CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the
Cognitive Systems Toolkit
Fabio Grassiotto
1 a
, Esther Luna Colombini
2 b
, Alexandre Sim
3 c
, Ricardo Gudwin
4 d
and Paula Dornhofer Paro Costa
4 e
Hub de Intelig
encia Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas (H.IAAC), Eldorado Research Institute, Campinas - SP, Brazil
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas - SP, Brazil
Institute of Science and Technology, S
ao Paulo State University (Unesp), Sorocaba - SP, Brazil
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas - SP, Brazil
Autism, Cognitive Architectures, Artificial Intelligence.
This article proposes CogToM-CST, an implementation of a Theory of Mind (ToM) model using the Cognitive
Systems Toolkit (CST). Psychological research establishes that ToM deficits are usually associated with mind-
blindness, the inability to attribute mental states to others, a typical trait of autism. This cognitive divergence
prevents the proper interpretation of other individuals’ intentions and beliefs in a given scenario, typically
resulting in social interaction problems. Inspired by the psychological Theory of Mind model proposed by
Baron-Cohen, this paper presents a computational implementation exploring the usefulness of the common
concepts in Robotics, such as Affordances, Positioning, and Intention Detection, to augment the effectiveness
of the proposed architecture. We verify the results by evaluating both a canonical False-Belief task and a
subset of tasks from the Facebook bAbI dataset.
The objective of this work is to propose a novel cog-
nitive architecture that implements a computational
model for the Theory of Mind using the Cognitive
Systems Toolkit (CST) and its reference architecture
(Paraense et al., 2016). Our earlier work defined the
basis for such an architecture (Grassiotto and Costa,
Our main motivation is the Autism Spectrum Dis-
order (ASD), a biologically based neurodevelopmen-
tal disorder, and the psychological models proposed
in the last 30 years to explain the reasoning behind
the social interaction issues typically experienced by
autistic individuals (Klin, 2006). ASD is character-
ized by marked and sustained impairment in social in-
teraction, deviance in communication, and restricted
or stereotyped patterns of behaviors and interests (Or-
ganization et al., 1993).
Research in technologies for ASD has had a focus
on the diagnosis, monitoring, assessment, and inter-
vention tools, interactive or virtual environments, mo-
bile and wearable applications, educational devices,
games, and therapeutic resources (Boucenna et al.,
2014; Picard, 2009; Kientz et al., 2019; Jaliaawala
and Khan, 2020). Among the current efforts for help-
ing people in the autism spectrum, there is a lack
of Computational assistive systems for helping them
with their impairments in social interactions.
Our understanding is that these systems should be
designed to analyze environmental and visual social
cues not readily interpreted by those individuals in the
spectrum, providing expert advice on the best alterna-
tive for interaction, and improving social integration
Cognitive architectures, we believe, can help
bridge the gap by creating computational modules in-
spired on the human mind that are involved on the
process of social interaction. Such a cognitive archi-
tecture should be able to create assumptions (that we
will be calling beliefs) about the environment and sit-
uations to provide expert advice.
The British psychologist Simon Baron-Cohen
proposed, in his doctorate thesis, the mind-blindness
Grassiotto, F., Colombini, E., Simões, A., Gudwin, R. and Costa, P.
CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit.
DOI: 10.5220/0010836300003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 3, pages 462-469
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
theory of autism, later published as a book (Baron-
Cohen, 1997). His work proposed the existence of a
mindreading system and established that the cognitive
delays associated with autism are related to deficits in
developing such a system. This mindreading system
is directly related to the concept of Theory of Mind
(ToM) as the innate ability to attribute mental states
to oneself and others and to understand beliefs and
desires that are distinct from their own (Premack and
Woodruff, 1978).
Research has shown that individuals with ASD
show deficits in ToM (Kimhi, 2014; Baraka et al.,
2019; Baron-Cohen, 2001). The deficits can be
demonstrated in several test tasks, in particular false-
belief tasks, i.e., test tasks designed to evaluate chil-
dren’s capacity to understand other people’s mental
states (Baron-Cohen, 1990).
