A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information
Rodrigo Rodrigues, Ricardo Azambuja Silveira and Rafael De Santiago
Federal University of Santa Catarina - PPGCC, Trindade, Florianopolis, Brazil
Intelligent Agent, Multi-Context Systems, Symbolic, Connectionist, Negotiation, Information Retrieval.
Nowadays, decisions derived from intelligent systems frequently affect human lives (e.g., medicine, robotics,
or finance). Traditionally, these systems can be implemented using symbolic or connectionist methods. Since
both methods have crucial limitations in different aspects, integrating these methods represents a relevant step
to deploying intelligent systems in real-world scenarios. We start tackling the integration of both methods
by exploring how to use different types of information during the agent’s decision-making. We modeled and
implemented an intelligent agent based on a Multi-Context System (MCS). MCSs allow the representation
of information exchange among heterogeneous sources. We use a framework called Sigon to implement the
proposed agent. Sigon is a novel framework that enables the development of MCS agents at a programming
language level. As a case study, we present a mediator agent for conflict resolution during negotiation. The
mediator agent creates advice by retrieving information from the web and employing different data types ( e.g.,
text and image) during its decision-making. This work provides a promising and flexible way of integrating
different information and resources using MCS as the main result.
Nowadays, decisions derived from intelligent systems
frequently affect human’s lives (e.g., medicine, edu-
cation, or legal). There is an emerging need for un-
derstanding how AI methods execute these decisions
(Goodman and Flaxman, 2017; Arrieta et al., 2019).
Traditionally, two categories can separate AI meth-
ods: symbolic and connectionist. Symbolic AI works
by carrying on a sequence of logic-like reasoning
steps over a set of symbols consisting of language-like
representations (Garnelo et al., 2016). On the other
hand, connectionist AI refers to embodying knowl-
edge by assigning numerical conductivities or weights
to the connections inside a network of nodes (Minsky,
Even though connectionist techniques have helped
AI achieve impressive results in many different fields,
most of the criticism about this method revolves
around data inefficiency, poor generalization, and
lack of interpretability (Garnelo and Shanahan, 2019;
Chollet et al., 2018). In a symbolic approach, we
have an easily understandable and transparent system.
However, they are known as less efficient (Arrieta
et al., 2019; Anjomshoae et al., 2019). The question
of how to conciliate the statistical nature of learning
with the logical nature of reasoning, aiming to build
such robust computational models integrating concept
acquisition and manipulation, has been identified as a
key research challenge and fundamental problem in
computer science (Besold et al., 2017; Valiant, 2003).
Considering both methods’ benefits to AI, many
studies have focused on combining connectionist and
symbolic approaches. The main goal is to increase in-
telligent systems’ expressiveness, trust, and efficiency
(Arrieta et al., 2019; Bennetot et al., 2019; Garnelo
et al., 2016; Marra et al., 2019; Garcez et al., 2019).
Some works focus on object representation and com-
positionality and how they can be accommodated in
a deep learning framework (Garnelo and Shanahan,
2019). While others present a survey about how
to employ reinforcement learning, dynamic program-
ming, evolutionary computing, and neural networks
to design algorithms for MAS decision-making (Rizk
et al., 2018). Even though different surveys explore
the integration of machine learning and agents (Je-
drzejowicz, 2011), we notice that two crucial points
were not fully covered: (i) - the usage of a neural
network as part of the agent’s reasoning cycle; (ii) -
the integration of different types of information dur-
ing the agent’s decision-making.
Rodrigues, R., Silveira, R. and De Santiago, R.
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0010781400003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 78-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We believe that the major challenges when de-
ploying these systems in real-world environments are:
(i) - the presence of different types of information
(i.e text, audio, video, and image), where most of
these different data are unstructured; and (ii) - in some
cases only connectionist or symbolic methods could
not suffice to produce robust Intelligent Systems to as-
sist during problem resolution. Taking that into con-
sideration, in this paper, our primary goal is to pro-
pose, model, and implement an intelligent agent that
can reason under the presence of different data types
and employ connectionist and symbolic methods dur-
ing its reasoning cycle.
To achieve this goal, we propose an intelligent
agent based on Multi-Context Systems (MCS). MCSs
allow the representation of information exchange
among heterogeneous sources (Cabalar et al., 2019;
Brewka and Eiter, 2007; Brewka et al., 2011; Brewka
et al., 2014). In MCSs, contexts describe differ-
ent sources that interact with other contexts via spe-
cial rules called bridge-rules (Cabalar et al., 2019).
More precisely, we propose adding two custom con-
texts into a BDI-like agent. These contexts model re-
sources responsible for reasoning under the presence
of different types of information. We propose two
new bridge-rules and changes to the agents’ planning
preconditions verification to integrate these custom
contexts into the agent’s decision-making. We mod-
eled an agent’s actuator by developing a web-scraper
for information retrieval. Generally, Web data scrap-
ing can be defined as the process of extracting and
combining contents of interest from the Web in a sys-
tematic way (Glez-Pe
na et al., 2014).
To develop our agent, we use a framework called
Sigon. According to the best of our knowledge,
Sigon is the first framework that enables the devel-
opment of MCS agents in a programming language
level (Gelaim et al., 2019). We present a case study
in which our proposed agent acts as a mediator, re-
sponsible for solving conflict during a buyer and seller
negotiation. To construct such solutions, a mediator
brings more information and knowledge and, if possi-
ble, resources to the negotiation table (Trescak et al.,
2014). The mediator agent’s strategy revolves around
retrieving information via its actuator and detecting
emotions based on facial expression. In this scenario,
we also show how these strategies can be modeled in
an MCS.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents an overview about the related works. Sec-
tion 3 presents the topics investigated in this research.
Section 4 presents our agent model’s initial proposal
and how an actuator can be implemented as a web-
scraper. Section 5 shows a case study and how this
agent can be implemented. Finally, in section 6 a con-
clusion and future works is showed.
Rodrigues et al. present in (Rodrigues et al., 2021)
a Systematic Literature Mapping (SLM), reporting an
overview about the integration of neural network and
intelligent agents. From 2015 to 2020, 1019 papers
were analyzed. One of the most important findings is
that most studies use neural networks to define learn-
ing agent’s reward policies, leaving uncovered the in-
tegration of neural networks as part of the agent’s
We start exploring how to integrate symbolic and
connectionist methods by modeling an agent as a
Multi-Context System (MCS). Many different ap-
proaches of MCS have been employed for interlink-
ing heterogeneous knowledge sources (Cabalar et al.,
2019; Dao-Tran and Eiter, 2017; Brewka and Eiter,
2007). MCS also were employed for modeling ne-
gotiating agents (Trescak et al., 2014; Parsons et al.,
1998; de Mello et al., 2018). However, none of them
explored the integration of different data types during
the agent’s reasoning cycle.
A framework called Sigon was created to fill
the gap between theory and practice. According to
the best of our knowledge, Sigon is the first pro-
gramming language for developing agents as MCS
(Gelaim et al., 2019). Sigon was already employed
for modeling agents’ situational awareness in urban
environment (Gelaim, 2021), and the development of
perception policies (De Freitas et al., 2019). Even
though Sigon was used in those scenarios, the avail-
able version does not support modeling custom sen-
sors for processing different data types (e.g., images,
videos, and audio). Sigon also does not support refer-
encing different contexts than the belief context dur-
ing planning precondition verification. In our work,
we started addressing these two limitations by chang-
ing the Sigon grammar and integrating custom sen-
sors into the agent’s reasoning cycle.
This section briefly introduces the topics used in our
paper. Subsection 3.1 introduces the concept of neu-
ral networks. Subsection 3.2 presents the definition
of intelligent agents. In subsections 3.3 and 3.4 we
present the definitions of MCS and Sigon.
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval
3.1 Neural Networks
Neural networks are models inspired by the struc-
ture of the brain (Ozaki, 2020; McCulloch and Pitts,
1990), which provides a mechanism for learning,
memorization and generalization. These models can
differ not only by their weights and activation func-
tion but also in their structures, such as the feed-
forward NN that are known for being acyclic, while
recurrent NN has cycles (Ozaki, 2020). An artifi-
cial neural network consists of different neuron layer,
where input layers form the NN, one or more hidden
layers, and an output layer (Wang, 2003). Definition
1 is presented in (Kriesel, 2007) and models a simple
neural network.
Definition 1. An NN is a sorted triple (N,V, w) with
two sets N, V and a function w, where N is the set of
neurons and V a set {(i, j)|i, j N} whose elements
are called connections between neuron i and neuron
j. The function w : V R defines the weights, where
w((i, j)), the weight of the connection between neuron
i and neuron j, is shortened to w
i j
3.2 Intelligent Agents
Despite the existence of different definitions of intel-
ligent agents, we assume that an agent has certain
properties. An agent definition can have the follow-
ing properties: autonomy, social skills, reactive, and
proactive (Wooldridge et al., 1995). The agent’s be-
haviour and properties can be determined by mod-
elling its mental attitudes. In the Belief -Desire-
Intention (BDI) architecture proposed by (Bratman,
1987), the three mental attitudes represent, respec-
tively, the information, motivational, and deliberative
states of the agents (Rao et al., 1995).
3.3 Multi-Context Systems (MCS)
A MCS specification of an agent contains three ba-
sic components: units or contexts, logics, and bridge
rules (Casali et al., 2005). Thus, an agent is defined
as a group of inter-connected units:
, in
which a context C
is a tuple C
= L
, A
where L
, A
, and
are the language, axioms, and
inference rules respectively. A bridge rule can be un-
derstood as a rule of inference with premises and con-
clusions in different contexts, for instance:
: ψ,C
: ϕ
: θ
means that if formula ψ is deduced in context C
and formula ϕ is deduced in context C
then formula
θ is added to context C
(Casali et al., 2005). The
information flows between contexts via bridge-rules.
In section 3.4, we present how a BDI-agent can be
modelled using Sigon framework.
3.4 Sigon: A Framework for Agent’s
According to the best of our knowledge, Sigon is
the first programming language for developing agents
based on MCS. Sigon framework enables the devel-
opment of agents components as contexts and defines
its integration via bridge-rules (Gelaim et al., 2019).
The definitions of a Sigon agent are presented in 2.
Definition 2 (Sigon BDI-agent).
AG = ⟨{BC, DC, IC, PC,CC},
, (1)
where BC, DC, IC, PC, CC are the beliefs, desires,
intentions, planning, and communication contexts;
are the bridge rules for information exchange
between contexts defined in 4, 5, and 6.
The beliefs, desires, and intentions context are
modeled as a logical context, following the previously
presented definition. The communication and plan-
ning contexts are modeled as functional contexts. The
communication context consists of a set of sensors
and actuators. A Communication context is defined
Definition 3. CC =
where S
with 1 i n are agent sensors, and A
with 1 j m its actuators (Gelaim et al., 2019).
Plans and actions form the planning context. Sigon’s
plans and actions are based on Casali et al. (2005)
work. An action is defined as:
action(α, Pre, Post, c
) (2)
where α is the name of the action, Pre is the set of
pre-conditions for α execution, Post is the set of post-
conditions, and c
is the α cost (Gelaim et al., 2019).
A plan is defined as:
plan(ϕ, β, Pre,Post, c
) (3)
where ϕ is what the agent wants to achieve, β is
the action or the set of actions the agent must execute
to achieve ϕ, Pre is the set of pre-conditions, Post is
the set of post conditions, and c
is the cost (Gelaim
et al., 2019). Bridge-rules
are defined as follows:
CC : sense(ϕ)
BC : ϕ
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
DC : ϕ and BC : not ϕ and IC : not ϕ
IC : ϕ
p = plan(ϕ,β, Pre, Pos, c
PC : plan(φ, β, Pre,Pos, c
) and IC : φ and BC : Pre
CC : β
Sigon framework provides a BDI algorithm that
can be used during the agent’s development. Initially,
an agent perceives data from the environment and
then executes the bridge-rule presented in definition
4. This first bridge-rule adds the perception captured
by the sensors of the communication context (CC) to
the beliefs context (BC). According to definition 5,
the second bridge-rule is responsible for choosing an
intention that the agent wants to achieve. An inten-
tion is added when the agent does not believe it, does
not have it as an intention, and desires it. The third
bridge-rule presented in 6 selects an action to be ex-
ecuted. An action β is selected when the plan’s pre-
condition Pre is satisfied in the beliefs context (BC),
and phi is true or can be inferred in the intentions con-
text (IC) (Gelaim et al., 2019). For more details about
Sigon implementation, we encourage the reader to ac-
cess (Gelaim et al., 2019).
In this section, we present the proposed agent. This
agent can process different types of perceptions dur-
ing its reasoning cycle. The agent is modeled as
a Multi-Context System, in which different contexts
can represent heterogeneous knowledge sources. Def-
inition 4 shows the agent’s modeling as a Multi-
Context System (MCS).
Definition 4 (Proposed agent as an MCS).
AG = ⟨{BC, DC, IC, PC, NNC, AC,CC},
, (7)
where BC, DC, IC, PC, NNC, AC, CC are the be-
liefs, desires, intentions, planning, neural network,
auxiliary, and communication contexts; and
the bridge-rules for exchanging information between
We extended a BDI-like agent and added two new
custom contexts. The neural network context is re-
sponsible for processing perceptions representing im-
ages. Since the neural network does not always pro-
vide an output with high accuracy or that can be used
during the agent’s reasoning cycle, we defined an aux-
iliary context responsible for mitigating the impreci-
sion generated from the neural network’s output. Fig-
ure 1 presents the initial version of the agent proposed
in this work. In subsections 4.1 and 4.2 we present in
more details how we implemented the agent’s con-
texts and bridge-rules.
4.1 Modeling a Custom Communication
In Sigon, a communication context is responsible for
creating an interface between the agent and its envi-
ronment (Gelaim et al., 2019). Since one of the pri-
mary goals of our work is to provide flexible ways
of processing different data types, the communication
context should be able to process these data and create
new perceptions to be used during the reasoning cy-
cle. To achieve this goal, we present a method of in-
tegrating different data types by defining custom sen-
sors. Each sensor defines how the data is processed
and how the data is passed to the communication con-
text. This method is based on software engineering
design patterns, more precisely, the decorator pattern.
The decorator pattern attaches additional responsibil-
ities to an object dynamically (Kassab et al., 2018).
After defining which plan should be executed, an
agent must perform a set of actions. In this work, we
model the agent’s actuator as a web-scraper applica-
tion. In this process, a software agent, also known as a
Web robot, mimics the browsing interaction between
the Web servers and the human in a conventional Web
traversal (Glez-Pe
na et al., 2014). This web-scraper
main goal is to extract the required information and
generate new perceptions that the agent should pro-
cess. This strategy permits the agent to improve its
decision-making by expanding its knowledge about
the environment.
Listing 1 presents the Sigon syntax for defining
an agent’s sensors and actuators. The modules Image
and WebScraper are responsible for mapping an
observation to perception and modeling an action,
respectively. The web-scraper actuator modeled in
this work can extract new information and provide
new perceptions to the agent. In subsection 4.2,
we present how these different perceptions can be
integrated into the agent’s reasoning cycle.
1 communication:
2 sensor(”imageData”, perception .Image”).
3 actuator(findData, actuator .WebScraper”).
Code 1: Sigon syntax for defining actuators and sensors.
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Contexts and bridge-rules of the proposed agent.
4.2 Integrating Neural Network and
Auxiliary Contexts into the Agent’s
Reasoning Cycle
Since the intelligent agent can perceive different data,
it is necessary to integrate these perceptions with the
custom contexts (i.e. neural network and auxiliary
contexts). Bridge-rules presented in 8 are similar to
the existing ones that add perceptions into the Beliefs
context. However, the main difference is that these
new bridge-rules 8 route the perceptions to the re-
sponsible custom context. It is worth mentioning that
this new bridge-rule provides a generic way of dealing
with several data types. For instance, one can define
a sensor to perceive audio data that different custom
contexts can use.
CC : sensor
NNC : β
CC : sensor
AC : γ
The final step of this initial integration is achieved
by using a neural network’s output or the auxiliary
context information as a precondition of the agent’s
plan. The existing version of the Sigon framework
does not support verifying whether a certain part of
a precondition is satisfied in other contexts. We no-
ticed that this approach did not take advantage of
Multi-Context System’s main goal to consider differ-
ent knowledge sources. We changed the Sigon gram-
mar to enable modeling preconditions that can refer-
ence different contexts. For each context and term
of a precondition, the planning context will execute
a bridge-rule to verify whether a precondition is sat-
isfied or not by the referenced contexts. This ap-
proach enables us to model the interaction between
the planning context with several custom contexts.
This bridge-rule is presented in 9.
PC : plan(φ, β, Pre,Pos, c
) and IC : φ and C
: Pre
CC : β
where C
is in the set of existing contexts of the
Agent AG, in which for logical contexts Pre is true or
can be inferred, or for functional contexts, it exists. In
subsection 5 we present a case study that shows how
this proposed agent can be implemented in the Sigon
In this section, we present a mediator agent that is
responsible for solving conflicts during negotiation.
The mediation process simulates a real-world case
in which the mediator is trustworthy that can em-
ploy different resources, and provides new informa-
tion (Trescak et al., 2014). Our main goal is to ex-
plore how different types of information (i.e., text and
image) can be employed during the agent’s decision-
making. The mediator agent uses two main strategies
during conflict resolution: facial expression recogni-
tion and information retrieval. This scenario allows us
to explore how different custom contexts interact with
other agents’ contexts during the reasoning cycle.
Facial expression recognition is a relevant tool for
the study of Emotion Recognition Accuracy (ERA).
Its usage enables to estimate the impact on objective
outcomes in negotiation, a setting that can be highly
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
emotional and in which real-life stakes can be high
(Elfenbein et al., 2007). Information retrieval will
be employed to expand the agent’s knowledge about
the negotiation item. During this work, the informa-
tion added into the agent’s knowledge base will be
used during the planning phase, more precisely, in
situations where facial expressions recognition does
not provide an output with the required precision or
matches the precondition of an existent plan.
5.1 Negotiation Scenario Definition
In this case study, we modeled a scenario where a per-
son tries to sell an item to another person. At the be-
ginning of the negotiation, the seller proposes an ini-
tial price, and the buyer can accept or propose a new
value. Our scenario is inspired in the home improve-
ments negotiation scenario from (Parsons et al., 1998)
and (Trescak et al., 2014), in which agents must solve
conflicts to reach its design goals. We use a mediator
agent to provide a fair negotiation, in which the me-
diator can advise about the price of the item, trying to
satisfy both parties. Since the main objective of this
case study is to explore the integration of different in-
formation types, the negotiation protocol employed in
this scenario is simplified. The following subsection
shows how we implemented the mediator agent with
its two main negotiation strategies.
Subsection 5.2 presents how we modeled a web-
scraper and added it to the agent’s actuators. We also
provide tests regarding similarities functions and sev-
eral approaches to clean the data that could affect the
agent’s negotiation strategy. Subsection 5.3 presents
the details of the mediator agent implemented in the
Sigon framework.
5.2 Web-scraper Implementation
We focused on extracting information from an e-
commerce platform called MercadoLivre. This ap-
proach enables us to create new perceptions about the
information gathered during this process, improving
the agent’s decision-making by retrieving new infor-
mation about an item that is being negotiated. The fol-
lowing listing 2 shows an example of the output gen-
erated by the web-scraper. After this step, the agent
can use text sensors to process these perceptions and
generate new information about a specific item.
2 [
3 {
4 Title : Celular 16gb 2gb Ram LG K7i
Mosquito Away 4g Igual K10 11”,
5 Price : 698.58,
6 ”User”: J .F.IMPORTACAO”,
7 ”Amount”: 91,
8 ”New”: false
9 }
10 ]
Code 2: Perception example.
During this implementation, we faced a few chal-
lenges during the information extraction. The first one
is that in some cases, the details about an item are pre-
sented in different sections in the platform, affecting
the quality of the retrieved data. The second one was
related to defining strategies to remove entries that did
not represent the item. For instance, we tried retriev-
ing information about a specific smartphone, and the
platform returns information about this smartphone’s
accessories, such as charger and screen protection. In
this sense, the value of this entry did not represent an
accurate value for this item, affecting the agent’s new
To mitigate these two limitations, we employed
the following strategies: remove the fields amount
and new from an entry. The main reason is that, in
some cases, the information was not filled on the plat-
form. In the second limitation, we modeled the fol-
lowing strategies in the agent’s auxiliary context:
1. Executing similarity functions: for this strat-
egy, we executed the following similarity func-
tions: Hamming, Levenshtein, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler,
Smith-Waterman-Gotoh, Sorensen-Dice, Jaccard
Overlap Coefficient. To execute these functions,
we used a library called strutil. This library im-
plementation can be accessed in GitHub reposi-
tory strutil. We noticed that these functions could
not be detected whether a certain entry was not re-
lated to the item. Taking that into consideration,
we removed this strategy from this implementa-
2. Removing the mild and extreme quartiles: we
tried to compute these quartiles, however in some
experiments, we noticed that some obvious items
were not removed, or no mild and extreme were
detected, even though it was clear that some en-
tries did not represent the searched item;
3. Removing outliers based on the standard devia-
tion: we removed the items that did not match the
following criteria:
price > mean deviation and price < mean +
deviation. Using this strategy enabled us to re-
move the entries related to the item accessories,
such as screen protectors and chargers. After this
step, the agent calculates the mean value of the re-
maining items, which provides more accurate re-
sults about the searched item.
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval
5.3 Designing a Mediator Agent in the
Sigon Framework
This subsection presents how to integrate the web-
scraper and the trained neural network into an agent
developed in Sigon. First, we start by showing how
to use the web-scraper as an actuator. Second, we
modeled custom context and added the trained neural
network into it. Moreover, third, we present the me-
diator agent modeled as a Multi-Context System. We
also provide some reasoning cycles of the mediator
during conflict resolution.
In this work we used a framework called Deep-
face for facial expression recognition. Deepface is
a lightweight hybrid high performance face recog-
nition framework, which wraps the most popular
face recognition models: VGG-Face (Parkhi et al.,
2015), FaceNet (Schroff et al., 2015), OpenFace (Bal-
saitis et al., 2016), DeepFace (Taigman et al.,
2014), DeepID (Sun et al., 2014; Sun, 2015) and Dlib
(King, 2009) (Serengil and Ozpinar, 2020). Those
models already reached and passed the human level
accuracy of 97.53% (Serafim et al., 2017; Taigman
et al., 2014).
In listening 3, we present an initial version of the
mediator agent. This agent has three sensors and two
actuators. We define the agent’s sensors and actuators
as follows:
1. Sensor textSensor handles perception about the
negotiation item and the information exchange be-
tween involved parties;
2. Sensor negotiationPerception is responsible for
handling perceptions about the information re-
trieved by the actuator;
3. Sensor imageSensor handles images containing
pictures of seller or buyer;
4. Actuator de f ineNextValue can inform the advice
created in the current reasoning cycle, which con-
sists of increasing, decreasing, or keeping the
same value during the negotiation phase;
5. Actuator f indIn f ormation can retrieve informa-
tion about the negotiation item, such as price,
amount, whether it is a brand new product or not.
1 communication:
2 sensor( textSensor ,
integration . TextSensor) .
3 sensor( negotiationPerception ,
integration . WebScraperPerception”).
4 sensor(”imageSensor”,
integration . ImageSensor”).
5 actuator(defineNextValue ,
integration . TextActuator) .
6 actuator( findInformation ”,
integration . WebScraper”).
8 beliefs :
9 assistHuman.
10 item(LgK10). // smartphone Lgk10
11 negotiating .
13 neuralNetwork:
14 detecEmotion.
15 currentEmotion( seller , neutral ) .
16 currentEmotion(buyer, neutral ) .
18 auxiliary :
19 retrievedPrice (X). // proposes a new value based
on the information retrieved
21 desires :
22 updateDecision .
24 intentions :
25 updateDecision .
27 planner :
28 plan(
29 updateDecision ,
30 [ action( findInformation () ) ],
31 [ neuralNetworks: currentEmotion(buyer,
neutral ) ,
32 neuralNetworks: currentEmotion( seller ,
neutral ) ], ) .
33 plan(
34 updateDecision ,
35 [ action( defineNextValue( decrease ) ],
36 [ neuralNetworks: currentEmotion(buyer,
37 neuralNetworks: currentEmotion( seller ,
sad) ], ) .
38 plan(
39 updateDecision ,
40 [ action( defineNextValue( increase ) ],
41 [ neuralNetworks: currentEmotion(buyer,
happy) ], ) .
43 ! neuralNetwork X :− communication
44 ! auxiliary X :− communication
negotiationPerception (X).
45 ! beliefs X :− communication textSensor(X).
Code 3: The initial mental state of the mediator agent
implemented in the Sigon framework.
In listing 3, the beliefs context has information
about the current state of the negotiation. The desires
and intentions contexts define which goal the agent
will try to achieve in the current reasoning. It is worth
mentioning that an agent can have different desires
and intentions. However, for the sake of simplicity,
we omit this process. The neural network context has
a strategy that can detect emotions based on facial ex-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
pressions pictures. In this case study, we focused on
the phase when the negotiation is stalled, and the me-
diator agent should provide a new proposal. Taking
that into consideration, the mediator agent detects that
both parties have neutral emotions. To provide a new
proposal, the agent uses its actuator to retrieve infor-
mation about the item.
