Figure 9: An instance of Connected Colored MAPF run on
robots Ozobot (Evollve, Inc., 2018).
The additional requirement for connectivity makes
the Colored MAPF problem significantly more chal-
lenging for designing efficient declarative models.
Our formulation is proper on relatively small in-
stances, which we demonstrated with real physical
robots Ozobots. The solution time for large instances
becomes prohibitively long, which suggests substan-
tial room for improvement of the model. Another op-
tion of potential future research is to develop both op-
timal and inexact imperative algorithms. The adap-
tation of the existing CBM algorithm that solves
Colored MAPF to solve Connected Colored MAPF
seems complicated, as repairing conflicts arising from
unsatisfied connectivity within a group would lead to
substantial branching factors.
There is a natural generalization of Connected
Colored MAPF, in which the agents do not need to
be adjacent to each other but need to keep within a
vicinity given by a defined distance. In our case, we
considered this distance to be 1, but this can be gen-
eralized to any value.
This research is supported by the Czech-USA Co-
operative Scientific Research Project LTAUSA19072
and by the project 19-02183S of the Czech Science
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Coordinated Collision-free Movement of Groups of Agents