Data Collection and Analysis of Print and Fan Fiction Classification
Channing Donaldson
1 a
and James Pope
2 b
University of Arizona, Department of Linguistics, Tucson AZ 85721, U.S.A.
University of Bristol, Faculty of Engineering, Bristol BS8 1QU, U.K.
Text Classification, Natural Language Processing, Fan Fiction, Comparative Literature.
Fan fiction has provided opportunities for genre enthusiasts to produce their own story lines from existing print
fiction. It has also introduced concerns including intellectual property issues for traditional print publishers.
An interesting and difficult problem is determining whether a given segment of text is fan fiction or print
fiction. Classifying unstructured text remains a critical step for many intelligent systems. In this paper we
detail how a significant volume of print and fan fiction was obtained. The data is processed using a proposed
pipeline and then analysed using various supervised machine learning classifiers. Given 5 to 10 sentences, our
results show an accuracy of 80-90% can be achieved using traditional approaches. To our knowledge this is
the first study that explores this type of fiction classification problem.
The explosive growth of fan fiction in the last two
decades has resulted in significant intellectual prop-
erty issues. Traditional print fiction writers as well
as fan fiction writers require protection. Given a seg-
ment of text, literary theorists need to be able to dis-
tinguish between hobbyist writers (e.g. fan fiction)
and professional writers. This is a special case of a
text classification problem that we more simply de-
note as fiction classification. An additional number of
research questions are raised. How does the number
of sentences in the text segment influence the classi-
fication performance? Can digital fan fiction ”look
like” printed fiction?
To address these questions we first collected a
sizeable amount of print and fan fiction text. We
then pre-process the data and perform feature extrac-
tion using the traditional term frequency, inverse doc-
ument frequency (TF-IDF) bag of words technique
and a word embedding approach (word2vec (Mikolov
et al., 2013; Goldberg and Levy, 2014)). Several
canonical classifiers are then used to assess the accu-
racy of the various approaches. We show that given 5
to 10 sentences per instance, approaches can differen-
tiate print from fan fiction with an accuracy between
80-90%. We further provide evidence that TF-IDF
followed by the Naive Bayes (NB) classifier provides
the best accuracy to computation performance. The
contributions of the paper are as follows.
1. Text classification approach for the fiction classi-
fication problem
2. Comparative analysis of various approaches for
fiction classification
3. Annotated corpus for the research community
The data can be obtained by contacting the authors.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows. First the
introduction along with the related work is presented.
The data collection is then detailed. The data analysis
explains the experimental setup and models. Finally,
the results are evaluated followed by the conclusion.
Text analysis is a vast and active area of computing.
Within the past ten years researchers have explored
such similar problems as large text corpora compar-
ative analysis of document sets using phrase seman-
tic commonality and pairwise distinction (Ren et al.,
2017), topic modelling across multiple document sets
(Hua et al., 2020), feature selection for literature re-
view (Pintas et al., 2021), automated attribution anal-
ysis of quoted speech from 19th century fiction using
logistic regression, decision tree, and JRip (Elson and
Donaldson, C. and Pope, J.
Data Collection and Analysis of Print and Fan Fiction Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010774100003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 511-517
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Data Collection Overview.
McKeown, 2010) and analyses of interpersonal rela-
tionships and gender roles in 19th century Sweden fic-
tion (Kokkinakis et al., 2014), to name a few.
Text mining has gained significant interest in the
last two decades. In it’s early stages, Kalt and
Croft (Kalt, 1996) suggested treating a document
as a bag of words (BOW). Salton, et al. (Salton
et al., 1994), made a notable extension to the BOW
model by adding weights based on term and docu-
ment frequency (TF-IDF). Subsequently, Mikolov, et
al. (Mikolov et al., 2013), presented word2vec that
describes how words and their surrounding words can
be transformed into a vector (i.e. word embedding)
useful for subsequent classification. Recently, re-
search has focused upon context and how the previ-
ous words and subsequent words influence meaning.
Melamud, et al. (Melamud et al., 2016), present con-
text2vec that passes the word embeddings to a Bidi-
rectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) neural network. Bah-
danau, et al. (Bahdanau et al., 2016) show how adding
an attention layer can improve sequence based mod-
els (e.g. LSTM). More recently, Devlin, et al. (Devlin
et al., 2019), present the Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers (BERT) that produces
contextualised word embeddings.
Our research leverages these existing works for
classifying text as either print or fan fiction. To the
best of our knowledge, our work is the first to com-
pare fan fiction and print fiction using recent text clas-
sification approaches.
Two types of data were collected for this experiment.
The first set is from published fiction novels and the
second is from literature fan fiction. Figure 1 is a vi-
sualisation of our data collection pipeline, in which
the two sets of data are converted to UTF8 TXT for-
mat (hereby refered to as TXT) and combined into a
single corpus with two distinct categories; Print and
Fan Fiction. From this binary corpus, we create our
JSON files used for data analysis (Pezoa et al., 2016).
Table 1 shows a summary of the corpus size.
Table 1: Corpus Summary.
# Files GB # Sentences
Print Fiction 67488 33 7,759,881
Fan Fiction 9724 1.7 674,377
3.1 Print Fiction
The print corpus data set was collected from free book
donation areas. The requirement for selection in-
cluded the modernity of the book of no more than 100
years unless the novel still has an active fan-base and
being a fiction novel. Due to restrictions upon scan-
ning capability, ultimately paperback novels make up
the majority of the corpus since the weight of the pa-
per effected the ease of which it could be scanned.
Thinner paper, like that which is used in hardback
books, could not be effectively and quickly scanned
with the available tools. Once the novels were col-
lected, an industrial sized cutter was used to remove
the spines of the novels, making them easier to be
scanned as a whole. These scanned pages were saved
in PDF format and organised in files according to the
author and book title. Book covers, publishing details,
and marketing pages were saved separately from the
novel’s text and the code is written to ignore PDFs
under a certain size. This consideration was done
to limit possible noise from these pages affecting the
scope of this analysis. In totality the size of the print
corpus is roughly 33GB.
Tesseract was used to OCR the PDF document
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(Kay, 2007). Apache PDFBox was used to extract the
PNGs from the PDF and the remaining text was saved
separate in TXT format (Foundation, 2009). Dur-
ing this stage we found that some PDFs had flipped
orientation which resulted in nonsensical text extrac-
tions. We resolved the orientation problem by an-
notating approximately 234 PNGs (i.e. individual
pages) randomly selected from the print corpus and
rotating them into four total orientations to produce
936 PNGs. Our orientation correction tool was devel-
oped in previous research (Pope. et al., 2020).
3.2 Fan Fiction
The digital fan fiction corpus data set was collected
from the online platform Fan
fiction was targeted by collections associated with lit-
erature, where each collection is connected to an au-
thor and a specific book, and collections had more
than 1,000 associated digital fictions within the spec-
ified collection. Collections that were associated with
only an author and not a book, or collections asso-
ciated with mixed media such as literature and TV/-
movie, were ignored. The goal was to be selective
in the comparative text, in which we wanted to asso-
ciate the literature fan-base directly to printed litera-
ture. Code was written to target the specified Collec-
tion pages and the first 20 most recent submissions
were downloaded only the body of the text in HTML
format if it met the requirement of being written in
English. Even after collecting at most 40 instances
per collection, the size of the Fan fiction was signifi-
cantly smaller coming in at just under 2GB.
3.3 Text 2 JSON
Once both Print and Fan fiction were in TXT format
we converted into a consistent JSON format for pro-
cessing. We parsed 20 separate JSON file where each
file number corresponded to the number of sentences
in each instance such that file 1 had 1 sentence per
instance, up to file 20 which had 20 sentences per in-
stance totalling in 20 seperate JSON files for analysis.
Listing 1.1 are examples of 2 sentence JSON file from
both the Print and the Fan Fiction data sets.
Listing 1: JSON Record Example (2 sentences per in-
{ ” c a t e g o r y ” : ” p r i n t ” ,
” t e x t ” : Some t h i n g s wer e s i m p l y b e t t e r l e f t
une xam ine d . The n e x t day , H arry h i r e d a h o r s e
. ,
” f i l e n a m e ” : 2020 0 8 1 6 1 5 2 2 2 4 . t x t ,
” pa r a g r a p h ” : 95}
{ ” c a t e g o r y ” : ” f a n ” ,
” t e x t ” : ” I can t h e l p i t . I know i t l l r u i n me one
day , a l a s , p e r h a p s i t ’ s one o f t h o s e p a r t s o f
me I can t c hang e . ” ,
” f i l e n a m e ” : removed f o r p r i v a c y ” ,
” pa r a g r a p h ” : 115 }
This sections first details how the data is converted
from the corpora into formats suitable for several
machine learning approaches. Each approach and
its results are then examined and finally compared.
Our natural language processing code utilised the
same framework as created by Pietro (Pietro, 2021).
The experiments also used the natural language pro-
cessing toolkit (NLTK) (Steven Bird, 2021), and the
Gensim topic modelling library (
rek and Sojka,
4.1 Data Preparation
Using the pipeline shown in Figure 2, experiments
were conducted using a varying number of sentences
per instance for each approach. the data preparation
block prepares the text for an experiment in which
instances are selected and processed prior to feature
representation. For each experiment, the instances are
first stratified into print and fan fiction sets. Due to
the class imbalance, we under sample the majority
fan fiction instances so that 50% of the print fiction
is selected. For example, given 1000 fan fiction in-
stances and 100 print fiction instance, we randomly
select 50 instance from the fan fiction and then 50
from the print fiction, leaving the classes balanced.
We normalise the text by removing Rainbow stop
words (Kalt, 1996), proper nouns, and punctuation
(Steven Bird, 2021) then preforming lemmatisation
upon the text.
4.2 Word Count Approach
Beginning with one of the most traditional approaches
to text analysis, the Bag of Words (BOW) method,
requires feature engineering to decide which word(s)
are more important by weighing them across the en-
tirety of the corpus. BOW does this through vec-
torisation of text segments. Our code takes the top
10,000 most occurring words and reduces that num-
ber with feature selecting using the chi-2 algorithm.
We take the resulting smaller vector and perform TF-
IDF statistics for weighing, providing numerical rep-
resentations from the remaining vocabulary. We per-
form classification upon these representations using
both multi-nominal NB and SVM on a 70/30 training
Data Collection and Analysis of Print and Fan Fiction Classification
Figure 2: Data Analysis Overview.
test split. Figure 3 shows the receiver operating char-
acter, precision-recall curve, and confusion matrix for
10 sentences per instances. These results suggest that
the two types of fiction can equally look alike.
(a) ROC at 10 sentences.
(b) Confusion Matrix at 10 sentences.
Figure 3: 10 Sentences Per Instance.
4.3 Deep Learning Model (DLM)
Representation learning approaches attempt to learn
word embeddings suitable to be passed to a classi-
fier, directly from the raw text avoiding feature ex-
traction steps. The presented model, derived from
Pietro (Pietro, 2021), is similar to context2vec (Mela-
mud et al., 2016) with an attention layer (Bahdanau
et al., 2016) added between the word embeddings and
LSTM layers. The transformed text’s vector represen-
tation is passed to a softmax layer for classification.
Table 2 summarises the architecture. Collectively we
denote the approach Word2Vec+DLM.
The text length needs to be fixed before present-
ing to the input layer, so it is either padded or trun-
cated prior to the input layer. The text length is based
on the average number of words per sentence times
the number of sentences per instance (the corpus av-
erage sentence word length is approximately 5). The
deep learning model architecture first takes the text
and embeds into a 300 dimensional vector. The em-
bedding layer uses the word2vec pre-trained weights
from Gensim’s word2vec-google-news-300 data li-
brary. Training word2vec on the corpus would per-
form better but for convenience and computational
reasons the pre-trained weights are used. The word
embeddings are then passed to the attention layer
(Bahdanau et al., 2016) that decides which parts of
the source text to focus on. The output is then passed
to two Bi-LSTM layers. Their output is then passed
to a ReLU layer which outputs to the softmax layer
to produce the probabilities for the classes. The
sparse categorical crossentropy loss function and the
adam optimiser are used for training.
4.4 Results Comparison
Since precision and recall curves in Figure 3 are ef-
fectively the same, we choose to use accuracy in-
stead of the f score for comparison. The experi-
ments are repeated seven times and the mean accu-
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Deep Learning Model (DLM) Architecture.
Layer Parameters
Input textLength=5 x sentences per instance
Embedding output=(textLength, 300)
Attention output=(textLength, 300)
LSTM dropout=0.2, output=(textLength, 2 x textLength)
LSTM dropout=0.2, output=(2 x textLength)
Dense activation=ReLU, output=(64)
Dense activation=Softmax, output=(2)
Number of Sentences per Instance
Figure 4: Accuracy for varying number of sentences per
racy is determined along with 95% confidence inter-
vals (using the t-distribution). Figure 4 shows the re-
sults of the experiments. Starting from the left of the
graph and moving right, the number of instances (sen-
tences, in this case) are decreasing. We found that
while TF-IDF+SVM out-performed TF-IDF+NB and
word2vec, it also greatly under-performed in compu-
tational time. The Word2Vec+DLM runtime is better
than TF-IDF+SVM. However, TF-IDF+NB performs
has the best accuracy and computational performance.
Figure 4 shows the accuracy results for the different
With less than 5 sentences per instance the ap-
proaches perform about the same around 70% accu-
racy. Clearly the TF-IDF+SVM and NB approaches
are quickly improving with more sentences per in-
stance. From 1 to 10 sentences per instance the ac-
curacy increased by 20% but from 10 to 20 it only
increased by 5%. The best accuracy achieved was
90% by TF-IDF+SVM. For TF-IDF there is dimin-
ishing return with the inflection point around 5 sen-
tences per instance. This provides evidence for how
many sentences are sufficient to make a classification
and answers one of the research questions.
The Word2Vec+DLM approach performs slightly
better from 1 to 10 sentences per instance after which
it does not perform any better and possibly slightly
worse after 15 sentences per instance. The results
clearly show that the Word2Vec+DLM representation
learning approach performs worse than the TF-IDF
bag of words approach for the fiction classification
problem. The results suggest between 5-10% im-
provement in accuracy can be achieved by perform-
ing some feature engineering. A possible improve-
ment may be to train on the corpus instead of using
pre-trained weights for word2vec.
For comparison, we also determined the process-
ing time that each approach took. This time includes
both the training time and the prediction time on the
test set. The data preparation time from Figure 2
is not included. All experiments were run on the
same CPU (not GPU acceleration). Figure 5 shows
the results where the y-axis is in seconds process-
ing time and the x-axis is the number of sentences
per instance. Since the number of sentences in the
corpus is fixed, the x-axis can also be interpreted
as the number of instances, decreasing from left to
right. The Word2Vec+DLM approach takes much
more processing time than TF-IDF+NB. For exam-
ple, when the number of sentences per instance is
5, Word2Vec+DLM takes 1435 seconds versus only
30 seconds for TF-IDF+NB. This ratio of roughly 45
times faster holds for the other number of sentences
per instance. Most notably, however, is the time re-
quired for TF-IDF+SVM as the number of instances
increases. Only after 18 sentences per instances
does the time beat Word2Vec+DLM. Obviously, TF-
IDF+SVM does not scale well with the number of in-
stances. For 5 sentences per instance, TF-IDF+SVM
takes 6 times more than Word2Vec+DLM and 280
times more than TF-IDF+NB. Given near identi-
cal accuracy results between TF-IDF+SVM and TF-
IDF+NB, clearly TF-IDF+NB provides a better accu-
racy to computational time trade-off.
Data Collection and Analysis of Print and Fan Fiction Classification
Number of Sentences per Instance
Time (in seconds)
Figure 5: Computational Time for varying number of sen-
tences per instance.
We conclude that the needed amount of information
for fiction classification is between 5 to 10 sentences
which returns sufficient accuracy. Furthermore we
conclude that while SVM has a higher accuracy rate
in classification, its computational runtime easily in-
creases as the number of instance increases, and that
Word2Vec has a steady and unimpressive accuracy
rate across all sentence counts. For the approaches
analysed, we finally conclude that NB with TF-IDF is
the better approach for fiction classification.
The authors would like to thank Gus Hahn-Powell,
Valerie Johnson, and Cynthia Mwenja for their valu-
able feedback and support.
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Data Collection and Analysis of Print and Fan Fiction Classification