In this paper, we investigate the problem of adversar-
ial attack on deep learning models in the network do-
main. We chose two famous and well-known datasets:
CIC-DDoS2019 (Sharafaldin et al., 2019) and CIC-
IDS2017 (Sharafaldin et al., 2018) for our experi-
ments. Since CIC-DDoS2019 has more than 49 mil-
lions records and it is more than 16 times the records
in CIC-IDS2017, using these two datasets we can
verify the scalability of our method. We use CI-
CFlowMeter (Lashkari et al., 2017) to extract more
than 80 features from these datasets. From these
extracted features, 76 features are used to train our
deep learning model. We group these selected fea-
tures into six different categories based on their na-
ture: Forward, Backward, Flow-based, Time-based,
Packet Header-based and Packet Payload-based fea-
tures. We use each of these categories and a combi-
nation of them to generate adversarial examples for
our two datasets. Two different values are used as the
magnitude of adversarial attack perturbations: 0.001
and 0.01.
The reported results show that it is tough to make
a general decision for choosing the best groups of fea-
tures for all different types of network attacks. Also,
by comparing the results for two datasets, we found
out that the adversarial sample generation is harder
for CIC-DDoS2019 than CIC-IDS2017.
While the topic of adversarial attack on deep
learning model in network domain has been gaining
a lot of attention, there is still a big problem compar-
ing these kinds of attack in the image domain. The
main point in adversarial attack is to make sure that
the attacker did not change the nature of the original
sample completely. This is easily done in the image
domain by using a human observer. But in the net-
work domain, we cannot use a human expert, and it is
tough to make sure the changes we made to the fea-
tures of a flow did not change the nature of that flow.
For future works, the researcher should work on this
problem in the network domain.
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