attention mechanism, like the very prominent Trans-
former (Vaswani et al., 2017).
We defined the Random Memorization Task for
RNNs. Despite it contradicting the intuition be-
hind the usage of recurrent neural networks, classical
RNNs, LSTM and GRU networks were able to mem-
orize a random input sequence to a certain extent,
depending on configuration and architecture. There
is a discernible borderline between past positions in
the sequence that could be memorized and those that
could not, which correlates with the MC formulated
by Jaeger. We therefor conclude, that Jaegers MC for-
mula is applicable for calculating the memory limit in
respect to the RNN’s type and architecture.
While our experiments are very limited in scale
(due to the already computationally expensive nature
of the experiments), we observe the trend that more
cells increase the memory limit. The limiting fac-
tor that we observed, at least for vanilla-RNN’s, is
the VEGP. However, it is important to note that for
current RNN applications the ratio of input sequence
length and cells inside the RNN is usually in favor
of the number of cells, so that we would not expect
the memory limit to play an important role in the ap-
plication of the typical RNN. Still, we hope this re-
search represents an additional step towards a theo-
retical framework concerned with the learnability of
problems using specific machine learning techniques.
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Empirical Analysis of Limits for Memory Distance in Recurrent Neural Networks