select lagged values that are most correlated to recent
events in a time series. In this study, however, ACF
coefficients were used to introduce time dependency
characteristics as input vectors of AdaGrad in our
method AA-ACF that combines Auto.Arima and
AdaGrad in the time series forecasting.
The results obtained using the method suggest that
positive gains can be observed in different datasets,
and for different forecasting horizons. For the 19
subsets evaluated, the average gain varied from
1.65% (for 6 to 48 forecasts) to 2.081% (when
considered forecasting horizon equals 1). The gain
values calculated for TSDL datasets (5.528% for
frequency 1 series, 12.429% for frequency 4 series,
and 8.307% for frequency 12 series) were expressive.
Besides that, the results obtained by the processing of
the 1428 series of M3 monthly dataset (3.875%) also
can be noted.
The combined use of different methods is not a
novelty. However, a combination of a statistical
algorithm and DSM methods is not evident in the
literature, especially for the prediction of series
relatively short in length.
Finally, we highlight that the experiments were
performed using time series with fixed length and
using a batch mode processing. Therefore, the support
to data streams is envisioned in future versions, as
well as tests with intermittent time series data, helping
to assess the method's applicability in other scenarios.
Additional studies regarding the algorithm selection
strategy shall be evaluated, as the analysis of the
oracle established that the best overall forecast results
can be obtained designating AdaGrad for 55,912
(39.5%) from the 141,558 analysed series. Thus,
improvements in the selection criteria having the
oracle as a goal may lead to better overall results.
This study was financed in part by the Coordenação
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
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