As an efficiency evaluation model, we applied the
Monte Carlo Cross-Validation (MCCV5) method (Xu
and Liang, 2001; Goodfellow et al., 2016).
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not differ significantly from a classic form of deci-
sion systems. This work opens new research avenues
and promises a potentially handy enhancement of the
PCP technique itself.
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mittee of classifiers based on the researched technique
behaves. Furthermore, we will also test other methods
for a visual representation of multidimensional deci-
sion systems in terms of classification and try our ap-
proach on 3D PCP. Other threads we are planning are
to see which transformations of the original PCP visu-
alization positively impact classification. Finally, we
will also consider the application of model explain-
ability techniques by determining which visual fea-
tures influence the classification process.
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Using ConvNet for Classification Task in Parallel Coordinates Visualization of Topologically Arranged Attribute Values