Table 1: PSNR and SSIM. This table shows the experi-
mental results of PSNR and SSIM, which reproduced frame
10 of the Middlebury evaluation set using only frames 9
and 11. The proposed algorithm shows improved evaluation
values compared to simple image blending in all videos.
Name (ref) (ours) (ref) (ours)
Grove 15.90 16.77 0.249 0.322
Mequon 23.22 25.06 0.738 0.797
Yosemite 27.11 29.40 0.774 0.845
Dumptruck 24.70 25.02 0.916 0.920
Wooden 27.16 32.43 0.852 0.890
Army 33.89 34.92 0.930 0.932
Basketball 23.98 25.96 0.852 0.876
Evergreen 23.35 24.52 0.778 0.811
Backyard 22.08 23.26 0.688 0.705
Schefflera 25.55 26.81 0.654 0.696
Urban 23.00 25.13 0.600 0.641
Average 24.54 26.30 0.730 0.767
The U-Net based Generative Flow only uses linear in-
terpolation, unlike other conventional approaches that
rely on optical flow. Another great advantage is that
our outputs showed similarities with the outputs made
with simple blending on difficult tasks such as the face
of the doll, leaves from the background, and the tex-
ture of the stones. This helps guarantee stable frames
when processing video.
4.2 Objective Evaluation
For an objective comparison, we measured the dif-
ference between our result and the 10
frame from
the Middlebury evaluation set. PSNR and SSIM were
used here. The results show higher values, as shown
in the Table1.
In this paper, we proposed a new method of generat-
ing intermediate frames using video data itself with-
out making optical flow information using an invert-
ible deep neural network. We proposed UGLOW, a
reversible network that produces better results, and
confirmed its feasibility using the Middlebury data
set. We developed a loss that induces a temporal lin-
ear relationship between successive frames of video
in a latent space and proposed an algorithm capable of
generating mid-view results using a trained reversible
network. We have shown that this intuitive approach
made plausible results through empirical and objec-
tive measures.
The biggest contribution of our proposal is that it
is the first attempt not to use optical flow for video in-
terpolation. This aligns with the paradigm that deep
learning can learn everything without relying on a
knowledge-based system. As future works, we will
verify this proposal in various test sets and improve
the performance to be similar to the model using op-
tical flow.
This work was supported by LG electronics
and the National Research Foundation of Korea
(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government
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ICPRAM 2022 - 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods