Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2
Mohamed El Ghaly Beheitt
1 a
and Moez Ben Haj Hmida
2 b
LIPAH-FST Laboratory , Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar , Tunis, Tunisia
National Engineering School of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Deep Learning, Transformer, Natural Language Processing, GPT-2, Arabic Poem.
Automatically generating poetry by computers is a challenging topic that requires the use of advanced deep
learning techniques. While much attention has been given to English and Chinese poem generation, there are
few significant efforts considering other languages. Generating poems in Arabic is a difficult task due to the
complexity of the Arabic language grammatical structure. In this paper, we investigate the feasibility of train-
ing generative pre-trained language model GPT-2 to generate Arabic poems. The results of the experiments,
which included the BLEU score as well as human assessments, confirmed the effectiveness of our proposed
model. Both automatic and human evaluations show that our proposed model outperforms existing models in
generating Arabic poetry.
Poetry is a unique and essential cultural treasure
that dates back thousands of years in human his-
tory. Poetry popularity may be seen in many facets
of daily life, such as expressing personal emotion,
political opinions, or delivering messages at cele-
bratory events. Writing poetry, as a fascinating art
form, is an appealing problem that Artificial Intelli-
gence (AI) researchers are interested in (Yan et al.,
2013; Das and Gamb
ack, 2014; Oliveira and Car-
doso, 2015; Ghazvininejad et al., 2016; Ghazvinine-
jad et al., 2017; Singh et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2018;
Zugarini et al., 2019; Van de Cruys, 2020). This inter-
est is motivated by the fact that poetry generation is an
application of Natural Language Generation (NLG).
NLG is a challenging topic that has attracted the
interest of the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
community (Subramanian et al., 2017). Traditionally,
rule-based methods (Zhou et al., 2010) and statisti-
cal machine translation models (He et al., 2012) are
recommended for this task. Deep neural networks
have recently been used to create fluent and natural
poetry (Wang et al., 2016a; Zhang et al., 2017). Al-
though these models appear promising, they are con-
strained in many ways. For example, past research
often fails to maintain theme coherence (Wang et al.,
2016c; Yang et al., 2017) and increase term variety
(Zhang et al., 2017), both of which are essential prop-
erties of poems. Compared to efforts performed in
English and Chinese for NLG, Arabic applications of
deep learning for NLG, particularly Arabic poem gen-
eration, are still limited.
Arabic poetry is the earliest form of Arabic liter-
ature. In the Arabic literary tradition, poetry has re-
flected the deepest sense of Arab self-identity, of com-
munal history, and of aspirations for the future. Ara-
bic poetry is often divided into two categories: clas-
sical poetry and modern poetry (also named free po-
etry). Consequently, any poetry composed in the clas-
sical form is referred to as ”traditional poetry” since
it adheres to the conventional form and structure. It
is sometimes referred to as ”vertical poetry” because
of the vertical parallel construction of its two parts
known as hemistichs. Modern poetry, on the other
hand, varied from traditional poetry in terms of style,
structure, rhyme, and subjects. Arabic poetry is de-
fined as rhymed, metered speech. According to some
definitions, Arabic poetry is an eloquent, rhyming
speech, at the end of which there is a rhyme and a
musical rhythm; it is often expressed in rhetorical im-
ages, using imagination that aims to evoke conscience
and feeling. Therefore, the Arabs are instinctively led
to love poetry and formulate it.
The Arabs did not know the meters (rhythmic
structure of a verse) of poetry by learning specific
laws and systems from the beginning. Rather, they
organized the poems by their nature according to
Beheitt, M. and Ben Haj Hmida, M.
Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2.
DOI: 10.5220/0010847100003116
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2022) - Volume 2, pages 366-374
ISBN: 978-989-758-547-0; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Example of verses from Arabic poems.
(Second hemistich) ú
Ë@ (First hemistich) Èð
ÑêÊ¿ A
@ XA
@ BñË
Without hardship everyone would prevail
¯ Ð@Y
@ ð Q
The generous are poor, and courage kills its own
Ë@ ð ÉJ
ÊË@ ð ÉJ
The steed, the night and the desert all know me
@ ð Q
®Ë@ ð l
@ ð
Ë@ ð
As do the sword, the spear, the scripture and the pen
what was dictated to them by the chanting format.
Table 1 shows examples of verses from Arabic poems
by the famous Arab poet Abu al-Tayyib Ahmad ibn
Al-Husayn Al-Mutanabbi.
In this paper, we describe the process of
pre-training a customized Open-AI Generative
Pre-trained Transformer 2 (GPT-2) (Radford et al.,
2019) for the Arabic language. We trained the model
on over 1 Million Arabic news. Then, we fine-tuned
our pre-trained model Arabic poem generation and
compared the model against state of the art models.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews some recent related works.
Section 3 goes through our proposed approach for
generating Arabic poems. Section 4 presents exper-
iments, evaluation, and obtained results, followed by
conclusions and future work in Section 5.
Poetry generation is arguably the toughest of the text
generation subtasks. Since the poem must be gen-
erated in an elegant manner and ideally following a
particular structure.
Automated poetry generation has been a common
research topic over the last few decades. (Wang et al.,
2016b), used an attention-based LSTM (Long-Short
Term Memory) model for the iambics generation of
Chinese songs. The model asks users to enter a first
line for the poem, and then the model generates the
other lines. To learn the vector representations of the
words, authors used Word2Vec (Guo et al., 2018).
The results evaluated on the basis of subjective and
automatic performance measures show a better qual-
ity of the proposed model over statistical machine
translation (SMT)(He et al., 2012) and the RNN lin-
guistic model (RNNLM)(Mikolov et al., 2010).
In (Yan, 2016) Yan proposed a polishing frame-
work based on recurrent neural network (RNN) to
generated Chinese poems. This framework encodes
user intents and generates poems via a sequential gen-
eration. This work uses a polishing schema to refine
poem composition until a well-formed one is gener-
Similarly, (Yi et al., 2018) presented a salient-clue
mechanism. Their model automatically selects the
most salient characters from the last generated lines
and uses the selected characters as a theme clue for
generating the next lines of the poem. This mecha-
nism enhances the meaning and coherence of gener-
ated poems in Chinese language.
Yi et al. (Yi et al., 2017) based their work on
a sequence-to-sequence model (Cho et al., 2014) to
generate Chinese poems. They built an encoder-
decoder framework based on a bi-directional re-
current neural network (Bi-RNN) with an attention
In (Wei et al., 2018) authors attempted to solve the
style problem in Chinese poetry by proposing Poet-
based approach. The proposed method is divided into
two stages. First, they capture poetic style embed-
ding by modeling poems and high-level abstractions
of poetic style in a Poetic Style Model. Second, they
sequentially generate each line with a modified RNN
encoder-decoder. Authors discovered that satisfactory
results could be obtained with enough training data.
Lau et al. (Lau et al., 2018) developed a model for
generating English quatrains (Shakespeare-like son-
nets). To generate quatrains, authors used a joint ar-
chitecture of three neural networks that capture the
language, rhyme, and meter. They also used crowd-
sourcing and experts judgments to assess the quality
of generated quatrains. Their crowdsourcing and ex-
pert evaluations indicated that the produced poems
followed the sonnet structure but lacked readability
and coherence.
Talafha and Rekabdar (Talafha and Rekabdar,
2019a; Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b), are among the
Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2
first researchers to use deep learning to generate Ara-
bic poems. In (Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b) they
proposed to generate Arabic poetry using two mod-
els, a Bi-GRU (Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit)
model for composing the first line of the poem and a
modified Bi-GRU encoder-decoder model with hier-
archical neural attention for producing other lines of
the poem. They also proposed in (Talafha and Rek-
abdar, 2019a) a poetry generation model (Phonetic
CNN subword embeddings) with expanded phonetic
and semantic embeddings, which are concatenated
embeddings that provide information on the phonet-
ics of each word as well as its vectorized word repre-
sentation. In both works, authors used BLEU scores
and human evaluation to evaluate the generated po-
ems. According to human evaluation, their models
generated high-quality poems in terms of coherence,
fluency, meaning, and poeticness.