Listing 4 presents the next cycle of the mediator’s
reasoning. In this cycle, the agent will process the
information retrieved by its web-scraper actuator and
update the knowledge of the auxiliary context. Firstly,
the bridge-rule in line 25 will be activated, adding the
perception processed by the negotiationPerception
sensor into the auxiliary context. The auxiliary con-
text uses the strategies presented in subsection 5.2,
where the agent removes the outliers and uses the
mean value of the retrieved item. Based on the cur-
rent state of the contexts, the agent then executes the
plan of proposing a new deal, presented in line 18.
1 communication:
2 sensor( textSensor ,
integration . TextSensor) .
3 sensor( negotiationPerception ,
integration . WebScraperPerception”).
4 sensor(”imageSensor”,
integration . ImageSensor”).
5 actuator(defineNextValue ,
integration . TextActuator) .
6 actuator( findInformation ”,
integration . WebScraper”).
8 auxiliary :
9 retrievedPrice (659) . // agent proposes a new
value based on the retrieved
11 desires :
12 updateDecision .
14 intentions :
15 updateDecision .
17 planner :
18 plan(
19 updateDecision ,
20 [ action( defineNextValue( create ) ],
21 [ neuralNetworks: currentEmotion(buyer, sad) ,
22 neuralNetworks: currentEmotion( seller , sad) ,
23 auxiliary : retrievedPrice ( ) ], ) .
25 ! neuralNetwork X :− communication
26 ! auxiliary X :− communication
negotiationPerception (X).
27 ! beliefs X :− communication textSensor(X).
Code 4: The mental state of the mediator agent during the
next reasoning cycle.
In the next cycle, the agent’s neural network con-
text detects that both parties are happy with the pre-
vious proposed value. The mediator sends a message
offering to keep the current value and ends the nego-
tiation. Since the primary goal of this case study is to
present how an agent can use a different type of infor-
mation during decision-making, we decided to omit
some steps of negotiation protocol and information
about the item.
In this case study, we showed some relevant steps
of the mediator’s reasoning cycle. We employed
information retrieval, how to process different data
types, integration with other existing contexts, and
how advice can be created and proposed to the in-
volved parties. We also investigated situations in
which using only a single resource or reasoning, such
as NN for facial expression recognition, is insuffi-
cient. Our agent can use a different mechanism, such
as information retrieval, to acquire new knowledge
about the environment to mitigate this limitation.
In this work, our primary goal was to explore how
to combine connectionist and symbolic methods dur-
ing an agent’s decision-making. To achieve this goal,
we employed Multi-Context Systems to model differ-
ent resources, where its integration with the existent
agent’s implementation occurs via bridge-rules. Each
resource can model a custom context, where a custom
context is responsible for processing different types
of information. We also provide a flexible way of ver-
ifying the plan’s precondition with other custom con-
texts, enabling us to integrate custom contexts with
the agent’s planning algorithm. One of the main re-
sults of our work is that it provides flexible ways of
integrating different kinds of resources during the de-
sign of intelligent agents.
As a case study, we presented how to build an
intelligent agent that can mediate conflict resolu-
tion. The developed mediator can use two different
strategies: (i)- facial expression recognition and (ii)
- retrieve information about a particular item during
negotiation. The facial expression recognition was
achieved using neural networks, which detects emo-
tions such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust,
surprise, and neutrality. Since we deal with imprecise
outputs of the detected emotion, we decided to cre-
ate an auxiliary custom context. The auxiliary con-
text models a strategy based on information retrieval,
where a web-scraper gathers data about the negotiated
item, such as price, availability, whether the returned
item is brand new or not. The auxiliary custom con-
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval
text also models a strategy for removing data that does
not represent the searched item, affecting the agent’s
We intend to pursue the following paths as fu-
ture works: (i) - Develop a new version of Sigon
framework in Python. This decision enables us to use
the most popular Machine Learning libraries with-
out the necessity of using third party libraries to in-
tegrate with Sigon agents; (ii) - explore more robust
approaches of connectionist and symbolic integration,
such as the ones provided in neural-symbolic field;
(iii) - deploy this agent in a real-world scenario and
compare it with other similar works.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001
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A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval