in the descriptions. The authors provide four differ-
ent unsupervised sentence representations. Second, a
Latent Dirichlet Allocation method detects semantic
topic information of web services after a service re-
quest and stores it into a specific cluster according to
its web service text-description vector.
The authors in (Yang et al., 2019) present a deep
neural network to abstract service descriptions to
high-level features. The additional service classifica-
tion process utilises 50 service categories.
In (Li et al., 2018), the authors propose an au-
tomatic approach to tag web services by extracting
WSDL (Web Services Description Language) infor-
mation and provide tag recommendations for service
discovery using the weighted textual matrix factori-
sation. In contrast to our solution, these works focus
on analysing, extending and categorising interface de-
scriptions and do not consider the behaviours of ser-
In (Yahyaoui et al., 2015) the authors propose
an approach for modelling and classifying service
behaviours by capturing the service performance
through predefined behavioural patterns. Each pat-
tern is a typical sequence of observations. An obser-
vation denotes the quality of a service for one inter-
action. They also consider services as black boxes
but attempt to match their performance on predefined
However, none of the works uses the black box be-
haviour observation of services exclusively for clas-
sification in combination with support for additional
data such as service descriptions and semantic infor-
mation for classification improvement.
The main contributions of this paper are self-optimi-
sing tasks that learn representations of Behaviour Im-
plementations. Thus, the tasks are empowered to
evaluate their given Behaviour Implementations and,
if necessary, exchange them for better evaluated im-
plementations of the same behaviour. The imple-
mentations are considered as black boxes, and thus
only the input and output data is considered. Fur-
thermore, a distributed behaviour repository organ-
ises the learned Behaviour Models and supports stor-
ing, searching, and sharing of the corresponding Be-
haviour Implementations. Our evaluation shows the
feasibility of our approach by comparing a set of suit-
able machine learning algorithms. In general, they
achieve reliable results during the classification of dif-
ferent behaviours.
The machine-learned behaviour model represents
the transformation of an input stream to its output
stream. These models can be compared and, based
on the results, equivalent Behaviour Implementations
can be determined. We apply hyperplane classifiers
to learn the Behaviour Model. Due to their specific
characteristics, especially the simple model transfer-
ability and comparability, Support Vector Machines
are well suited. In (Jahl et al., 2018), it is proven that
unsupervised Support Vector Machines are appropri-
ate for the application in this approach if restricted to
one-dimensional inputs and outputs. This work over-
comes the restriction and enables the analysis of com-
plex data structures.
Further research and experiments are necessary
to achieve detailed results about the accuracy of the
utilised classifiers in additional application domains.
In our future work, we want to improve our prototype
by selecting machine learning techniques tailored for
data streams for Ensemble Learning. This leads to
a distributed behaviour repository where individual
Skill Managers are specialised on a specific type of
Behaviour Implementations and thus provides a better
classification for the corresponding behaviour type.
Additionally, higher-level management will provide
a tree-like structure to improve the organisation and
selection of Behaviour Implementation replacements.
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ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence