Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based
Ride-sharing Systems
Alberto Castagna and Ivana Dusparic
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Reinforcement Learning, Ride-sharing, Transfer Learning, Multi-agent.
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been used in a range of simulated real-world tasks, e.g., sensor coordination,
traffic light control, and on-demand mobility services. However, real world deployments are rare, as RL
struggles with dynamic nature of real world environments, requiring time for learning a task and adapting to
changes in the environment. Transfer Learning (TL) can help lower these adaptation times. In particular, there
is a significant potential of applying TL in multi-agent RL systems, where multiple agents can share knowledge
with each other, as well as with new agents that join the system. To obtain the most from inter-agent transfer,
transfer roles (i.e., determining which agents act as sources and which as targets), as well as relevant transfer
content parameters (e.g., transfer size) should be selected dynamically in each particular situation. As a first
step towards fully dynamic transfers, in this paper we investigate the impact of TL transfer parameters with
fixed source and target roles. Specifically, we label every agent-environment interaction with agent’s epistemic
confidence, and we filter the shared examples using varying threshold levels and sample sizes. We investigate
impact of these parameters in two scenarios, a standard predator-prey RL benchmark and a simulation of a
ride-sharing system with 200 vehicle agents and 10,000 ride-requests.
Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown good perfor-
mance in addressing a variety of tasks, from naive
games to more complicated problems that require
synchronization. RL enables an intelligent agent op-
timize its performance in a specific task, however,
when a change in the underlying environment or a
task occurs, the performance of an agent often sharply
decrease. Thus, RL often performs very well in a sim-
ulated environment but struggles in real world evolv-
ing environments since it requires a constant updating
of the knowledge.
To discuss issues of applying RL in such real
world applications, in this work we apply multi-agent
RL for the ride-request assignment in a Mobility On-
Demand (MoD) system. Ride-request assignment is a
widely studied task, addressed as global optimization
problem (Fagnant and Kockelman, 2016; Wen et al.,
2017; Liu and Samaranayake, 2019) or locally by dis-
tributing the control at vehicles level (Castagna et al.,
2020; Castagna et al., 2021; Gu
eriau et al., 2020; Al-
Abbasi et al., 2019). Recent works adopt the use of
RL where an agent controls a single vehicle, as we do
in this paper. The type of changes that RL might need
to adapt to in an MoD system, but which have not
been addressed in literature, can, for example, be that
road layouts change, e.g., due to closure, or that de-
mand load or pattern changes over time, temporarily
or permanently.
A possible solution to these issues is to apply
transfer learning (TL) in conjunction with RL. Once
encounters a new situation, an agent can reuse knowl-
edge from other agents or its previous collected ex-
periences in order to boost its initial performance
in the new situation. For example, MoD system in
(Castagna et al., 2021) replicates full knowledge from
one agent to others. When a new agent joins the fleet,
it can inherit knowledge good enough to be produc-
tive with no delay. Another approach to transferring
knowledge across similarly defined tasks is by fine
tuning previous performance; this process replicates
the knowledge from one agent to the other and af-
terwards, the receiving agent performs a refinement
step to tune the received knowledge in its own set-
tings and environment. As an example, (Wang et al.,
2018b) proposes fine-tuning in rider-driver assign-
ment problem across scenarios with different under-
lying dynamics, e.g., demand patterns and road struc-
ture. However, fine-tuning protocols are usually ap-
Castagna, A. and Dusparic, I.
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0010785200003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 120-130
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
plied when the differences are relatively small. The
time required for the receiving agent to adapt the re-
ceived information is related to the gap magnitude be-
tween source and destination conditions. As this be-
come wider, as more time the agent needs to refine the
Transferring from a source to a very different tar-
get task, could lead to so-called negative transfer, as
result the second agent requires longer time to solve
the task compared to an agent that is learning from
scratch. When negative transfer happens, on top of
the time needed to solve the task, receiving agent need
additional time to forget the wrong injected knowl-
edge. Therefore, while TL can significantly improve
the performance of an RL system, the knowledge
transferred needs to be carefully selected and inte-
grated, to prevent negative transfer resulting in even
worse performance than without deploying TL.
TL can also be applicable when multiple agents
are learning a task simultaneously. By exploiting
transfer techniques, agents can collaborate to achieve
a faster convergence rate. When applied in real-time,
further challenges need to be addressed, such as se-
lecting the best agent as source of transfer among
those available.
As the first step towards this vision in which
agents in a multi-agent system continually share the
knowledge with evolving parameters, in this paper
we study the impact of parameters used when select-
ing the knowledge to be transferred, but in an offline
transfer scenario, where the roles of sender and re-
ceiver are well defined. Specifically, we bootstrap the
agent with agent-environment interactions collected
from other agents across similar scenarios. Trans-
ferred knowledge is annotated with a value depict-
ing agent’s confidence in that particular experience,
as in (Ilhan et al., 2019; Silva et al., 2020b). We
study TL performance using different batches of ex-
periences, varying quantity of information shared as
well as its ”quality”, as determined by adjusting the
confidence threshold level.
We perform the transfer across agents performing
the same task, but in completely different underlying
environment dynamics. The target agent has to per-
form a full training cycle in the novel environment,
but prior to that it inherits knowledge from another
trained agent in order to bootstrap the performance
In our initial investigations presented in this paper,
we focus on a simple case where just two agents are
involved and the underlying learning model is repre-
sented by a neural network for both. Transfer goal
focuses on improving the performance on receiving
side and therefore, the communication is one way.
For our implementation, we combine Proxi-
mal Policy Optimization (PPO) (Schulman et al.,
2017), with external knowledge in form of agent-
environment interactions. Unlike off-policy algo-
rithms that use two different policies to sample and
optimize, on-policy PPO assumes that the experience
used to optimize the policy is drawn by the very same
policy. Therefore, we extend PPO to bootstrap exter-
nal information to perform few steps of PPO gradient
descent optimization before exploration begins.
Evaluation is performed in two application areas:
benchmark environment predator-prey and ride shar-
ing simulation. The latter experiments are carried out
on a simulated MoD environment with ride-sharing
enabled vehicles. Requests are obtained from New
York City dataset (NYC Taxi and Limousine Com-
mission, 2020) and simulation performed in the Sim-
ulator of Urban MObility (SUMO). Finally, we com-
pare the performance against baselines: (1) policy
transfer and (2) learning from scratch.
Contribution of this paper is therefore twofold:
1) we evaluate the impact of transferring confidence
labelled agent-environment interactions by varying
the transfer batch size and filtering using different
threshold level; 2) we study applicability of TL in a
Mobility-on-Demand system with ride-sharing (RS)
enabled vehicles under different demand patterns.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews relevant work related to experience
reusing in transfer learning applied to RL. Section 3
describes in detail the process used to share experi-
ence within this research, Section 4 presents the sce-
narios, Section 5 discusses the results and discuss the
findings while Section 6 concludes this manuscript by
giving further research directions.
This section introduces the reader to previous re-
lated work on transfer learning and on the rider-driver
matching problem for mobility on-demand system, fi-
nally discusses available methodologies to estimate
agent’s confidence.
2.1 Rider-driver Matching Problem
Rider-driver matching problem is addressed using
a wide range of both centralized and decentralized
techniques, with different inputs and assumptions.
Generally, centralized aims to directly optimize the
global performance, i.e., minimising the travelled dis-
tance (Liu and Samaranayake, 2019; Fagnant and
Kockelman, 2016; Wen et al., 2017) while decentral-
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems
ized addresses the problem from a single vehicle per-
spective where each vehicle is independent and un-
aware of others doing. Decentralized approaches of-
ten rely on RL where each vehicle is controlled by a
single agent (Castagna et al., 2020; Castagna et al.,
2021; Gueriau and Dusparic, 2018; Gu
eriau et al.,
2020; Al-Abbasi et al., 2019).
Transfer Learning in Rider-driver Assignment.
Within rider-driver dispatch problem there are not
many works that bootstrap external knowledge apply-
ing TL. Previously, (Castagna et al., 2021) designed a
multi-agent collaborative algorithm to obtain a main
knowledge that is then replicated to other agents. In
detail, multiple agents were learning to satisfy ride-
requests in a iterative way where the set of available
requests was composed by unserved requests from
previous vehicles. Finally, obtained knowledge is
replicated to other agents and no further refinement
steps are performed.
On the other hand, (Wang et al., 2018a; Wang
et al., 2018b), bootstrap previous acquired knowledge
with a fine-tuning process to leverage a pre-trained
learning model. Here, authors use a deep learning
model and transfer a pre-trained neural network to tar-
get environments with different demand pattern and
road infrastructure. This technique limits the range of
applicable algorithms to those with a neural network
underlying as it is feasible to transfer just the layers
weights, i.e., is not possible to transfer knowledge to
tabular model. Furthermore, any change in the neural
network architecture require further steps to adapt the
pre-trained layers.
(Wan et al., 2021) proposes an approach to trans-
fer from source to a target environment. The goal is
to fine-tune knowledge by adapting the source value-
function to a target task with a concordance penalty
that expresses the similar patterns between the two
tasks, i.e. demand pattern. Thus, it can be applied
to a range of RL techniques regardless the underly-
ing representation. Nevertheless, a strong limitation
of this work is the need of prior knowledge over the
relation between source and target tasks.
2.2 Transfer Learning
Transfer learning is a widely used technique in a
variety of fields, (Zhuang et al., 2020) provides an
overview of the state of the art approaches across
many domains. In this work we apply TL from agent
to agent. We analyse the two agents case and from
now on, we refer to the agent that is providing in-
formation as source agent, while the other as target
agent. The latter processes external knowledge to
boost the performance within its task.
When transferring across agents, tasks are nor-
mally equally defined, therefore state representations,
action sets and reward models are the same. Despite
these similarities, there can be some intrinsic char-
acteristics of the environment that may differ, e.g.,
within MoD scenario, different configurations of the
road network, different traffic loads or different de-
mand pattern.
Existing applications of TL applied to RL are
many, varying by type of transferred knowledge and
technique used. For example, experience sharing
where agents share experience in form of agent-
environment interactions (de la Cruz Jr et al., 2019;
Lazaric et al., 2008) as we do within this work, policy
transfer where a trained model is replicated to a novel
agent as in (Wang et al., 2018b), advice-based where
an expert or another agent is available on-demand to
support the learning phase of an agent (Fachantidis
et al., 2017; Silva et al., 2020a), and finally by more
sophisticated and task-related techniques as in (Wan
et al., 2021). Previous work also investigated the im-
pact of transfer parameter selection in the context of
tabular RL (Taylor et al., 2019), and concluded that
frequency and size of the transfer, as well as how is
the knowledge incorporated on the target agent, has
significant impact on the performance of the target
2.3 Confidence Estimator
For estimating the agent’s confidence within a state
are available several possibilities that suit tabular and
deep learning models. A naive approach could be
to count the agent visits over states or to define a
function over it as in (Zhu, 2020). However, this
becomes unfeasible whenever the state space is too
wide or continuous as in our MoD scenario. More
sophisticated models range from the use of a Gaus-
sian model with a confidence function defined over
it (Taylor, 2018), changes on neural network struc-
ture (Silva et al., 2020a) and finally using external
tool to compute it as Random Network Distillation
(RND) (Burda et al., 2018). RND has been presented
as a tool to regulate exploration by curiosity but has
been already used as uncertainty estimator for a RL
agent by (Ilhan et al., 2019). A neural network is
trained to predict the output of a target rough network,
while uncertainty is defined as discrepancy across the
two networks output.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: Process for source agent that stores agent-
environment interactions.
Initialize experience buffer EB
for e in episodes do
observe state s
take an action a
observe action, reward r and next state s
if time to update policy then
optimize policy for K epochs on collected
optimize RND on visited states
end if
if ep > episode from saved experience then
estimate agent confidence u over s through
add (s, a, r, s
, u) to buffer EB
end if
until episode is complete or max steps is reached
end for
Within this section we introduce the design of transfer
learning approach we have implemented to evaluate
confidence and sample size impact in transfer learn-
We assume that agents explore at a different time
the same or similar tasks (but performed in a dif-
ferent underlying environment). Thus, no knowl-
edge mapping is required as both agents have the
same set of sensors and actuators. Algorithm 1, de-
scribes the process of source agent that collects sam-
ples, represented as a tuple: (s
, a
, r
, s
, u
), hence
stores agent-environment interactions plus a confi-
dence value computed over the visited state. The lat-
ter value depicts state-related agent epistemic confi-
dence at time t of the visit. In detail, u stands for
uncertainty and therefore, higher is the value lower is
the agent’s confidence within that state.
Once the first agent has accomplished the train-
ing, buffer of collected experience is transferred to a
receiving agent. The latter filters the received knowl-
edge based on interaction’s confidence u and confi-
dence threshold t and draws a certain number of sam-
ples to pre-train its learning model as in Algorithm 2.
This technique is applicable to RL algorithms re-
gardless the underlying representation, e.g., tabular
model or through a neural network. Our implemen-
tation uses policy-based deep RL algorithm called
proximal policy optimization (PPO) (Schulman et al.,
Algorithm 2: Flow of target agent that samples interactions.
Input: experience buffer EB, threshold t, transfer
budget B
Initialize agent
sample from EB B interactions where u < t
train agent with experience sampled
for e in episodes do
observe state s
take an action a
observe action, reward r and next state s
if time to update policy then
optimize policy for K epochs on collected
end if
until episode is complete or max steps is reached
end for
2017). PPO is an on-policy algorithm that optimises a
policy by gradient descent, meaning that the updated
policy and the one used to produce samples are the
same. Therefore, to not compromise the optimisation
process, we limit the bootstrapping of external knowl-
edge before the learning phase commence. While off-
policy algorithms might be naturally more suitable
for reusing experience, in this paper we based it on
PPO, due to faster convergence rates and its previous
successes in ride-sharing application (Castagna et al.,
This section introduces the scenarios used to perform
evaluation, and the parameters used in these scenar-
4.1 Predator-prey
Predator-prey environment is based on an existing
version of a grid-world implementation (Chevalier-
Boisvert et al., 2018). Figure 1 shows a basic config-
uration of the environment. Task starts with a random
allocation of predator and preys around the grid, while
ends whether the predator, represented as a front-
oriented filled triangle, catches all the same colour-
based preys, depicted as pierced triangles. The en-
vironment is partially observable as the agent knows
only the 3 x 3 grid in its field of vision, which in the
figure is highlighted in front of it. To fulfil the goal, a
predator is enabled to move forward, turn left or right,
wait and perform a catch action. With the latter, a
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems
Figure 1: Instance of 9x9 grid predator prey environment
with a single predator (filled triangle), and multiple preys
(pierced triangles). Predator perceives the highlighted 3x3
grid in front of it and its goal is to catch the preys.
predator can catch a prey when it is in the consecutive
Prey follows a random policy to escape from the
predator, as follows: stay in the same position with
10% of probability, turn left or right with 25% chance
each, and move forward with 40% probability.
The reward model is designed to encourage preda-
tor to catch the prey faster; the agent receives a living
penalty according to the action taken, 0.01 for turn
and step actions, 0.25 when staying still and finally
0.5 for a missed catch. However, whether the catch
succeeds agent receives a positive reward of 1. The
configuration used within this work is reported in Ta-
ble 1.
For evaluation purpose, we use this benchmark
scenario to study the impact of sharing agent-
environment interactions from a pre-trained agent to a
new ”blank” agent. Source of transfer is an agent that
performs well enough to accomplish the given task.
During exploration, this agent labels interactions with
its epistemic confidence over the visited state. Thus,
confidence is estimated on the number of state visits
updated to the timestep of the sampling. Afterward,
knowledge is filtered by a specified confidence thresh-
old and transferred to the experience buffer of the new
agent. The new agent samples a number of interac-
tions from the buffer and pre-trains its learning model
before exploring.
We study the impact of leveraging collected expe-
rience by varying threshold confidence level and num-
ber of interactions sampled. By doing so, we aim to
gain insights into how is the second agent behaviour
influenced by the amount of samples passed and by
the quality of injected knowledge.
4.2 Ride-sharing-enabled Mobility on
Demand Scenario
For the real world case study we use the system pre-
sented in (Castagna et al., 2021). However, we port
the implementation into a widely used traffic simula-
tor of urban mobility, SUMO (Lopez et al., 2018), to
increase realistic traffic movement and conditions.
Agent’s goal is to maximise the amount of ride-
request served. To serve all the requests, a fleet of
5-seater RS-enabled vehicles is dispatched. Control
is distributed at vehicle level and therefore, each car
is controlled by a single agent with no communication
nor coordination with others.
At each timestep, each RL vehicle agent knows its
location, number of unoccupied seats and destination
of the request that can be served the quickest, among
those that it has assigned. Furthermore, an agent re-
ceives information about the three closest requests in
the neighbourhood, with an number of passengers that
could fit on board and that could be picked up before
request’s expiration time. A representation of state
and perception is shown in Figure 2. For each of these
requests, agent knows request origin, request destina-
tion, number of passengers and minimum detour time
from the current route to reach the pick-up point and
destination point of the request.
After evaluating state and perception, an agent can
take one of the 5 actions available, (1) being parked,
vehicle stays parked for a predefined amount of time,
(2) drop-off, vehicle drives towards its destination and
finally, (3) pick-up, where agent drives to pick-up
point of the selected request. Note that agent can de-
cide to pick one of the three available requests and
as results, agent has three different pick-up options,
resulting in total of 5 available actions.
Vehicle position is updated in real-time, however
decision process is triggered on the conclusion of an
action, i.e, vehicle arrives to pick-up or drop-off lo-
cation. On top of that, a vehicle can evaluate to pick
further requests while is serving others. This evalua-
tion step is allowed whenever the vehicle is further
from arrival point and has at least a free seat. All
vehicles within the fleet are synchronized under the
same clock, therefore evaluation process is performed
following a FIFO queue. Given the task’s nature, an
episode begins with the vehicle spawn and terminates
when there are no further request to be served.
Reward scheme is designed to minimise the cumu-
lated delay for each of the action taken by the agent.
Therefore, is defined as the elapsed time from the
agent’s decision to the end of the action. First, when
an action is not possible to accomplish, agent receives
a penalty of -1. Second, when agent decides of being
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Representation of vehicle status with the three
requests perceived in the neighbourhood.
parked, receives a penalty defined over the elapsed
, where x is set to 5 whether agent is
not serving any request, else to 1. Third, while drop-
ping off, reward is defined as follow, exp(
Last, on pick-up reward given to an agent is defined
,where x is fixed to 1 whether the request
picked is the first, 2 otherwise. Reward model has
been designed in that way to normalize delay into
(0,1) interval.
To emulate a real-world scenario, we use ride-
requests data from (Gu
eriau et al., 2020), where au-
thors have aggregated NYC taxi trips from 50 con-
secutive Mondays between July 2015 and June 2016
in Manhattan zone (NYC Taxi and Limousine Com-
mission, 2020). Trips are then organized on a time-
base schedule. Finally, we obtained 4 datasets repre-
senting peak times, morning, afternoon evening and
night. Within this research, we use the morning peak
slot (from 7 to 10 am) and the evening (from 6 to 9
We use these different datasets to evaluate the
impact of sharing experience among same tasks but
varying the underlying demand pattern. We let agents
explore and collect interactions by serving requests
from the morning set and afterwards we leverage part
of the collected experience to pre-train agents that
operate in the evening shift. In detail, 200 vehicles
are dispatched during simulation to serve the demand.
To evaluate our work, we use two demand loads and
we execute the system in the following conditions, 1)
train and test on morning peak; 2) train and test on
evening peak; 3) train on morning peak and test on
evening peak; lastly, 4) train on morning peak, trans-
fer knowledge to a new agent that will then be further
trained and tested on evening peak.
This section presents and discuss the results achieved
through simulations in the two evaluation environ-
ments and is organized in two parts. First, we discuss
the benefit of reusing experience in predator-prey sce-
nario and second, in MoD scenario.
5.1 Predator-prey
To evaluate the performance obtained within
predator-prey scenario we studied agent’s learning
curve, by analysing the reward.
For the following set of experiments, Table 1 sum-
marises the configuration of the environment, while
Table 3 reports the simulation parameters for the task.
We set RND size to 1024 as we discovered to be
a good trade off between performance and network
Within this work, we let the source agent to col-
lect experience from the last 20% episodes and we
vary the number of drawn interactions from the trans-
fer buffer (5,000 and 10,000) and confidence thresh-
old for filtering interactions. Figure 3 depicts the
achieved results by varying both parameters. As
threshold, we used few hardcoded task-related values
empirically obtained (0.015, 0.02, and 0.05) and two
others computed over the transfer buffer (mean and
median confidence values).
In addition, we compare achieved results against
four different baselines and we show the results
through Figure 4. As first baseline, we propose a no-
transfer agent, i.e., an agent that addresses the task for
the first time with no external support. Other base-
lines included an additional agent that can support
the learning phase by providing advice when needed.
As transfer framework for these baselines, we opted
for the teacher-student paradigm (Torrey and Taylor,
2013), where student is represented by the learning
agent while teacher is the additional agent that al-
ready accomplished the task obtaining good perfor-
mance. Among the transfer-enabled baselines we can
distinguish three cases: first advice at beginning, as
we noticed that the initial episodes are the hardest
for an agent to exhibit good behaviour, second mis-
take correction, where teacher supervises student by
providing advice when the latter misbehaves accord-
ing to teacher’s expectation and last, confidence based
εdecay (Norouzi et al., 2020), where student asks
for advice following an εdecay probability when
it has lower confidence than teacher. In all teacher-
supported baselines, as is the standard in teacher-
student TL related work, we set a maximum budget
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems
for exchanging advice in order to match the number
of sampled interactions.
Figure 3 shows the results achieved by varying
filter threshold on receiving side organized by the
amount of sampled interactions, 5,000 (a) and 10,000
(b). Impact of threshold is mild compared to transfer
buffer size; contrary to what we intuitively expected,
using less samples (5,000) has shown a greater im-
provement of the performance against a no transfer
enabled agent. Regardless of the transfer settings,
agent performance is overall better compared to a no
transfer agent. In a few of the cases we observe a
jumpstart, i.e., an improved performance since the
very beginning. However, we cannot do a linear com-
parison between transfer and no-transfer results be-
cause the former exploits external knowledge result-
ing in a few additional episodes. Nevertheless, most
of transfer-enabled instances are able to outperform a
no transfer agent since the beginning as we can easily
notice from Figure 3a.
Tuning the right threshold could be very expen-
sive in term of time as it is task-dependent and might
not results in the expected outcome (i.e., resulting in
a negative transfer). Nevertheless, Figure 4 shows a
significant gap between our proposal and the evalu-
ated baselines. In particular, we can notice from Fig-
ure 4a that when the transfer budget is low, our pro-
posal stands out from the others and enables the agent
to reach very soon good performance that are kept
over time.
Table 1: Parameters in predator-prey environment.
Parameter Value
grid size 9
#teams 1
#predators 1
#preys 2
grid-view size 3
successful catch 1
missed catch -.5
hold position -.25
turn or step penalty -.01
5.2 Mobility on Demand
For this scenario we adopted a MoD previously evalu-
ated against multiple baselines with and without ride-
sharing and rebalancing (Castagna et al., 2021), there-
fore in this work we solely focus on evaluating the im-
pact of TL. Table 2 presents the environment related
settings while, Table 3 reports the learning model con-
We rely on common metrics used to evaluate per-
Table 2: Parameters in Mobility-on-Demand scenario.
Parameter Value
fleet size 200
#seats 5
#available requests 7-10am 9663
#available requests 6-9pm 9662
training rounds 6
training vehicle per round 10
Table 3: Simulation settings for predator-prey (PP) and
Mobility-on-Demand (MoD) scenarios.
