However, we have a 4-period waiting for maintain-
ing s2c3. With the fact that its maintenance occupies
2 periods, we know that s2c3 cannot start the main-
tenance in period 4 since s3c3 is being maintained
during periods 4 and 5, and there is no enough re-
source to maintain s2c3 and s3c3 together in period 5
+ n
> N
). Besides, s2c3 cannot start the main-
tenance in period 6 due to lack of available resources
in period 7 (n
> N
). Finally, its maintenance is con-
ducted in periods 8 and 9 since n
< N
and n
< N
In this paper, we addressed RUL-based maintenance
optimization in generic complex production systems.
Component-level RUL information was used to ar-
range redundancy in each stage to guarantee the avail-
ability of the system. Besides, resource limitation
constraints were integrated with respect to real-life
applications and scenarios. The purpose is to sat-
isfy client demands with minimum overall cost dur-
ing the maintenance planning horizon. We provided a
mixed-integer linear programming approach to cope
with problem instances. Through different test in-
stances, we showed the efficiency of our approach to
reach the optimal solutions of the addressed problems
in different complex systems.
Our future work will focus on (i) considering
setup cost when activating standby components; (ii)
Considering the probabilities or quantiles of the RUL
of component; (iii) Developing more efficient algo-
rithms and heuristics; (iv) Taking multi-site mainte-
nance optimization into account.
This work is supported by the project Maintenance
evisionelle et Optimisation of IRT SystemX.
constraints. MIQCP: mixed integer programs with
quadratic terms in the constraints.
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ICORES 2022 - 11th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems