Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference
Keisuke Yamazaki
, Satoshi Tamura
, Yuuto Gotoh
and Masaki Nose
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
Faculty of Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
Ricoh Company, Ltd., Kanagawa, Japan
Voice Activity Detection, Human Motion, Speaker Diarization, Dynamic Image, Multi-modal Transfer
Module, Conference Video Processing.
In this paper, we propose a visual-only Voice Activity Detection (VAD) method using human movements.
Although audio VAD is commonly used in many applications, it has a problem it is not robust in noisy en-
vironments. In such the cases, multi-modal VAD using speech and mouth information is effective. However,
due to the current pandemic situation, people wear masks causing we cannot observe mouths. On the other
hand, utilizing a video capturing the entire of a speaker is useful for visual VAD, because gestures and mo-
tions may contribute to identify speech segments. In our scheme, we firstly obtain dynamic images which
represent motion of a person. Secondly, we fuse dynamic and original images using Multi-Modal Transfer
Module (MMTM). To evaluate the effectiveness of our scheme, we conducted experiments using conference
videos. The results show that the proposed model has better than the baseline. Furthermore, through model
visualization we confirmed that the proposed model focused much more on speakers.
We have many meetings for discussion and decision
making. Minutes are then often taken, which are use-
ful to confirm the contents of meetings later. It is
still common to take minutes manually, however, it
costs significantly. Therefore, in recent years, a lot
of research works have been done to automate the
process of taking minutes. In order to take minutes
automatically, it is necessary to develop technology
for speaker diarization, which recognizes ”who spoke
when, and speech recognition and lip reading, which
recognize ”what was said.” In this study, we focus on
Voice Activity Detection (VAD) to recognize ”when
a person spoke,” that is one of the speaker diarization
elements. Although VAD has been investigated for
decades, there is a problem that the VAD accuracy is
often degraded by the existence of background noise
or cross talks. In order to further improve the accu-
racy, multi-modal VAD using face movies in addition
to speech data is considered to be an effective method;
Visual VAD (VVAD) utilizes mouth movements to
detect speech segments, and multi-modal VAD incor-
porates audio and visual information in an early- or a
late-fusion manner.
The spread of COVID-19 threat has drastically
changed the situation. Most meetings are held online,
and attendees usually wear masks. This causes new
issues for speaker diarization. Audio data are com-
pressed and distorted so that they could be transmitted
on the internet, resulting a mismatch between the data
and a VAD model. Wearing masks affects acoustic
characteristics, and more crucially, mouths are hidden
making conventional VVAD difficult. To overcome
the last problem, we have investigated another per-
spective. Here we focus on video movies capturing
the entire of a speaker, and utilizing the whole move-
ments of the speaker. This is based on the discov-
ery that individuals unintentionally synchronize their
nonverbal and linguistic behavior during social inter-
actions (N.Latif et al., 2014). We consider that if we
could obtain features effective for VAD from body
movements and gestures, VVAD could be still pos-
sible even when a speaker’s mouth is not visible.
In this paper, we try to develop our VVAD based
on the above discussion. As a preliminary step, we
perform visual-only VAD using videos in which a
mask is artificially worn to a speaker, and verify the
effectiveness. To the best of my knowledge, this pa-
per is the first attempt to perform VVAD on a speaker
Yamazaki, K., Tamura, S., Gotoh, Y. and Nose, M.
Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference Video.
DOI: 10.5220/0010829200003122
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2022), pages 570-577
ISBN: 978-989-758-549-4; ISSN: 2184-4313
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Visualization examples in our preliminary experi-
ments. Which area a VVAD model focused on is illustrated.
wearing a mask. We firstly build a VAD model using a
simple 3D Convolutional Neural Network (3DCNN).
Next, we conduct visualization to find the areas of in-
terest in the prediction results, to examine the inter-
pretability of the model. Examples of the visualiza-
tion results are shown in Figure 1. Based on the pre-
liminary results, we propose a novel VVAD frame-
work using two modalities: video data and dynamic
images. Employing dynamic images is expected to
focus much more on human gestures.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. At
first, we describe related works in Section 2. Next,
Section 3 introduces our method including techniques
used in this work. Experiments, results and discussion
are described in Section 4. Finally, conclusion and
future work are presented in Section 5.
2.1 Visual-only VAD
Recently, VVAD has been studied actively. There are
two main types of VVAD methods: using facial infor-
mation such as lip movements and head movements,
and using human appearance like gestures and body
In terms of using facial information, (A.Aubrey
et al., 2007) proposed two VVAD methods. The
first one is applying Active Appearance Model to
lip regions to represent lip shape and texture as a
vector, and then modeling the features by hidden
Markov model. Another one is applying a spatio-
temporal filter which models human retina behaviors
and calculates the change to classify voice activity.
In (B.Joosten et al., 2015), the authors proposed a
VVAD method based on spatio-temporal gabor filters.
The authors applied the method to a mouth, a head or
the entire video frame, and found that the mouth re-
gions gave the best result. One of deep-learning mod-
els, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), was trained
using face images detected by CNN, and speech and
non-speech intervals were estimated by audio VAD in
(K.Stefanov et al., 2017). The LSTM model was able
to predict speech activities using video frame only,
and gave a good result on average.
The study of VVAD using human appearance is
more relevant to this paper. (B.G.Gebre et al., 2014b)
proposed a VVAD method using Motion History Im-
age (MHI). MHI is a method of representing mo-
tion in a video consisting of multiple frames into a
single image. The method showed the potential of
VVAD using human motion information. (M.Cristani
et al., 2011) introduced a method obtaining optical
flows from a video, and encoded its energy and “com-
plexity” using an entropy-like measure. Their exper-
iment showed the usefulness of using gestures for
VAD. Note that the dataset used in the paper was
top-view. In order to address the VVAD task with
cues from whole body motion, some methods (optical
flow, RGB-dynamic image, and combination of these)
for representing human movements were compared in
(M.Shahid et al., 2019a). They showed that dynamic
images gave better results on average for the dataset
they used. Subsequently, (M.Shahid et al., 2019b)
proposed a method combining RGB-dynamic images
and unsupervised domain adaptation technique, and
improved results in same dataset used in (M.Shahid
et al., 2019a). In (M.Shahid et al., 2021), the authors
extended their work and proposed a method apply-
ing the segmentation task to VAD. They generated
class activation maps using features extracted from
RGB-dynamic images, and created labels for each
speech/non-speech/background region. Using the la-
bels, they performed supervised learning to segment
RGB-dynamic images into three classes.
2.2 Multi-modal VAD
Some researches of VAD using audio and visual in-
formation were reported. (K.Hoover et al., 2017) in-
troduced a system that associates faces with voices in
a video by fusing information from the audio and vi-
sual signals. They connected speech and face by clus-
tering speech segments and face images detected in
the video, and selecting the face clusters that co-occur
most often with the speech clusters. (B.G.Gebre et al.,
2014a) proposed a speaker diarization method using
speech and human motion (gestures) based on the as-
sumption that people who are speaking are often per-
forming gestures. They created a speaker model from
speech samples corresponding to the gestures.
Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference Video
Figure 3: An overview of MMTM.
In this paper, we propose a method to fuse features
of two modalities, dynamic images and video data,
in the middle layer in order to make the model focus
on human motion much more. In this section, we at
first introduce dynamic images (H.Bilen et al., 2016),
followed by Multi-Modal Transfer Module (MMTM)
(H.R.V.Joze et al., 2020) which fuses features of mul-
tiple modalities. After that, we describe details of our
3.1 Dynamic Image
There are several ways to represent the information of
human movement. Optical Flow is a typical method
and is often used to represent motion information.
In other cases, Motion History Image (HMI) is used
in (B.G.Gebre et al., 2014b). Recently, a new rep-
resentation method, dynamic image was proposed in
(H.Bilen et al., 2016).
A dynamic image is an image that combines mo-
tion information of a video composed of multiple
frames into a single image. Figure 2 shows an ex-
ample of dynamic images. In dynamic images, mo-
tion in the video is emphasized, and the information
in the non-moving parts is removed. Furthermore,
dynamic image has the potential to fine-tune existing
CNN models because it converts motion information
into a single image. Experiments in (M.Shahid et al.,
2019a) show that dynamic image performs better on
average than the other methods.
The generation of dynamic images is based on the
concept of rank pooling, which can be obtained via
the parameters of a ranking function that encodes the
temporal evolution of video frames. However, rank
pooling requires optimization of the ranking function.
In this paper, we use dynamic images obtained by
Figure 2: A dynamic image example.
approximate rank pooling, which is a more efficient
method among rank pooling schemes. These algo-
rithms are described in detail in (H.Bilen et al., 2016).
3.2 Multi-modal Transfer Module
An MMTM (H.R.V.Joze et al., 2020) is a method that,
accepting multiple modalities as input, fuses features
of each modality in the middle layers of a neural net-
work model. Since the MMTM can have various lay-
ers and be implemented with minimal changes in the
network structure, it can be used in many fields such
as gesture recognition, speech enhancement, action
recognition, and so on.
An overview of MMTM is shown in Figure 3. An
MMTM consists of a squeeze step which summarizes
a feature map in a channel, and an excitation step
which weights each channel. Let us describe A
A and
B in Figure 3 as feature maps extracted from each
modality. The number of channels in A
A and B
B are rep-
resented as C
and C
, respectively. For squeezing,
a pooling method such as Global Average Pooling
(GAP) (M.Lin et al., 2014) can be used. The squeezed
values of A
A and B
B are denoted as S
and S
, respec-
tively. Next, in the excitation step,Then, the squeezed
features are combined and adapt two full connection
layers. Assuming that the fully connected feature map
is Z and the number of dimensions of Z is denoted by
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Details of our proposed model.
. Let the output feature maps for each modality
are represented as E
and E
respectively. Finally,
the sigmoid function(σ) is applied to the output of the
full connection layer to convert the values in each di-
mension from 0 to 1. The value of each dimension
can be regarded as the importance for each channel of
the feature map. Features in the dimension of which
value is close to 1 are retained, and the ones close to 0
are removed. Multiplying the importance by the orig-
inal feature map adjusts the value for each channel of
the feature maps. Assuming adjusted feature maps as
and B
respectively. Further details can be found
in (H.R.V.Joze et al., 2020). In this way, MMTM can
adjust features extracted from one modality using in-
formation from the other modalities.
3.3 Our Proposed Model
In (M.Shahid et al., 2019b), fine tuning of ResNet50
(K.He et al., 2016) with dynamic images and VVAD
were performed. However, the performance was in-
sufficient for the dataset used in this study, which
will be introduced later: about 65% for data without
masks and about 60% for data with masks. There-
fore, we propose another technique to fuse the video
data stream and dynamic image stream much more
Our proposed model is shown in Figure 4. In the
figure, we denote a convolutional layer as ’Conv and
a batch normalization as ’BN’. In each of the video
data and dynamic image streams, a set of three con-
volutional layers followed by a max pooling layer is
repeated four times, resulting 12 convolutional lay-
ers. All convolutional layers have the same kernel size
= (3× 3× 3) and stride=1. In addition, zero padding
is also performed. Features of the whole video are fi-
nally extracted from the video data stream, while from
the dynamic image stream features focusing only on
body movements in the video are extracted. After the
last convolutional layers of the third and fourth layer
sets respectively, feature maps before pooling layers
are given to an MMTM block, and the output weights
are multiplied by the feature map. Note that MMTM
blocks are inserted based on the paper (H.R.V.Joze
et al., 2020). We then perform GAP on the feature
map of the video data stream by adapting MMTM, in
order to use dynamic images as supplemental infor-
mation. Finally, classification is performed to iden-
tify speech and non-speech, through full connection.
Figure 5 shows the details of the MMTM block.
In this paper, we performed VVAD using a baseline
3DCNN model and our proposed model. We also vi-
sualize the areas of interest in each model.
4.1 Dataset
4.1.1 AMI Corpus
In this experiment, we used the AMI Corpus
(J.Carletta et al., 2005), a multi-modal conference
dataset. The AMI Corpus is a dataset consisting of
synchronized audio and video data of each partici-
pant. The corpus also has videos of the entire con-
ference room, projection mapping, whiteboard, and
other information. In this paper, we carried out exper-
iments using videos of each participant. Examples of
Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference Video
Figure 5: Details of MMTM block (note that here the number of filters in the feature map is 16).
Figure 6: Examples of AMI Corpus videos.
participant videos are shown in Figure 6. The video
size is 352×288, and the frame rate is 25 fps.
In the AMI Corpus, there are several scenario
meetings which were prepared for the purpose of
dataset creation, as well as natural non-scenario meet-
ings. In the scenario conference, there were many
scenes where each participant stood in front of the
projection mapping, and people were often missing
from the video. In the non-scenario meetings, partic-
ipants were less likely to leave their seats because the
meetings were generally interactive, and we can ob-
serve much more conversations among participants.
Only the non-scenario conferences were used in this
4.1.2 Mask-wearing Data
As mentioned in Section 1, for VVAD, it is needed to
investigate the influence that attendees in a conference
wear masks. However, as long as we know there is no
dataset in which we can observe mask-wearing peo-
ple. Therefore, we created simulation data in which
a speaker’s mouth was artificially covered in a mask-
like shape. Dlib (D.E.King, 2009) was firstly applied
to obtain face landmarks if a speaker’s face was found
in an image. Using the obtained landmarks, we then
generated a white-filled polygon to hide the mouth
by OpenCV (G.Bradski, 2000). We finally created a
video of a person wearing a mask by repeatedly ap-
plying this process to all frames in the video.
Figure 7 depicts examples of mask-wearing data.
Figure 7: Examples of mask-wearing data.
Figure 8: A baseline model structure.
4.1.3 Preprocessing
Because in a video a speaker generally looked small
compared to the video size, we adjusted the size of
the person in all the videos to be approximately the
same by cropping the videos. According to speech
activities, we labeled each frame in a video: 0 for
non-speech or 1 for speech. The input data for a
video stream was a set of 25 consecutive frames. We
employed video data only when the same label was
found and face detection was succeeded among 25
consecutive frames. To keep the continuity of the
ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Data specification.
Data # data # attendees
Train 42,880 20
Validation 5,600 4
Test 29,928 17
Table 2: A confusion matrix.
non-speech speech
non-speech TP FN
speech FP TN
data, the frame shift length of adjacent data was set
to 20 frames. Regarding dynamic images, one im-
age was created for every 25 frames. Both data were
resized into 160×160, grayscaled, and normalized.
Since there was a large difference in the number of
preprocessed data between the two classes, the data of
the larger class was randomly deleted so that the num-
bers of non-speech and speech data per video would
be the same.
4.2 Experimental Setup
Using the preprocessed data, we trained a baseline
model and our proposed model to test their accuracy.
Details of the baseline model are shown in Figure 8.
The proposed model is shown in Figure 4, and the
squeeze method for MMTM is GAP.
We can see several meeting rooms in the AMI cor-
pus. In this study, we used meeting videos recorded
in two rooms among them. In order to conduct open
experiments, the training and evaluation data were
divided so that their meeting rooms were different.
Similarly, the participants of the meeting were differ-
ent between the training and evaluation data.
Details of the number of data are shownin Table 1.
In addition, to verify the effect of wearing masks, the
same experiment was conducted for videos without a
mask. The optimization method for both the baseline
model and the proposed model was Adam, and the
learning rate was set to 0.001.
4.3 Metrics
4.3.1 Accuracy
We evaluated the baseline and our method by classifi-
cation accuracy:
Accuracy =
Figure 9: An overview of the Saliency tubes.
Table 3: VVAD classification accuracy (%).
Model w/o mask w/ mask
Baseline 84.78 74.98
Proposed 86.07 75.14
Table 4: A confusion matrix of the baseline with masks.
non-speech speech
non-speech 11,576 3,388
speech 3,940 11,024
Table 5: A confusion matrix of our model with masks.
non-speech speech
non-speech 10,932 4,032
speech 3,124 11,840
True Positive (TP), False Positive (FP), True Negative
(TN), and False Negative (FN) in Equation 1 are de-
fined in Table 2. We conducted the same experiments
three times, and the average accuracy was computed
as the result.
4.3.2 Visualization
As a visualization method, we used the Saliency tubes
(A.Stergiou et al., 2019) method. Saliency tubes cre-
ates a heat map by multiplying the weights of the out-
put layer by each filter of the feature map output from
the last convolutional layer. We can finally visualize
the areas of the input data that contribute to class pre-
diction. An overview of the Saliency tubes is shown
in Figure 9.
4.4 Results
The VVAD results of the baseline model and our pro-
posed model are shown in Table 5. Table 4 and Ta-
ble 5 show confusion matrices of the baseline model
and our proposed model respectively, when they were
trained and evaluated on the mask-wearing data.
Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference Video
First, according to Table 5, it is observed that the
accuracy of the data without masks is roughly 10%
higher than that with masks. This means that mouth
information includes crucial cues for identification of
voice activity. On the other hand, the accuracy with
masks is still acceptable, indicating the effectiveness
of using human gestures for VVAD. In both cases,
visual-only VAD has enough performance which can
compensate audio VAD degradation. Therefore, as
mentioned already, a multi-modal VAD combining
speech and lip animation seems to be effective.
Next, from the comparison of the baseline and
proposed models, our model achieved slightly higher
performance. We conducted the statistical test, find-
ing that there was a significant difference between the
baseline and our proposed model in the data with-
out masks (p < 0.01). According to Table 4 and Ta-
ble 5, we can see that in the baseline model some-
times misclassification from speech to non-speech oc-
curred, while our proposed model had much more
errors that non-speech segments were recognized as
speech. This result suggests that employing dynamic
images as supplementary information could make the
model more sensitive to motion, and robust against
the existence of masks. We checked the misrecog-
nized data, and found that in those mislabelled seg-
ments human movements were often observed due
to posture changes. VAD is usually performed also
as a preprocessing of speech recognition, errors from
speech to non-speech are crucial; once a segment is
categorized into non-speech, the segment is no longer
used for speech recognition and utterances in the seg-
ment are missing. From this standpoint, our model
seems better than the baseline, thanks to dynamic im-
We also carried out visualization by Saliency
tubes, to discuss how those models worked to the
mask-wearing data. Figure 10 and Figure 11 illustrate
the visualization results of the baseline model and the
proposed model, respectively. Figure 10 indicates that
the baseline model still focused on the background
information as well as attendee’s movements. In con-
trast, from Figure 11, it is confirmed that our proposed
model correctly focused on attendee’s face, head and
body parts. These results suggest that adopting dy-
namic images has two functions: to reduce the effect
of background information and to increase the impor-
tance of information about speaker’s movements.
In this paper, we proposed visual-only VAD using hu-
man movements, as a preliminary step to multi-modal
Figure 10: Visualization results of the baseline model.
Figure 11: Visualization results of our proposed model.
VAD using audio and visual information. Assuming
the current pandemic situation, we focused on confer-
ence videos with participants virtually wearing masks
to cover their mouths. In our proposed method, we
employed not only raw video images but also dy-
namic images, so that our VAD model could focus
much more on attendees by providing motion infor-
mation as supplementary information. We chose the
MMTM architecture that efficiently fuses two modal-
ities: features from the motion information and orig-
inal images. We conducted evaluation experiments
also using the 3DCNN-based baseline model. As a
result, the accuracy of our proposed model could be
improved compared to the baseline, and our model
could also work in the mask-wearing environments.
According to visualization results, it is also confirmed
that our model could focus much more on humans and
their movements for VAD.
As our future work, it is necessary to perform
multi-modal VAD using audio and video information.
In noisy environments, when a mouth is not visible,
the accuracy is expected to be improved by using
both audio and the entire video. The effectiveness of
multi-modal VAD needs to be confirmed by compar-
ing audio-only VAD. We will also try to improve the
performance of VVAD by combining state-of-the-art
VVAD methods with our proposed approach. In this
paper, we generated and used simulated artificial data
in which participants wore masks, because there is no
corpus having participants wearing real masks. One
possible future attempt is to train and test our model
with speakers who actually wear masks.
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Visual-only Voice Activity Detection using Human Motion in Conference Video