Parameter PP MoD
# episodes 3000 N/A
max #steps 500 N/A
#hidden layer(s) 1 4
size hidden layer(s) 64 128
gamma .99 .999
learning rate .001 1e-4
update iter 500 32
epochs 10 10
εclip .2 .2
RND size 1024 1024
formances of MoD system. On passenger side, we
evaluate waiting time, defined as time elapsed from
moment that request is being made until the passen-
ger pick-up by the ride-sharing vehicle. Furthermore,
as Table 4 reports, we take into account detour ra-
tio (D
) that captures the additional distance driven
by the vehicle with the passenger over the expected
distance without ride-sharing enabled. At the overall
fleet level we evaluate percentage of requests being
served in ride-sharing(%RS) and demand satisfaction
rate (% Served Reqs.). Finally, on vehicle level we
evaluate the passenger distribution across the avail-
able vehicles, reporting the variance of passengers
distribution (σ pass) in Table 4, alongside the aver-
age travelled distance covered by vehicles during the
whole simulation (d
We compare our TL-enabled MoD, TL-enabled
test 6-9pm against two baselines:
1. Train 7-10am test 6-9pm, where we transfer the
learnt model from an agent trained on the morning
demand set (7-10am) to evening set (6-9pm)
2. Train & test 6-9pm where an agent learns over the
evening set and is evaluated over the same dataset.
We also present the results achieved on the morn-
ing peak by agent trained on the same set of re-
quests (Train & test 7-10am). The latter provides ex-
perience that we have used within our proposal where
a novel agent, following Algorithm 2, preprocesses
received knowledge and then performs a training on
evening demand set (6-9pm).
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Comparison of averaged reward with different number of interactions sampled by the transfer buffer, 5.000 (a) and
10.000 (b). Results are obtained as average over 50 simulations in predator prey scenario enabling transfer learning.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Comparison of best and worst instance against proposed baselines with different number of interactions sampled
by the transfer buffer, 5.000 (a) and 10.000 (b). Results are obtained as average over 50 simulations in predator prey scenario
enabling transfer learning.
The details of how we conducted experience in
our TL-based scenario TL-enabled test 6-9pm are as
follows. To collect enough samples, agent training
in Train & test 7-10am required a larger set of re-
quests. Hence we used 30,000 requests maintaining
the scheme of 6 rounds with 10 vehicles, forming a
60 episodes training. In detail, each vehicle selects
requests to be served from the pool of requests that
previous vehicles could not accomplish. Once a round
is completed, request set is restored and a new cycle
can begin. All vehicles contribute to the same model,
which is later replicated to all the 200 vehicles oper-
ating in morning and evening shifts.
Agent was enabled to store knowledge only over
the final 40% episodes and it collected approximately
14,000 interactions. Uncertainty interval for the col-
lect interactions was really broad, 17 - 500,000, with
average being 50,000 and with approximately 6,000
interactions having a state with no requests in agent
neighbourhood and an associated uncertainty lower
than 450.
Initially, we performed the tests with multiple
thresholds applied to uncertainty level of interactions
reused. First, we provided to target agent the whole
set (approximately 14,000 interactions) without ap-
plying any filter. Second, we discarded all interac-
tions composed by a state with no requests in proxim-
ity of the vehicle and from those we sampled 5,000 in-
teractions. Third, we set the threshold to 50,000, uti-
lizing only samples with uncertainty under that num-
ber, resulting in around 10,000 available interactions.
However, all of these initial tests failed to run to
completion because they overloaded the SUMO en-
gine with requests leading to a crash. Nevertheless,
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems
the early stages of the experiments were useful in or-
der to tune the threshold. For the final experiment, re-
sults of which we present here we halve the available
interactions for target agent by setting the threshold
to 10,000 taking all the interactions with lower un-
certainty. Agent randomly samples 5,000 interactions
and pre-train its learning model. Finally, it performs
a 6 rounds with 10 vehicles training.
We present the simulation results in Table 4 and
Figure 5. We show the waiting time for requests in
(a), the distribution of passengers served per vehicle
in (b) and the travelled distance per vehicle in (c).
Note that green scenario, (Train & test 7-10am),
reports a longer distance covered by vehicles due to
a greater number of requests satisfied. Our scenario
TL-enabled test 6-9pm, enable the system to cover
further requests when compared to baselines on same
demand set. As Table 4 reports, it enables the fleet
to cover 79% of demand while Train 7-10 test 6-9pm
and Train & test 6-9pm stop at 77% and 76%. Fur-
thermore, despite the few additional requests served,
average vehicles mileage is lowered by 5 km per ve-
hicle (82 km) against (87km). Although, passengers
distribution is unbalanced compared to baselines, as
variance is almost doubled (41.12) against (21.65 and
Eventually, while maintaining a fair RS rate (93)
compared to baselines (99), our scenario almost
halves the average request detour ratio (5.23) com-
pared to baselines (9 and 9.11), resulting in less kilo-
metres travelled onboard for passengers before reach-
ing their destination.
When leveraging experience across equal-defined
task as within our predator-prey simulations, target
agent is enabled to outperform a no-transfer agent and
baselines. In detail, TL-enabled agent overcomes no-
transfer enabled agent performance in less than a half
On the other hand, when applying TL to a more
complicated scenario, as our real-world MoD simu-
lator, it demands a not trivial evaluation over transfer
parameters. However, in our experiment, agents are
able to satisfy a greater number of passengers while
reducing travelled distance and improving rider expe-
rience. In fact, detour ratio, defined as distance trav-
elled by passengers onboard of MoD vehicle against
expected travelled distance on a solo trip, is sharply
decreased when compared against other scenarios.
In this paper we presented an experience-sharing
(transfer learning) strategy to leverage collected ex-
perience across same tasks executed in different en-
vironment dynamics. A first agent (source), collects
samples throughout exploration while learning a task,
that are then transferred to a second agent (target).
The latter, preprocesses its learning model by sam-
pling a certain amount of interactions from receiving
buffer. We have analysed the performance varying
transfer parameters in two scenarios, predator-prey,
where target and source agent address the very same
task, and a mobility on demand scenario where source
and target are evaluated on a same task but under dif-
ferent underlying ride request demand.
We generally noticed that within the predator-prey
scenario, by enabling TL, agent which receives trans-
ferred data is able to outperform a standard agent
which learns from scratch.
These improvements are more difficult to notice
in a simulated real world environment since we do not
track the reward achieved by the agents but we rely on
domain-specific performance measures dependent on
our application area. However, we can still notice an
improvement in the ride-requests satisfied and in the
distance travelled by the vehicles. When we compare
TL-enabled agent against agent learning from scratch
on the same set of demand, we can notice that ride-
sharing ratio is slightly decreased in favour of a lower
detour ratio. As a result, passengers lower the time
spent onboard by reaching faster their final destina-
This paper presents a first step in a wider work on
multi-agent experience sharing in real-time. In this
research, we evaluated the impact and the feasibil-
ity of defining parameters and threshold in experience
reusing with fixed roles of information sender and re-
As a next step, we plan to evaluate ”importance”
of the states for the target agent, in order to reduce
transfers in less important states to save communica-
tion budget if needed. For example, we have observed
that a source agent has high confidence in its knowl-
edge about the state in which there are no requests
to serve, but since there is less potential for ”mis-
take” actions when there are no requests, transferring
knowledge in this situation might not be crucial. Af-
terward, we plan to bootstrap knowledge across sce-
narios with different road structure to further test the
reliability of TL applied to simulation of real-world
case and develop the full dynamic online multi-agent
TL system.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) Waiting time for request
(b) Number of passengers served per vehicle
(c) Vehicles mileage
Figure 5: Comparison of simulation results for the analysed scenarios over the following metrics: (a) waiting time, (b)
passengers distribution per vehicle and (c) distance travelled by vehicle. The y-axis represents the probability that a request
for (a) or vehicle in (b, c) assumes a certain value. Note that results are obtained from a single simulation run.
Table 4: Performance metrics across all 5 evaluated approaches in ride-sharing scenario.
%Served requests
σ pass d
Train & test 7-10am
93 93 76.61 140 9.4
Train 7-10am test 6-9pm
77 99 21.65 87 9
Train&test 6-9pm
76 99 19.35 87 9.11
TL-enabled test 6-9pm
79 93 41.12 82 5.23
This work was sponsored, in part, by the Science
Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 18/CRT/6223
(Centre for Research Training in Artificial Intelli-
gence), and Grant No. 16/SP/3804 (Enable).
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