reach a more optimal outcome more rapidly without re-
ducing safety and incentive-compatibility. Regarding
the impact of adaptive coefficient
, we can observe
that a tiny non-null coefficient is sufficient to make the
agent safer and more incentive compatible.
7.3 Results Summary
Although our GTFT is not perfectly optimal in am-
biguous situations (with multiple optimal cycles), we
can conclude that the key point of our experiments is
the importance of a graph-processing algorithm. The
min-cost max flow is the best approach since it is
more incentive-compatible. Regarding the choice of
TFT function, the TFT beta function is clearly safer
than TFT alpha while TFT gamma is slightly more
In this paper, we introduced a novel paradigm for the
-player Prisoner’s Dilemma where maximal coopera-
tion between agents is induced by a weighted directed
graph. This new model is particularly suited to address
the asymmetry of cooperation and in particular the cir-
cular social dilemmas: a specific situation of dilemma
where players can form a cycle of cooperation in which
no player can cooperate with its ”helper”. We showed
that classic solutions like Tit-for-Tat strategies can-
not solve properly this specific issue, we therefore
also proposed in the paper a Graph-based Tit-for-Tat
which generalizes the classic TFT with a flow network
approach. We evaluated this new algorithm in some
scenarios and compare it to some baselines. As ma-
jor conclusions, we can observe that adding a graph
processing in the TFT is relevant since our GTFT out-
performs the original TFT in most of situations. As
further works, it could be very interesting to address
the ambiguous cases with multiple equivalent optimal
We recall our main contributions:
We introduced and formalized a novel Graph-
based Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma: a formalism
able to generalize the
-player IPD involving
asymmetrical or circular cooperation.
We designed and formalized several social metrics
adapted to this GIPD.
We constructed a novel Graph-based Tit-for-Tat
able to cope with circular cooperation, it is based
on continuous TFT and max-flow algorithms.
We are convinced that this new GTFT paradigm
which solves circular dilemmas should offer a lot of
perspectives particularly in addition to the recent tech-
niques mixing RL and TFT. Finally, in view of the
expectations regarding the digital sobriety and the eth-
ical stakes of artificial intelligence, we reiterated the
importance of focusing urgently on non-cooperative
games, and striving to include this kind of paradigm
in the design of our future intelligent systems.
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