Table 3: Average WCSS values of the BH-kmeans algorithm (Here) and the DILS algorithm. Smaller values indicate a higher
CS5 CS10 CS15 CS20
Appendicitis 493.0 738.6 544.2 603.3 612.9 629.6 612.9 612.9 451.8 612.9
Breast Cancer 12,090.6 13,860.3 12,185.0 12,214.6 12,214.6 12,214.6 12,214.6 12,214.6 11,595.5 12,214.6
Bupa 1,863.6 2,044.3 2,041.6 2,048.0 2,047.3 2,047.3 2,047.3 2,047.3 1,496.1 2,047.3
Circles 484.9 596.7 598.9 599.9 600.0 600.0 600.0 600.0 410.4 600.0
Ecoli 822.0 2,055.9 967.8 2,020.2 1,047.3 1,926.1 1,134.4 1,854.6 703.6 1,335.3
Glass 885.6 1,818.7
1,168.2 1,791.8 1,267.5 1,732.3 1,428.7 1,578.9 751.7 1,429.3
Haberman 813.4 870.1 889.4 893.6 891.4 891.4 891.4 891.4 684.4 891.4
Hayesroth 465.2 596.8 525.3 569.8 553.1 609.7 551.1 556.0 425.5 553.5
Heart 3,047.4 3,256.2 3,085.1 3,086.2 3,120.5 3,120.5 3,120.5 3,120.5 2,940.7 3,120.5
Ionosphere 10,284.5 11,254.3 10,944.9 11,021.0 10,971.5 10,971.5 10,971.5 10,971.5 9,086.0 10,971.5
Iris 146.4 173.1 146.9 196.9 141.2 220.7 145.1 220.7 141.0 167.9
Led7Digit 1,226.3 2,581.9 1,461.8 2,839.3 1,450.2 2,939.7 1,511.1 2,990.6 1,108.8 1,511.4
Monk2 2,359.1 2,479.7 2,382.7 2,384.1 2,384.3 2,384.3 2,384.3 2,384.3 2,160.0 2,384.3
Moons 285.1 383.7 322.1 322.1 322.9 322.9 322.9 322.9 249.7 322.9
Movement Libras 11,125.4 22,702.1 11,989.6 23,702.7 16,067.3 26,757.1 18,342.1 27,356.3 10,495.6 19,779.5
Newthyroid 506.1 1,063.0
536.0 1,041.8 550.9 643.7 550.4 550.9 462.3 550.9
Saheart 3,768.0 3,911.0 3,924.3 3,924.3 3,927.7 3,927.7 3,927.7 3,927.7 3,235.8 3,927.7
Sonar 11,360.5 12,113.8 11,873.8 11,987.8 11,962.9 11,962.9 11,962.9 11,962.9 10,649.4 11,962.9
Soybean 377.6 732.0 367.1 751.0 367.1 543.1 367.1 581.9 367.1 367.1
Spectfheart 10,660.1 11,381.6 11,210.5 11,281.3 11,268.3 11,268.3 11,268.3 11,268.3 8,983.9 11,268.3
Spiral 465.4 490.7 558.7 559.3 564.5 564.5 564.5 564.5 376.5 564.5
Tae 481.6 663.5 608.8 652.5 685.2 695.9 711.8 714.0 452.7 713.8
Vehicle 10,355.7 12,282.0 13,250.1 13,796.0 13,334.2 13,619.8 13,334.2 13,573.9 6,211.1 13,334.2
Wine 1,284.7 1,902.2 1,285.1 1,746.6 1,285.1 1,703.3 1,290.7 1,664.2 1,277.9 1,300.0
Zoo 562.2 1,255.1 564.9 1,178.6 567.1 853.6 572.3 816.8 525.6 579.6
Mean 3,448.6 4,448.3 3,737.3 4,448.5 3,928.2 4,526.0 4,033.1 4,533.9 3,009.7 4,100.5
Table 4: Total number of constraint violations of the BH-
kmeans algorithm (Here), the DILS algorithm, and the k-
means algorithm .
Constraint set
CS5 0.0 213.0 3,707.0
CS10 1.0 1,507.0 14,403.0
CS15 0.0 2,146.0 32,162.0
CS20 4.0 4,006.0 58,113.0
SUM 5.0 7,872.0 108,385.0
Table 5: Total running time of the BH-kmeans algorithm
(Here), the DILS algorithm, and the k-means algorithm .
Constraint set
CS5 135.9 95,454.5 98.6
CS10 571.3 97,577.6 94.8
CS15 686.6 101,798.5 95.6
CS20 1,840.0 107,416.7 98.3
SUM 3,233.8 402,247.3 387.2
times, each time with a different random seed. With
225 instances, 60 values of parameter p, and three
seeds, we ran the BH-kmeans algorithm 40,500 times.
For each repetition, we imposed an overall time limit
of 600 seconds and a solver time limit of 200 seconds.
5.2 Numerical Results
We first study the relationship between parameter p
and the average ARI values. The nine plots in Fig-
ure 1 visualize the relationship between parameter p
and the average ARI value across all data sets and rep-
etitions for the nine constraint sets with different noise
levels. In each plot, we highlighted in light green the
range of penalty values that led to average ARI val-
ues that are within 2.5% of the highest average ARI
value in the respective plot. The intersection of the
light green ranges is highlighted in dark green. We
can draw the following conclusions from Figure 1.
• If the ML and CL constraints are noise-free, any
value for parameter p that is larger than 0.2 leads
to good average results.
• As the noise level increases, the range of good val-
ues for p tends to get smaller and moves to the
• With parameter p ∈ [0.18, 0.20] the algorithm per-
forms well across noise levels. This insight is use-
ful for situations where it is difficult or impossible
to determine the noise level in the constraint set.
Note that Figure 1 displays average results across data
sets. Although the pattern shown in Figure 1 is repre-
sentative for many individual data sets as well, there
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods