exceeds 1500, that edge will not be considered for
rerouting. The graph in Figure 9 displays the two
optimal routes shown in the colour red and green for
Railway Station to Mondha Naka, which can
adaptively be changed to different routes based on
the traffic count.
The research work proposes an integrated intelligent
traffic management system for traffic congestion
management through the design of ensemble
architectures. Three different ensemble
architectures incorporating a combination of pre-
trained models are designed for vehicle detection
and classification. The ensembles are made up of
three pre-trained learners selected to differ in the
number of layers significantly. For diverse hardware
platforms, the pre-trained models of varying sizes
can be altered. This drastically narrows the energy
needed to train each specialized neural network for
novel platforms.
The layer count difference provides valuable
insights for comparing the ensembles concerning the
accuracy and the computational energy required to
train them. Furthermore, the ensembles are judged on
three criteria: accuracy, interpretability, and energy
efficiency. Although Ensemble B has greater
accuracy than the others, the results depict it fails to
learn relevant features, and it incurs much
computational overhead during training. On the other
hand, the accuracy of Ensemble C is only 2.9% less
than that of Ensemble B. However, the explainability
results prove that Ensemble C has learned the
essential features needed to classify the objects
correctly. Moreover, Ensemble C consumed the least
computational power during training. Therefore, we
conclude that Ensemble C is the best model among
the three ensembles. The traffic count from the
ensemble models facilitates the VARS system to
make recommendations of alternative routes to the
user before starting a journey. The route’s choice is
based on the user’s priorities from a set of parameters
comprising distance, time, and trip cost.
Implementing such an intelligent traffic management
system can lead to improved mobility, safety, air
quality, productivity, and information in the future
resulting from large-scale analysis of real- time traffic
data. Moreover, we reduce the carbon footprint of the
neural network through our ensemble architecture,
thus aiming for greener neural networks.
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