respectively about ∼19% and ∼16% faster than the
only use of HC.
0 2 4
Sample size
Expected Loss
HC, sc=1, k=0.2
HC, sc=2, k=0.2
Figure 6: Runtime w.r.t. the data size.
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the BN learning structure by exploiting the knowl-
edge in the ontology. Our method is divided into sev-
eral steps: (i) constructing a weighted graph from the
ontology (ii) deriving dependencies and constructing
the BN skeleton (iii) orienting edges using the seman-
tic of relations in the ontology (iv) refining the BN via
a scored based algorithm. By integrating knowledge
from the ontology, our approach leads to a significant
improvement in terms of runtime computations and
expected loss results. The proposed approach can be
easily applied to other domains. As future works, our
current approach can be extended by integrating addi-
tional knowledge from ontologies and also by refining
these latter through the use of BN results (adding re-
lationships, uncertainty, etc.). Additional experimen-
tations on more complex real-world datasets will be
also explored.
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Exploiting Ontology to Build Bayesian Network