This work contributes to the literature by propos-
ing CogToM-CST, a novel cognitive architecture de-
signed as an assistive tool for individuals in the autism
spectrum, by implementing a computational ToM
2.1 The Cognitive Systems Toolkit
The Cognitive Systems Toolkit is a general toolkit for
the construction of cognitive architectures (Paraense
et al., 2016). Inspired by Baars’s Global Workspace
Theory (GWT) for consciousness, Clarion, and LIDA
cognitive architectures, among others, CST uses
many concepts introduced there (Sun, 2006; Baars
and Franklin, 2009).
GWT establishes that human cognition is
achieved through a series of small special-purpose
processors of an unconscious nature (Baars and
Franklin, 2007). Processing “Coalitions” (i.e.,
alliances of processors) enter the competition for
access to a limited capacity global workspace.
The core concepts in the CST Core architecture
are Codelets and Memory Objects as can be seen in
Figure 1.
Codelets are defined as micro-agents, small pieces
of non-blocking code with a specialized function, de-
signed to be executed continuously and cyclically for
the implementation of cognitive functions in the agent
mind. Codelets are stored in a container known as the
Memory Objects are generic information holders
for the storage of any auxiliary or episodic informa-
Figure 1: The CST Core Architecture. From
tion required by the cognitive architecture. Memory
Objects can also be organized in Memory Containers
for grouping purposes.
In the CST Core, there is a strong coupling be-
tween Codelets and Memory Objects. Memory Ob-
jects are holders for any information required for the
Codelet to run and receivers for the data output by the
Codelet. In a similar fashion to Codelets, all Mem-
ory Objects and Memory Containers are stored in a
container known as the Raw Memory.
2.2 Autism and False-belief Tasks
CogToM is inspired by the long-term goal of design-
ing an expert system to assist people in the autism
spectrum to help out with social interaction. To that
purpose, it is essential to understand one of the key
deficits observed in autistic individuals by psycholo-
gists: the performance in False-Belief Tasks.
False-Belief tasks are a type of task used in the
study of ToM to test children. The objective of the test
is to check if the child understands that another person
does not possess the same knowledge as herself.
Baron-Cohen and Frith proposed the Sally-Anne
test as a mechanism to infer the ability of autistic and
non-autistic children to attribute mental states to other
people regardless of the IQ level of the children being
tested (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985).
In the test, a sequence of images (Figure 2) is
presented to the children. Starting the sequence, in
the top rectangle, two girls (Sally and Anne) are in
a room, with a basket (Sally’s) and a box (Anne’s).
Sally takes a ball and hides in her basket (second rect-
angle), then leaving the room (third rectangle). Af-
ter that, Anne takes the ball from Sally’s basket and
stores to her box (fourth rectangle). Sally then returns
to the room (fifth rectangle). The child is then asked,
“Where will Sally look for her ball?”. Most autis-
tic children answer that Sally would look for the ball
in the box, whereas control subjects correctly answer
that Sally would look for the ball in the basket.
CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit
Figure 2: The Sally-Anne test for false-belief. Adapted
from (Baron-Cohen et al., 1985), drawing by Alice Gras-
The results presented in the article supported the
hypothesis that autistic children generally fail to em-
ploy ToM due to the inability to represent mental
states. The downside of this is that autistic subjects
cannot attribute beliefs to others, which brings a dis-
advantage to predicting other people’s behavior. It
is thought that this lack of predicting ability causes
deficits in the social skills of people in the autism
spectrum once it hinders their ability to face the chal-
lenges of social interaction.
Examples of abilities that are linked to the ca-
pacity of understanding each other mental states are,
among others, the ability to empathize and the skills
of coordination and cooperation (Schaafsma et al.,
2015; Sally and Hill, 2006). ToM allows us to
generate expectations about the behavior of others
and, based on these expectations, guide our decision-
making process.
2.3 Baron-Cohen Mindreading
Since it is generally accepted that the failure of em-
ploying a theory of mind causes deficits in the social
skills for people in the autism spectrum, we defined
our approach as the implementation of a computa-
tional model equivalent to the inner workings of ToM
in humans.
Thus, our proposal for the CogToM cognitive ar-
chitecture will follow a biologically-inspired model
based on the mindreading model proposed by Baron-
Cohen (Baron-Cohen, 1997), as can be seen in Figure
Detector (ID)
Shared Attention
Mechanism (SAM)
Theory of Mind
Mechanism (ToMM)
Eye Direction
Detector (EDD)
Figure 3: The ToM Model extracted from (Baron-Cohen,
This model seeks to understand the mindreading
process by proposing a set of four separate compo-
Intentionality Detector (ID) is a perceptual de-
vice that can interpret movements and identify
agents from objects, assigning goals and desires
to them.
Eye Direction Detector (EDD) is a visual sys-
tem able to detect the presence of eyes or eye-like
stimuli in others, to compute whether eyes are di-
rected to the self or towards something else and
infer that if the eyes are directed towards some-
thing, the agent to whom the eyes belong to is
seeing that something.
Shared Attention Mechanism (SAM) builds in-
ternal representations that specify relationships
between an agent, the self, and a third object. By
constructing such representations, SAM can ver-
ify that an agent and the self are paying attention
to the same object.
Theory of Mind Mechanism (ToMM) com-
pletes the agent development of mindreading by
representing the agent mental states that include,
among others, the states of pretending, thinking,
knowing, believing, imagining, guessing, and de-
The components of the mindreading model are not
isolated as there are interactions required to build the
internal representations of EDD, SAM, and ToMM.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
The psychologist J.J. Gibson introduced the concept
of Affordances in his 1979 work where he defines the
affordances of an environment as what is offers to an
animal, what provides or furnishes, either for good or
evil (Gibson, 2014).
Since then, this concept has been extended by re-
searchers in the AI field, as described by (McClelland,
2017). Researchers have found applications for affor-
dances in robotics as a process to encode the relation-
ships between actions, objects and effects (Montesano
et al., 2008; S¸ahin et al., 2007). Classic examples are
that a ball might afford to catch, or a box might hide
something inside.
For CogToM, the concept of affordances has
found use in the environmental analysis to assign
properties to objects and the environment it is cur-
rently situated.
In the field of robotics, Intention Understanding is
seen as a requirement for human-machine interaction
(Yu et al., 2015). By understanding environmental
cues, a robot can deduce the possible human inten-
tion by considering the relationship between objects
and actions. Some models for this were proposed us-
ing affordance-based intention recognition. One ex-
ample of Intention Understanding is to detect if Sally,
in the Sally-Anne test described earlier, intends to put
her ball inside her basket.
The CogToM architecture proposes using external
systems capable of understanding human intention to
augment the environmental analysis it requires.
5.1 CogToM-CST
We design this cognitive architecture using the CST
toolkit as an agent that implements decision-making
functionality to implement an AI Observer. The ob-
jective of this Observer is passing a false-belief task
by implementing the mindreading model and integrat-
ing it with the processing of affordances and inten-
tions. It relies on inputs as an external system, in the
form of a visual camera system capable of identifying
agents and objects, eye direction, and human intention
and positioning. Affordances are seen as properties of
the entities (objects and agents) in the system.
The outputs of the system (Beliefs) are textual rep-
resentations of the mental state of an agent as per-
ceived by the Observer.
5.2 CST Components
Using the CST Toolkit, the architecture is modeled
by defining Codelets and Memory Objects, according
to Figure 4. A correspondence between the computa-
tional architecture to the mind model is illustrated in
the figure through a color scheme. Red blocks corre-
spond to Baron-Cohen’s ID module as shown in Fig-
ure 3, green blocks correspond to EDD module, blue
blocks correspond to SAM, and pale yellow blocks
correspond to ToMM.
5.2.1 Codelets
Codelets are the processes executed within the sim-
ulation step and are modeled after the psychologi-
cal model by Baron-Cohen, where each mind module
corresponds to a Codelet. Codelets have local (LI)
and global (GI) inputs, and provide an activation (A)
and a set of outputs (O) to Memory Objects (MOs) as
can be seen in Figure 5.
The Intentionality Detector Codelet identifies
which entities in a scene are agents or objects,
based on movement and action detection, creat-
ing memories for the Agents, their Intentions, and
This Codelet is activated by the visual identifica-
tion of movement on a scene and recalls from se-
mantic memory for object identification.
The Eye Direction Detector Codelet identifies
eye direction from the agents and objects created
by the Intentionality Detector Codelet, creates and
attaches that information to Attention Memory
This Codelet is activated by the ID Codelet.
The Shared Attention Mechanism Codelet de-
tects shared attention from the objects created by
the EDD Codelet, and then creates and attaches
information to Shared Attention Memory Objects.
This Codelet is activated by the EDD Codelet.
The Theory of Mind Codelet works as an inte-
grator of all the information from working mem-
ory and creates Belief Memory Objects.
This Codelet is activated by all other Codelets.
The Affordances Perception Codelet and the
Positioning Perception Codelet do not exist in the
mind model. Their purpose is to create affordances
and position properties for the objects in the scene
CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit
Figure 4: CogToM-CST Proposed Architecture.
Figure 5: Example Codelet.
based on the camera input, the Agents, the Objects,
and the Intentions associated with them.
5.2.2 Memory Objects
Memory for this system is modeled after the concepts
of semantic and episodic memories. Memory Objects
(and Memory Containers) are the generic information
holders in memory that are modeled after the storage
of data required for each of the modules of the mind
model, as can be seen in Figure 6.
ID Memory
Figure 6: Example Memory Containers.
Semantic memories consist of storing world
knowledge information (not in the scope of this im-
plementation) and Affordances. All the other memo-
ries for the mind model are representations in episodic
Affordances Memory Objects are Memory Ob-
jects that retain agents and objects interaction proper-
ties as a dictionary lookup.
Positioning Memory Objects are Memory Ob-
jects created from a camera input to inform the cur-
rent location of agents and objects in a scene.
Activation Memory Objects are special-purpose
Memory Objects used in this architecture to synchro-
nize the execution of Codelets. The CST Toolkit
was designed for multithreading, while the architec-
ture we are modeling required sequential execution of
the Codelets processes to produce the Beliefs we are
looking for.
Memory Objects in ID memory are the agents,
their intentions, and objects in the environment. Each
of these entities is modeled as Memory Containers
(MCs) in the architecture, producing an Agents MC,
Objects MC, and Intentions MC.
Memory Objects in EDD memory store the at-
tention of each agent for objects or other agents in the
environment, modeled as Attention MCs.
Memory Objects in SAM memory store which
objects or agents have the shared attention of two or
more agents, modeled as Shared Attention MCs.
Memory Objects in ToM Memory are Beliefs, the
main purpose of this cognitive architecture, modeled
as Belief MCs.
5.2.3 Belief Construction
Beliefs in ToM Memory are modeled as text descrip-
tions for the mental states the Observer will provide.
There are two sets of beliefs the system will consider:
Beliefs for each one of the agents in the scene, and
self-beliefs, those associated with knowledge the Ob-
server has about the environment.
AGENT is the main agent that the mental state
applies to, for example, Sally. In the case of self-
belief, the agent is the Observer itself.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ToM Memory
Semantic Memory
ID Memory
EDD Memory
Theory of Mind
SAM Memory
Figure 7: ToM Codelet View.
BELIEVES—KNOWS is the mental state as-
signed to the agent. Various mental states could be
considered, including pretending, thinking, know-
ing, believing, imagining, guessing, and deceiv-
ing. For this system, the mental state Believe is
used for agents’ beliefs, whereas the Knows men-
tal state is used for self-beliefs about the environ-
OBJECT is the object of the belief, for example
AFFORDANCE is the main property, or affor-
dance, of the object. For example, a Box may
Contain something.
TARGET OBJECT is the target object for the
affordance, when applicable. For example, a Box
may contain a Ball.
As shown in Figure 7, Beliefs are built from the
ToM model proposed by the literature that provides
the set of agents, objects, intentions, and attentions in
the scene through the ID, EDD, and SAM modules
and their Memory Containers. From this initial out-
put, the architecture integrates the affordances from
semantic memory. A single combination of an agent
and one object defines a Belief object. Based on this
set composed of an agent, an object, an affordance,
and intention Memory Objects, a textual representa-
tion of that Belief is created in the ToM Memory as a
new Memory Object.
Source code for the implementation of the Cog-
ToM Cognitive archictecture is available at (Gras-
siotto and Costa, 2020).
Two sets of validation tests were considered: the
canonical false-belief task as described by the litera-
ture, and a subset of tasks from the bAbI dataset from
Facebook Research (Weston et al., 2015). The bAbI
dataset is a set of 20 simple toy tasks to evaluate ques-
tion answering and reading comprehension.
Canonical False-Belief Test
Sally and Anne are in the room. Basket, box
and ball are on the floor.
Sally reaches for the ball.
Sally puts the ball in the basket.
Sally exits the room.
Anne reaches for the basket.
Anne gets the ball from the basket.
Anne puts the ball in the box.
Anne exits the room, and Sally enters.
Sally searches for the ball in the room.
Task 1: Single Supporting Fact
Mary went to the bathroom.
John moved to the hallway.
Mary travelled to the office.
Where is Mary? A:office
Task 2: Two Supporting Facts
John is in the playground.
John picked up the football.
Bob went to the kitchen.
Where is the football? A:playground
Task 3: Three Supporting Facts
John picked up the apple.
John went to the office.
John went to the kitchen.
John dropped the apple.
Where was the apple before the kitchen?
CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit
Beliefs for the canonical false-belief test are pro-
vided below.
Sally BELIEVES Anne Exists None
Sally BELIEVES Basket Contains None
Sally BELIEVES Box Contains None
Sally BELIEVES Ball Hidden In Basket
Anne BELIEVES Sally Exists None
Anne BELIEVES Basket Contains None
Anne BELIEVES Box Contains None
Anne BELIEVES Ball OnHand Of Anne
Observer KNOWS Sally IS AT Room
Observer KNOWS Anne IS AT Outside
Observer KNOWS Basket IS AT Room
Observer KNOWS Box IS AT Room
Observer KNOWS Ball IS AT Room
Since Sally was not present in the room while
Anne took the ball from the basket and hid it, she still
believes the ball is in the basket. Therefore, the sys-
tem we designed can pass the false-belief task.
Facebook bAbI Task 1 consists of a question to
identify the location of an agent, given one single sup-
porting task (Mary traveled to the office):
Mary BELIEVES John Exists None
John BELIEVES Mary Exists None
Observer KNOWS Mary IS AT Office
Observer KNOWS John IS AT Hallway
Introducing the concept of Observer beliefs for the
location of the agent, the beliefs could be produced
Facebook bAbI Task 2 is quite similar to the first
one producing similar results:
John BELIEVES Bob Exists None
John BELIEVES Football Pickup None
Bob BELIEVES John Exists None
Bob BELIEVES Football Pickup None
Observer KNOWS John IS AT Playground
Observer KNOWS Bob IS AT Kitchen
Observer KNOWS Football IS AT Playground
Facebook bAbI Task 3 requires a temporal reg-
istry of the beliefs created in each step of the simula-
tion. The system can identify temporal succession by
the internal steps of the creation of beliefs:
Simulation running mind step: 2
John BELIEVES Apple Pickup None
Observer KNOWS John IS AT Office
Observer KNOWS Apple IS AT Office
Simulation running mind step: 3
John BELIEVES Apple Pickup None
Observer KNOWS John IS AT Kitchen
Observer KNOWS Apple IS AT Kitchen
Simulation running mind step: 4
John BELIEVES Apple Dropped None
Observer KNOWS John IS AT Kitchen
Observer KNOWS Apple IS AT Kitchen
Therefore, by comparing beliefs between simula-
tion steps, it is possible to reply to the question pro-
posed by this test.
The Cognitive Systems Toolkit provides an oppor-
tunity for organizing cognitive architectures follow-
ing well-defined structures. In the process of reim-
plementation of the proposed architecture, it became
clear that the new organization offers gains for mod-
eling cognitive systems and states.
CogToM was earlier designed as a platform to val-
idate the viability of a computational system to pass
false-belief tasks based on implementing a psycho-
logical model of the human mind, and we identified
the need for integrating further information about the
world in the form of affordances and human inten-
tions. The reuse of other proposed architectures based
on the CST toolkit will be of value to our research.
Even tough this system has been designed with a
focus on the autism spectrum disorder, we understand
that the results obtained could be applied to the fields
of robotic social interaction, social agents and others.
We could reproduce the earlier results with this
cognitive architecture after moving the internal con-
cepts to this new toolkit. The system continued to be
generic enough to allow for testing with simple tasks
as described by the Facebook bAbI dataset.
A future plan for this architecture is to create
generic components for a Theory of Mind module to
reuse the implementation for other systems based on
the CST toolkit.
This project is part of the Hub for Artificial Intelli-
gence and Cognitive Architectures (H.IAAC - Hub
de Intelig
encia Artificial e Arquiteturas Cognitivas).
We acknowledge the support of PPI-Softex/MCTI by
grant 01245.013778/2020-21 through the Brazilian
Federal Government.
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CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit