Number of Sentences per Instance
Time (in seconds)
Figure 5: Computational Time for varying number of sen-
tences per instance.
We conclude that the needed amount of information
for fiction classification is between 5 to 10 sentences
which returns sufficient accuracy. Furthermore we
conclude that while SVM has a higher accuracy rate
in classification, its computational runtime easily in-
creases as the number of instance increases, and that
Word2Vec has a steady and unimpressive accuracy
rate across all sentence counts. For the approaches
analysed, we finally conclude that NB with TF-IDF is
the better approach for fiction classification.
The authors would like to thank Gus Hahn-Powell,
Valerie Johnson, and Cynthia Mwenja for their valu-
able feedback and support.
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ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods