to the PDDL+ language, that does not allow to de-
scribe for instance the characteristics of valid states,
there is also a lack of work in the area from the plan-
ning community, as highlighted by a recent analysis
(Chrpa et al., 2017; Vallati and McCluskey, 2021).
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are interested in designing approaches to verify com-
plex initial states expressed in PDDL+; this can be
done either by leveraging on additional knowledge
provided as an attachment to a planning model, or
by analysing the characteristics of the domain model
to identify suspicious trajectories. Second, we plan
to extend the capabilities of existing validation ap-
proaches, to provide additional support when plans
are analysed. Finally, we are working on a language
for supporting the goal specification, that allows do-
main experts to express goals in a way that can then
be translated into actual PDDL+ code.
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