Since any study has flaws, we identify the following
weakness points: Intuitively, the engineer may not to
use our extension in accordance with the hypotheses
of the transformation process. This can be mitigated
by exposing both the annotated DSML and the result-
ing FM through synchronized views where the engi-
neer visualize the annotation feedback directly on the
FM. In addition, obtaining FM whose semantics are
not valid can not be avoided as this is an immediate
consequence of the engineer competence. In the same
way, we can not ensure that the DSML is initially
well-defined. Finally, We assumed here that DSMLs
describe a field of application with feature-like infor-
mation. But not all DSMLs are necessarily compati-
ble with our approach ADL (Architecture Description
Language), DDL (Data Definition Language), or GPL
(General Purpose Language). This limitation cannot
be considered as a weakness.
In the literature, contributions attempting to transform
DSML to FM are still in infancy. Hence, in this sec-
tion we sum up most notable relevant research meant
to convert any model type to a FM.
On the first hand, the method Clafer (B ˛ak et al.,
2016) is designed as a concise notation for metamod-
els, feature models, and mixtures of meta and feature
models. It has a concise syntax with rich semantics.
In fact, Clafer subsumes cardinality-based feature
modelling with attributes, references, and constraints.
However, there exists some issues to deal with the
risk for incomprehensibility as soon as the system be-
comes complex. On the second hand, Possompes et
al. (Possompès et al., 2010) proposes an instrumented
approach to integrate FM and UML metamodels with
an appropriate semantics via UML profiles. They
choose to transform feature metamodel into UML
profile to sum up FM existing semantics and by the
way facilitating their integration. This profile reuses
features related concepts by creating stereotypes that
extend UML meta-classes to add these lasts or sub-
tract them the corresponding FM semantics. At this
level, we claim that the common criticism of these
approaches is that they do not present a solution for
transforming DSML metamodel into FM. They pro-
posed new manners for either merging both of them
inside one model, which affects the system compre-
hensibility and lacks for a graphic visualization, ei-
ther including FM semantics with UML components
via profiles. However, at the best of our knowledge
none of them proposed a method to transform DSML
to FM.
This paper presents a transformation system that con-
verts a DSML metamodel into an FM enriched with
different types of information such as feature cardi-
nality, attributes and constraints. The resulting FM
is available both in a Java abstract syntax tree and
in a serialized form with XML compatible with Fea-
tureIDE. On this basis, the engineer can then specify
the requirements for the variation points, i.e. granu-
larity, binding time, etc. This FM allows for a set of
implementation tactics that are compatible with the
above PL requirements.
In the future, we plan to have the whole produc-
tion chain supported by a metaCASE that would man-
age the DSMLs, the FM, the annotation of the differ-
ent models and the guidance of the engineer in the
design of the software factory.
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Transforming Domain Specific Modeling Languages into Feature Models