figure 2b. The model systematically overestimates the
reflectance for the brighter standards (99 %, 80 %, 60
%, and 50 %). For all standards, there are two prob-
lematic wavelengths areas. The first is around 400
nm, where the given illumination is too low. The sec-
ond is the area around 950 nm, where the sensitivity
of the spectrometers is relatively low and the dichroic
mirror decreases the signal as well.
Figure 2c, presenting the reflectance correction
results using the best-performing ”cubic8” model,
shows an improvement for most standards and the
dark current compared to the ”simple100” model.
3.2.2 Wavelength Correction
By doing the reflectance correction, we calibrated the
ordinate of our reflectance data (vertical alignment).
However, one can also calibrate the abscissa. This
corresponds to the question: Does the digital num-
ber, which the spectrometer provides for some wave-
length λ
, belong to this exact wavelength or maybe
to a slightly higher or lower wavelength λ? We use a
Zenith Polymer
wavelength standard by SphereOp-
tics, which is enriched with rare-earth oxides. This
leads to sharp peaks in the reflectance curve at known
wavelengths. Acquiring an image of the reflectance
standards allows adjusting the measured peaks to the
known wavelengths.
The reflectance of the wavelength standard-based
measurements by both spectrometers as well as the
true reflectance of the standard is shown in figure 3a
- The peaks of the NIR spectrometer reflectance and
the true reflectance match. However, the reflectance
acquired by the UV-NIR spectrometer shows a clear
mismatch. The provided wavelengths are too high and
need to be adjusted.
The model used for wavelength adaption is a sec-
ond degree polynomial (quadratic function):
) = a
· λ
+ a
· λ
+ a
To find optimal values for the coefficients a
, a
, a
polynomial regression is done based on correspond-
ing pairs of (manually selected) peaks (10 for the UV-
NIR spectrometer, 5 for the NIR spectrometer).
The resulting reflectances after applying the wave-
length correction are visualized in figure 3b. Notice-
ably, the peaks in the range of the UV-NIR spectrom-
eter match significantly better than without the wave-
length correction.
3.2.3 Overall Postprocessing
For the reflectance correction to work correctly, it is
necessary to have the wavelengths corrected. Other-
wise, the wrong reflectance values are used for esti-
mating the model. However, for the wavelength cali-
bration, it is required to have reflectance values. This
problem is solved by a three-step procedure. First,
a reflectance correction is done. The resulting re-
flectance curves are used in a second step to deter-
mine the peak positions and perform the wavelength
correction. As just the peak position on the wave-
length axis is important here, it is neglectable that
the height does not fit exactly. On the now matching
wavelengths, the reflectance correction can be done
as the third and final step. Once the coefficients for
wavelength and reflectance correction are determined,
they can be used to convert the digital numbers from
a sample into reflectance values, which are only de-
pendent on the sample.
3.3 Height Adaptive Spectroscopy for
Non-planar Samples
The acquisition of hyperspectral images from planar
samples has been possible with our system in the
past. This has been sufficient as the system was built
for surface inspection of steel plates (Herwig et al.,
2012). However, to be able to examine a wider variety
of samples (namely those with a non-planar surface),
we decided to upgrade the system accordingly.
Acquiring images from non-planar samples is
easy for cameras with a broad depth of field. How-
ever, for a spectrometer-based whisk broom solution
with a narrow depth of field, acquiring data from non-
planar samples is difficult. The naive way is to do an
autofocus procedure with the spectrometer at every
pixel position. Yet, this is very time-consuming as for
every pixel position the hyperspectral image has to be
acquired in all possible heights.
Instead, we propose a procedure making use of
the grayscale camera, which can acquire an area in-
stead of just one position. We use the grayscale cam-
era to estimate the height of the sample at every point.
Knowing the height, the spectrometer head can be po-
sitioned accordingly and the spectra can be acquired
in focus for a non-planar sample.
The grayscale camera’s objective is tuned to pro-
vide a narrow depth of field. This means, for a part of
the image to be in focus, the range of heights is very
small. Figure 4 shows the Brenner focus measure (eq.
5) for different heights. The full width at half maxi-
mum (FWHM) is about 0.31 mm. The same holds for
the spectrometer head (FWHM of UV-NIR: 1.4 mm,
FWHM of NIR: 1.2 mm) as shown in figure 4. Based
on the geometric calibration, the offset between the
focus heights of the grayscale camera and spectrom-
eter is known (Hegemann et al., 2017). Therefore,
if the focus heights of the whole sample are known
Combining a Grayscale Camera and Spectrometers for High Quality Close-range Hyperspectral Imaging of Non-planar Surfaces