
allel algorithms apply the same parallel reduction in
each thinning phase; in subiteration-based algorithms
a cycle of a small set of parallel reductions are as-
signed to the selected kinds of deletion directions, and
only border points of a certain kind can be deleted at
a subiteration; subfield-based algorithms partition the
given digital space into k ≥ 2 subsets which are al-
ternatively activated, and only some points in the ac-
tive subfield can be deleted simultaneously. Similarly
to the directional approach, an iteration step of a k-
subfield algorithm is composed of k subcycles (i.e.,
parallel reductions).
Existing 3D thinning algorithms act on the con-
ventional 3D cubic grid, in which each point is associ-
ated with an element of Z
(i.e., a point in the 3D Eu-
clidean space with integer coordinates), and its voxel-
representation contains unit cubes. According to our
best knowledge, no one proposed kernel-thinning on
the body-centered cubic (BCC) grid. The voxel-
representations associated with this non-standard grid
contain truncated octahedra. The importance of the
BCC grid shows an upward tendency due to its advan-
tages of geometric and topologic properties (
and Nagy, 2016; Cs
ebfalvi, 2013; Matej and Lewitt,
1995; Strand, 2004; Strand and Nagy, 2008; Theussl
et al., 2001).
In this paper, the very first topology-preserving
parallel kernel-thinning algorithms acting on the BCC
grid are presented. Both of the proposed algorithms
fall into the category of subfield-based.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 gives an outline of the key concepts of digital
topology and the relevant results are described. Then
in Section 3, two novel kernel-thinning algorithms are
proposed. In Section 4 results on some test images
produced by our algorithms are given. Finally, we
round off this paper with some concluding remarks.
Next, we define the key concepts of digital topology
as reviewed in (Kong and Rosenfeld, 1989).
A (14, 14) picture on the BCC grid is a quadruple
(B, 14, 14, B), where an element of B is assigned to
each point; B ⊆ B denotes the set of black points; each
point in B \B is said to be a white point; The same ad-
jacency relation called 14-neighborhood is assigned
to the sets of black and white points. Let N
(p) de-
note the set of points that are 14-adjacent to p, see
Fig. 1.
Since the studied adjacency relation is symmetric,
its reflexive-transitive closure forms an equivalence
relation, and the generated equivalence classes of a
Figure 1: The studied adjacency relation on B (left). The
14 points marked ‘•’ form the set N
(p). (Note that un-
marked elements in Z
are not points in B.) The voxel-
representation of N
(p), where each voxel is a truncated
octahedron (right).
set of points are called components. A black com-
ponent or an object is a 14-component of B, while a
white component is a 14-component of B \ B.
A point p ∈ B is an interior point for B, if all points
being 14-adjacent to p are in B (i.e., N
(p) ⊂ B), p is
called a border point if it is not an interior point, and
p is said to be an isolated point if it forms a singleton
object (i.e., N
(p) ∩ B =
Thinning algorithms, composed of reductions, are
required to preserve topology (Kong, 1995). A reduc-
tion in 2D does not preserve topology if any object
in the input picture is split (into several objects) or is
completely deleted, any white component in the input
picture is merged with another white component, or
a white component is created where there was none
in the input picture. There is an additional concept
called hole in 3D pictures. Holes (which donuts have)
are formed from white points, but they are not white
components (Kong and Rosenfeld, 1989). Topology
preservation in 3D implies that eliminating or creating
any hole is not allowed.
A black point is said to be simple if its deletion is
a topology-preserving reduction. Now we will make
use of the following characterization of simple points:
Theorem 1. (Strand and Brunner, 2006) A point p ∈
B in picture (B, 14, 14, B) is simple if and only if the
following conditions hold:
1. N
(p) ∩ B contains exactly one component.
2. N
(p) \ B contains exactly one component.
It is an easy consequence of Theorem 1 that only non-
isolated border points may be simple, and the simple-
ness is a local property (i.e., it can be decided by ex-
amining the points that are 14-adjacent to the given
black point). Figure 2 gives four illustrative examples
of simple and non-simple points.
Parallel reductions delete a set of points and not
just a single black point. Thus we need to consider
what is meant by topology preservation when a num-
Subfield-based Parallel Kernel-thinning Algorithms on the BCC Grid