides (distance
greater than 6000 KM).
is important to analyze the distance between the
person searching for the news and the place where
the news occurred. In general, the closer the dis-
tance of occurrence of the facts is to the place of
residence of the person doing the research, the
greater the probability that it is fake news. The
person reading it will have more interest in giving
importance to a news story that takes place in a
place relatively close to his own
• WHY: this point aims to research the purpose for
which the news story was published. It intends
to answer the question, ”Why did the person who
published or shared the news do so? What pur-
pose did it achieve? What emotions did it evoke
in me?” Based on the type of answer, the tool as-
signs a score from 0 to 1 as follows:
a. [0] If the purpose of the person who published
the news item is to arouse emotions in the
reader or to induce them to buy a good/do an
b. [1] If the purpose of the publisher is to inform
in a disinterested manner
If a news item arouses strong emotions in the reader
(fear, anger, dismay, etc.) or causes him to change his
idea/opinion or to perform an action that he would
not have done before, then the news item will most
likely be a fake news item created with a very specific
purpose. Generally, a real news that has the sole pur-
pose of informing the reader, should arouse in the one
who reads it a neutral feeling.
The automation of checks follows the following solu-
• WHO: A web scraper is used to verify the exis-
tence of the author with the goal of extracting the
same from the xml code of the page.
• WHAT: To understand the topic of the news, the
tool asks the user to select one of the options from
a specially designed drop-down menu.
• WHEN: Through an algorithm of ”String Match-
ing” it searches for the date within the news; if
this is not explicitly present, through a semantic
analyzer it searches for names related to known
periods of the year (e.g. Christmas, New Year,
Winter, Summer, etc.). Once determined the date,
the proximity is calculated and the parameters are
assigned as defined above.
ICISSP 2022 - 8th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy