other agents and match it with the goal to be
reached by the current shortest path. After that,
randomly select a goal among them and go to that
Strategy D: Random Selection x No Intention Es-
timation of Other Agents
Estimate the goals that can be reached by current
shortest path. It randomly selects one of the goals
and goes to that goal.
Strategy E: Random Behavior Agents
At each step, randomly select and execute an ac-
tion from the action set, regardless of the current
In order to clarify subject’s behavioral strategy by
comparing the combination of each strategy and the
behavior, we implement the model strategies A to
E from the previous section on each of four agents.
In this experiment, we first simulate a random initial
state to verify how quickly each strategy combination
itself accomplishes the task. To compare the results
with subject’s behavior, we simulated the initial state
of the subject’s behavior experiment and compared fi-
nal positions.
5.1 Combination of Strategies and
Number of Steps to Reach the Goal
First, we check how easy it is to accomplish the task
for each combination of strategies. We randomly pre-
pared 100 initial positions and 100 initial goal pat-
terns, and simulated them. The average number of
steps required to reach the goal for each combination
of strategies is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 shows that the average number of steps
required to reach the goal increased in a stepwise pat-
tern according to the number of agents in strategy
E that randomly selected actions among four agents.
This suggests that randomly acting agents have a large
impact as noise in the group. On the other hand, there
was not much difference in the average number of
steps among combinations of strategies with the same
number of agents of strategy E in the group.
In particular, (A, A, A, A) and (A, A, A, B), which
have many agents with self-priority strategy A and es-
timates the intentions of others, are able to accom-
plish a task in a shorter number of steps. On the other
hand, the combination with not only a large number
of strategy A but also a large number of strategy B,
which is self-priority but does not perform estimation
of others’ intentions, comes out on top. Strategy A
can reduce the number of steps to reach a goal, be-
cause it can limit the goal of the group by consider-
ing self-priority and the intentions of others. Strat-
egy B, which does not estimate the intentions of oth-
ers, achieves a task at an early stage. Even if there
are many strategies that only pursue their own goals
without considering others, it is possible to achieve
the task faster. In particular, strategies such as (B, B,
B, B) are fifth from the bottom among the combina-
tions of strategies that do not include strategy E. In
the case of a self-priority strategy, a coordinator such
as strategy A or strategy C, which randomly selects
the shortest goal but estimates the intention, may be
able to accomplish the task quickly.
5.2 Comparison of Each Strategy
Combination and Subject Behavior
Next, based on the initial conditions used in subject
behavioral experiments, 100 agent simulations were
conducted for each. We analyzed the subjects’ behav-
ioral strategies by comparing their final arrival posi-
tions with the final arrival positions of agents. It is
important to compare the selection of the goal pat-
tern in Phase 1, the selection of others of interest in
Phase 2 in the action sequence of each steps. How-
ever, the agent’s selection is bounded by conditions
such as self-priority, and randomness occurs. For this
reason, in this simulation, we compared the final posi-
tions of the subjects and agents when they completed
a task in order to compare their tendencies as a whole
group. We used the initial state of 15 trials among
all 77 trials of subject data, in which subjects finally
reached the goal and there were no erroneous inputs
in steps of the trials in all phases.
In a preliminary experiment, we found that when
there is little ambiguity in the initial state and the fi-
nal goal is uniquely determined, agents without ran-
domly selected strategy E reach the same location as
subject’s final destination. In this paper, we will ex-
amine how to resolve ambiguity when the ambiguity
of the goal is high. We focus on trials in which min-
imum number of shortest goals that can be reached
from the initial state is two or more and distance from
initial position to initial goal is two or more steps.
Table 1 shows top ten strategy combinations with
the largest number of final arrival position matches.
As a result, except for strategy E, which is a random
action selection strategy, the strategies that include a
large number of strategies A, which are self-priority
and estimate the intentions of others, have a large
number of matches between subjects and agents. This
Model Analysis of Human Group Behavior Strategy using Cooperative Agents