Bena and Kalita (Bena and Kalita, 2020) pro-
posed a new method to generate poems in English.
They fine-tuned a pre-trained language model GPT-
2 (Radford et al., 2019) to generate poems that ex-
press and elicit emotion in readers, as well as poems
that use dream language, which is known as dream
poetry. They classified emotion poems and dream
text to influence automatic natural language genera-
tion to create poetry. To accomplish this task, they
used a word-level emotion lexicon to create a mean-
ing for emotion-eliciting text, which was then used
to train separate GPT-2 models. To teach the lan-
guage of poems to the network, authors pre-trained
the OpenAI-released GPT-2 model on a corpus of
first-person dream descriptions. Then, they fine-tuned
the obtained model on a dataset of 20,000 dreams.
GPT-2 demonstrated high performance on NLP
tasks (Radford et al., 2019) and on the generation of
English poems (Bena and Kalita, 2020).
Recently, (Hakami et al., 2021) investigated the
GPT-2 model in generating Arabic poems. Authors
fine-tuned GPT-2 model pre-trained on English cor-
pora. The fine-tuning dataset consisted of 34,466 Ara-
bic verses manually collected from the aldiwan web-
. The resulting GPT-2 model performed poorly in
terms of BLEU-1 score (0.56) and human evaluation
(0.5 in meaning and coherence).
The success of GPT-2-based English poem gener-
ation represents the main motivation of our work. In
the following we detail how we built a GPT-2-based
model for automatic Arabic poem generation.
3.1 Model Architecture
OpenAI developed an unsupervised transformer-
based generative language model called GPT-2 (Gen-
erative Pre-trained Transformer 2) (Radford et al.,
2019). The language model is a machine learning
model that uses probability distributions to predict the
next word of a given sentence. Language models use
unsupervised methods to develop a lot of features that
represent rules of spelling and grammar. Unsuper-
vised learning methods consider the patterns in a set
of data rather than trying to identify a relation be-
tween data. To predict the next word, GPT-2 was
Figure 1: GPT-2 architecture,(Heilbron et al., 2019).
trained on a large corpus (WebText) containing 40 GB
of text (Radford et al., 2019). To perform encoding,
GPT-2 makes use of BPE (byte-pair encoding) (Sen-
nrich et al., 2015). BPE encoding is a sub-word en-
coding, that is between character level and word level.
GPT-2 architecture has proven to model the En-
glish language and has obtained state-of-art tasks such
as summarization, machine translation, and question
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
answering. This model has four versions: extra-large
version (1.5 billion parameters), a large version (762
million parameters), a medium version (345 million
parameters), and a small version (117 million param-
eters). In this paper, we use the small version of GPT-
2 model for the task of Arabic poetry generation, due
to our limited compute capacity. As shown in Figure
1, the GPT-2 architecture is quite similar to the ar-
chitecture of the decoder-only transformer (Vaswani
et al., 2017). Input tokens are transferred through a
token embedding matrix in the network. The activi-
ties are then routed through a stack of Decoder blocks,
which includes a multi-headed self-attention layer, a
position-wise feedforward layer, and a normalization
3.2 Data Processing
The first step consists of collecting data to train our
GPT-2 model. Pre-training and fine-tuning are the
two stages of the training process. We used the two
publicly available corpora Khaleej-2004 (Abbas and
Smaili, 2005) and Watan-2004 (Abbas et al., 2011) to
pre-train our model. Khaleej-2004 is an MSA (Mod-
ern Standard Arabic) corpus that was collected from
thousands of articles downloaded from Akhbar Al
Khaleej, an online newspaper. The corpus contains
5,690 documents, totaling more than 2 million words.
The Watan-2004 is an also MSA corpus that com-
posed of nearly 20,000 documents that correspond to
more than 9 million words. To fine-tune our model,
we used Arabic poetry dataset
that was scrapped en-
tirely from aldiwan website
. There are 55K poems
for over 540 poets from 9 different eras in the Arabic
poetry dataset. Table 2 summarizes the datasets we
use for training regarding the number of words and
unique words for each dataset.
Table 2: Statistics of the used datasets.
Dataset #Words #Unique Words
Khaleej-2004 2.482K 122K
Watan-2004 9.813K 291K
Total pre-training 12.229K 413K
Arabic poetry 6.933K 2.060K
3.3 Training
3.3.1 Pre-training
To generate Arabic poems, we have to pre-train our
model on the Arabic language. We got the pre-trained
GPT-2 Tokenizer and Model from the Transformers
Library (Hugging Face
). This Library provided us
with the tokenizer structure we need as well as pre-
trained model weights, rather than starting with ran-
dom values, we started training our GPT-2 model in
Arabic with weights that have already been trained in
the English language. We trained a BPE tokenizer on
the Arabic corpus using the Tokenizers Library (Hug-
ging Face), which gave us the vocabulary files (vo-
cabulary size 50K tokens) in Arabic of our GPT-2 to-
kenizer. We pre-trained our GPT-2 model on Google
Colab with the Khaleej-2004 and Watan-2004 cor-
pora. We trained it in NVIDIA Tesla T4 (16 GB) GPU
for 25 epochs. The pre-training took about 32 hours.
The resulting model in this pre-training stage can be
fine-tuned to perform NLP Arabic tasks.
3.3.2 Fine-tuning
For our downstream task of Arabic poetry generation,
we used the GPT-2 model pre-trained in the Arabic
language in the fine-tuning process. By training this
model on poem text from the Arabic poetry dataset,
we are able to generate Arabic poems. We used the
same GPU using in the pre-training stage for 6 epochs
to fine-tune our model. The fine-tuning took 12 hours.
Table 3: Hyperparameters used for the poem generation.
Hyperparameter Pre-training Fine-tuning
Max sequence length 1024 1024
Batch size 24 24
Learning Rate 3e-05 3e-05
# Epochs 25 6
3.4 Poem Generation
Since the natural language generation is based on the
notion that the probability distribution of a word se-
quence can be modeled in terms of the conditional
probability of next word distributions (Bengio et al.,
, ..., w
) =
, ..., w
) (1)
Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2
Table 4: BLEU Comparison.
Models BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-4
Vanilla 0.0211 0.0199 0 0
LSTM 0.1522 0.1124 0.0081 0.0013
GRU 0.1512 0.1139 0.0084 0.0021
RNN EncoderDecoder
(without attention) 0.2513 0.1539 0.0740 0.0510
RNN EncoderDecoder
(with attention) 0.3010 0.2110 0.0911 0.0801
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b) Model 0.4122 0.3144 0.204 0.1092
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019a) Model 0.5301 0.4010 0.3001 0.1500
GPT-2 0.8739 0.5369 0.3230 0.1871
Table 5: Human evaluation.
Models Fluency Coherence Meaning Poeticness
Vanilla 0.1 0.8 0.7 0
LSTM 0.3 0.9 0.8 0.1
GRU 0.3 1 1 0.2
RNN Encoder- Decoder
(without attention) 2 1.5 2.4 0.3
RNN Encoder- Decoder
(attention) 2.3 2.5 2.7 0.4
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b) Model 2.1 3.2 3.5 0.9
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019a) Model 2.7 3.3 3.6 2.5
GPT-2 Model 2.8 2.6 2.6 3.4
Table 6: Example verses from poems generated by our model and poems generated by (Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b) Model.
Model The generated verses in Arabic The generated verses in English
GPT-2 Model
@ Y
¯ ñÓX ú
@ð And I shed tears that have damaged my eyes,
@ AîD
@ð and I want her to be the healer.
æÓ úÍ@
@ ú
KA¿ð Before my eyes, all the places are spread until Mina,
@ ¨ñÓ@
K and my tears point out the dearest amongst them .
®« ÈAg
Ë@ ú
àA¿ He was untamed as love itself,
B for love can never be subjugted.
éË øPñË@
g PA
« To Ahmed, the chosen one, best of all,
¯ I
ªË@ Éë
èBñÓ the unseen pledge allegiance and do he pleases.
« Zú
If all you possess is certainly attainable,
« AêË
all she grasps are promises of an admirer.
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b)
¯ úÍ@ To my beloved Arafat Allahs messengers land,
« é
@ ÐC peace be upon the pilgrims of Allahs house.
'@ ú
P@ AL-Hijaz land, missing you is what attracts me to
@ Y
¯ Pñ
@ A
your people, Oh Allah’s messenger, here is the light
that brought us.
@ ÐC ½J
Gabriel, peace upon you,
¯ ú
¯ in Arafat the purest land of Allah.
éºÓ ú
ª» AK
Oh, Al-Rahman’s house in Mecca, how much
X@ Ð@Qm
Ë@ úÍ@ I love you what made us cone is missing you.
ICAART 2022 - 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Our approach generates the two verses of a poem.
We used two sampling methods Top-K (Fan et al.,
2018) and Top-p (nucleus) (Holtzman et al., 2019) to
sample from the distribution in this probabilistic form
of language modeling. Top-K sampling filters the K
most likely next words and redistributes the probabil-
ity mass of just those K next words. Top-p sampling
selects the smallest possible set of words whose total
likelihood exceeds the probability p, this set of words
is then redistributed with the probability mass. We
used the combination of Top-K and Top-p sampling
strategies with K=40 and p=0.92 to generate diverse
poems. All experiments are done with the values of
hyper-parameters presented in Table 3.
4.1 Automatic Evaluation
We adopt BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy)
scores (Papineni et al., 2002) to automatically eval-
uate the poems generated by the GPT-2 model. The
BLEU is generally used for machine translation(MT)
to compare the reference sentences to candidate sen-
tences. BLEU scores also utilized to evaluate the
poem generation in previous works (Zhang and La-
pata, 2014),(Yan, 2016),(Li et al., 2018). We calcu-
lated the BLEU-1, BLEU-2, BLEU-3 and BLEU-4
scores, and we compared the results with the work of
(Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b) and (Talafha and Rek-
abdar, 2019a). The GPT-2 model better than other
models for BLEU-1, BLEU-2, BLEU-3 and BLEU-4
as shown in Table 4.
4.2 Human Evaluation
Given writing poems is a difficult task, there are al-
ways inconsistencies between human evaluation and
automatic evaluation. We conduct a human evalua-
tion to measure the performance of our model. We
invited four experts on Arabic literature to assess the
poems generated by our model. We adopted the eval-
uation in (Zhang and Lapata, 2014), (Li et al., 2018)
and (Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019b), and we asked the
annotators to evaluate 40 poems generated on four di-
Fluency (is the generated poem grammatically
Coherence (Is the generated poem thematically
Meaning (How meaningful the content of a gen-
erated poem is?),
and Poeticness (Does the generated poem have the
features of poetry?)
Each dimension is rated on scale 1 (bad) to 5 (ex-
cellent). To estimate the annotation reliability, we
use Krippendorffs α (Krippendorff, 2013) as Inter-
Annotator Agreement (IAA). Krippendorffs α is
based on the assumption that expected agreement is
calculated by looking at the overall distribution of rat-
ings regardless of the annotator who produced those
ratings. Table 7 reports the Krippendorffs α mea-
sured for each dimensions. As reported in Table 7,
reliabilities ranged from 0.91 and 0.78 indicating the
consistency of the annotators ratings.
Table 7: Inter-Annotator Agreement.
Variable Krippendorffs α
Fluency 0.91
Coherence 0.81
Meaning 0.78
Poeticness 0.83
Table 5 reports the results of human evaluation.
We can see that GPT-2 model outperforms the other
models in terms of Poeticness and Fluency, and get a
good result in terms of Coherence and Meaning com-
pared with other models.
4.3 Generated Examples and
Table 6 shows examples of poems generated by our
model. We observe that the model commits to meters
and rhyme in many verses. In the sense of following a
fixed musical and meter pattern, the model abides by
the rhythm controls mainly.
If the previous researches (Talafha and Rekabdar,
2019b; Talafha and Rekabdar, 2019a) on Arabic poem
generation produced the best results on the level of
meaning and coherence. In these works, the topics
were specific: love and religion. Unlike our work, the
topics are multiple and comprehensive for most, if not
all, the topics of Arabic poetry.
It is also noticeable that the traditional Arabic pre-
vails over the poetry that our model generated, which
is a difficult language.
4.4 Ablation Study
We performed ablation on fine-tuning to establish evi-
dence that fine-tuning accounts for a significant boost
in performance over the pre-trained model. We used
the GPT-2 model we pre-trained on Arabic dataset to
generate poems using the same settings as in the prior
Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2
Table 8: Ablation BLEU Comparison.
Models BLEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 BLEU-4
GPT-2 Model + only pre-training 0.5535 0.1737 0.0395 0.0180
GPT-2 Model + pre-training + fine-tuning 0.8739 0.5369 0.3230 0.1871
Table 9: Ablation human evaluation.
Models Fluency Coherence Meaning Poeticness
GPT-2 Model + only pre-training 1.5 1.3 1.5 0
GPT-2 Model + pre-training + fine-tuning 2.8 2.6 2.6 3.4
Table 10: Example samples generated by GPT-2 + only pre-training.
The generated samples in Arabic The generated samples in English
èË ø
B@ XAm
B@ ¨ñ
ñÓ Èñk AJ
@ i
P Ñ«X ú
¯ É
Currently on the topic of the Asian Football Con-
federation who is running in support of the local
sport of bowling in general.
¯ ð ÐAªË@ @
æË@ ÉÒªË@ ÈAm
áÓ ð ÈðYË@ è
Yë É
K úÍ@ AêËC
Ó 
K@ Ñî
This year, Bush said that the conference includes
a group of specialists in the field of work that can
lead to the establishment of such countries, in-
cluding President Mubarak.
experiments. In Tables 8 and 9, we compare the per-
formance of the model with ablation (GPT-2 + only
pre-training) to our proposed model (GPT-2 + pre-
training + fine-tuning). Table 8 highlights a boost of
58% in BLEU score. In Table 9, we observe that gen-
erative model without fine-tuning is noted as zero in
terms of poeticness. We also notice that the ablated
model observed a significant degradation on fluency,
coherence, and meaning. This provides evidence that
the fine-tuning step is necessary in achieving state-of-
the-art performance. Table 10 shows samples gener-
ated by GPT-2 without fine-tuning.
This work is the first in the literature to propose pre-
training and fine-tuning GPT-2 to automatic Arabic
poem generation. In this paper, we use the Khaleej-
2004 and Watan-2004 corpora for pre-training the
GPT-2 model on Arabic language and use the Arabic
poetry dataset in the fine-tuning process to generate
Arabic poems. We used the BLEU score to evaluate
the performance of poetry generation and human eval-
uation of four criteria: fluency, coherence, meaning,
and poeticness. Both automatic and human evalua-
tions show that our proposed model is good at gen-
erating Arabic poetry. The human expert evaluation
also demonstrates that our model outperforms base-
line models in terms of fluency and poeticness. In the
future, we will increase our model performance by fo-
cusing on generating specific topics of Arabic poetry.
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