prioritization of intentional elements when using a
quantitative propagation technique, GRL-Quant, with
a fuzzy logic one, VeGAn. Moreover, the
participants’ use of the Persona (Cooper 1999)
technique helped them understand the stakeholders’
point of view and these could be considered as
surrogates for actual stakeholders when performing
these kind of studies. Of course, if the VeGAn
technique is used in a context with practitioners and
customers, the prioritization should be performed by
the actual stakeholders, and we would also need to
study how the technique behaves in this scenario.
As future work, we plan to implement a tool that
will provide technological support to the VeGAn
technique. Given the high number and complexity of
calculations, we consider that this tool will potentially
make it possible to reach a large number of users of
goal models interested in a value-driven analysis of
their models. We additionally plan to carry out
replications of this experiment in order to be able to
verify and generalize the results obtained. Finally, we
also plan to compare VeGAn with other goal-oriented
analysis techniques in order to see whether or not
there are significant differences among them.
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84550-R (Adapt@Cloud project) funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the
“Programa de Ayudas de Investigación y Desarrollo”
(PAID-01-17) from the Universitat Politècnica de
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