changing distribution in the observed environment.
Since GIRM is an extension module, it can be ap-
plied to any reinforcement learning algorithm. In this
work, we used Asynchronous Actor-Critic (A2C) as
the baseline algorithm, comparing agents trained with
and without GIRM.
We show GIRM’s capability of exploration in a
sparse reward and a no reward setting. We used Super
Mario Bros. (Kauten, 2018) for the no reward set-
ting and show that the agent trained with GIRM pro-
vides the necessary intrinsic reward so that the agent
explores and completes the level and outperforms the
agent without GIRM. Our agent does so by learning
the pattern of going right in order to find unexplored
states. For the sparse reward setting, we evaluated
our agent in Montezuma’s Revenge, an atari game
that’s been recently used for benchmarking in rein-
forcement learning, due to its difficulty. While the
agent trained without GIRM is not capable of escap-
ing the initial room, with the addition of GIRM, our
agent explores multiple rooms throughout the envi-
ronment, achieving a mean score of 3954. On the
one hand, we show that GIRM provides a more ef-
ficient exploration strategy, but on the other hand, we
observe that our agent converges early, beginning to
exploit the high rewards from the environment.
We also identify another weakness of GIRM
through Montezuma’s Revenge: standardizing re-
wards through the usage of EMA and EMV turns
small differences between the observed novel state
and regenerated state into meaningful intrinsic re-
wards, however, as the agent begins to explore new
rooms, the already high difference between regener-
ated and novel states gets higher, which also increases
the distribution EMA and EMV represents, there-
fore GIRM loses the capability of assigning meaning-
ful rewards to novel states in the frequently visited
rooms. In the future, we would like to address this
problem. A potential solution could be leaving out
the very high or very low intrinsic reward when up-
dating EMA and EMV , treating them as an anomaly.
Furthermore, a more efficient reward scaling method
could be investigated.
Another future direction is to make use of GANs
to train a model to learn the dynamics of the envi-
ronment, instead of the distribution of observations.
Since the dynamics throughout the environment do
not change drastically, a model that learns the dy-
namics might have a better generalization property
throughout the environment. This idea is not a direct
improvement to GIRM, but instead, we recommend
an idea to utilize GANs in the efficient exploration
problem in reinforcement learning with a different ap-
This work is supported by Istanbul Technical Univer-
sity BAP Grant NO: MOA-2019-42321.
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GAN-based Intrinsic Exploration for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning