Searching for a Safe Shortest Path in a Warehouse
elien Mombelli, Alain Quilliot and Mourad Baiou
LIMOS, UCA, 1 Rue de la Chebarde, 63170 Aubi
ere, France
Shortest Path, Risk Aware, Time-dependant, A*, Reinforcement Learning.
In this paper, we deal with a fleet of autonomous vehicles which is required to perform internal logistics tasks
inside some protected areas. This fleet is supposed to be ruled by a hierarchical supervision architecture which,
at the top level, distributes and schedules Pick up and Delivery tasks, and, at the lowest level, ensures safety
at the crossroads and controls the trajectories. We focus here on the top level and deals with the problem
which consist in inserting an additional vehicle into the current fleet and routing it while introducing a time
dependent estimation of the risk induced by the traversal of any arc at a given time. We propose a model and
design a bi-level heuristic and an A*-like heuristic which both rely on a reinforcement learning scheme in
order to route and schedule this vehicles according to a well-fitted compromise between speed and risk.
In an empty warehouse, an autonomous vehicle may
travel at full speed toward its destination. However, if
other autonomous vehicles are already working, trav-
elling inside the warehouse implies avoiding conges-
tion and costly accidents.
Monitoring a fleet involving autonomous vehicles
usually relies on hierarchical supervision. The trend
is to use three levels. At the low level, or embedded
level, robotic related problems are tackled for specific
autonomous vehicles like path following problems or
object retrieving procedures (Mart
a and
erez, 2010). At the middle level, or local
level, local supervisors manage priorities among au-
tonomous vehicles and resolve conflicts in a restricted
area (Chen and Englund, 2016) who worked on cross-
road strategies. Then, at the top level, or global level,
global supervisors assign tasks to the fleet and com-
pute paths. This level must take lower levels into ac-
count in order to compute its own solution. For exam-
ple, (Wurman et al., 2008) compute the shortest path
thanks to the A* algorithm, but assign each task to the
fleet of autonomous vehicles using a multi-agent arti-
ficial intelligence in order to avoid conflict in arcs as
much as possible.
Redirecting autonomous vehicles to non-shortest
path may seem to increase the total travel time at first
but (Mo et al., 2005) showed that, in an airport, it ac-
tually decreased the total travel time and the conges-
tion time. With the same idea, several authors com-
puted the shortest path thanks to the A* algorithm,
first published by (Hart et al., 1968) in 1968. Then, if
any conflict is detected, an avoidance strategy is ap-
plied (Chen et al., 2013).
This study puts the focus on a global level: routing
and giving instructions to an autonomous vehicle in a
fleet. An autonomous vehicle, idle until now, is cho-
sen to carry out a new task. It must travel fast but it
must not take too many risks. Many articles propose
techniques to solve constrained shortest path prob-
lems, see (Lozano and Medaglia, 2013) for an exam-
ple. In 2020, (Ryan et al., 2020) used a weighted sum
of time and risks in Munster’s roads in Ireland to com-
pute a safe shortest path using an A* algorithm. In
their case, risk is a measure of dangerous steering or
braking events on roads. But these techniques mostly
cannot be applied here because the risk, in our case,
is time-dependent. One can search for the optimal
solution in a time-expanded network as did (Krumke
et al., 2014). A connection between two nodes in this
network represents the crossing of an arc in the static
network at a given time. Those kind of networks are
used, among other applications, for evacuation rout-
ing problems as did (Park et al., 2009).
This paper does not intend to study risks in a ware-
house. Therefore, we assume that we are provided
with a procedure which computes an expected value
of the risk of any arc at any time. This article aims
to answer the problem of finding a safe shortest path
while considering a warehouse structure, paths fol-
lowed by already working autonomous vehicles and a
risk estimation procedure. First, a precise description
of the problem is presented. Then, how to compute
Mombelli, A., Quilliot, A. and Baiou, M.
Searching for a Safe Shortest Path in a Warehouse.
DOI: 10.5220/0010780700003117
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2022), pages 115-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-548-7; ISSN: 2184-4372
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved