An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving
Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums
Yonas Demeke Woldemariam
Dept. Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden
Answerer Performance Estimation, Syntactic-semantic based Algorithm, Answer Quality Assessments.
In this study, a multi-components algorithm is developed for estimating answerer performance, largely from
a syntactic representation of answer content. The resulting algorithm has been integrated into semantic based
answer quality prediction models, and appears to significantly improve all testsets’ baseline results, in the best
case scenario. Upto 86% accuracy and 84% F-measure are scored by these models. Also, answer quality clas-
sifiers yeild upto 100% recall and 98% precision. Following the transformation of joint syntactic-punctuation
information into the identified expertise dimensions (e.g., authoritativeness, analytical, descriptiveness, com-
pleteness) that formally define answerer performance, extensive algorithm analyses have been carried on al-
most 142,246 answers extracted from diverse sets of 13 different QA forums. The analyses prove that incorpo-
rating competence information into answer quality models certainly leads to nearly perfect models. Moreover,
we found out that the syntactic based algorithm with semantic based models yield better results than answer
quality prediction modles built on shallow linguistic or meta-features presented in related works.
Despite the fact that textual content constitute the core
part of most QA forums, non-textual meta-features
available on the surface of these forums seem to direct
and dominate several analytic works to soley rely on
them (Harper et al., 2008; Shah and Pomerantz, 2010;
Cai, 2013). As a result, many potential problems
within QA forums remain unsolved because they are
too complex to be caputured by surface meta-features.
Essentially, one of potential decisions within QA
forums that requires deep (psycho)linguistic analysis
is an answer quality assessment. Nevertheless, due
the aforementioned reason, existing studies on answer
quality limitied to make use either shallow linguistic
information or simple meta-features. Moreover, those
potential information (e.g., answerer performance)
hidden in the actual answer content, and play a pow-
erful role in estimating answer quality are not consid-
ered yet.
Within QA forums answer quality is always deter-
mined by askers. Obvioulsy, that raises many poten-
tial concerns, mainly due to the subjectivity among
askers. Regardless of the subjectivity, askers’ satis-
faction seems to drives them to choose the best an-
swer from other alternative answers. Apparently, be-
hind every best answer there is a compentent an-
swerer whose answer quality could be estimated
through relevant text analysis methods. Yet, answerer
competence is not explored to assess answer quality.
Thus, the joint effort of considering both the qual-
ity of linguistic constructions of answers and an-
swerer performance, might help accurately determine
high quality answers. To address the former deep
analysis of answers, for example, via syntactic and
semantic representations of answers is required. And
the later could be acheived through identifying poten-
tial expertise dimensions that determine answerer per-
formance from their answers.
A casual link between authors’ proficiency in cer-
tain tasks and their associated text quality is explored
by a number of studies (Chen et al., 2014; Wolde-
mariam et al., 2017; Bryan and Robert, 2000). Most
of these studies, however, considered various types of
text (e.g., medical notes, pilot speech transcriptions)
written by professionals, which are not directly re-
lated with QA content. Yet, there are a few stud-
ies (Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2011; Woldemariam,
2020; Woldemariam, 2021) which attempted to esti-
mate user trustworthiness and contribution within QA
Woldemariam, Y.
An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums.
DOI: 10.5220/0010783100003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 106-113
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
forums from user-related features (e.g., reputation).
Chen et al. in (Chen et al., 2014) evaluate medi-
cal practitioners’ competence from the bag-of-words
(BoW) representation of their clinical portfolio. And
the trained classifiers resulted in different outcomes
across various competence dimensions. A syntactic
based method together with a BoW is presented by
Woldemariam et al. in (Woldemariam et al., 2017).
Authors in (Woldemariam et al., 2017) aim to capture
both structural and BoW information from user text
to predict user proficiency. The predictions give inter-
esting insights on how syntactic approaches produce
better results than the BoW approach.
Tausczik and Pennebaker in (Tausczik and Pen-
nebaker, 2010) studied the same problem with a psy-
cholinguistic perspective. However, their method is
completely based on word counting and assumptions
that low ranked experts tend to be more self-focused
(to be evidenced by use of first person singular pro-
nouns) than competent experts. Tausczik and Pen-
nebaker provide some empirical evidence to argue
that levels of competenece and authority influence
their language use. Quite a similar perspective is ap-
plied by authors in (Bryan and Robert, 2000). And
the authors found out that pilots and crew member
authoritativeness and inquisitiveness get reflected in
their language.
Several studies on answer quality assessments
agree that among those factors affecting answer qual-
ity, user-related attributes are dominant (Li et al.,
2015; Molino et al., 2016; Suggu et al., 2016;
Shah and Pomerantz, 2010; Tausczik and Pennebaker,
2011). For instance, Suggu et al. showed how repu-
tation plays a key role in answer quality prediction.
Also, Shah and Pomerantz, added expertise as infor-
mation/answer quality measure among 13 manual cri-
teria originally suggested in (Zhu et al., 2009).
In prior to the actual development of the compe-
tence estimation algorithm, an extensive prelimi-
narly analysis with fully annotated syntax-(seed)
competence data has been carried out with the Stack-
Overflow dataset. Moreover, it makes use of evidence
from psycho-linguistic text analysis (Tausczik and
Pennebaker, 2010; Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2011),
manual criteria used to judge answer/information
quality (Zhu et al., 2009; Shah and Pomerantz, 2010),
and syntactic patterns characterizing crowdsourced
text (Woldemariam, 2021). Here, reputation has been
used as a seed-competence score. That aims to group
related syntactic units together and map into relevant
expertise dimensions that could formally define an-
swerer competence within QA forums. Following the
joint syntax-punctuation annotation, users are divided
into three groups (High, Middle, Low) based on seed
competence. The resulted joint syntax-punctuation
patterns of each group have been compared with oth-
ers. And observable differences between such groups
are noticed in terms of syntax usage. Moreover, the
correlation coefficient(CC) of 0.62 has been found be-
tween the computed competence and number of an-
swers. That is quite a good indicator of the strength
between competence related features and expertise di-
mensions estimated from join syntax-punctuation in-
3.1 Transforming Syntax Trees into
Expertise Dimensions and
Given that a question-answers pair (QA), Algorithm 1
carries out 4 main tasks to compute core competence
components. Firstly, it parses an answer content (A)
and generates a parse tree (answerSynTree). Sec-
ondly, it builds a map (syntacticCatMap) with (syn-
tacticUnit, synCatCount) pairs by iterating through
the resulting syntactic trees (a forest). Thirdly, the
map has been further analyzed and supported with a
predefined list of syntactic categories (syntacticCat-
Set[]). That is to keep track of each leaf and non-
leaf node into a list (synCatCount). Fourthly, it com-
putes each expertise dimension (e.g., comScore) by
iterating the resulting list. Finally, the remaining com-
petence components (e.g., questionComp) are calac-
ulated from meta-data information e.g., (reputation,
badge). Among the identified expertise dimensions,
we provide a breif description for some of them:
Descriptiveness: defines and quantifies the under-
standability as well as the clarity and simplicity of
answer content. This expertise dimension has been
formed using the composition of selected clauses
(e.g., simple declarative clauses (S)), phrases (e.g.,
adverb phrases (ADVP)) and determiners. Moreover,
this dimension is supported with important related in-
fomation, for instance, URLs provided in answers
and the relevance of the answers.
Analytical: measures answerer competence (e.g., in
comparing items and ascertain with facts) and ana-
lytical skills reflected in their answers. Higher rates
of syntactic categories (e.g., quantifiers (QT) and list
markers (LST) might help identify potential contrib-
utors among answerers. Such expertise dimension
is also enriched with other important syntactic units
(e.g., comparative adjectives (JJR), cardinal numbers
An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums
Coherency: measures answerers’ quality in pre-
senting coherent messages and connecting ideas.
To acheive quantifying such dimension conjunctions
(e.g., coordinating conjunctions (CC), conjunctions
phrases (e.g., conjunction phrases (CONJP) and
prepositional phrases (PP) are considered.
Inquisitiveness: refers how frequent answerers ask
other users (askers) to further explain their questions.
This expertise dimension has been made part of the
overall user competence, because that helps provide
good quality answers for answerers. Question marks
with other relevant syntactic tags (e.g. SQ, WHNP)
have been used to define such expertise category.
Focus Construction: roughly measures how well
answerers make efforts to provide focused answers.
To capture such information from parsed answers the
syntactic tag SINV (inverted sentences) has been taken
into account, though that does not completely address
the selected dimension.
Completeness: measures how well answerers con-
struct complete expressions at various levels (e.g.,
phrase, clause, sentence). Completeness, in other re-
lated studies, for example in (Blooma et al., 2008) has
been found to be a good predictor of answer quality,
though it was done manually (by human judges). Our
algorithm mainly checks completeness at a sentence
level, sentences containing at least noun phrases (NP)
and verb phrases (VP), along with periods, are con-
sidered to be complelete. To further catputre such
information larger units (e.g., subordinate clauses
(SBAR)) and those syntactic units closely related with
VP and NP (e.g., nouns (NN)) are included. More-
over, the occurence of fragments (FRAG) and reduced
relative clauses (RRC) are taken to penalize answerers
due to their contribution towards forming in-complete
Complexity: measures the rate at which answerers
construct unclear expressions from syntactic parsers
point of view. Those syntactic tags that signal
complex syntactic structures (e.g., X) or unknown
grammatical constructions are considered to contex-
ually define the complexity dimension, in a sense that
answerers are writing in-complete experessions (Zhu
et al., 2013).
Authoritativeness or Clout: assesses how con-
fidently answerers provided their answers. That
is measured by looking at the rate at which such
answerers use first person plural, and the inverse of
first person singular. This dimension is originally
suggested in (Tausczik and Pennebaker, 2011).
Cognition: congnition words are those words which
are helpful in building arguments (reasons). Con-
gition has been estimated from the count of insight
words (e.g., consider, think) and causal words (e.g.,
because, effect). Although cognition is not directly
related with user-performance as other expertise
dimensions as well as difficult to completely capture
from answers content, it has been used in this study
in its loose sense.
3.2 Integrating the User-performance
Algorithm into Answer Quality
Prediction Models
The strategy used to integrate the competence esti-
mation algorithm into the answer quality assessments
method is, to incorparate the computed competence
components returned by the algorithm into answer
quality prediction models as features characterizing
answer quality. Afterwards, the impact of these com-
ponents is evaluated. The evaluations are set up in
such a way that, whether adding competence informa-
tion or not has a significance impacts in the prediction
of answer quality.
4.1 Data
While the StackExchange (SE) QA forum is largest
and oldest, among available forums under the SE
network, we target more profession-oriented forums
which reflect some sort of competence. A total of
14 forums’ data-dumps have been directly collected
from the SE (particularily from the technology fo-
rum) repository
These datasets are used for the following three
different tasks:joint syntax-competence analysis with
StackOverflow, answer quality models building and
model evaluation and algorithm analysis. The Server-
Fault dataset (54,710 answers) has been split into
training, validation, and evaluation sets, 70%, 10%
and 20%, respectively. For algorithms analysis and
model evaluation tasks 13 independent QA forums
have been selected. Four of them, ServerFault (SF),
SuperUser (SU), WebApplications (WA) and Apple
(AP), can be good examples of closely related do-
mains, from the remaining 8 datasests, four of them,
CraftCMS (CR), WordPress (WP), Drupal (DR), Ma-
gento (MA), SharePoint (SP), are examples of loosely
related and, Software Engineering (SE), Game (GA),
Blender (BL) and WebMaster (WM), un-related do-
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: An Answerer Performance Estimation
Algorithm from QA pairs.
Input: A Question-Answer (QA) Pair
Output: Multicomponent Answerer
Performance (AC,QC,UC,CC)
synCatSet[] synCat
answerSynTree buildParseTree(A)
list answerSynTree.nodeList()
Iterator < Tree > it list.iterator()
synCatMap null synCatCount null
while (it.hasNext()) do
if syntacticUnit! = isLea f () then
tag syntacticUnit.label()
tag tag.split( )[0]
if synCategoryMap.has(tag) then
count synCatMap.get(tag)
int j count.intValue()
j j + 1
synCatMap.put(tag,newInteger( j))
if syntacticUnit.isLea f () then
lea f Tag syntacticUnit.label()
lea f Tag tag.split( )[0]
if isFirstPSingular(lea f Tag) then
f irstPS f irstPS + 1
if isFirstPPlural(lea f Tag) then
f irstPP f irstPP + 1
for k = 0 to synCategorySet.length do
occur synCatMap.get(synCatSet[k])
tagName = syntacticCatSet[k] Zero 0
if (occur != null) then
. . . // compute the remaining
expertise dimensions similarly
authScore f irstPP + (2/( f irstPS + 1))
compScore + ···+ authScore
answeringRate + ···+ repScore
qScore + ···+ answCount
ansView + ···+ qView
return performanceScore<AC,UC,QC,CC>
4.2 Extracting Linguistic and
Non-linguistic Features
4.2.1 A Phrase-structured Feature Set
Once generating syntactic parse trees through con-
stituency parsing, syntactic information important to
define the identified expertise dimensions are ex-
tracted. The Stanford shift-reduce parser (SRP) (Zhu
et al., 2013) along with the Stanford CoreNLP toolkit
has been used for linguistic information annotation,
constituency and dependency parsing. In each tree
(possibly a forest) representing an input answer, leaf
and non-leaf nodes form/constitute syntactic cate-
gories. Phrasal categories include larger syntactic
units (e.g., NP (noun phrase), VP (verb phrase)) con-
structed from two or more smaller syntactic units (lex-
ical categories). Lexical categories represent part-of-
speech tags (POS) (e.g., VB (verb), NN (noun)), rela-
tively smaller than phrasal categories. Functional cat-
egories consist smallest syntactic units (e.g., DT (de-
terminer), IN (preposition)) which link other larger
syntactic information together. To reinforce and en-
rich the syntactice features, punctuation marks along
with special characters and character encodings are
added in our linguistic information sets.
4.2.2 A Dependency Relations or Semantic
Feature Set
To extract dependency relations (aka universal depen-
dencies), dependency parsing is run on training and
evaluation sets. Subsequently, head words, and other
dependencies (e.g., nsubj, case, dobj) present in the
generated parse trees (graphs), are extracted.
Each depenendency type gives interesting facts
how relations between words in answers’ content
are contrstucted and influence answer quality. For
instance, high occurrences of the dependency type
"paraxis" in the dependency structure of answers’
sentences, might signal that the parsed sentences
are constructed with clauses (phrases) without being
connected with linking words that coordinate them.
Such types of grammatical constructions might be fre-
quently observed in low (possiby high) quality parsed
answers (Woldemariam, 2020).
4.3 Non-linguistic (QA Pairs Meta)
While almost all posssibe meta-features available in
QA are extracted, we give a particular attention for
those competence-oriented features that support the
syntactic information to best define each competence
An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums
component. The extracted features are grouped to-
gether into four competence components. Answer
related features (e.g., answer scores) define the an-
swer competence component (AC). Question related
features characterize answer quality and define an-
swerers’ performance in terms of question quality,
question related features, e.g., askers’ reputation and
badge. User related features include reputation, an-
swerers’ answering rate and answer acceptance rate
and so on. Also, we attempted to turn users’ descrip-
tions (About Me) and their associated URLs to their
proffessional pages, into an important aspect of user-
competence information called credibility. Commu-
nity related features (e.g., view/favorite counts) as-
sess the community feedback provided for answer-
ers and define the community competence component
4.4 Answer Quality Models Training,
Validation and Evaluation
Following preliminarly experiments on machine
learning classifiers, support vector based logistic re-
gression (SVMLR) has been found to be suitable for
both learning answer quality from the selected lin-
guistic features and very much sensitive for the incor-
parated competence information. As a result, almost
28 statstically valid binary classifiers have been built
and evaluated on 13 different testsets, which results in
the total of 364 (28*13) evaluations.
Both standard and non-standard evaluation met-
rics have been used to measure the validitity and per-
formance of the built logistic regression models. For
the former case, (p value), accuracy, F-measure, re-
call and precision are considered, for the later case, a
number of measures (e.g., the number of testsets im-
proved) important for filterning and ranking the mod-
els are computed. Furthermore, R-squared values are
computed to measure the power of the selected model
features to explain answer quality.
4.4.1 Model Training and Significance Tests
The selected SVM based logistic regression classifier
has been iteratively trained on largely dependency re-
lations (the semantic feature set). That results in the
semantic baseline (SB) model. Following the valida-
tion and model optimization phase with the develop-
ment set, on top of the SB model, various all possible
combinations of competence information is added to
build competence based answer quality models.
The validitity of all models is checked and found
to be statstically significant. The validity measure-
ment has been perfomed using the stanadard null-
hypothesis (H
)) test using T-test (Alexopoulos,
2010) as shown in Equation 1. That ensures that
answer quality predictions performed by the trained
models is not by a random chanance, and the selected
syntactic and semantic information has significant re-
lationship with answer quality. Given that there are
two equally distributed classes of answer quality (best
or true positive and non best or true negative answers)
to be determined by the models for any input answer,
a valid model is basically expected to exceed a 50%
mean accuracy for both classes. Other relevant sta-
tistical parameters (e.g., standard deviation, degrees
of freedom (d f )) and the size of the development set
are also considered by the T-test equation, which is
defined in. The resulting t-scores, in turn, are trans-
formed into the corresponding p values, and com-
pared with the set threshod alpha value, that is mostly
t score =
meanAccuracy µ
Equation 1 computes t scores from four
variables: the known (assumed) (µ
) and actual
mean accuracy (meanAccuracy), standard deviation
(standardDev) and the size of the development set
4.4.2 Evaluation Results and Discussions
Results from 364 models’ performance evaluations,
are summarized and ranked. Nearly perfect answer
quality prediction models (100% recall and 99% pre-
cision scoring), in terms of recall and precision, are
filtered and presented in Table 1. In addition to
that, those models which have completely improved
the baseline results across all testsets, in terms accu-
racy and F-measure, are shown in Table 2. Integrat-
ing the user-competence estimation algorithm into
the answer quality assessment models significantly
enhanced their prediction accuracy and F-measure.
Adding the computed user-competence on top of the
baseline semantic model significantly improved the F-
measure of all testsets’ results. Most importantly,
true positives (high-quality answers) have been al-
most perfectly (nearly 100%) detected in many test
cases. That implies, no best-answer has been misclas-
sifed as false negative, in such scenario.
Given that almost all possible combinations of
competence components have been employed to gen-
erate various answer quality models, our evaluation
aims to explore which competence components yeild
significantly better improvements over the semantic
baseline model.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Ordered Lists of Competence Based Answer Quality Prediction Models.
Recall Precision
Model Max Model Mean Model Max Model Mean
1.00 QC+UC+CC 0.98 AV+AC+2C2
0.98 AV+QC+UC 0.79
QC+UC+CC 1.00 AV+AC+CC 0.98 AV+QC+UC 0.89 SB 0.76
AV+QC+CC 1.00 AV+AC+2C2 0.98 QC+CC 0.87 AV+QC 0.74
1.00 AC+UC 0.98 SB 0.86 QC+CC 0.71
AV+AC+CC 1.00 AV+UC+CC 0.97 AV+QC 0.85 UC+CC 0.71
AV+AC+2C2 1.00 AV+AC+2C 0.97 UC+CC 0.84 AC+QC+UC 0.70
AC+UC 1.00 AV+AC+2C3
0.96 AC+QC+UC 0.83 AC+CC 0.69
AV+UC+CC 1.00 AV+QC+CC 0.96 AC+CC 0.82 AC 0.69
AV+AC+QC 1.00 AV+AC+QC 0.96 AC 0.82 AV+CC 0.68
QC 0.99 AC+QC+CC 0.96 CC 0.81 CC 0.68
AV+AC+2C3 0.99 QC 0.95 AV+CC 0.81 AC+QC+2C3 0.64
AV+AC+UC 0.99 AV+AC+UC 0.93 AC+QC+2C3 0.78 AC+UC+CC 0.64
AC+QC+CC 0.99 AV+4C 0.93 AC+UC+CC 0.78 AC+QC 0.63
Table 2: Semantic Baseline and Competence Enhanced Models’ Evaluation Results in Accuracy.
QA Forum Test set with Accuracy Scores
SB 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.74 0.53 0.85 0.66 0.57 0.57 0.69 0.46 0.57
SB+AV+QC 0.64 0.66 0.58 0.62 0.76 0.56 0.86 0.69 0.58 0.60 0.71 0.54 0.61
SB+UC+CC 0.64 0.65 0.63 0.62 0.75 0.57 0.85 0.68 0.61 0.59 0.70 0.55 0.61
SB+AC+CC 0.64 0.65 0.65 0.62 0.72 0.60 0.80 0.69 0.64 0.65 0.74 0.57 0.61
SB+AV+CC 0.64 0.68 0.68 0.61 0.72 0.71 0.83 0.70 0.66 0.65 0.75 0.65 0.67
SB+CC 0.63 0.67 0.66 0.61 0.71 0.65 0.78 0.70 0.64 0.63 0.75 0.61 0.65
SB+AC 0.63 0.64 0.63 0.61 0.73 0.58 0.83 0.67 0.61 0.63 0.70 0.54 0.60
SB+AC+QC 0.63 0.66 0.69 0.59 0.64 0.72 0.74 0.66 0.71 0.71 0.76 0.69 0.71
Among the competence added answer qual-
ity models, SB+QC+UC and SB+AC+QC with
SB+AV+AC yeild the maximum accuracy shift of
24% and 23%, respectively. That shows, from any
other competence components, the answer compe-
tence component appears to give better results, as
it gets mixed with the other other possible combi-
nations. On the other hand, the joint user-question
competence component (SB+QC+UC) gives both the
maximum F-measure shift (i.e., 52%) and the best F-
measure score (i.e., 84%).
Besides the achieved results, looking into the
methods and model construction details of many an-
swer quality prediction classifiers, they are charac-
terized by unbalanced (regading the ratio of best to
non-best answers), limited amount of data and fea-
tures have been used. In comparison with related
works, while our results seem to be better than pre-
diction accuracy scores acheived in (Shah and Pomer-
antz, 2010; Adamic et al., 2008; Burel et al., 2012),
more works need to be done as comared to (Cai, 2013;
Suggu et al., 2016). Although authors in (Calefato
et al., 2016) acheived better results than ours, surpis-
ingly enough, considering evaluations on out-domain
datasets, we acheived upto 85% accuracy, that outper-
forms the answer quality models trained in (Calefato
et al., 2016).
5.1 Algorithm Analysis with Single
Competence Components
To make a simple observation of how the answer com-
ponent compares with others in terms of the power of
improving the baseline results, each competence com-
ponent has been added on top the semantic baseline
and evaluated iteratively. From any other competence
components, adding the answer component results in
the best accuracy value of 83%. On average, it im-
proves the mean accuracy provided by the baseline
semantic i.e., 62% to 65%. Regarding the number
of testsets’ results improved, the answer component
enhances all test sets’ results, F-measure wise, and
gives the maximum number of improvements accu-
racy wise (i.e., 9 out of 12) next to the community
An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums
Considering other important measures, for in-
stance, the maximum and the net (mean) accuracy
improvement, the average (SB+AV) and the com-
munity competence components, respectively outper-
form others. While the average competence compo-
nent gives an improvement of 23% over the semantic
baseline, the community component gives the net im-
provement of 6%. F-measure wise, the question com-
ponent gives the maximum improvement of 53% and
net harvest of 28%.
The results from such simple observations, par-
ticulary regarding the number of testsets’ improved,
of single competence component based models lead
to choose the answer compenent due to its distinc-
tive role of discriminating best answers from non-best
answers and singnificantly enhancing the baseline se-
mantic model. Yet, considering the average compe-
tence component, perhaps be a good preference to
acheive the maximum accuracy shift.
5.2 Algorithm Analysis with Two
Competence Components
We attempted to further understand the impact of the
integrated competence components and clearly iden-
tify which combinations lead to better results. To
acheive that we added one more competence com-
ponent either on top of the answer or average com-
ponent, as well as joining the remaining components
together (e.g., QC with UC or CC). For every model
trained on a pair of competence components, five dif-
ferent accuracy and F-measure related values have
been calculated as measures of effectiveness in pre-
dicting answer quality. That followed by ranking the
models based on the resulting values. For instance,
looking at the mean accuracy difference gives an or-
der list of the first best models, SB+QC+UC and
SB+AC+QC, and the least two, SB+QC+CC and
Accuracy-wise, as the average competence gets
combined with the question competence component,
it triumphs over all types of dual based competence
combinations, as it yeilds the maximum accuracy
value of 86%. Its impact continues in improving the
largest number of testsets’ results, with SB+UC+CC,
SB+AV+QC equally transform the accuracy values
of the 92% of the testsets. In turn, as the question
and user components get joined together, they provide
the maximum and the best mean accuracy differences,
24% and 12%, respectively, from the semantic base-
line’s result.
F-measure-wise, SB+QC+UC gives the best
mean and maximum values, 84% and 72%, respec-
tively. Also, 100% of the testsets’ baseline’s re-
sults have been equally improved by such compe-
tence combination and others (e.g., SB+AC+CC,
SB+AV+CC). Surprsingly enough, as the answer and
average compentce components are used together,
they results in a largest F-measure difference of 52%.
However, looking at the net F-measure difference, the
answer competence component gives better results as
it gets mixed with the question component than the
average component.
5.3 Algorithm Analysis with Three or
More Competence Components
The Recall and Precision table, Table 1, cleary illus-
trates the impact of joining three or more competence
components together in detecting true positives (best
answers). The table summarizes the order list of top
models selected based their maximum and mean re-
call and precision. For instance, looking at the order-
ing of the models based the maximum recall, while
about 67% of the models give a recall of 100% and
the remaining score 99% recall. Among such high
recall scoring models, while just only two of them,
SB+AC+UC and SB+QC, have been built on less
than three competence components, all the five com-
petence components have been combined together to
generate the SB+AV+4C model. Although the se-
mantic baseline model does not appear on the recall
based order list, it takes the second and the fourth po-
sition in the mean and the maximun precision based
ranking, respectively.
Noting that the majority cases of best answers be-
ing detected perfectly with no false negatives im-
plies that, likely integrating multiple aspects of user-
competence gives better results than single (few)
competence component based models. Nevertheless,
the competence models also seem to be challenged
by false positives (non-best answers) to a certain ex-
tent in comparision to their ability to discriminate true
positives. It has been also observed that some compo-
nents have an exceptionally outstanding role than oth-
ers as they constantly occur on the considered lists.
For instance, the user component, UC seems to fre-
quently appear to give best results. The implication
is the user related features, particluarly answerers-
related attributes have great impacts on the overall es-
timated competence and the achieved answer quality
prediction, as also evident in other many related stud-
ies on answer quality(Blooma et al., 2008; Shah and
Pomerantz, 2010; Woldemariam, 2020).
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The contribution of this study is threefolds: the devel-
opment of an algorithm that estimates answerer per-
formance, the development of answer quality predic-
tion models and the integration of this algorithm into
answer quality prediction models. As a result, we
proved that incorporating answerer competence infor-
mation and looking deeply into answer content than
using meta-features significantly improves the perfor-
mance of answer quality assessment methods. That is
evident from our evaluation results, which yeild upto
86% accuracy and 84% F-measure. Also, answer
quality classifiers yeild upto 100% recall and 98%
precision. In the future, it would be interesting to cus-
tomize expertise dimensions and extend our method
to enhance question quality assessments.
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